\end {itemize}
-All these criterions are \emph{Added} while the query process.\\
+All these criterions are \emph{AND}ed while the query process.\\
You can get the whole description of a given box or application clicking on its name.
% ==========================================
You will have to update the \emph{bbtk\_config.xml} file.\\
-To know where it is stored, just click on \texttt{Config} button of the Command part tool bar.
+To know where it is stored, just click on \texttt{Config} button of the \texttt{Command} part toolbar.
You'll get something like :
at the end of the \texttt{BBS Paths} part
- the name of the directory that contains the \texttt{.bbs} sripts of the package you
+ the name of the directory that contains the \texttt{.bbs} scripts of the package you
want to use,
\item at the end of the \texttt{PACKAGE Paths} part
- the name of the directory that contains the dynamic libraries (\texttt{.dll} or \texttt{.so}) of the package you must run the
- option \texttt{Generate index} in the menu \texttt{Tools}.
-want to use.
+ the name of the directory that contains the dynamic libraries (\texttt{.dll} or \texttt{.so}) of the package
-If you want (and sure you will) to be able to use the Help tools as well on the features provided by this package, you must
+If you want (and sure you will) to be able to use the Help tools as well on the features provided by this package, you must use the
+option \texttt{Generate index} in the menu \texttt{Tools} of the \texttt{Files} part toolbar.
% ==========================================
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\section{Using black boxes in \CPP programs}