#File clitkSUVPeak.ggo
package "clitkSUVPeak"
version "2.0"
-#This tool supports multiple images on the input, or even 4D, but all images must be of the same type and dimensions.
-purpose "Compute statistics on an image, or on part of an image specified by a mask and label(s). The tool also supports multichannel images, which is useful, e.g., for vector fields. All channels are processed (separately) by default, but only one channel may be chosen."
+purpose "This tool Compute the SUV Peak.
+The output is the position of the SUV Peak (in mm) and its value.
+The filter use a normalized sphere of 1 cc with 1 for voxel inside, 0 for outside.
+And for voxels that intercepted the sphere, it computes the intersection volume using Monte Carlo simulation."
option "config" - "Config file" string no
option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off
typename ImageType::PointType p;
output->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(index, p);
- std::cout<<"SUV Peak found in "<< p << " with the value " << max << std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"SUV Peak found in "<< p << " mm with the value " << max << std::endl;