// Standard includes
#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
- connect(overlayPanel, SIGNAL(FusionSequenceSignalButtonPressed()), this, SLOT(SelectFusionSequenceTemporalSignal()));
+ connect(overlayPanel, SIGNAL(FusionSequenceCorrespondancesButtonPressed()), this, SLOT(SelectFusionSequenceCorrespondances()));
//TODO: also remove the image overlaid with the main sequence, as it is becoming invalid...
+ //this shall be done by calling this->CloseImage() with the correct index;...
-void vvMainWindow::SelectFusionSequenceTemporalSignal() {
+void vvMainWindow::SelectFusionSequenceCorrespondances() {
//make sure the index is right?
//in the end, I should attach the temporal data to the right sequence!
//open a dialog box to find a file
- QString Extensions = EXTENSIONS;
- Extensions += ";;All Files (*)";
+ //QString Extensions = EXTENSIONS;
+ QString Extensions = ";;All Files (*)";
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,tr("Load respiratory signal for fused sequence"),mInputPathName,Extensions);
if (fileName.isNull())
//read it as a vector of values
- std::vector<double> signal;
- //...TODO, look for itk functions that can do that... vnl in the worst case.
- signal.push_back(1);signal.push_back(2);
- //TODO: instead: if the loaded signal is longer, just crop it...
- //this allows loading only the first few frames when testing.
- //->maybe raise a message that this behavior may be unsafe...
- //if compatible with the fused image sequence (number of images = number of entries), enable the temporalSync
- if ( signal.size() >= mSlicerManagers[index]->GetFusionSequenceNbFrames()) {
- //for convenience, associate this sequence to both the current slicer manager, and to the linked one
- mSlicerManagers[index]->SetFusionSequenceTemporalSignal(signal);
- mSlicerManagers[ mSlicerManagers[index]->GetFusionSequenceIndexOfLinkedManager() ]->SetFusionSequenceTemporalSignal(signal);
- overlayPanel->enableFusionSequenceTemporalSync();
- QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Adding signal"),"would add the signal from file: "+ fileName);
+ vnl_vector<double> tmpVect;
+ std::ifstream file;
+ file.open(fileName.toStdString().c_str());
+ tmpVect.read_ascii(file);
+ file.close();
+ //if compatible with the fused image sequence (number of entries = nb of entries in main sequence + nb of entries in joint sequence), enable the temporalSync
+ bool signalOK = true;
+ unsigned nbFrameMain = mSlicerManagers[index]->GetImage()->GetTransform().size();
+ unsigned nbFrameSecondary = mSlicerManagers[index]->GetFusionSequenceNbFrames();
+ std::vector<unsigned> temporalCorrespondances;
+ if ( tmpVect.size() == nbFrameMain + nbFrameSecondary ) {
+ for (unsigned i=0 ; i<tmpVect.size() ; i++) {
+ if (i<nbFrameMain) { //first part of the file: i -> index in secondary seq.
+ if ( tmpVect(i)<nbFrameSecondary ) temporalCorrespondances.push_back(tmpVect(i));
+ else { signalOK=false; break; } //pointing outside the secondary sequence...
+ }
+ else { //first part of the file -> index in secondary seq.
+ if ( tmpVect(i)<nbFrameMain ) temporalCorrespondances.push_back(tmpVect(i));
+ else { signalOK=false; break; } //pointing outside the secondary sequence...
+ }
+ }
- else {//else, send a message to signal the failure...
- QString error = "The provided signal doesn't have the same duration as the sequence\n";
+ else {signalOK=false;}
+ if (!signalOK) {//else, send a message to signal the failure...
+ QString error = "The provided temporal correspondances is invalid - check tooltip.\n";
error += "Ignoring file: " + fileName;
- QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Problem adding signal!"),error);
+ QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Problem adding temporal correspondances!"),error);
+ else {
+ //for convenience, associate this sequence to both the current slicer manager, and to the linked one
+ mSlicerManagers[index]->SetFusionSequenceCorrespondances(temporalCorrespondances);
+ mSlicerManagers[ mSlicerManagers[index]->GetFusionSequenceIndexOfLinkedManager() ]->SetFusionSequenceCorrespondances(temporalCorrespondances);
+ overlayPanel->enableFusionSequenceTemporalSync();
+ }
if (spatialSyncFlag) { //reslice the CT
if (temporalSyncFlag) { //do the temporal synchronisation
- //TODO: add the temporal synchronisation stuff
- //if the button is checked, get the phase of the requested US frame from the available signal
- //and select the corresponding one in the CT. (check the one just before, and the one just after, and select the closest)
- //TODO: do it also the other way around, when modifying the time index related to CT, select a close frame
- //this should not be done here directly, but the code should be inspired from the one here
- //->find a good US frame such that when calling this function with this US frame, it produces the expected result
- //TODO: select the right CT image to display
int mainSequenceFrameIndex=0;
//estimate the TSlice to set to the CT
+ unsigned nbFramesMain = mSlicerManagers[index]->GetImage()->GetTransform().size();
+ mainSequenceFrameIndex = mSlicerManagers[index]->GetFusionSequenceCorrespondances()[ nbFramesMain + fusionSequenceFrameIndex];
//and set it!
mSlicerManagers[index]->SetTSlice(mainSequenceFrameIndex, false);
+ //warning, there is a loopback, and modification of the TSlice in main sequence forces an update of the TSlice in secondary, etc...
if (mSlicerManagers[i]->GetFusionSequenceTemporalSyncFlag()) {
//WARNING: for some obscure reason, there are problems when accessing mSlicerManagers[mSlicerManagers[i]->GetFusionSequenceIndexOfLinkedManager()]->GetFusionSequenceFrameIndex();
- //int estimatedValue=mSlicerManagers[mSlicerManagers[i]->GetFusionSequenceIndexOfLinkedManager()]->GetFusionSequenceFrameIndex();
int estimatedValue=0;
- //TODO: if temporal sync is active
//estimate a corresponding time index for the secondary (US) sequence, and update it accordingly.
- //estimatedValue = ...
- overlayPanel->updateFusionSequenceSliderValueFromWindow(estimatedValue, true);
+ estimatedValue = mSlicerManagers[i]->GetFusionSequenceCorrespondances()[ value ];
+ //TODO: at the moment, there is a loop in TSlice modifications
+ //modifying sequence 1 causes seq 2 to update, which in turns update seq1...
+ //I disable control on seq1 at the moment.
+ //overlayPanel->updateFusionSequenceSliderValueFromWindow(estimatedValue, true);