Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: PrintFile.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/05/03 10:57:27 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.35 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/05/04 07:29:17 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.36 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
e1->SetLoadMode(NO_SEQ | NO_SHADOW);
// gdcm::File::IsReadable() is no usable here, because we deal with
- // any kind of gdcm::Readable *document*
+ // any kind of gdcm-Parsable *document*
// not only gdcm::File (as opposed to gdcm::DicomDir)
res = e1->Load( fileName.c_str() );
- if ( res )
+ if ( !res )
delete e1;
return 0;
std::cout << "\n\n" << std::endl;
std::cout <<std::endl;
- std::cout <<" dataSize " << f1->GetImageDataSize() << std::endl;
+ std::cout <<" dataSize " << f1->GetImageDataSize() << std::endl;
std::cout <<" dataSizeRaw " << f1->GetImageDataRawSize() << std::endl;
int nX,nY,nZ,sPP,planarConfig;
sPP = e1->GetSamplesPerPixel();
planarConfig = e1->GetPlanarConfiguration();
- std::cout << " pixelType= [" << pixelType
+ std::cout << " pixelType= [" << pixelType
<< "] SamplesPerPixel= [" << sPP
<< "] PlanarConfiguration= [" << planarConfig
<< "] "<< std::endl
Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: exAnonymizeNoLoad.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/05/03 10:57:27 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/05/04 07:29:17 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.8 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
// gdcm::File::IsReadable() is no usable here, because we deal with
// any kind of gdcm::Readable *document*
// not only gdcm::File (as opposed to gdcm::DicomDir)
- if (res) {
+ if ( !res ) {
std::cout <<std::endl
<< "Sorry, " << fileName <<" not a gdcm-readable "
<< "DICOM / ACR Document"