Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmOrientation.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/09/13 18:32:54 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/09/16 16:47:56 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
} // end namespace gdcm
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Here is the original code, in Python, kindly supllied by THERALYS
+// C++ code doesn't give good results
+// --> FIXME
+def TypeOrientation(self,file0):
+# ------------------------- Purpose : -----------------------------------
+# - This function compare the orientation of the given image and the
+# basics orientations (Axial, Cornal, Sagital)
+# ------------------------- Parameters : --------------------------------
+# - <file0> : - type : string
+# - The name of the first image file of the serie
+# ------------------------- Return : ------------------------------------
+# 1 : Axial
+# -1 : Axial invert
+# 2 : Coronal
+# -2 : Coronal invert
+# 3 : Sagital
+# -3 : Sagital invert
+# 4 : Heart Axial
+# -4 : Heart Axial invert
+# 5 : Heart Coronal
+# -5 : Heart Coronal invert
+# 6 : Heart Sagital
+# -6 : Heart Sagital invert
+ # ------------------------- Other : -------------------------------------
+# This method finds the most similar basic orientation.
+ toRead = gdcm.File(file0)
+ ValDict = GetValuesDict(toRead)
+ try:
+ imageOrientation=ValDict["Image Orientation (Patient)"]
+ except KeyError:
+ imageOrientation=ValDict["Image Orientation"]
+ ori1=[float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[0]),\
+ float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[1]),\
+ float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[2])]
+ ori2=[float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[3]),\
+ float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[4]),\
+ float(split(imageOrientation,"\\")[5])]
+## two vectors perpendicular describe one plane
+ dicPlane=[ [ [1,0,0],[0,1,0] ], ## Axial
+ [ [1,0,0],[0,0,-1] ], ## Coronal
+ [ [0,1,0],[0,0,-1] ], ## Sagittal
+ [ [ 0.8 , 0.5 , 0.0 ],[-0.1 , 0.1 , -0.95] ],## Axial - HEART
+ [ [ 0.8 , 0.5 , 0.0 ],[-0.6674 , 0.687 , 0.1794] ],## Coronal - HEART
+ [ [-0.1 , 0.1 , -0.95],[-0.6674 , 0.687 , 0.1794] ] ] ## Sagittal - HEART
+ i=0
+ res=[0,99999] ## [ <result> , <memory of the last succes calcule> ]
+ for plane in dicPlane:
+ i=i+1
+ refA=plane[0]
+ refB=plane[1]
+ res=self.VerfCriterion( i , self.CalculLikelyhood2Vec(refA,refB,ori1,ori2) , res )
+ res=self.VerfCriterion( -i , self.CalculLikelyhood2Vec(refB,refA,ori1,ori2) , res )
+ return res[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return 0
+ def VerfCriterion(self,typeCriterion,criterionNew,res):
+ type = res[0]
+ criterion = res[1]
+# if criterionNew<0.1 and criterionNew<criterion:
+ if criterionNew<criterion:
+ criterion=criterionNew
+ type=typeCriterion
+ return [ type , criterion ]
+ def CalculLikelyhood2Vec(self,refA,refB,ori1,ori2):
+ # ------------------------- Purpose : -----------------------------------
+ # - This function determine the orientation similarity of two planes.
+ # Each plane is described by two vector.
+ # ------------------------- Parameters : --------------------------------
+ # - <refA> : - type : vector 3D (float)
+ # - <refB> : - type : vector 3D (float)
+ # - Description of the first plane
+ # - <ori1> : - type : vector 3D (float)
+ # - <ori2> : - type : vector 3D (float)
+ # - Description of the second plane
+ # ------------------------- Return : ------------------------------------
+ # float : 0 if the planes are perpendicular.
+ # While the difference of the orientation between the planes
+ # are big more enlarge is
+ # the criterion.
+ # ------------------------- Other : -------------------------------------
+ # The calculus is based with vectors normalice
+ """
+ ori3=self.ProductVectorial(ori1,ori2)
+ refC=self.ProductVectorial(refA,refB)
+ res=math.pow(refC[0]-ori3[0],2) + math.pow(refC[1]-ori3[1],2) + math.pow(refC[2]-ori3[2],2)
+ return math.sqrt(res)
+ def ProductVectorial(self,vec1,vec2):
+ """
+ # ------------------------- Purpose : -----------------------------------
+ # - Calculus of the poduct vectorial between two vectors 3D
+ # ------------------------- Parameters : --------------------------------
+ # - <vec1> : - type : vector 3D (float)
+ # - <vec2> : - type : vector 3D (float)
+ # ------------------------- Return : ------------------------------------
+ # (vec) : - Vector 3D
+ # ------------------------- Other : -------------------------------------
+ """
+ vec3=[0,0,0]
+ vec3[0]=vec1[1]*vec2[2] - vec1[2]*vec2[1]
+ vec3[1]=-( vec1[0]*vec2[2] - vec1[2]*vec2[0])
+ vec3[2]=vec1[0]*vec2[1] - vec1[1]*vec2[0]
+ return vec3
+ def GetValuesDict(image):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionnary containing values associated with Field Names
+ dict["Dicom Field Name"]="Dicom field value"
+ """
+ val=image.GetFirstEntry()
+ dic={}
+ while(val):
+ if isinstance(val,gdcm.ValEntryPtr):
+ dic[val.GetName()]=val.GetValue()
+ val=image.GetNextEntry()
+ return dic