--- /dev/null
+ Program: clitk
+ Module: $RCSfile: clitkSignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter.cxx,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2010/03/03 12:41:27 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
+ l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+ http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#include "clitkSignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <fstream>
+void clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::SetParameters(args_info_clitkSignalApparentMotionTracking & a) {
+ args_info = a;
+void clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::ComputeMeanAndIsoPhase(clitk::Signal & s,
+ int delay,
+ int L,
+ int nbIsoPhase,
+ clitk::Signal & mean,
+ clitk::Signal & isoPhase) {
+ int mMaxIteration = 1;
+ // Compute augmented signal
+ clitk::Signal sx;
+ clitk::Signal sy;
+ s.ComputeAugmentedSpace(sx, sy, delay);
+ // DEBUG augmented space
+ static int tt=0;
+ ofstream os;
+ if (tt==0) os.open("augmentedU.sig");
+ else os.open("augmentedV.sig");
+ tt++;
+ for(uint i=0; i<sx.size(); i++) {
+ os << i << " " << sx[i] << " " << sy[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ os.close();
+ // Compute starting ellipse
+ Ellipse An;
+ An.InitialiseEllipseFitting(-1, L, sx, sy); // -1 is auto eta
+ DD(An.ComputeSemiAxeLengths());
+ // Fit successive ellipses
+ std::vector<clitk::Ellipse*> e;
+ int n = s.size()-L-delay;
+ for(int t=0; t<n; t++) {
+ // An.InitialiseEllipseFitting(-1, L, sx, sy); // -1 is auto eta
+ An.UpdateSMatrix(t, L, sx, sy);
+ // DD(An.GetEta());
+// DD(An);
+// DD(An.ComputeSemiAxeLengths());
+ int nn = 0;
+ while (nn<mMaxIteration) {
+ An.EllipseFittingNextIteration();
+ // DD(nn);
+// DD(An);
+// DD(An.ComputeSemiAxeLengths());
+ nn++;
+ }
+ clitk::Ellipse * B = new clitk::Ellipse(An);
+ e.push_back(B);
+ DD(t);
+ DD(B->ComputeCenter());
+// DD(B->ComputeSemiAxeLengths());
+ }
+ // Get mean and isoPhase
+ //mean.resize(n);
+ isoPhase.resize(n);
+ ComputeIsoPhaseFromListOfEllipses(e, sx, sy, nbIsoPhase, delay, L, isoPhase);
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<e.size(); i++) {
+ clitk::Ellipse & An = *e[i];
+ mean[i+delay+L] = An.ComputeCenter()[0];
+ // DD(An.ComputeCenter());
+ }
+ DD("------------------------");
+void clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::ComputeMeanAndIsoPhase(clitk::Trajectory2D & s,
+ int delay,
+ int L,
+ int nbIsoPhase,
+ clitk::Trajectory2D & mean,
+ std::vector<int> & isoPhase) {
+ // Extract signal (slow I know)
+ clitk::Signal U(s.GetU());
+ clitk::Signal V(s.GetV());
+ clitk::Signal & meanU = mean.GetU();
+ clitk::Signal & meanV = mean.GetV();
+ meanU.resize(s.size());
+ meanV.resize(s.size());
+ clitk::Signal isoPhaseU;
+ clitk::Signal isoPhaseV;
+ DD(U.size());
+ DD(V.size());
+ // Compute mean and iso independently
+ ComputeMeanAndIsoPhase(U, delay, L, nbIsoPhase, meanU, isoPhaseU);
+ ComputeMeanAndIsoPhase(V, delay, L, nbIsoPhase, meanV, isoPhaseV);
+ // Check isphase ??? ???
+ isoPhase.resize(s.size());
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<isoPhaseU.size(); i++) {
+ // ********************* U OR V ??????????
+ isoPhase[i+delay+L] = isoPhaseV[i];
+ //isoPhase[i+delay+L] = isoPhaseU[i];
+ // mean[i+delay+L] = mean[i];
+ //DD(isoPhase[i]);
+ }
+void clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::ReadDB(std::string filename,
+ std::vector<Trajectory2D> & bd) {
+ // File format : 2 columns by point (U,V), time by line
+ std::ifstream is(filename.c_str());
+ skipComment(is);
+ std::string line;
+ std::getline(is, line);
+ // Compute nb of column in this first line
+ std::istringstream iss(line);
+ std::string s;
+ int nb = 0;
+ while (iss>>s) {
+ nb++;
+ }
+ DD(nb);
+ if (nb%2 == 1) {
+ std::cout << "ERROR in the file '" << filename << "', I read " << nb
+ << " columns, which is not odd." << std::endl;
+ }
+ nb = nb/2;
+ DD(nb);
+ // Read trajectories
+ bd.resize(nb);
+ while (is) {
+ std::istringstream iss(line);
+ std::string s;
+ int i=0;
+ while (iss>>s) {
+ double u = atof(s.c_str());
+ iss >> s;
+ double v = atof(s.c_str());
+ bd[i].push_back(u,v);
+ i++;
+ }
+ std::getline(is, line);
+ }
+ DD(bd[0].size());
+void clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::Update() {
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Read and build initial DB
+ ReadDB(args_info.ref_arg, mReferenceTrajectoriesBD);
+ mReferencePhase.Read(args_info.refphase_arg);
+ mReferencePhase.SetSamplingPeriod(args_info.refsampling_arg);
+ DD(mReferencePhase.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD(mReferencePhase.size());
+ DD(mReferenceTrajectoriesBD.size());
+ mReferenceMean.resize(mReferenceTrajectoriesBD.size());
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<mReferenceMean.size(); i++) {
+ mReferenceTrajectoriesBD[i].GetMean(mReferenceMean[i]);
+ // DD(mReferenceMean[i]);
+ }
+ for(uint i=0; i<mReferenceTrajectoriesBD.size(); i++)
+ mReferenceTrajectoriesBD[i].SetSamplingPeriod(mReferencePhase.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ // Relative reference motion
+ for(uint i=0; i<mReferenceTrajectoriesBD.size(); i++) {
+ // DD(i);
+ // mReferenceTrajectoriesBD[i].Print();
+ mReferenceTrajectoriesBD[i].Substract(mReferenceMean[i]);
+ // mReferenceTrajectoriesBD[i].Print();
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Read trajectory
+ mInput.Read(args_info.input_arg);
+ DD(mInput.size());
+ mInput.SetSamplingPeriod(args_info.inputsampling_arg);
+ mInputMean.SetSamplingPeriod(args_info.inputsampling_arg);
+ mInputRelative.SetSamplingPeriod(args_info.inputsampling_arg);
+ DD(mInput.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Compute input mean and isophase
+ std::cout << "Compute Mean and IsoPhase" << std::endl;
+ std::vector<int> isophase;
+ double d = args_info.delay_arg;
+ int L = args_info.windowLength_arg;
+ int nbiso = args_info.nbiso_arg;
+ isophase.resize(mInput.size());
+ ComputeMeanAndIsoPhase(mInput, d, L, nbiso, mInputMean, isophase);
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Substract mean to trajectory
+ std::cout << "Build relative traj" << std::endl;
+ mInputRelative.resize(mInput.size());
+ for(int i=0; i<mInput.size(); i++) {
+ // DD(i);
+// DD(mInput.GetU(i));
+// DD(mInput.GetV(i));
+// DD(mInputMean.GetU(i));
+// DD(mInputMean.GetV(i));
+ mInputRelative.SetPoint(i, mInput.GetU(i) - mInputMean.GetU(i),
+ mInput.GetV(i) - mInputMean.GetV(i));
+ // DD(mInputRelative.GetU(i));
+// DD(mInputRelative.GetV(i));
+ }
+ // DEBUG : output mean
+ ofstream osm("mean-phase.sig");
+ for(int i=0; i<mInput.size(); i++) {
+ osm << mInputMean.GetU(i) << " " << mInputMean.GetV(i) << " " << isophase[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ osm.close();
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Loop on each iso-phase segment
+ std::cout << "Loop on each isophase" << std::endl;
+ clitk::Signal mEstimatedPhase;
+ mEstimatedPhase.resize(mInput.size());
+ std::vector<int> isophaseIndex;
+ int previous = isophase[0];
+ for(uint i=0; i<isophase.size(); i++) {
+ if (isophase[i] != previous) {
+ isophaseIndex.push_back(i);
+ previous = isophase[i];
+ }
+ }
+ DDV(isophaseIndex, isophaseIndex.size());
+ for(uint ips=0; ips<isophaseIndex.size()-1; ips++) {
+ DD(ips);
+ int begin = isophaseIndex[ips];
+ int end = isophaseIndex[ips+1];
+ DD(begin);
+ DD(end);
+ std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Find traj from " << begin << " to " << end << std::endl;
+ mInput.Print("mInput", begin, end);
+ mInputRelative.Print("mInputRelativ", begin, end);
+ // Get current mean position
+ Vector2d currentMeanPosition;
+ mInputMean.GetPoint(begin, currentMeanPosition);
+ DD(currentMeanPosition);
+ // Find closest ref trajectory
+ int index = FindClosestTrajectory(mReferenceMean, currentMeanPosition);
+ DD(index);
+ clitk::Trajectory2D & currentClosestReferenceTrajectory = mReferenceTrajectoriesBD[index];
+ DD(mReferenceMean[index]);
+ currentClosestReferenceTrajectory.Print("currentClosestReferenceTrajectory");
+ // Estimate phase delta
+ clitk::Signal tempPhase;
+ EstimatePhase(mInputRelative, begin, end,
+ currentClosestReferenceTrajectory,
+ mReferencePhase, tempPhase);
+ // Cat current phase
+ int n=0;
+ for(int i=begin; i<end; i++) {
+ mEstimatedPhase[i] = tempPhase[n];
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // Output time - phase
+ ofstream os(args_info.output_arg);
+ for(int t=0; t<mInput.size(); t++) {
+ os << t << " " << t*mInput.GetSamplingPeriod() << " " << mEstimatedPhase[t] << std::endl;
+ }
+ os.close();
+void clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::EstimatePhase(const clitk::Trajectory2D & input,
+ const int begin, const int end,
+ const clitk::Trajectory2D & ref,
+ const clitk::Signal & phaseref,
+ clitk::Signal & phase) {
+ // Create time-warped resampled trajectory
+ clitk::Trajectory2D T;
+ T.SetSamplingPeriod(ref.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD(input.size());
+ input.ResampleWithTimeWarpTo(begin, end, T);
+ DD(input.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD(ref.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ ref.Print("ref");
+ input.Print("input", begin, end);
+ T.Print("T");
+ // Find optimal delta
+ int delta = FindPhaseDelta(T, ref);
+ DD(delta);
+ // Shift phase
+ clitk::Signal temp(phaseref);
+ DD(temp.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DDV(temp, temp.size());
+ temp.Shift(delta, (int)lrint((end-begin)*input.GetSamplingPeriod()/phaseref.GetSamplingPeriod()));
+ DD(temp.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DDV(temp, temp.size());
+ // Output result with time-unwarp
+ phase.resize(end-begin);
+ phase.SetSamplingPeriod(input.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD(phase.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD(phaseref.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD(temp.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD(temp.size());
+ DD(phase.size());
+ temp.ResampleWithTimeWarpTo(phase, true); // linear
+ DDV(phase, phase.size());
+int clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::FindPhaseDelta(const clitk::Trajectory2D & A,
+ const clitk::Trajectory2D & B) const {
+ assert(A.GetSamplingPeriod() == B.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ DD("A");
+ A.Print("A");
+ DD("B");
+ B.Print("B");
+ // exhaustive search
+ double min=numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ int imin =0;
+ for(int i=0; i<B.size(); i++) {
+ double d = A.DistanceTo(i, B);
+ std::cout.precision(10);
+ std::cout << "i=" << i << " d=" << d << " (min=" << min << " imin=" << imin << ")" << std::endl;
+ if (d < min) {
+ imin = i;
+ min = d;
+ }
+ }
+ DD(imin);
+ return imin;
+int clitk::SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter::FindClosestTrajectory(const std::vector<Vector2d> & meanlist,
+ const Vector2d & mean) {
+ // Brute force for the moment
+ double dmin = numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ double imin=0;
+ for(uint i=0; i<meanlist.size(); i++) {
+ double d = (meanlist[i]-mean).GetNorm();
+ if (d< dmin) {
+ dmin = d;
+ imin = i;
+ }
+ }
+ DD(dmin);
+ DD(imin);
+ return imin;
--- /dev/null
+ Program: clitk
+ Module: $RCSfile: clitkSignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter.h,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2010/03/03 12:41:27 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
+ l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+ http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#include "clitkSignalApparentMotionTracking_ggo.h"
+#include "clitkSignal.h"
+#include "clitkEllipse.h"
+#include "clitkTrajectory2D.h"
+#include "itkVector.h"
+#include <math.h>
+namespace clitk {
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class SignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter {
+ public:
+ typedef itk::Vector<double,2> Vector2d;
+ void SetParameters(args_info_clitkSignalApparentMotionTracking & args_info);
+ void Update();
+ protected:
+ args_info_clitkSignalApparentMotionTracking args_info;
+ clitk::Signal mRefU;
+ clitk::Signal mRefV;
+ clitk::Signal mRefPhase;
+ clitk::Signal mInputU;
+ clitk::Signal mInputV;
+ clitk::Signal mMeanU;
+ clitk::Signal mMeanV;
+ clitk::Signal mIsoPhaseU;
+ clitk::Signal mIsoPhaseV;
+ double mRefSampling;
+ std::vector<Trajectory2D> mReferenceTrajectoriesBD;
+ clitk::Signal mReferencePhase;
+ clitk::Trajectory2D mInput;
+ clitk::Trajectory2D mInputRelative;
+ clitk::Trajectory2D mInputMean;
+ std::vector<Vector2d> mReferenceMean;
+ void ComputeMeanAndIsoPhase(clitk::Signal & s, int delay, int L, int nbIso,
+ clitk::Signal & mean, clitk::Signal & isoPhase);
+ void ComputeMeanAndIsoPhase(clitk::Trajectory2D & s, int delay, int L,
+ int nbIsoPhase, clitk::Trajectory2D & mean,
+ std::vector<int> & isoPhase);
+ void EstimatePhase(const clitk::Trajectory2D & input,
+ const int begin, const int end,
+ const clitk::Trajectory2D & ref,
+ const clitk::Signal & phaseref,
+ clitk::Signal & phase);
+ int FindPhaseDelta(const clitk::Trajectory2D & A, const clitk::Trajectory2D & B) const;
+ int FindClosestTrajectory(const std::vector<Vector2d> & meanlist, const Vector2d & mean);
+ void ReadDB(std::string filename, std::vector<Trajectory2D> & bd);
+ };
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+} // end namespace
--- /dev/null
+ Program: clitk
+ Module: $RCSfile: clitkTrajectory2D.cxx,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2010/03/03 12:41:27 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
+ l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+ http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#include "clitkTrajectory2D.h"
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::ResampleWithTimeWarpTo(int begin, int end, Trajectory2D & output) const {
+ DD(begin);
+ DD(end);
+ int n = (int)lrint((end-begin)*GetSamplingPeriod()/output.GetSamplingPeriod());
+ output.resize(n);
+ DD(n);
+ double duration = (end-begin)*GetSamplingPeriod();
+ DD(duration);
+ double sp = output.GetSamplingPeriod();
+ DD(output.GetTotalTimeDuration());
+ // DD(sp);
+ for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ Vector2d p;
+ // DD(i);
+ GetValueAtLin((i*sp)+(begin*GetSamplingPeriod()), p);
+ // DD(p);
+ output.SetPoint(i, p);
+ }
+bool clitk::Trajectory2D::Read(std::string filename) {
+ bool b = mU.Read(filename, 0);
+ if (!b) return false;
+ b = mV.Read(filename, 1);
+ return b;
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::GetValueAtLin(double t, Vector2d & p) const {
+ // Can be faster, I know ...
+ p[0] = mU.GetValueAtLin(t);
+ p[1] = mV.GetValueAtLin(t);
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::ResampleWithTimeWarpTo(Trajectory2D & output) const {
+ ResampleWithTimeWarpTo(0, size(), output);
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::Shift(double s) {
+ std::cout << "Shift s=" << s << std::endl;
+ int d = (int)lrint(s/GetSamplingPeriod()); // closest integer delta
+ DD(d);
+ clitk::Signal tempU((uint)size());
+ clitk::Signal tempV((uint)size());
+ for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
+ tempU[0] = mU[(i+d)%size()];
+ tempV[0] = mV[(i+d)%size()];
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
+ mU[i] = tempU[i];
+ mV[i] = tempV[i];
+ }
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::GetPoint(const int index, Vector2d & p) {
+ p[0] = mU[index];
+ p[1] = mV[index];
+clitk::Trajectory2D & clitk::Trajectory2D::operator+(Trajectory2D & d) {
+ for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
+ mU[i] += d.GetU(i);
+ mV[i] += d.GetV(i);
+ }
+ return *this;
+clitk::Trajectory2D & clitk::Trajectory2D::operator-(Trajectory2D & d) {
+ for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
+ mU[i] -= d.GetU(i);
+ mV[i] -= d.GetV(i);
+ }
+ return *this;
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::GetMean(Vector2d & m) {
+ m[0] = 0.0;
+ m[1] = 0.0;
+ for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
+ m[0] += mU[i];
+ m[1] += mV[i];
+ }
+ m[0] /= size();
+ m[1] /= size();
+double clitk::Trajectory2D::DistanceTo(int delta, const clitk::Trajectory2D & B) const {
+ double d = 0.0;
+ for(int n=0; n<size(); n++) {
+ int i = n;//(n)%size();
+ int j = (n+delta)%B.size();
+ // DD(j);
+// DD(i);
+// DD(n);
+ d += pow(mU[i] - B.GetU(j), 2) + pow(mV[i] - B.GetV(j), 2);
+ }
+ return d;
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::Print(const std::string & name) const {
+ Print(name, 0, size());
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::Print(const std::string & name, int begin, int end) const {
+ std::cout << "Traj " << name << " size = " << size()
+ << " from " << begin << " to " << end << std ::endl;
+ for(int i=begin; i<end; i++) {
+ std::cout << mU[i] << " " << mV[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+void clitk::Trajectory2D::Substract(const Vector2d & m) {
+ mU.AddValue(-m[0]);
+ mV.AddValue(-m[1]);
--- /dev/null
+ Program: clitk
+ Module: $RCSfile: clitkTrajectory2D.h,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2010/03/03 12:41:27 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
+ l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+ http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#include "clitkCommon.h"
+#include "clitkSignal.h"
+#include "itkVector.h"
+#include <vnl/algo/vnl_generalized_eigensystem.h>
+#include <vnl/algo/vnl_symmetric_eigensystem.h>
+#include <vnl/algo/vnl_real_eigensystem.h>
+namespace clitk {
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class Trajectory2D {
+ public:
+ typedef itk::Vector<double,2> Vector2d;
+ void ResampleWithTimeWarpTo(int begin, int end, Trajectory2D & output) const;
+ void ResampleWithTimeWarpTo(Trajectory2D & output) const;
+ void Shift(double s);
+ bool Read(std::string filename);
+ void GetPoint(const int index, Vector2d & p);
+ void GetMean(Vector2d & m);
+ double GetU(const int index) const { return mU[index]; }
+ double GetV(const int index) const { return mV[index]; }
+ clitk::Signal & GetU() { return mU; }
+ clitk::Signal & GetV() { return mV; }
+ int size() const { return mU.size(); }
+ void resize(int n) { mU.resize(n); mV.resize(n); }
+ void SetPoint(const int i, Vector2d & p) { mU[i] = p[0]; mV[i] = p[1]; }
+ void SetPoint(const int i, double u, double v) { mU[i] = u; mV[i] = v; }
+ void GetValueAtLin(double t, Vector2d & p) const;
+ double GetSamplingPeriod() const { return mU.GetSamplingPeriod(); }
+ void SetSamplingPeriod(double sp){ mU.SetSamplingPeriod(sp); mV.SetSamplingPeriod(sp); }
+ double DistanceTo(int delta, const clitk::Trajectory2D & B) const;
+ Trajectory2D & operator+(Trajectory2D & d);
+ Trajectory2D & operator-(Trajectory2D & d);
+ void Print(const std::string & name) const;
+ void Print(const std::string & name, int begin, int end) const;
+ void push_back(double u, double v) { mU.push_back(u); mV.push_back(v); }
+ void Substract(const Vector2d & m);
+ double GetTotalTimeDuration() const { return mU.GetTotalTimeDuration(); }
+ protected:
+ clitk::Signal mU;
+ clitk::Signal mV;
+ };
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+} // end namespace