void ContourExtractData::SetImage( vtkImageData* imagedata)
- this->imagedata = imagedata;
- if (this->okImagesResults==true){
- InitVtkImagesResult();
- }
+ this->imagedata = imagedata;
+ // init vtk image result : valuesImage maskImage
+ if (this->okImagesResults==true){ InitVtkImagesResult(); }
void ContourExtractData::SetZtoBeAnalys( int z )
int ContourExtractData::AnalisisContourInside(int x,
int y,
manualContourModel *manualcontourmodel
x2=x2+0.5; y2=y2+0.5;
//by triangle similarity
- if ( ((y1<y2)&&(y>=y1)&&(y<y2)) || ((y1>y2)&&(y<=y1)&&(y>y2)) )
+ if ( ((y1<y2)&&(y>=y1)&&(y<y2)) || ((y1>y2)&&(y>=y2)&&(y<y1)) )
if (y1<y2) { xx1=x1; yy1=y1; xx2=x2; yy2=y2;} else { xx1=x2; yy1=y2; xx2=x1; yy2=y1; }
d = ( fabs(xx2-xx1)*(y-yy1) ) / (yy2-yy1) ;
if ( (xx1<xx2)&&(x<(xx1+d)) )
} // if point inside contour
+ //Border verification
+ if ( (x==(int)borderX) && (y==(int)borderY) ) { inBorder=true; }// if point in border
- //Border verication
- if ( (x==(int)borderX) && (y==(int)borderY) )
- {
- inBorder=true;
- i=nps;
- }// if point in border
+ // Verification : border in horizontal line
+ if ( ((int)y1==(int)y2) && ((int)y1==y) && (x1<x2) && (x>=x1) && (x<=x2)) { inBorder=true; }
+ if ( ((int)y1==(int)y2) && ((int)y1==y) && (x2<x1) && (x>=x2) && (x<=x1)) { inBorder=true; }
+ if (inBorder==true){ i=nps; }
x1=x2; y1=y2; z1=z2;
return result;
+int ContourExtractData::AnalisisContourInsideV2(int x, int y, int iContour )
+ bool inBorder=false;
+ int result = 0;
+ int i;
+ int nps=_lstlstlstVecX1[iContour][y].size();
+ double x1,y1,x2,y2;
+ double borderX, borderY;
+ double xx1, yy1,xx2, yy2;
+ double xx=x, yy=y;
+ double d;
+ for (i=0; i<nps; i++)
+ {
+ x1=_lstlstlstVecX1[iContour][y][i];
+ y1=_lstlstlstVecY1[iContour][y][i];
+ x2=_lstlstlstVecX2[iContour][y][i];
+ y2=_lstlstlstVecY2[iContour][y][i];
+ borderX=x1;
+ borderY=y1;
+ if (y1<y2)
+ {
+ xx1=x1; yy1=y1; xx2=x2; yy2=y2;
+ } else {
+ xx1=x2; yy1=y2; xx2=x1; yy2=y1;
+ }
+ double difxx2xx1=fabs(xx2-xx1);
+ if (difxx2xx1==0) difxx2xx1=0.0000000001;
+ // Finding border looking in vertical direction AND verifing if pixel is at right of the line
+ if ( (yy>=yy1)&&(yy<=yy2) )
+ {
+ //by triangle similarity
+ d = ( fabs(xx2-xx1)*(yy-yy1) ) / (yy2-yy1) ;
+ if ( (xx1<xx2)&&(x<(xx1+d)) ) { result++; }
+ if ( (xx1>xx2)&&(x<(xx1-d)) ) { result++; }
+ if ( (yy2-yy1)/difxx2xx1 >= 1.0)
+ {
+ if (xx1<=xx2)
+ {
+ borderX = xx1+d;
+ borderY = y;
+ } else {
+ borderX = xx1-d;
+ borderY = y;
+ }
+ }
+ } // if point inside y
+ // Finding border looking in vertical direction
+ if ( ((xx1<=xx2)&&(xx>=xx1)&&(xx<xx2)) || ((xx1>xx2)&&(xx>=xx2)&&(xx<xx1)) )
+ {
+ if ( (yy2-yy1)/difxx2xx1 <= 1.0)
+ {
+ //by triangle similarity
+ d = ( fabs(xx1-xx)*(yy2-yy1) ) / difxx2xx1;
+ if (yy1+d<=yy2) {
+ borderX=x;
+ borderY=yy1+d;
+ }
+ }
+ } // if point inside x
+ //Border verification
+ if ( (x==(int)borderX) && (y==(int)borderY) ) { inBorder=true; }// if point in border
+ // Verification : border in horizontal line
+ if ( ((int)y1==(int)y2) && ((int)y1==y) && (x1<x2) && (x>=x1) && (x<=x2)) { inBorder=true; }
+ if ( ((int)y1==(int)y2) && ((int)y1==y) && (x2<x1) && (x>=x2) && (x<=x1)) { inBorder=true; }
+ if (inBorder==true){ i=nps; }
+ } // for i
+ if (inBorder==true) { result=1; }
+ return result;
bool ContourExtractData::isInside(int x, int y, int typeOperation)
bool result = false;
for (i=0;i<size;i++)
- numberLeft = AnalisisContourInside(x,y, lstManConMod[i] );
+// numberLeft = AnalisisContourInside(x,y, lstManConMod[i] );
+ numberLeft = AnalisisContourInsideV2(x,y, i );
if ( (numberLeft % 2) ==1){ numberInside++; }
if ( numberInside == (size) ){ result=true; }
for (i=0;i<size;i++)
- numberLeft = AnalisisContourInside(x,y, lstManConMod[i] );
+// numberLeft = AnalisisContourInside(x,y, lstManConMod[i] );
+ numberLeft = AnalisisContourInsideV2(x,y, i );
if ( (numberLeft % 2) ==1){ result=true; }
} // OR All
for (i=0;i<size;i++)
- numberLeft = numberLeft + AnalisisContourInside(x,y, lstManConMod[i] );
+// numberLeft = numberLeft + AnalisisContourInside(x,y, lstManConMod[i] );
+ numberLeft = numberLeft + AnalisisContourInsideV2(x,y, i );
if ( numberLeft % 2 ==1){ result = true; }
}// XOR crown
int size = (ext[1]-ext[0]+1) * (ext[3]-ext[2]+1);
- /*
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<size; i++)
- {
- *pMask = 0;
- *pValue = 0;
- pMask++;
- pValue++;
- }// for
- */
} // if
maxPoint[1] = -999999;
+ InitLstContoursLinesYPoints();
for (j=minPoint[1]; j<=maxPoint[1]; j++)
for (i=minPoint[0]; i<=maxPoint[0]; i++)
maxPoint[1] = -999999;
+ InitLstContoursLinesYPoints();
for (j=minPoint[1]; j<=maxPoint[1]; j++)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ContourExtractData::InitVtkImagesResult()
- printf("EED ContourExtractData::InitVtkImagesResult\n");
int ext[6];
int newDim[3];
double spc[3];
imagedataMaskResult->SetDimensions( newDim );
- printf("EED ContourExtractData::InitVtkImagesResult %p %p\n", imagedataValueResult, imagedataMaskResult);
+void ContourExtractData::Fill_lstlstlstVecXY(int iContour, int sizeY)
+ int i,y;
+ double x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2;
+ manualContourModel *manualcontourmodel= lstManConMod[iContour];
+ int nps = manualcontourmodel->GetNumberOfPointsSpline(); // number of points in the spline
+ manualcontourmodel->UpdateSpline();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (y=0;y<sizeY;y++)
+ {
+ manualcontourmodel->GetSpline_i_Point(0,&x1,&y1,&z1);
+ x1=x1+0.5; y1=y1+0.5;
+ for (i=1; i<=nps; i++)
+ {
+ manualcontourmodel->GetSpline_i_Point(i,&x2,&y2,&z2);
+ x2=x2+0.5; y2=y2+0.5;
+ if ( ((y1<y2)&&(y>=y1)&&(y<=y2)) || ((y1>y2)&&(y>=y2)&&(y<=y1)) || ((int)y1==y) || ((int)y2==y) )
+ {
+ _lstlstlstVecX1[iContour][y].push_back(x1);
+ _lstlstlstVecY1[iContour][y].push_back(y1);
+ _lstlstlstVecX2[iContour][y].push_back(x2);
+ _lstlstlstVecY2[iContour][y].push_back(y2);
+ }
+ x1=x2; y1=y2; z1=z2;
+ } // for i Points in spline
+ } // y
+void ContourExtractData::InitLstContoursLinesYPoints()
+ // init InInside Optimisation
+ int i;
+ _lstlstlstVecX1.clear();
+ _lstlstlstVecY1.clear();
+ _lstlstlstVecX2.clear();
+ _lstlstlstVecY2.clear();
+ int ext[6];
+ this->imagedata->GetWholeExtent(ext);
+ int sizeY = ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ std::vector<double> vecDouble;
+ std::vector< std::vector<double> > vecVecDouble;
+ for ( i=0 ; i<sizeY ; i++ )
+ {
+ vecVecDouble.push_back( vecDouble );
+ }
+ //Fill structure with points
+ int sizeContours = lstManConMod.size();
+ for( i=0 ; i<sizeContours ; i++ )
+ {
+ _lstlstlstVecX1.push_back( vecVecDouble );
+ _lstlstlstVecY1.push_back( vecVecDouble );
+ _lstlstlstVecX2.push_back( vecVecDouble );
+ _lstlstlstVecY2.push_back( vecVecDouble );
+ Fill_lstlstlstVecXY(i,sizeY);
+ }