-# include stuffINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR} ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/src)SET(EXAMPLE_SOURCES#names starting with 'ex' are examples #Txt2Mat #exDicomRTStructSetFile #exExtractCSA exReadPapyrus exReadWriteFile exColorToRGB exGrey2RGB exGC exImageLighten #exInLine exOverlaysACR exOverlaysDCM exCurveData exExtractTag exSerieHelper exXCoherentFileSet exExtractDicomTags exMoveImagesToSingleSerieUID#the following are utilities PrintDicomDir PrintFile MakeDicomDir AnonymizeDicomDir # without loading it as a gdcm::DicomDir Anonymize # for full gdcm readable files AnonymizeNoLoad # without loading the Pixel Data AnonymizeMultiPatient # without loading the Pixel Data PatchHeader ToInTag #MagnetomVisionToBrucker ReWrite ReWriteExtended RawToDicom TestValidate ToMRIregister #BatchUncompress ExtractOverlays #the following will be transformed into 'examples', or 'utilities'# or will be removed## Better you don't use them (not fully checked ...) FindTags FlatHashTablePrint Volume2Dicom WriteDicomSimple WriteRead #WriteDicomAsJPEG exCTPET #Slice)FOREACH(name ${EXAMPLE_SOURCES}) ADD_EXECUTABLE(${name} ${name}.cxx ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${name} gdcm) INSTALL_TARGETS(/bin/ ${name})ENDFOREACH(name)
\ No newline at end of file
+# include stuff
+#names starting with 'ex' are examples
+#the following are utilities
+# without loading it as a gdcm::DicomDir
+# for full gdcm readable files
+# without loading the Pixel Data
+# without loading the Pixel Data
+#the following will be transformed into 'examples', or 'utilities'
+# or will be removed## Better you don't use them (not fully checked ...)
+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(${name} ${name}.cxx )
+ INSTALL_TARGETS(/bin/ ${name})