## Created: 2016-02-11
## Example of use :
-## SimuPBI_circle_func('Analytical', 2, 'test', [0 0.1 0.5], 19, 2.7, 300, 180, 1, 1, 0.89, 8.265*10^-7, 100, 500, [200 250], '', 'gaussian', 35)
+## SimuPBI_circle_func('Analytical', 2, 'test', [0 0.1 0.5], 19, 2.7, 300, 180, 1, 1, 0.89, 8.265, 100, 500, [200 250], '', 'gaussian', 35)
## Please note that dir_out, noise_type, noise_amount are optional arguments.
## material of the circle (here, PET at 19 keV)
%mu_mat=0.89889 % (in cm-1);
+%delta_mat=8.265; (in 10^-7)
## size and coordinates
%R_circle=50; % radius of the circle
% absorption and phase parameter
mu_mat=mu_mat*100; % in m-1 , to be consistant with lambda!!
%% Cartes 2D d'attenuation et d/b