# DCIODVFY_EXECUTABLE - the full path to the dciodvfy
# DCIODVFY_FOUND - If false, don't attempt to use dciodvfy
+# dicom3tools are funny to build you'll need imake
+# Anyway in order not to pollute your system, you can do an in-source build
+# and install which should be clean enough:
+# ./Configure
+# imake -I./config -DInstallInTopDir
+# make World
+# make install (will copy in ./bin)
+# then all you need to do is export an env var DICOM3TOOLS pointing to that dir
- "/tmp/dicom3tools_1.00.snapshot.20041227.graymax/appsrc/dcfile/"
- "${DICOM3TOOLS}/bin"
+ "$ENV{DICOM3TOOLS}/bin/"