Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDicomDir.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/06/24 10:55:58 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.142 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/07/03 12:45:53 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.143 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
- if ( v == "PATIENT " )
+ // A decent DICOMDIR has much more images than series,
+ // more series than studies, and so on.
+ // This is the right order to preform the tests
+ if ( v == "IMAGE " )
- si = new DicomDirPatient(true);
- if ( !AddPatientToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirPatient *>(si)) )
+ si = new DicomDirImage(true);
+ if ( !AddImageToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirImage *>(si)) )
delete si;
si = NULL;
- gdcmErrorMacro( "Add PatientToEnd failed");
+ gdcmErrorMacro( "Add AddImageToEnd failed");
- else if ( v == "STUDY " )
+ else if ( v == "SERIES" )
- si = new DicomDirStudy(true);
- if ( !AddStudyToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirStudy *>(si)) )
+ si = new DicomDirSerie(true);
+ if ( !AddSerieToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirSerie *>(si)) )
delete si;
si = NULL;
- gdcmErrorMacro( "Add AddStudyToEnd failed");
+ gdcmErrorMacro( "Add AddSerieToEnd failed");
- else if ( v == "SERIES" )
+ else if ( v == "STUDY " )
- si = new DicomDirSerie(true);
- if ( !AddSerieToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirSerie *>(si)) )
+ si = new DicomDirStudy(true);
+ if ( !AddStudyToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirStudy *>(si)) )
delete si;
si = NULL;
- gdcmErrorMacro( "Add AddSerieToEnd failed");
+ gdcmErrorMacro( "Add AddStudyToEnd failed");
- else if ( v == "IMAGE " )
+ else if ( v == "PATIENT " )
- si = new DicomDirImage(true);
- if ( !AddImageToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirImage *>(si)) )
+ si = new DicomDirPatient(true);
+ if ( !AddPatientToEnd( static_cast<DicomDirPatient *>(si)) )
delete si;
si = NULL;
- gdcmErrorMacro( "Add AddImageToEnd failed");
+ gdcmErrorMacro( "Add PatientToEnd failed");
- // It was not a 'PATIENT', nor a 'STUDY', nor a 'SERIE',
- // neither an 'IMAGE' SQItem. Skip to next item.
- continue;
+ // It was neither a 'PATIENT', nor a 'STUDY', nor a 'SERIE',
+ // nor an 'IMAGE' SQItem. Skip to next item.
+ gdcmWarningMacro( " -------------------------------------------"
+ << "a non PATIENT/STUDY/SERIE/IMAGE SQItem was found : "
+ << v);
+ // FIXME : deal with other item types !
+ tmpSI=s->GetNextSQItem(); // To avoid infinite loop
+ continue;
if ( si )
first = true;
- // if new Study Deal with 'STUDY' Elements
+ // if new Study, deal with 'STUDY' Elements
if ( studCurInstanceUID != studPrevInstanceUID || studCurID != studPrevID
|| first )
first = true;
- // if new Serie Deal with 'SERIE' Elements
+ // if new Serie, deal with 'SERIE' Elements
if ( serCurInstanceUID != serPrevInstanceUID || serCurID != serPrevID
|| first )