Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDocument.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/10/18 11:10:45 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.292 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/10/18 11:35:31 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.293 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
// Swap the data content if necessary
uint32_t i;
- unsigned short vrLgth = Global::GetVR()->GetAtomicElementLength(entry->GetVR());
+ unsigned short vrLgth =
+ Global::GetVR()->GetAtomicElementLength(entry->GetVR());
if( entry->GetVR() == "OW" )
vrLgth = 1;
* \brief Re-computes the length of a ACR-NEMA/Dicom group from a DcmHeader
-int Document::ComputeGroup0002Length( /*FileType filetype*/ )
+int Document::ComputeGroup0002Length( )
uint16_t gr;
std::string vr;
//if ( filetype == ExplicitVR )
- // if ( (vr == "OB") || (vr == "OW") || (vr == "UT") || (vr == "SQ") )
+ //if ( (vr == "OB")||(vr == "OW")||(vr == "UT")||(vr == "SQ"))
// (no SQ, OW, UT in group 0x0002;)
if ( vr == "OB" )
// (fffe e0dd) tells us the current SeQuence just ended
// (fffe 0000) is an 'impossible' tag value,
- // found in MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm
+ // found in MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm
if ( (group == 0xfffe && elem != 0x0000 ) || vr == "SQ" )
void Document::FixDocEntryFoundLength(DocEntry *entry,
uint32_t foundLength)
- entry->SetReadLength( foundLength ); // will be updated only if a bug is found
+ entry->SetReadLength( foundLength );// will be updated only if a bug is found
if ( foundLength == 0xffffffff)
foundLength = 0;
if ( foundLength % 2)
- gdcmWarningMacro( "Warning : Tag with uneven length " << foundLength
+ gdcmWarningMacro( "Warning : Tag with uneven length " << foundLength
<< " in x(" << std::hex << gr << "," << elem <<")");
// Only 0 or 4321 will be possible
// (no oportunity to check for the formerly well known
// ACR-NEMA 'Bad Big Endian' or 'Bad Little Endian'
- // if unsuccessfull (i.e. neither 0x0002 nor 0x0200 etc -3, 4, ..., 8-)
+ // if unsuccessfull (i.e. neither 0x0002 nor 0x0200 etc-3, 4, ..., 8-)
// the file IS NOT ACR-NEMA nor DICOM V3
// Find a trick to tell it the caller...
Filetype = ACR;
return true;
default :
- gdcmWarningMacro("ACR/NEMA unfound swap info (Really hopeless !)");
+ gdcmWarningMacro("ACR/NEMA unfound swap info (Hopeless !)");
Filetype = Unknown;
return false;
std::string msg;
int offset = Fp->tellg();
- msg = Util::Format("Entry (%04x,%04x) at 0x(%x) should be Explicit VR\n",
- newEntry->GetGroup(), newEntry->GetElement(), offset );
+ msg = Util::Format(
+ "Entry (%04x,%04x) at x(%x) should be Explicit VR\n",
+ newEntry->GetGroup(), newEntry->GetElement(), offset );
gdcmWarningMacro( msg.c_str() );
void Document::HandleBrokenEndian(uint16_t &group, uint16_t &elem)
- // Endian reversion. Some files contain groups of tags with reversed endianess.
+ // Endian reversion.
+ // Some files contain groups of tags with reversed endianess.
static int reversedEndian = 0;
// try to fix endian switching in the middle of headers
if ((group == 0xfeff) && (elem == 0x00e0))
// Do what you want, it breaks !
- gdcmWarningMacro( "Should never get here! reversed Sequence Terminator!" );
+ gdcmWarningMacro( "Should never get here! reversed Sequence Terminator!" );
// fix the tag
group = 0xfffe;
elem = 0xe0dd;
void Document::HandleOutOfGroup0002(uint16_t &group, uint16_t &elem)
- // Endian reversion. Some files contain groups of tags with reversed endianess.
+ // Endian reversion.
+ // Some files contain groups of tags with reversed endianess.
if ( !Group0002Parsed && group != 0x0002)
Group0002Parsed = true;
- // Group 0002 is always 'Explicit ...' even when Transfer Syntax says 'Implicit ..."
+ // Group 0002 is always 'Explicit ...'
+ // even when Transfer Syntax says 'Implicit ..."
- if ( Global::GetTS()->GetSpecialTransferSyntax(ts) == TS::ImplicitVRLittleEndian )
+ if ( Global::GetTS()->GetSpecialTransferSyntax(ts) ==
+ TS::ImplicitVRLittleEndian )
Filetype = ImplicitVR;
// FIXME Strangely, this works with
//'Implicit VR BigEndian Transfer Syntax (GE Private)
- // --> Probabely normal, since we considered we never have to trust manufacturers.
- // (we find very often 'Implicit VR' tag, even when Transfer Syntax tells us it's Explicit ...
- if ( Global::GetTS()->GetSpecialTransferSyntax(ts) == TS::ExplicitVRBigEndian )
+ // --> Probabely normal, since we considered we never have
+ // to trust manufacturers.
+ // (we find very often 'Implicit VR' tag,
+ // even when Transfer Syntax tells us it's Explicit ...
+ if ( Global::GetTS()->GetSpecialTransferSyntax(ts) ==
+ TS::ExplicitVRBigEndian )
gdcmWarningMacro("Transfer Syntax Name = ["
<< GetTransferSyntaxName() << "]" );