<TT>Shadow groups</TT> (if any)
<LI> Allow user to tell the Writer which compression mode he wants<br>
(Right now, no one is available)
+ <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he wants to split a
+ <TT>Multiframe</TT> image into a serie of
+ <TT>Single frame</TT> images.
+ <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he wants to agregate a
+ Serie of <TT>Single frame</TT> images into a
+ <TT>Multiframe</TT> image.
<LI>Reader / Writer
<LI> Known bugs
- <LI>
+ <LI> Use of <TT>Implicit Value Representation</TT> writting mode may
+ causes troubles, when there are some <TT>SQ</TT> belonging to a
+ <TT>Shadow Group</TT>. <br>
+ Better you use <TT>Explicit Value Representation</TT> writting mode ...
<LI> Sample Data