# Viewer
+ # settings
+ creaImageIOSettings
#include <creaImageIOGimmick.h>
#include <creaImageIOSystem.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+ mSettings->writeSettingsFile();
+ delete mSettings;
+ delete mSynchronizer;
mCurrentDirectory = GetHomeDirectory();
mSynchronizer= new Synchronizer(GetUserSettingsDirectory());
+ mSettings = new Settings(mCurrentDirectory);
std::string dbpath = GetLocalDatabasePath();
// Create or open local database
mLocalDatabase = createDB(i_nameDB, mCurrentDirectory + "\\.gimmick\\localdatabase_Descriptor.txt", dbpath);
// Add it to the TreeHandlerMap
mTreeHandlerMap[i_nameDB] = mLocalDatabase;
+ //Add additional DB from user Settings
+ addDBSettings();
// Creates files and directories database
mTimestampDatabase = new TimestampDatabaseHandler(GetTimestampDatabasePath());
// Create or open local database
mTreeHandlerMap[i_name] = new SQLiteTreeHandler(i_location);
+ mSettings->addDB(i_location);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // add DB from Settings file //
+ // @param : - //
+ // return : - //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Gimmick::addDBSettings()
+ {
+ std::string pathSettings = mSettings->getValue(SETTINGS_DBPATH);
+ // split to find all paths
+ std::vector<std::string> paths;
+ std::string separator = ";";
+ std::string::size_type last_pos = pathSettings.find_first_not_of(separator);
+ //find first separator
+ std::string::size_type pos = pathSettings.find_first_of(separator, last_pos);
+ while(std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != last_pos)
+ {
+ paths.push_back(pathSettings.substr(last_pos, pos - last_pos));
+ last_pos = pathSettings.find_first_not_of(separator, pos);
+ pos = pathSettings.find_first_of(separator, last_pos);
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator it_path = paths.begin();
+ for(; it_path != paths.end(); ++it_path)
+ {
+ pos = it_path->find_last_of("\\");
+ last_pos = it_path->find_last_of(".");
+ std::string name = it_path->substr(pos +1, last_pos -pos-1 );
+ addDB(name, it_path->c_str());
+ }
+ }
#include <creaImageIOTreeHandlerImageAdder.h>
#include <creaImageIOTimestampDatabaseHandler.h>
#include <creaImageIOSynchron.h>
+#include <creaImageIOSettings.h>
namespace creaImageIO
const SQLiteTreeHandler* GetLocalDatabase() const
{ return mLocalDatabase; }
+ // add DB from Settings file
+ void addDBSettings();
const std::string& GetHomeDirectory();
std::string mUserSettingsDirectory;
std::string mLocalDatabasePath;
std::string mTimestampDatabasePath;
+ Settings *mSettings;
TreeHandlerImageAdder mImageAdder;
// EO class Gimmick
--- /dev/null
+#include <creaImageIOSettings.h>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace boost;
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+namespace creaImageIO
+ Settings::Settings(const std::string i_path)
+ {
+ //need to position path in user directory first.
+ m_SettingsFileName = i_path + "\\.gimmick\\app.config";
+ //Test if Settings File exist
+ if(!boost::filesystem::exists(m_SettingsFileName) )
+ {
+ createFile();
+ }
+ std::ifstream ifs(m_SettingsFileName.c_str());
+ std::string line;
+ std::string sets;
+ if (ifs.is_open())
+ {
+ while (! ifs.eof() )
+ {
+ getline(ifs,line);
+ sets += line;
+ }
+ ifs.close();
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> Keys;
+ Keys.push_back(SETTINGS_SYNC_EVENT);
+ Keys.push_back(SETTINGS_DBPATH);
+ Keys.push_back(SETTINGS_SYNC_FREQ);
+ readSettings(Keys, sets);
+ }
+ Settings::~Settings()
+ {
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // create the config file //
+ //@param : - //
+ // return : - //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Settings::createFile()
+ {
+ m_SettingsMap[SETTINGS_SYNC_FREQ] = "12";
+ m_SettingsMap[SETTINGS_SYNC_EVENT] = "end";
+ m_SettingsMap[SETTINGS_DBPATH] = "";
+ m_SettingsMap[SETTINGS_DICOM_LIBRARY] = "gdcm";
+ writeSettingsFile();
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // read Settings from config file //
+ // @param i_keys : list of keys //
+ // @param i_file : text from config file //
+ // return : -
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Settings::readSettings(std::vector<std::string> &i_Keys, const std::string &i_file)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator it_key = i_Keys.begin();
+ for(; it_key< i_Keys.end(); ++it_key)
+ {
+ size_t fpos = i_file.find(it_key->c_str());
+ size_t lpos = i_file.rfind(it_key->c_str());
+ if(fpos != std::string::npos && lpos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ m_SettingsMap[it_key->c_str()] = i_file.substr(fpos + it_key->size(),lpos-fpos - it_key->size());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // add a path to a DB //
+ // @param i_path : DB path to add //
+ // return : - //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Settings::addDB(const std::string &i_path)
+ {
+ if(m_SettingsMap[SETTINGS_DBPATH].find(i_path) == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ m_SettingsMap[SETTINGS_DBPATH] += i_path + ";";
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // remove a path to a DB //
+ // @param i_path : DB path to delete (don't exist anymore) //
+ // return : -
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Settings::removeDB(const std::string &i_path)
+ {
+ boost::algorithm::replace_all(m_SettingsMap[SETTINGS_DBPATH],i_path + ";","");
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // write Settings buffer from //
+ // @param o_file : settings buffer //
+ // //
+ // return : - //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Settings::writeSettings(std::ofstream &o_file)
+ {
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it_map = m_SettingsMap.begin();
+ std::stringstream st;
+ for(; it_map != m_SettingsMap.end(); ++it_map)
+ {
+ o_file << it_map->first.c_str();
+ o_file << it_map->second.c_str();
+ o_file << it_map->first.c_str();
+ o_file << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // write Settings file //
+ // @param : - //
+ // return : -
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Settings::writeSettingsFile()
+ {
+ std::ofstream ofs(m_SettingsFileName.c_str());
+ ofs.clear();
+ writeSettings(ofs);
+ ofs.close();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <map>
+#define SETTINGS_SYNC_EVENT "<syncro_event>"
+#define SETTINGS_SYNC_FREQ "<syncro_frequency>"
+#define SETTINGS_DBPATH "<dbpath>"
+namespace creaImageIO
+ class Settings{
+ public :
+ Settings(const std::string i_path);
+ ~Settings();
+ //get the value for a given option
+ const std::string getValue(const std::string i_key){return m_SettingsMap[i_key];}
+ void addDB(const std::string &i_path);
+ void removeDB(const std::string &i_path);
+ //write configuration file
+ void writeSettingsFile();
+ private :
+ // Settings Key-Value Map
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> m_SettingsMap;
+ //read the configuration file
+ void readSettings(std::vector<std::string> &i_Keys, const std::string &i_file);
+ // create the configuration file
+ void createFile();
+ void writeSettings(std::ofstream &o_filebuf);
+ std::string m_SettingsFileName;
+ };