Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: RawToDicomStack.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/06/12 13:26:39 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Date: $Date: 2009/01/14 12:32:35 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
-typedef char * PS8;
-typedef unsigned char * PU8;
-typedef short int * PS16;
+typedef char * PS8;
+typedef unsigned char * PU8;
+typedef short int * PS16;
typedef unsigned short int * PU16;
-typedef int * PS32;
-typedef unsigned int * PU32;
+typedef int * PS32;
+typedef unsigned int * PU32;
#define CRR(t1,t2) { for(int i=0;i<nY;i++) \
for(int j=0;j<nX;j++) \
for(int k=0;k<samplesPerPixel;k++) \
- *((t2)planePixels + i*nX +j+k) = *(((t1)pixels)+ nbPlanes*nX*nY + i*nX +j+k);\
+ *((t2)planePixelsOut + i*nX +j+k) = *(((t1)pixels)+ nbPlanes*nX*nY + i*nX +j+k);\
#define CFR(PPt) switch ( pixelTypeOutCode ) { \
- case -8 : CRR(PPt,PS8); break; \
- case 8 : CRR(PPt,PU8); break; \
+ case -8 : CRR(PPt,PS8); break; \
+ case 8 : CRR(PPt,PU8); break; \
case -16 : CRR(PPt,PS16); break; \
case 16 : CRR(PPt,PU16); break; \
case -32 : CRR(PPt,PS32); break; \
const char *inputFileName = am->ArgMgrGetString("filein");
const char *outputSkeletonFileName = am->ArgMgrGetString("fileout");
- const char *patientName = am->ArgMgrGetString("patientname", "g^Fantomas");
+ const char *patientName = am->ArgMgrGetString("patientname", "g^Fantomas");
int nX = am->ArgMgrWantInt("rows", usage);
int nY = am->ArgMgrWantInt("lines", usage);
std::string strPixelTypeOut(pixelTypeOut);
int pixelSignOut;
int pixelSizeOut;
- int pixelTypeOutCode; // for the swirch case
+ int pixelTypeOutCode; // for the switch case
if (strPixelTypeOut == "8S")
int singlePlaneDataSize = nX*nY*samplesPerPixel*pixelSizeOut;
int dataSize = singlePlaneDataSize*nZ;
- uint8_t *pixels = new uint8_t[dataSize];
- uint8_t *planePixels = new uint8_t[singlePlaneDataSize];
+ uint8_t *pixels = new uint8_t[dataSize];
+ uint8_t *planePixelsOut = new uint8_t[singlePlaneDataSize];
Fp->read((char*)pixels, (size_t)dataSize);
if ( pixelSize !=1 && ( (l && bigEndian) || (b && ! bigEndian) ) )
ConvertSwapZone(pixelSize, pixels, dataSize);
char outputFileName[200];
-for(int nbPlanes=0; nbPlanes<nZ; nbPlanes++)
+ for(int nbPlanes=0; nbPlanes<nZ; nbPlanes++)
+ {
-sprintf(outputFileName, "%s.%04d.dcm", outputSkeletonFileName,nbPlanes);
+ sprintf(outputFileName, "%s.%04d.dcm", outputSkeletonFileName,nbPlanes);
// Copy (and convert) pixels of a single plane
- switch ( pixelTypeCode ) {
- case 8 : CFR(PU8); break;
- case -8 : CFR(PS8); break;
- case -16 : CFR(PU16); break;
- case 16 : CFR(PS16); break;
- case -32 : CFR(PS32); break;
- case 32 : CFR(PU32); break;
- }
+ switch ( pixelTypeCode )
+ {
+ case 8 : CFR(PU8); break;
+ case -8 : CFR(PS8); break;
+ case -16 : CFR(PU16); break;
+ case 16 : CFR(PS16); break;
+ case -32 : CFR(PS32); break;
+ case 32 : CFR(PU32); break;
+ }
// Create an empty FileHelper
// Set the pixel type
- str << pixelSize*8;
+ str << pixelSizeOut*8;
fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0100, "US"); // Bits Allocated
- str << pixelSize*8;
+ str << pixelSizeOut*8;
fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0101, "US"); // Bits Stored
- str << ( pixelSize*8 - 1 );
+ str << ( pixelSizeOut*8 - 1 );
fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0102, "US"); // High Bit
// Set the image Pixel Data (plane)
- fileH->SetImageData(planePixels,singlePlaneDataSize);
+ fileH->SetImageData(planePixelsOut,singlePlaneDataSize);
// Set the writting mode and write the image
} // end iterate on the planes
delete[] pixels;
- delete[] planePixels;
+ delete[] planePixelsOut;
return 1;