--- /dev/null
+description "Simple test of wx::LayoutX4 widgets"
+author "jean-pierre.roux@creatis.univ-lyon1.fr"
+category "example"
+load std
+include wx
+new LayoutX4 main
+new Slider s1
+ set s1.Title "SliderUpLeft"
+new Slider s2
+ set s2.Title "SliderUpRight"
+new Slider s3
+ set s3.Title "SliderDownLeft"
+new Slider s4
+ set s4.Title "SliderDownRight"
+connect s1.Widget main.Widget1
+connect s2.Widget main.Widget2
+connect s3.Widget main.Widget3
+connect s3.Widget main.Widget4
+exec main
--- /dev/null
+load std
+load wx
+// ---------------
+// | | |
+// | W1 | W2 |
+// |-------------|
+// | | |
+// | W3 | W4 |
+// ---------------
+define LayoutX4 wx
+description "Creates a '+ like' complex container : {UpLeft, UpRight} {DownLeft, DownRigth} "
+author "jean-pierre.roux@creatis.univ-lyon1.fr"
+category "complex box, widget"
+new LayoutSplit currentBox
+ set currentBox.Orientation V
+new LayoutSplit up
+ set up.Orientation H
+new LayoutSplit down
+ set Down.Orientation H
+ connect upLeft.Widget currentBox.Widget1
+ connect upRight.Widget currentBox.Widget2
+ connect upLeft.Widget up.Widget1
+ connect upRight.Widget up.Widget2
+ connect downLeft.Widget down.Widget1
+ connect downRight.Widget down.Widget2
+new MultipleInputs m
+ connect currentBox.BoxChange m.In1
+ connect upLeft.BoxChange m.In2
+ connect upRight.BoxChange m.In3
+ connect downLeft.BoxChange m.In5
+ connect downRight.BoxChange m.In5
+ input WinTitle currentBox.WinTitle "Title of the window (*)"
+ input WinHeight currentBox.WinHeight "Height of the window (*)"
+ input WinHide currentBox.WinHide "Any signal received hides the window (*)"
+ input WinClose currentBox.WinClose "Any signal received closes the window (*)"
+ input WinWidth currentBox.WinWidth "Width of the window (* : only used if the widget is not connected to a Layout box)"
+ input Widget1 up.Widget1 "UpLeft container"
+ input Widget2 up.Widget2 "UpRight container"
+ input Widget3 currentBox.Widget2 "DownLeft container"
+ input Widget4 currentBox.Widget4 "DownRight container"
+ output Widget currentBox.Widget "Widget"
+ output BoxChange m.Out "BoxChange"