+=== === === UNIX / LINUX users === === ===
+1) Make sure you are a 'sudoer' :
--sudo configuration--
+2) Make sure you got the last version of creaToolsTools.
+cvs update -dP creaToolsTools
+3)cd Install_ThirdParty
+cp install_thirdparty.sh_TEMPLATE install_thirdparty.sh
+4) modify the file install_thirdparty.sh, according to your preferences, modify (only once) creatools.sh
+vim install_thirdparty.sh
+as follows :
+-- install_thirdparty.sh ---------------------
+creatoolsGeneration=<directory where you want to generate>
+ installPrefix=$creatoolsGeneration/creatools_install
+ or
+ installPrefix=/usr/local
+OperatingSystem=<Fedora | Ubuntu | MacOS>
+cd scripts
+sh install_thirdparty_all.sh $creatoolsGeneration $installPrefix $buildType $OperatingSystem
+cd ..
+5) Run the whole stuff :
+sh install_thirdparty.sh
+=== === === WINDOWS users === === ===
+USER : Modify the following lines !
+creatoolsGeneration=<directory where you want to generate>
+# or
+OperatingSystem=<Fedora | Ubuntu | MacOS>
+Example :
+USER : Hand off!
-#sudo pwd
cd scripts
-sh install_thirdparty_all.sh $creatoolsGeneration $installPrefix $buildType
+sh install_thirdparty_all.sh $creatoolsGeneration $installPrefix $buildType $OperatingSystem
cd ..
if [ $# = 0 ]
echo "Use it as :"
- echo "sh install_thirdparty_fedora.sh <nameOfTheGenerationDirectory> <installPrefix> <buildType>"
+ echo "sh install_thirdparty_all.sh <nameOfTheGenerationDirectory> <installPrefix> <buildType> <OperatingSystem>"
+ echo "with 'OperatingSystem' in {Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS}"
echo " "
- echo "ex : sh install_thirdparty_fedora.sh /tmp/gendir /home/jpr/myInstallDirectory Debug"
+ echo "ex : sh install_thirdparty_all.sh /tmp/gendir ~/Creatis/myInstallDirectory Debug Ubuntu"
exit 0
echo $1
echo $2
echo $3
+echo $4
echo "----------"
-if [ $# != 3 ]
+if [ $# != 4 ]
echo "Use it as :"
- echo "sh install_thirdparty_fedora.sh <nameOfTheGenerationDirectory> <installPrefix> <buildType>"
+ echo "sh install_thirdparty_all.sh <nameOfTheGenerationDirectory> <installPrefix> <buildType> <OperatingSystem>"
+ echo "with 'OperatingSystem' in {Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS}"
echo " "
- echo "ex : sh install_thirdparty_fedora.sh /tmp/gendir /home/jpr/myInstallDirectory Debug"
+ echo "ex : sh install_thirdparty_all.sh /tmp/gendir ~/Creatis/myInstallDirectory Debug Ubuntu"
exit 0
# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
if [ true = true ]
- sudo yum install cmake -y
- sudo yum install cmake-gui -y
- sudo yum install doxygen -y
- sudo yum install graphviz -y
- sudo yum install texlive -y
- sudo yum install latex2html -y
- sudo yum install wxGTK-devel wxBase -y
- sudo yum install boost-devel -y
- sudo yum install sqlite-devel -y
- sudo yum install qt-devel -y
- sudo yum install mesa-libOSMesa-devel -y
+ case $OS in
+ Fedora)
+ sudo yum install cmake -y
+ sudo yum install cmake-gui -y
+ sudo yum install doxygen -y
+ sudo yum install graphviz -y
+ sudo yum install texlive -y
+ sudo yum install latex2html -y
+ sudo yum install wxGTK-devel wxBase -y
+ sudo yum install boost-devel -y
+ sudo yum install sqlite-devel -y
+ sudo yum install qt-devel -y
+ sudo yum install mesa-libOSMesa-devel -y
+ ;;
+ Ubuntu)
+ sudo apt-get --yes install build-essential # esta linea instala las librerias necesarias para compilar en ubuntu, g++ gcc etc etc etc.
+ sudo apt-get --yes install cmake
+ sudo apt-get --yes install cmake-gui
+ sudo apt-get --yes install cmake-curses-gui
+ sudo apt-get --yes install doxygen
+ sudo apt-get --yes install graphviz
+ sudo apt-get --yes install texlive
+ sudo apt-get --yes install latex2html
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libgtk2.0-dev #GTK
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libwxgtk2.8-dev #Wx GTK
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libwxbase2.8-dev #Wx solito
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libboost-dev #Boost
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libboost-all-dev #Boost
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libqt4-dev #QT4
+ sudo apt-get --yes install sqlite
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libosmesa6-dev #Mesa6
+ sudo apt-get --yes install uuid-dev # uuid para la instalacion de itk
+ sudo apt-get --yes install libxaw7-dev # X11
+ ;;
+ MacOS)
+ echo "MacOS not yet dealt with ..."
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo " '$OS' : Unknown (for us...) Operating Sytem "
+ echo " Allowed values are (right now) Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS "
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac