(LOw COmplexity LOssless COmpression for Images)
developed at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories]
- <LI> gdcm doesn't read yet JPEG2000 encoded files.
+ <LI> gdcm doesn't read yet all JPEG2000 encoded files.
- But we are working on it.
+ But we are working on it (a lot of troubles with Jasper).
<LI> gdcm doesn't read yet MPEG2 encoded files.
<LI> New Features
+ <LI> <TT>vtkGdcmReader</TT> can now get the result of
+ <TT>gdcm::SerieHelper</TT> <br>
+ Proceed as follow :<br>
+ <pre>
+ gdcmSerieHelper *sh = new gdcmSerieHelper();
+ sh->SetDirectory(myImageDirectory, true);
+ gdcmFileList *l = s->GetFirstCoherentFileList();
+ s->OrderFileList(l);
+ vtkGdcmReader *gr = new vtkGdcmReader();
+ gr->SetCoherentFileList(l);
+ </pre>
+ This works with a directory that contains only one '<TT>Serie</TT>'
+ (same <TT>Serie UID</TT> for all the images).<br>
+ If it contains more than one <TT>Serie</TT>, you'll have to loop
+ on the Series, using <TT>GetNextCoherentFileList()</TT>;
+ <br><br>
<LI>Both <TT>vtkgdcmViewer</TT> and <TT>vtkgdcmViewer2</TT>
are available to allow easy displaying of single/multiframe
GreyLevel/RGB/PaletteColor images<br><br>