-=== === === NEW (new way) UNIX / LINUX / MacOS users === === ===
+=== === === UNIX / LINUX / MacOS users === === ===
0) cd Linux
1) read the README.txt
Do not forget to run your ssh key with puttyAgent
All the creatools projects are downloaded from the CVS, compiled and the CTest for the dashboard is run.
-Forget the following lines !
-=== === === (new way) UNIX / LINUX users === === ===
-1) Make sure everything you'll need is properly installed :
-crea_Developers_tools, crea_ThirdParty_Libraries
-have a look at :
-and/or :
-cd Install_ThirdParty
-follow the Readme.txt
-2) make sure VTK_DIR environment variable is set properly :
-echo $VTK_DIR
-Set it, if not OK:
-export VTK_DIR=/usr/local/lib/vtk-5.4, for instance
-3) make sure LATEX_COMPILER environment variable is set properly :
-Set it, if not OK:
-export LATEX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/latex, for instance
-4) Make sure you got the last version of creaToolsTools.
-cvs update -dP creaToolsTools
-a) cd Install
-b) cp configure.sh_TEMPLATE configure.sh
-c) modify (only once) the file configure.sh, according to your preferences:
-vim configure.sh
-as follows :
--- configure.sh ---------------------
-generationdir=<name of the Generation Directory>
-docgeneration=<Boolean For Doc Generation> : ON / OFF
-cvsUserName=<user Name For CVS>
-installPrefix=<installPrefix> : /usr/local or $generationdir/creatools_install
-buildType=<buildType> : Release / Debug
-gdcmVersion=<GDCM Version> : GDCM1 / GDCM2
-sourcesFrom=<where do you want to get them from> : CVS / HTML
-d) if you choosed 'sourcesFrom=CVS' :
-<type your cvs password>
-e) sh scripts/make.sh
-f) make sure everything is OK
-g) switch as root
-h) sh scripts/make-install.sh
-=== === === (old way) UNIX / LINUX users === === ===
-0) Make sure you are a 'sudoer'.
-have a look at :
---sudo configuration--
-1) ssh-add
-<type your cvs password>
-2) Make sure you got the last version of creaToolsTools.
-cvs update -dP creaToolsTools
-3) Make sure everything you'll need is properly installed :
-crea_Developers_tools, crea_ThirdParty_Libraries
-have a look at :
-and/or :
-cd Install_ThirdParty
-follow the Readme.txt
-4) make sure VTK_DIR environment variable is set properly :
-echo $VTK_DIR
-Set it, if not OK:
-export VTK_DIR=/usr/local/lib/vtk-5.4, for instance
-5) make sure LATEX_COMPILER environment variable is set properly :
-Set it, if not OK:
-export LATEX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/latex, for instance
-6)cd Install
-cp creatools.sh_TEMPLATE creatools.sh
-7) modify the file creatools.sh, according to your preferences, modify (only once) creatools.sh
-vim creatools.sh
-as follows :
--- creatools.sh ---------------------
-creatoolsGeneration=<directory you want to generate in>
-installPrefix=<your Install dir> or </usr/local>
-docGeneration=<OFF|ON> let it to OFF!
-cd scripts
-sh All.sh $creatoolsGeneration $docGeneration $cvsUser $installPrefix $buildType
-cd ..
-7) Run the whole stuff :
-sh creatools.sh
-8) if you performed a 'local install' (i.e : you *didn't* use installPrefix=/usr/local)
-edit your .bash_profile
-export PATH
-Forget the following lines !
-Tools to manage the creaTools suite (build, test, submit to dashboard, package, ...)
-* ctest:
-ctest scripts and instructions to perform automated build/testing and submission to creatis cdash dashboard
-* windows:
-windows installers of the suite and instructions to package the suite for windows. subdirs:
- * creaThirdParty_dlls:
- project which creates the creaThirdParty_dlls win installer (using cmake and NSIS)
- * CreaTools_win32_installers:
- batch installers of the suite