Module: $RCSfile: gdcmFileHelper.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2006/02/16 20:06:14 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.93 $
+ Date: $Date: 2006/02/16 21:27:41 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.94 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
* \return false if DataEntry not found
bool FileHelper::SetEntryString(std::string const &content,
- uint16_t group, uint16_t elem)
+ uint16_t group, uint16_t elem)
return FileInternal->SetEntryString(content, group, elem);
* \return false if DataEntry not found
bool FileHelper::SetEntryBinArea(uint8_t *content, int lgth,
- uint16_t group, uint16_t elem)
+ uint16_t group, uint16_t elem)
return FileInternal->SetEntryBinArea(content, lgth, group, elem);
* failed).
DataEntry *FileHelper::InsertEntryBinArea(uint8_t *binArea, int lgth,
- uint16_t group, uint16_t elem)
+ uint16_t group, uint16_t elem)
return FileInternal->InsertEntryBinArea(binArea, lgth, group, elem);
are created, with empty value if there are missing.
void FileHelper::CheckMandatoryElements()
std::string sop = Util::CreateUniqueUID();
// just to remember : 'official' 0002 group
if ( WriteType != ACR && WriteType != ACR_LIBIDO )
// Always modify the value
// Push the entries to the archive.
DataEntry *e_0002_0001 = CopyDataEntry(0x0002,0x0001, "OB");
// Potentialy this is a post-processed image
// 'Media Storage SOP Class UID' --> [Secondary Capture Image Storage]
// 'Media Storage SOP Instance UID'
// 'Implementation Class UID'
// FIXME : in all examples we have, 0x0002,0x0012 is not so long :
- // semms to be Root UID + 4 digits (?)
+ // seems to be Root UID + 4 digits (?)
// 'Implementation Version Name'
// Samples Per Pixel (type 1) : default to grayscale
// --- Check UID-related Entries ---
// If 'SOP Class UID' exists ('true DICOM' image)
// ---- The user will never have to take any action on the following ----
// new value for 'SOP Instance UID'
// Modality : if missing we set it to 'OTher'
// Referring Physician's Name :'type 2' entry -> must exist, value not mandatory
// Deal with element 0x0000 (group length) of each group.
// First stage : get all the different Groups
UserFunction = 0;
KeepMediaStorageSOPClassUID = false;
WriteMode = WMODE_RAW;
WriteType = ExplicitVR;