=============Install cmake =========================
-1) Install cmake outside the directory "Programs Files"
+ visualStudio
+ Putty
+ Graphviz
+ doxygen
+ TortoiseCVS
+ cmake (outside of "Programs Files")
+ crea_ThirdParty_Libraries (outside of "Programs Files")
+outside of "Programs Files"
To avoid the probleme of: Read only
cd %2
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild %%a /p:Configuration=%1
-FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild INSTALL.vcproj
-FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild PACKAGE.vcproj
+FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild /p:Configuration=%1 INSTALL.vcproj
+FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild /p:Configuration=%1 PACKAGE.vcproj
cd ..