Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDicomDir.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/10/21 12:12:55 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.163 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/10/21 16:02:01 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.164 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
- * \brief Constructor Parses recursively the directory and creates the DicomDir
+/* *
+ * \ brief Constructor Parses recursively the directory and creates the DicomDir
* or uses an already built DICOMDIR, depending on 'parseDir' value.
- * @param fileName name
+ * @ param fileName name
* - of the root directory (parseDir = true)
* - of the DICOMDIR (parseDir = false)
- * @param parseDir boolean
+ * @ param parseDir boolean
* - true if user passed an entry point
* and wants to explore recursively the directories
* - false if user passed an already built DICOMDIR file
* and wants to use it
- * @deprecated use : new DicomDir() + [ SetLoadMode(lm) + ] SetDirectoryName(name)
+ * @ deprecated use : new DicomDir() + [ SetLoadMode(lm) + ] SetDirectoryName(name)
* or : new DicomDir() + SetFileName(name)
DicomDir::DicomDir(std::string const &fileName, bool parseDir ):
- * \brief Loader. (DEPRECATED : kept not to break the API)
- * @param fileName file to be open for parsing
- * @return false if file cannot be open or no swap info was found,
+/* *
+ * \ brief Loader. (DEPRECATED : kept not to break the API)
+ * @ param fileName file to be open for parsing
+ * @ return false if file cannot be open or no swap info was found,
* or no tag was found.
- * @deprecated use SetFileName(n) + Load() instead
+ * @ deprecated use SetFileName(n) + Load() instead
bool DicomDir::Load(std::string const &fileName )
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmFileHelper.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/10/21 12:06:06 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.67 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/10/21 16:02:01 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.68 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
- * \brief DEPRECATED : use SetFilename() + SetLoadMode() + Load() methods
+/* *
+ * \ brief DEPRECATED : use SetFilename() + SetLoadMode() + Load() methods
* Constructor dedicated to deal with the *pixels* area of a ACR/DICOMV3
* file (gdcm::File only deals with the ... header)
* Opens (in read only and when possible) an existing file and checks
* for DICOM compliance. Returns NULL on failure.
* It will be up to the user to load the pixels into memory
- * \note the in-memory representation of all available tags found in
+ * \ note the in-memory representation of all available tags found in
* the DICOM header is post-poned to first header information access.
* This avoid a double parsing of public part of the header when
* one sets an a posteriori shadow dictionary (efficiency can be
* seen as a side effect).
- * @param filename file to be opened for parsing
- * @deprecated use SetFilename() + Load() methods
+ * @ param filename file to be opened for parsing
+ * @ deprecated use SetFilename() + Load() methods
FileHelper::FileHelper(std::string const &filename )
- * \brief Useless function, since PixelReadConverter forces us
+/* *
+ * \ brief Useless function, since PixelReadConverter forces us
* copy the Pixels anyway.
* Reads the pixels from disk (uncompress if necessary),
* Transforms YBR pixels, if any, into RGB pixels
* Transforms single Grey plane + 3 Palettes into a RGB Plane
* Copies at most MaxSize bytes of pixel data to caller allocated
* memory space.
- * \warning This function allows people that want to build a volume
+ * \ warning This function allows people that want to build a volume
* from an image stack *not to* have, first to get the image pixels,
* and then move them to the volume area.
* It's absolutely useless for any VTK user since vtk chooses
* to load the image line by line, starting from the end.
* VTK users have to call GetImageData
- * @param destination Address (in caller's memory space) at which the
+ * @ param destination Address (in caller's memory space) at which the
* pixel data should be copied
- * @param maxSize Maximum number of bytes to be copied. When MaxSize
+ * @ param maxSize Maximum number of bytes to be copied. When MaxSize
* is not sufficient to hold the pixel data the copy is not
* executed (i.e. no partial copy).
- * @return On success, the number of bytes actually copied. Zero on
+ * @ return On success, the number of bytes actually copied. Zero on
* failure e.g. MaxSize is lower than necessary.
size_t FileHelper::GetImageDataIntoVector (void *destination, size_t maxSize)
Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmOrientation.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/10/18 08:35:50 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.17 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/10/21 16:02:01 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.18 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Here is the original Python code, kindly supplied by THERALYS
-// C++ code doesn't give good results
-// --> FIXME
-def TypeOrientation(self,file0):
-# ------------------------- Purpose : -----------------------------------
-# - This function compare the orientation of the given image and the
-# basics orientations (Axial, Cornal, Sagital)
-# ------------------------- Parameters : --------------------------------
-# - <file0> : - type : string
-# - The name of the first image file of the serie
-# ------------------------- Return : ------------------------------------
-# 1 : Axial
-# -1 : Axial invert
-# 2 : Coronal
-# -2 : Coronal invert
-# 3 : Sagital
-# -3 : Sagital invert
-# 4 : Heart Axial
-# -4 : Heart Axial invert
-# 5 : Heart Coronal
-# -5 : Heart Coronal invert
-# 6 : Heart Sagital
-# -6 : Heart Sagital invert
- # ------------------------- Other : -------------------------------------
-# This method finds the most similar basic orientation.
- toRead = gdcm.File(file0)
- ValDict = GetValuesDict(toRead)
- try:
- imageOrientation=ValDict["Image Orientation (Patient)"]
- except KeyError:
- imageOrientation=ValDict["Image Orientation"]
- ori1=[float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[0]),\
- float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[1]),\
- float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[2])]
- ori2=[float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[3]),\
- float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[4]),\
- float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[5])]
-## two vectors perpendicular describe one plane
- dicPlane=[ [ [1,0,0],[0,1,0] ], ## Axial
- [ [1,0,0],[0,0,-1] ], ## Coronal
- [ [0,1,0],[0,0,-1] ], ## Sagittal
- [ [ 0.8 , 0.5 , 0.0 ],[-0.1 , 0.1 , -0.95] ],## Axial - HEART
- [ [ 0.8 , 0.5 , 0.0 ],[-0.6674 , 0.687 , 0.1794] ],## Coronal - HEART
- [ [-0.1 , 0.1 , -0.95],[-0.6674 , 0.687 , 0.1794] ] ] ## Sagittal - HEART
- i=0
- res=[0,99999] ## [ <result> , <memory of the last succes calcule> ]
- for plane in dicPlane:
- i=i+1
- refA=plane[0]
- refB=plane[1]
- res=self.VerfCriterion( i , self.CalculLikelyhood2Vec(refA,refB,ori1,ori2) , res )
- res=self.VerfCriterion( -i , self.CalculLikelyhood2Vec(refB,refA,ori1,ori2) , res )
- return res[0]
- except KeyError:
- return 0
- def VerfCriterion(self,typeCriterion,criterionNew,res):
- type = res[0]
- criterion = res[1]
-# if criterionNew<0.1 and criterionNew<criterion:
- if criterionNew<criterion:
- criterion=criterionNew
- type=typeCriterion
- return [ type , criterion ]
- def CalculLikelyhood2Vec(self,refA,refB,ori1,ori2):
- # ------------------------- Purpose : -----------------------------------
- # - This function determine the orientation similarity of two planes.
- # Each plane is described by two vector.
- # ------------------------- Parameters : --------------------------------
- # - <refA> : - type : vector 3D (float)
- # - <refB> : - type : vector 3D (float)
- # - Description of the first plane
- # - <ori1> : - type : vector 3D (float)
- # - <ori2> : - type : vector 3D (float)
- # - Description of the second plane
- # ------------------------- Return : ------------------------------------
- # float : 0 if the planes are perpendicular.
- # While the difference of the orientation between the planes
- # are big more enlarge is
- # the criterion.
- # ------------------------- Other : -------------------------------------
- # The calculus is based with vectors normalice
- """
- ori3=self.ProductVectorial(ori1,ori2)
- refC=self.ProductVectorial(refA,refB)
- res=math.pow(refC[0]-ori3[0],2) + math.pow(refC[1]-ori3[1],2) + math.pow(refC[2]-ori3[2],2)
- return math.sqrt(res)
- def ProductVectorial(self,vec1,vec2):
- """
- # ------------------------- Purpose : -----------------------------------
- # - Calculus of the poduct vectorial between two vectors 3D
- # ------------------------- Parameters : --------------------------------
- # - <vec1> : - type : vector 3D (float)
- # - <vec2> : - type : vector 3D (float)
- # ------------------------- Return : ------------------------------------
- # (vec) : - Vector 3D
- # ------------------------- Other : -------------------------------------
- """
- vec3=[0,0,0]
- vec3[0]=vec1[1]*vec2[2] - vec1[2]*vec2[1]
- vec3[1]=-( vec1[0]*vec2[2] - vec1[2]*vec2[0])
- vec3[2]=vec1[0]*vec2[1] - vec1[1]*vec2[0]
- return vec3
- def GetValuesDict(image):
- """
- Returns a dictionnary containing values associated with Field Names
- dict["Dicom Field Name"]="Dicom field value"
- """
- val=image.GetFirstEntry()
- dic={}
- while(val):
- if isinstance(val,gdcm.DataEntryPtr):
- dic[val.GetName()]=val.GetValue()
- val=image.GetNextEntry()
- return dic
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2.2 Orientation of DICOM images
---> Personal remark from JPRx :
--> patient_position (0x0018,0x5100) can be "HFS ", "FFS ", "HFP ", "FFP "
---> the cosines may ahave any value -1< <+1, for MR images !
+--> or, not so common,
+// HFDR = Head First-Decubitus Right
+// HFDL = Head First-Decubitus Left
+// FFDR = Feet First-Decubitus Right
+// FFDL = Feet First-Decubitus Left
+--> the cosines may have any value -1.< <+1., for MR images !
enum patient_slice_orientation_type
Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmSerieHelper.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/10/21 08:49:36 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.26 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/10/21 16:02:01 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.27 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+/* *
* \brief add a rules for restricting a DICOM file to be in the serie we are
* trying to find. For example you can select only the DICOM file from a
* directory which would have a particular EchoTime==4.0.
/* *
- * \brief accessor (DEPRECATED : use GetFirstSingleSerieUIDFileSet )
+ * \ brief accessor (DEPRECATED : use GetFirstSingleSerieUIDFileSet )
* Warning : 'coherent' means here they have the same Serie UID
- * @return The first FileList if found, otherwhise NULL
+ * @ return The first FileList if found, otherwhise NULL
FileList *SerieHelper::GetFirstCoherentFileList()
/* *
- * \brief accessor (DEPRECATED : use GetNextSingleSerieUIDFileSet )
+ * \ brief accessor (DEPRECATED : use GetNextSingleSerieUIDFileSet )
* Warning : 'coherent' means here they have the same Serie UID
- * \note : meaningfull only if GetFirstCoherentFileList() already called
- * @return The next FileList if found, otherwhise NULL
+ * \ note : meaningfull only if GetFirstCoherentFileList() already called
+ * @ return The next FileList if found, otherwhise NULL
FileList *SerieHelper::GetNextCoherentFileList()
/* *
- * \brief accessor (DEPRECATED : use GetSingleSerieUIDFileSet )
+ * \ brief accessor (DEPRECATED : use GetSingleSerieUIDFileSet )
* Warning : 'coherent' means here they have the same Serie UID
- * @param SerieUID SerieUID
- * \return pointer to the FileList if found, otherwhise NULL
+ * @ param SerieUID SerieUID
+ * \ return pointer to the FileList if found, otherwhise NULL
FileList *SerieHelper::GetCoherentFileList(std::string SerieUID)