mode = a (ACR), x (Explicit VR Dicom), r (RAW : only pixels)
noshadow : user doesn't want to load Private groups (odd number)
noseq : user doesn't want to load Sequences
+ rgb : user wants to transform LUT (if any) into RGB
debug : user wants to run the program in 'debug mode'
-gdcm-US-ALOKA-16.dcm pixelType=16U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=0 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [Implicit VR - Little Endian]
+- With Palette Color Lookup Tables : 8 Bits per Pixel
LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-8-PAL-Uncompressed.dcm pixelType=8U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=2 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [Explicit VR - Little Endian]
LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-8-PAL-RLE.dcm pixelType=8U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=2 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [RLE Lossless]
US-PAL-8-10x-echo.dcm pixelType=8U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=0 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [RLE Lossless]
OT-PAL-8-face.dcm pixelType=8U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=1 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [Uncompressed ACR-NEMA]
+- With Palette Color Lookup Tables : 16 Bits per Pixel
+rle16sti.dcm pixelType=16U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=0 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [RLE Lossless]
+rle16loo.dcm pixelType=16U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=0 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [RLE Lossless]
+- With Segmented Palette Color Lookup Tables : 16 Bits Per Pixel
+gdcm-US-ALOKA-16.dcm pixelType=16U Smpl.P.Pix.=1 Plan.Config.=0 Photom.Interp.=PALETTE COLOR TransferSyntaxName= [Implicit VR - Little Endian]
The historical developpers are (alphabetical order)
-<LI> Eric Boix (Creatis)
-<LI> Leonardo Florez (Creatis/Theralys)
-<LI> Emmanuel Olart (Theralys)
+ <LI> Eric Boix (Creatis)
+ <LI> Leonardo Florez (Creatis/Theralys)
+ <LI> Emmanuel Olart (Theralys)
The current developpers are (alphabetical order)
-<LI> Luis Ibanez (Kitware)
-<LI> Mathieu Malaterre (Kitware)
-<LI> Benoit Regrain (Creatis)
-<LI> Jean-Pierre Roux (Creatis)
+ <LI> Mathieu Malaterre (Kitware)
+ <LI> Benoit Regrain (Creatis)
+ <LI> Jean-Pierre Roux (Creatis)
-The contributors are
+The contributors are (alphabetical order)
-<LI> Hugues Benoit-Cattin
-<LI> Fabrice Bellet
-<LI> Jean-Michel Rouet
-<LI> Peter Cech
-<LI> Edouardo Davila
-<LI> Michal Kurgan
+ <LI> Hugues Benoit-Cattin
+ <LI> Fabrice Bellet
+ <LI> Jean-Michel Rouet
+ <LI> Peter Cech
+ <LI> Edouardo Davila
+ <LI> Dennis Hu
+ <LI> Luis Ibanez
+ <LI> Michal Kurgan
+ <LI> Luca Picello