--- /dev/null
+ Program: gdcm
+ Module: $RCSfile: exCTPET.cxx,v $
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date: 2006/01/02 21:54:23 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
+ l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+ http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#include "gdcmFile.h"
+#include "gdcmSerieHelper.h"
+#include "gdcmDirList.h"
+#include "gdcmUtil.h"
+#include "gdcmDataEntry.h"
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ if(argc < 2 )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "RTFM" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Get the directory name
+ const char *directory = argv[1];
+#if 0
+ gdcm::SerieHelper *s;
+ std::cout << "Dir Name :[" << directory << "]" << std::endl;
+ s = gdcm::SerieHelper::New();
+ s->SetLoadMode(gdcm::LD_NOSHADOW | gdcm::LD_NOSEQ);
+ // 0008|0060 [CS] [Modality] [CT]
+ gdcm::TagKey modality(0x0008,0x0060);
+ s->AddRestriction(modality, "CT", gdcm::GDCM_EQUAL); // Keep only files where
+ // restriction is true
+ s->SetDirectory(directory, true); // true : recursive exploration
+// std::cout << " ---------------------------------------- Finish parsing :["
+// << directory << "]" << std::endl;
+// s->Print();
+// std::cout << " ---------------------------------------- Finish printing (1)"
+// << std::endl;
+ int nbFiles;
+ // For all the Single SerieUID Files Sets of the gdcm::Serie
+ gdcm::FileList *l = s->GetFirstSingleSerieUIDFileSet();
+ while (l)
+ {
+ nbFiles = l->size() ;
+ //if ( l->size() > 3 ) // Why not ? Just an example, for testing
+ {
+ //std::cout << "Sort list : " << nbFiles << " long" << std::endl;
+ s->OrderFileList(l); // sort the list
+ }
+ l = s->GetNextSingleSerieUIDFileSet();
+ }
+ s->Delete();
+ // Open a file A
+ // Open another file B
+ // Same Serie/Study ?
+ // No -> return
+ // Yes -> continue
+ // Same Frame of Reference
+ // No -> Return
+ // Yes -> continue
+ // A is CT and B is PT (PET)
+ // No -> return
+ // Yes -> continue
+ // Same Image Position (no string comparison !!)
+ // Even if floating point comparison are dangerous, string comp will not work in general case
+ // No -> Return
+ // Yes: We found a match
+ const char filename1[] = "/tmp/PETCT/case1/WHOLEB001_CT001.dcm";
+ const char filename2[] = "/tmp/PETCT/case1/CT_PET001_CT100.dcm";
+ gdcm::File *fileRef = gdcm::File::New();
+ fileRef->SetFileName( filename2 );
+ fileRef->Load();
+ // 0008 0060 CS 1 Modality
+ std::string modalityRef = fileRef->GetEntryString(0x0008,0x0060);
+ if( modalityRef == gdcm::GDCM_UNFOUND ) return 1;
+ if ( !gdcm::Util::DicomStringEqual(modalityRef, "CT") ) return 1;
+ // 0020 000d UI 1 Study Instance UID
+ // 0020 000e UI REL Series Instance UID
+ std::string series_uid_ref = fileRef->GetEntryString(0x0020, 0x000e);
+ // 0020 0052 UI 1 Frame of Reference UID
+ std::string frame_uid_ref = fileRef->GetEntryString(0x0020, 0x0052);
+ // 0020 0032 DS 3 Image Position (Patient)
+ gdcm::DataEntry *imagePosRef = fileRef->GetDataEntry(0x0020,0x0032);
+ assert( imagePosRef->GetValueCount() == 3 );
+ gdcm::DirList dirList( directory, true );
+ const gdcm::DirListType filenames = dirList.GetFilenames();
+ gdcm::DirListType::const_iterator it = filenames.begin();
+ gdcm::File *file = gdcm::File::New();
+ for( ; it != filenames.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ file->SetFileName( *it );
+ file->Load();
+ std::string modality = file->GetEntryString(0x0008,0x0060);
+ // This is a dual modality: modality should be *different*
+ if( modality == modalityRef ) continue;
+ if ( !gdcm::Util::DicomStringEqual(modality, "PT") ) continue;
+ std::string series_uid = file->GetEntryString(0x0020, 0x000e);
+ // Not same series !
+ if( series_uid == series_uid_ref ) continue;
+ std::string frame_uid = file->GetEntryString(0x0020, 0x0052);
+ if( frame_uid_ref != frame_uid ) continue;
+ gdcm::DataEntry *imagePos = file->GetDataEntry(0x0020,0x0032);
+ assert( imagePos->GetValueCount() == 3 );
+ if( imagePos->GetValue(0) == imagePosRef->GetValue(0)
+ && imagePos->GetValue(1) == imagePosRef->GetValue(1)
+ && imagePos->GetValue(2) == imagePosRef->GetValue(2) )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "We found a match: " << *it << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;