--- /dev/null
+ Program: gdcm
+ Module: $RCSfile: exExtractCSATag.cxx,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2007/09/11 12:54:49 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
+ l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+ http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#include "gdcmFile.h"
+#include "gdcmFileHelper.h"
+#include "gdcmCommon.h"
+#include "gdcmDebug.h"
+#include "gdcmDocEntry.h"
+#include "gdcmDataEntry.h"
+#include "gdcmSeqEntry.h"
+#include "gdcmSQItem.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+namespace gdcm
+ static const char *lookupTable1[] = {
+ "UsedPatientWeight",
+ "NumberOfPrescans",
+ "TransmitterCalibration",
+ "PhaseGradientAmplitude",
+ "ReadoutGradientAmplitude",
+ "SelectionGradientAmplitude",
+ "GradientDelayTime",
+ "RfWatchdogMask",
+ "RfPowerErrorIndicator",
+ "SarWholeBody",
+ "Sed",
+ "SequenceFileOwner",
+ "Stim_mon_mode",
+ "Operation_mode_flag",
+ "dBdt_max",
+ "t_puls_max",
+ "dBdt_thresh",
+ "dBdt_limit",
+ "SW_korr_faktor",
+ "Stim_max_online",
+ "Stim_max_ges_norm_online",
+ "Stim_lim",
+ "Stim_faktor",
+ "CoilForGradient",
+ "CoilTuningReflection",
+ "CoilId",
+ "MiscSequenceParam",
+ "MrProtocolVersion",
+ "MrProtocol",
+ "DataFileName",
+ "RepresentativeImage",
+ "PositivePCSDirections",
+ "RelTablePosition",
+ "ReadoutOS",
+ "LongModelName",
+ "SliceArrayConcatenations",
+ "SliceResolution",
+ "MrEvaProtocol",
+ "AbsTablePosition",
+ "AutoAlignMatrix",
+ "MeasurementIndex",
+ "CoilString",
+ "PATModeText",
+ "PatReinPattern",
+ };
+ static const char *lookupTable2[] = {
+ "EchoLinePosition",
+ "EchoColumnPosition",
+ "EchoPartitionPosition",
+ "UsedChannelMask",
+ "Actual3DImaPartNumber",
+ "ICE_Dims",
+ "B_value",
+ "Filter1",
+ "Filter2",
+ "ProtocolSliceNumber",
+ "RealDwellTime",
+ "PixelFile",
+ "PixelFileName",
+ "SliceMeasurementDuration",
+ "SequenceMask",
+ "AcquisitionMatrixText",
+ "MeasuredFourierLines",
+ "FlowEncodingDirection",
+ "FlowVenc",
+ "PhaseEncodingDirectionPositive",
+ "NumberOfImagesInMosaic",
+ "DiffusionGradientDirection",
+ "ImageGroup",
+ "SliceNormalVector",
+ "DiffusionDirectionality",
+ "TimeAfterStart",
+ "FlipAngle",
+ "SequenceName",
+ "RepetitionTime",
+ "EchoTime",
+ "NumberOfAverages",
+ "VoxelThickness",
+ "VoxelPhaseFOV",
+ "VoxelReadoutFOV",
+ "VoxelPositionSag",
+ "VoxelPositionCor",
+ "VoxelPositionTra",
+ "VoxelNormalSag",
+ "VoxelNormalCor",
+ "VoxelNormalTra",
+ "VoxelInPlaneRot",
+ "ImagePositionPatient",
+ "ImageOrientationPatient",
+ "PixelSpacing",
+ "SliceLocation",
+ "SliceThickness",
+ "SpectrumTextRegionLabel",
+ "Comp_Algorithm",
+ "Comp_Blended",
+ "Comp_ManualAdjusted",
+ "Comp_AutoParam",
+ "Comp_AdjustedParam",
+ "Comp_JobID",
+ "FMRIStimulInfo",
+ "FlowEncodingDirectionString",
+ "RepetitionTimeEffective",
+ };
+ static const char *lookupTable3[] = {
+ "ImageNumber",
+ "ImageComments",
+ "ReferencedImageSequence",
+ "PatientOrientation",
+ "ScanningSequence",
+ "SequenceName",
+ "RepetitionTime",
+ "EchoTime",
+ "InversionTime",
+ "NumberOfAverages",
+ "ImagingFrequency",
+ "ImagedNucleus",
+ "EchoNumbers",
+ "MagneticFieldStrength",
+ "NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps",
+ "EchoTrainLength",
+ "PercentSampling",
+ "PercentPhaseFieldOfView",
+ "TriggerTime",
+ "ReceivingCoil",
+ "TransmittingCoil",
+ "AcqusitionMatrix",
+ "PhaseEncodingDirection",
+ "FlipAngle",
+ "VariableFlipAngleFlag",
+ "SAR",
+ "dBdt",
+ "Rows",
+ "Columns",
+ "SliceThickness",
+ "ImagePositionPatient",
+ "ImageOrientationPatient",
+ "SliceLocation",
+ "EchoLinePosition",
+ "EchoColumnPosition",
+ "EchoPartitionPosition",
+ "Actual3DImaPartNumber",
+ "RealDwellTime",
+ "ProtocolSliceNumber",
+ "DataFile",
+ "DataFileName",
+ "ICE_Dims",
+ "PixelSpacing",
+ "SourceImageSequence",
+ "PixelBandwidth",
+ "SliceMeasurementDuration",
+ "SequenceMask",
+ "AcquisitionMatrixText",
+ "MeasuredFourierLines",
+ "CsiGridshiftVector",
+ };
+ /*
+ * What if SIEMENS decide to add another entry in this table, all the offsets are completely off ...
+ * Also we do not respect the ordering anymore.
+ * TODO: Need to check if elements always comes in the same order
+ */
+ unsigned int GetLookupCSAIndex(const char *csa_name, const char **lookuptable = lookupTable1)
+ {
+ const char **p = lookuptable;
+ while( *p && strcmp(*p, csa_name) != 0 )
+ {
+ ++p;
+ }
+ assert( strcmp(*p, csa_name) == 0 );
+ return p - lookuptable + 1; // Start at 1 to avoid being on the 0000 position
+ }
+ // Looks like there is mapping in between syngodt and vr...
+ // O <=> UN
+ // 3 <=> DS
+ // 4 <=> FD
+ // 5 <=> FL
+ // 6 <=> IS
+ // 9 <=> UL
+ // 10 <=> US
+ // 16 <=> CS
+ // 19 <=> LO
+ // 20 <=> LT
+ // 22 <=> SH
+ // 25 <=> UI
+struct equ
+ uint32_t syngodt;
+ char vr[2+1];
+static equ mapping[] = {
+ { 0 , "UN" },
+ { 3 , "DS" },
+ { 4 , "FD" },
+ { 5 , "FL" },
+ { 6 , "IS" },
+ { 7 , "SL" },
+ { 8 , "SS" },
+ { 9 , "UL" },
+ { 10 , "US" },
+ { 16 , "CS" },
+ { 19 , "LO" },
+ { 20 , "LT" },
+ { 22 , "SH" },
+ { 23 , "ST" },
+ { 25 , "UI" },
+ { 27 , "UT" },
+bool check_mapping(uint32_t syngodt, const char *vr)
+ static const unsigned int max = sizeof(mapping) / sizeof(equ);
+ unsigned int s = 0;
+ const equ *p = mapping;
+ assert( syngodt <= mapping[max-1].syngodt );
+ while(p->syngodt < syngodt )
+ {
+ ++p;
+ }
+ assert( p->syngodt == syngodt ); // or else need to update mapping
+ const char* lvr = p->vr;
+ int check = strcmp(vr, lvr) == 0;
+ assert( check );
+ return true;
+uint32_t readCSAHeader(std::istream &is)
+ char dummy[4+1];
+ dummy[4] = 0;
+ is.read(dummy, 4);
+ std::cout << dummy << std::endl;
+ if( strcmp( dummy, "SV10" ) )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Either not a SV10 header or filled with 0..." << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // wotsit ?
+ is.read(dummy, 4);
+ if( strcmp( dummy, "\4\3\2\1" ) )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Either not a SV10 header or filled with 0..." << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::cout << dummy << std::endl;
+ uint32_t n;
+ is.read((char*)&n, sizeof(n));
+ std::cout << n << std::endl;
+ uint32_t unused;
+ is.read((char*)&unused, sizeof(unused));
+ std::cout << unused << std::endl;
+ assert( unused == 77 ); // 'M' character...
+ return n;
+DataEntry *readCSAElement(std::istream &is)
+ char name[64+1];
+ name[64] = 0; // security
+ //std::cout << "Pos 0x" << std::hex << is.tellg() << std::dec << std::endl;
+ is.read(name, 64);
+ std::cout << "Name=" << name << std::endl;
+ unsigned int element = GetLookupCSAIndex(name,lookupTable2);
+ uint32_t vm;
+ is.read((char*)&vm, sizeof(vm));
+ std::cout << "vm=" << vm << std::endl;
+ char vr[4];
+ is.read(vr, 4);
+ assert( vr[2] == vr[3] && vr[2] == 0 );
+ std::cout << "vr=" << vr << std::endl;
+ DataEntry *de = DataEntry::New(0x0029, element, vr);
+ uint32_t syngodt;
+ is.read((char*)&syngodt, sizeof(syngodt));
+ check_mapping(syngodt, vr);
+ std::cout << "syngodt=" << syngodt << std::endl;
+ uint32_t nitems;
+ is.read((char*)&nitems, sizeof(nitems));
+ std::cout << "nitems=" << nitems<< std::endl;
+ uint32_t xx;
+ is.read((char*)&xx, sizeof(xx));
+ //std::cout << "xx=" << xx<< std::endl;
+ assert( xx == 77 || xx == 205 );
+ for( uint32_t j = 0; j < nitems; ++j)
+ {
+ uint32_t item_xx[4];
+ is.read((char*)&item_xx, 4*sizeof(uint32_t));
+ std::cout << "item_xx=" << item_xx[0] << " " << item_xx[1] << " " << item_xx[2] << " " << item_xx[3] << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << is.tellg() << std::dec << std::endl;
+ assert( item_xx[2] == 77 || item_xx[2] == 205 );
+ uint32_t len = item_xx[1]; // 2nd element
+ std::cout << "len=" << len << std::endl;
+ assert( item_xx[0] == item_xx[1] && item_xx[1] == item_xx[3] );
+ char *val = new char[len+1];
+ val[len] = 0; // security
+ is.read(val,len);
+ // WARNING vr does not means anything AFAIK, simply print the value as if it was IS/DS or LO (ASCII)
+ std::cout << "val=" << val << std::endl;
+ if( !j )
+ de->SetString( std::string(val,len) );
+ delete[] val;
+ char dummy[4];
+ uint32_t dummy_len = (4 - len % 4) % 4;
+ is.read(dummy, dummy_len );
+ for(uint32_t d= 0; d < dummy_len; ++d)
+ {
+ // I think dummy should always be 0
+ if( dummy[d] )
+ {
+ std::cout << "dummy=" << (int)dummy[d] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return de;
+int convertCSA(std::istream &is, File *f)
+ f->RemoveEntry( f->GetDataEntry(0X0029,0x1010) );
+ SeqEntry *sq = SeqEntry::New(0x0029,0x1010);
+ SQItem *sqi = SQItem::New(1);
+// DataEntry *e_0008_1150 = DataEntry::New(0x0008, 0x1150, "UI");
+// e_0008_1150->SetString( "coucou" );
+// sqi->AddEntry(e_0008_1150);
+// e_0008_1150->Delete();
+// DataEntry *e_0008_1155 = DataEntry::New(0x0008, 0x1155, "UI");
+// e_0008_1155->SetString( "mathieu" );
+// sqi->AddEntry(e_0008_1155);
+// e_0008_1155->Delete();
+ uint32_t n = readCSAHeader(is);
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ DataEntry *de = readCSAElement(is);
+ sqi->AddEntry(de);
+ de->Delete();
+ }
+ sq->AddSQItem(sqi,1);
+ sqi->Delete();
+ //sq->Print( std::cout );
+ f->AddEntry( sq );
+ sq->Delete();
+ f->Print( std::cout );
+ gdcm::FileHelper *fh = gdcm::FileHelper::New(f);
+ fh->SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR();
+ fh->Write("/tmp/csa2.dcm");
+ return 0;
+} // end namespace gdcm
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ gdcm::File *f;
+ if( argc < 5 )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Usage :" << argv[0] << " input.dcm group element outputfile" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " Ex: " << argv[0] << " /tmp/bla.dcm 0029 2110 /tmp/out.raw" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::string fileName = argv[1];
+ std::cout << fileName << std::endl;
+// ============================================================
+// Read the input image.
+// ============================================================
+ f = gdcm::File::New( );
+ //f->SetLoadMode(gdcm::LD_NOSEQ | gdcm::LD_NOSHADOW);
+ f->SetFileName( fileName );
+ f->SetMaxSizeLoadEntry(0xffff);
+ bool res = f->Load();
+ if( gdcm::Debug::GetDebugFlag())
+ {
+ std::cout << "---------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ f->Print();
+ std::cout << "---------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (!res) {
+ std::cerr << "Sorry, " << fileName << " not a gdcm-readable "
+ << "DICOM / ACR File"
+ << std::endl;
+ f->Delete();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::cout << " ... is readable " << std::endl;
+ // Find the dicom tag, and extract the string
+ uint16_t group, elem;
+ std::istringstream convert;
+ convert.str( argv[2] );
+ convert >> std::hex >> group;
+ convert.clear(); //important
+ convert.str( argv[3] );
+ convert >> std::hex >> elem;
+ std::cout << "Extracting tag: (0x" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0')
+ << group << ",0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << elem << ")" << std::endl;
+ std::string dicom_tag_value = f->GetEntryString(group, elem);
+ if (dicom_tag_value == gdcm::GDCM_UNFOUND)
+ {
+ gdcm::DictEntry *dictEntry = f->GetPubDict()->GetEntry( group, elem);
+ std::cerr << "Image doesn't contain any tag: " << dictEntry->GetName() << std::endl;
+ f->Delete();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ gdcm::DocEntry *dicom_tag_doc = f->GetDocEntry(group, elem);
+ gdcm::DataEntry *dicom_tag = dynamic_cast<gdcm::DataEntry *>(dicom_tag_doc);
+ if( !dicom_tag )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Sorry DataEntry only please" << std::endl;
+ f->Delete();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Write out the data as a file:
+ std::ofstream o(argv[4]);
+ if( !o )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Problem opening file: " << argv[4] << std::endl;
+ f->Delete();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ o.write((char*)dicom_tag->GetBinArea(), dicom_tag->GetLength());
+ o.close();
+ std::istringstream is;
+ is.str( std::string( (char*)dicom_tag->GetBinArea(), dicom_tag->GetLength()) );
+ gdcm::convertCSA(is, f);
+ f->Delete();
+ return 0;