Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmCommon.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/07/07 17:55:08 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.69 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/07/11 08:19:37 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.70 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
GDCM_EXPORT extern const std::string GDCM_NOTLOADED;
GDCM_EXPORT extern const std::string GDCM_UNREAD;
-/// \brief TagKey is made to hold an "universal" (as in URL, Universal
-/// Ressource Locator) key to a DocEntry i.e. a dicom tag.
-/// A dicom tag always has a group and an elem, but a set of tags
-/// embeded in various (optionally nested) sequences and sharing
-/// the same group and elem all share the same (group, elem)
-/// "identifier". Hence the (group, elem) cannot be used as an
-/// identifier (in gdcm we shall refer to a "TagKey") of a tag.
-/// In order to construct a proper tag identifier (i.e. a key) we
-/// consider the following definition of a TagKey:
-/// - let Group, Element be the string representation of the
-/// group and elem dicom tag members,
-/// - let ItemNumber be the string representation of the integer
-/// index of the considered item number of a sequence,
-/// Let the key of a tag embeded in a sequence, noted SeqTag, be
-/// the form:
-/// /ItemNumber#Group|Element
-/// where "/", "#" and "|" are characters acting as separators.
-/// Then the general form of a TagKey is given by:
-/// Group|Element[SeqTag]
-/// where [SeqTag] means NO or many instances of SeqTag.
-/// Hence the TagKey of a tag not "leaving" in a sequence is the
-/// string e.g.
-/// 0028|1201
-/// but the TagKey of a tag "embeded" is the first item of
-/// a sequence, itself nested in the third item of a sequence is the
-/// string e.g.
-/// 0004|1220/2#0008|0082/0#0008|0090
+/// \brief TagKey is made to hold the standard Dicom Tag (Group number, Element
+/// number)
+/// Instead of using the two '16 bits integers' as the Hask Table key, we
+/// converted into a string (e.g. 0x0018,0x0050 converted into "0018|0050")
+/// It appears to be a huge waste of time.
+/// We'll fix the mess up -without any change in the API- as soon as the bench
+/// marks are fully performed.
typedef std::string TagKey;
typedef std::string TagName;