#include "vtkFloatArray.h"
#include "vtkPointData.h"
#include "clitkCommon.h"
+#include <itksys/SystemTools.hxx>
vvLandmarks::vvLandmarks(int size)
-void vvLandmarks::LoadFile(std::string filename)
+bool vvLandmarks::LoadFile(std::string filename)
+ std::string extension = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameExtension(filename);
+ if (extension == ".txt")
+ return LoadTxtFile(filename);
+ else if (extension == ".pts")
+ return LoadPtsFile(filename);
+ return false;
+bool vvLandmarks::LoadTxtFile(std::string filename)
std::ifstream fp(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
if (!fp.is_open()) {
std::cerr <<"Unable to open file " << filename << std::endl;
- return;
+ return false;
mFilename = filename;
+ return true;
+bool vvLandmarks::LoadPtsFile(std::string filename)
+ std::ifstream fp(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
+ if (!fp.is_open()) {
+ std::cerr <<"Unable to open file " << filename << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ mFilename = filename;
+ mLandmarks.clear();
+ vtkIdType idPoint;
+ char line[255];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPoints.size(); i++)
+ mPoints[i]->SetNumberOfPoints(0);
+ bool first_line=true;
+ while (fp.getline(line,255)) {
+ // DD(line);
+ std::string stringline = line;
+ if (stringline.size() > 1) {
+ vvLandmark point;
+ int previousSpace = 0;
+ int space=0;
+ if (stringline[0] == '#') // comments
+ continue;
+ space = stringline.find("\t", previousSpace+1);
+ if (space < -1 || space > (int)stringline.size()) {
+ ErrorMsg(mLandmarks.size(),"x position");
+ continue;
+ }
+ point.coordinates[0] = atof(replace_dots(stringline.substr(previousSpace,space - previousSpace)).c_str());
+ // DD(point.coordinates[0]);
+ previousSpace = space;
+ space = stringline.find("\t", previousSpace+1);
+ if (space < -1 || space > (int)stringline.size()) {
+ ErrorMsg(mLandmarks.size(),"y position");
+ continue;
+ }
+ point.coordinates[1] = atof(replace_dots(stringline.substr(previousSpace,space - previousSpace)).c_str());
+ // DD(point.coordinates[1]);
+ previousSpace = space;
+ space = stringline.find("\t", previousSpace+1);
+ if (space < -1 || space > (int)stringline.size()) {
+ ErrorMsg(mLandmarks.size(),"z position");
+ continue;
+ }
+ point.coordinates[2] = atof(replace_dots(stringline.substr(previousSpace,space - previousSpace)).c_str());
+ previousSpace = space;
+ if (mFormatVersion>0) {
+ space = stringline.find("\t", previousSpace+1);
+ if (space < -1 || space > (int)stringline.size()) {
+ ErrorMsg(mLandmarks.size(),"t position");
+ continue;
+ }
+ point.coordinates[3] = atof(replace_dots(stringline.substr(previousSpace,space - previousSpace)).c_str());
+ previousSpace = space;
+ space = stringline.find("\t", previousSpace+1);
+ if (space < -1 || space > (int)stringline.size()) {
+ ErrorMsg(mLandmarks.size(),"pixel value");
+ continue;
+ }
+ point.pixel_value = atof(replace_dots(stringline.substr(previousSpace,space - previousSpace)).c_str());
+ // DD(point.pixel_value);
+ } else {
+ point.pixel_value=0.; //Not in file
+ point.coordinates[3]=0.;
+ }
+ previousSpace = space;
+ //this is the maximum size of comments
+ space = (stringline.find("\n", previousSpace+1) < 254 ? stringline.find("\n", previousSpace+1) : 254);
+ if (previousSpace != -1) {
+ point.comments = stringline.substr(previousSpace,space - (previousSpace)).c_str();
+ }
+ // DD(point.comments);
+ mLandmarks.push_back(point);
+ mIds->InsertNextTuple1(0.55);
+ idPoint = mPoints[int(point.coordinates[3])]->InsertNextPoint(
+ point.coordinates[0],point.coordinates[1],point.coordinates[2]);
+ std::string str_vtkIdType; // string which will contain the result
+ std::ostringstream convert; // stream used for the conversion
+ convert << idPoint; // insert the textual representation of 'idPoint' in the characters in the stream
+ str_vtkIdType = convert.str(); // set 'str_vtkIdType' to the contents of the stream
+ mLabels->InsertNextValue(str_vtkIdType.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ SetTime(0);
+ return true;
bool vvLandmarks::ErrorMsg(int num,const char * text)