+2004-07-01 Eric Boix <Eric.Boix@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
+ * Test/*.cxx and Example/*.cxx: moved some examples away from the
+ test suite to the Example directory. Are concerned:
+ - PrintHeader.cxx
+ - TestDcm2Acr.cxx
+ - TestFindTags.cxx
+ - TestWrite.cxx was
+ - TestWriteSimple.cxx
+ * Test/CMakeLists.txt: added some comments on reasons for black listing
+ image gdcmData/oldACR00001.ima
2004-06-30 Eric Boix <Eric.Boix@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
* Test/CmakeList.txt: removed the following from black list (to be coherent
with removal from gdcmData):
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(FindTags FindTags.cxx)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(TestDcm2Acr TestDcm2Acr.cxx)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(TestWrite TestWrite.cxx)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(TestWriteSimple TestWriteSimple.cxx)
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(TestWriteSimple gdcm)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(PrintDocument PrintDocument.cxx)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(PrintFile PrintFile.cxx)
-ADD_EXECUTABLE(Write Write.cxx)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(PrintHeader PrintHeader.cxx)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(WriteDicom WriteDicom.cxx)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(Write Write.cxx)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(WriteRead WriteRead.cxx)
--- /dev/null
+#include <iostream>
+//#include <glib.h>
+#include "gdcm.h"
+#include "math.h"
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ std::string toto, titi;
+ gdcmFile * f1;
+ if(argc > 1 )
+ f1 = new gdcmFile(argv[1]);
+ else {
+ toto = GDCM_DATA_ROOT;
+ toto += "/test.acr";
+ f1 = new gdcmFile(toto);
+ }
+ std::string ManufacturerName="SIEMENS ";
+ std::string RecCode="ACR-NEMA 2.0";
+ std::string ImagePositionPatient, Location, ImageLocation;
+ char zozo[100], zizi[50];
+ char c;
+ float x, y, z, l;
+ int dataSize = f1->GetImageDataSize();
+ printf ("---> pourFindTaggs : dataSize %d\n",dataSize);
+ f1->SetEntryByNumber(RecCode ,0x0008,0x0010);
+ f1->SetEntryByNumber(ManufacturerName ,0x0008,0x0070);
+// ImagePositionPatient
+ ImagePositionPatient = f1->GetHeader()->GetEntryByNumber(0x0020,0x0032);
+// Image Position (RET)
+ f1->SetEntryByNumber(ImagePositionPatient, 0x0020,0x0030);
+ sscanf(ImagePositionPatient.c_str(), "%f%c%f%c%f", &x,&c,&y,&c,&z);
+// ceci est probablement une mauvaise idée !
+// (peut casser l'ordre des images si la pile d'images
+// traverse l'axe des X, ou des Y, ou des Z)
+//l=sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
+// ceci ne marchera pas si on se déplace à Z constant :-(
+ l=z;
+// existerait-il qq chose qui marche à tout coup?
+// Location
+ sprintf(zizi,"%f\n",l);
+ Location = zizi;
+ f1->SetEntryByNumber(Location, 0x0020,0x0050);
+// sinon, la longueur du champ est erronée (?!?)
+// Probable sac de noeud entre strlen(xxx.c_str()) et xxx.length()
+// a eclaircir !
+// SetEntryLengthByNumber is private now.
+//TO DO : see is the pb goes on...
+//f1->GetHeader()->SetEntryLengthByNumber(strlen(Location.c_str())-1, 0x0020,0x0050);
+// Image Location
+ sprintf(zizi,"%d\n",0x7FE0);
+ ImageLocation = zizi;
+//f1->SetEntryByNumber(Location, 0x0028,0x0200);
+//f1->GetHeader()->SetEntryLengthByNumber(strlen(ImageLocation.c_str())-1, 0x0020,0x0050); // prudence !
+// void* imageData= f1->GetImageData();
+// ecriture d'un fichier ACR à partir d'un dcmHeader correct.
+ printf ("----------------avant PrintEntry---------------------\n");
+ f1->GetHeader()->Print();
+ printf ("----------------avant WriteDcm---------------------\n");
+// ecriture d'un fichier ACR à partir d'un dcmHeader correct.
+ sprintf(zozo, "%s.acr", toto.c_str());
+ printf ("WriteACR\n");
+ f1->WriteAcr(zozo);
+ printf ("----------------apres Write---------------------\n");
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <iostream>
+#include "gdcm.h"
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ bool dropPriv = false;
+ bool showSeq = true;
+ std::string fileName;
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ std::cout << argv[0] <<
+ " fileName" << std::endl <<
+ " [nopriv] if you don't want to print Shadow groups" << std::endl <<
+ " [noseq] if you don't want to 'go inside' the SQ's" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ fileName=argv[1];
+ } else {
+ fileName += GDCM_DATA_ROOT;
+ fileName += "/test.acr";
+ }
+ for (int j=0;j<argc;j++) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[j],"nopriv")==0)
+ dropPriv=true;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[j],"noseq")==0)
+ showSeq=false;
+ }
+ gdcmFile *e2 = new gdcmFile(fileName.c_str(),false, showSeq, dropPriv);
+ gdcmHeader *e1 = e2->GetHeader();
+ if (argc > 2) {
+ int level = atoi(argv[2]);
+ e1->SetPrintLevel(level);
+ }
+ e1->Print();
+ std::cout << "\n\n" << std::endl;
+ std::string transferSyntaxName = e1->GetTransfertSyntaxName();
+ std::cout << " TransferSyntaxName= [" << transferSyntaxName << "]" << std::endl;
+ if ( transferSyntaxName != "Implicit VR - Little Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Explicit VR - Little Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Deflated Explicit VR - Little Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Explicit VR - Big Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Uncompressed ACR-NEMA" )
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "==========================================="
+ << std::endl;
+ e2->ParsePixelData();
+ std::cout << std::endl << "==========================================="
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(e1->IsReadable())
+ std::cout <<std::endl<<fileName<<" is Readable"<<std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout <<std::endl<<fileName<<" is NOT Readable"<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<std::flush;
+ delete e1;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <iostream>
+#include "gdcm.h"
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ std::string toto;
+ char zozo[100];
+ gdcmFile * f1;
+ printf (" Before gdcmFile() \n");
+ printf ("\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n");
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ toto = argv[1];
+ f1 = new gdcmFile(toto);
+ } else {
+ std::string filename = GDCM_DATA_ROOT;
+ filename += "/test.acr";
+ f1 = new gdcmFile(filename.c_str());
+ }
+ printf (" Sortie gdcmFile() \n");
+ //e1.PrintPubDict(std::cout);
+ f1->GetHeader()->Print();
+ //cle = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(0x0028,0x0008);
+ int dataSize = f1->GetImageDataSize();
+ printf ("dataSize %d\n",dataSize);
+ // void* imageData= f1->GetHeader()->GetImageData();
+ // Ecriture d'un Raw File, a afficher avec affim filein= dim= nbit= signe=
+ //f1->WriteRawData("image.raw");
+ // ecriture d'un fichier DICOM à partir d'un dcmHeader correct.
+ //f1->WriteDcmImplVR("image.dcm");
+ // ecriture d'un fichier ACR à partir d'un dcmHeader correct.
+ sprintf(zozo, "%s.nema", toto.c_str());
+ f1->WriteAcr(zozo);
+ printf ("\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n");
+ f1->GetHeader()->Print();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <iostream>
+#include "gdcm.h"
+#include "gdcmHeader.h"
+#include "gdcmDocument.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ std::string toto;
+ char zozo[200];
+ gdcmHeader* e1;
+ gdcmFile * f1;
+ //gdcmDocument * d; //not used
+ void* imageData;
+ int dataSize;
+ if (argc < 3) {
+ std::cerr << "usage: " << std::endl
+ << argv[0] << " fileName writtingMode "
+ << std::endl
+ << "(a : ACR, d : DICOM Implicit VR,"
+ << " x : DICOM Explicit VR r : RAW)"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (0) { // Just to keep the code for further use
+ std::cout <<std::endl << "-------- Test gdcmHeader ------" <<std::endl;
+ e1 = new gdcmHeaderHelper(argv[1]);
+ if (!f1->GetHeader()->IsReadable()) {
+ std::cout << "Sorry, not a DICOM / ACR File" <<std::endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl << "----------------------> after new gdcmHeader"
+ << std::endl;
+ e1->PrintEntry();
+ std::cout <<std::endl <<"---------------------------------------"
+ <<std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl
+ << "--------------------- file :" << argv[1]
+ << std::endl;
+ toto = argv[1];
+ e1 = new gdcmHeader(toto.c_str(), false, true);
+ if (!e1->IsReadable()) {
+ std::cerr << "Sorry, not a Readable DICOM / ACR File" <<std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // e1->Print();
+ f1 = new gdcmFile(e1);
+// ---
+ dataSize = f1->GetImageDataSize();
+ std::cout <<std::endl <<" dataSize " << dataSize << std::endl;
+ int nX,nY,nZ,sPP,planarConfig;
+ std::string pixelType, transferSyntaxName;
+ nX=e1->GetXSize();
+ nY=e1->GetYSize();
+ nZ=e1->GetZSize();
+ std::cout << " DIMX=" << nX << " DIMY=" << nY << " DIMZ=" << nZ << std::endl;
+ pixelType = e1->GetPixelType();
+ sPP = e1->GetSamplesPerPixel();
+ planarConfig = e1->GetPlanarConfiguration();
+ std::cout << " pixelType=" << pixelType
+ << " SampleserPixel=" << sPP
+ << " PlanarConfiguration=" << planarConfig
+ << " PhotometricInterpretation="
+ << e1->GetEntryByNumber(0x0028,0x0004)
+ << std::endl;
+ int numberOfScalarComponents=e1->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
+ std::cout << "NumberOfScalarComponents " << numberOfScalarComponents <<std::endl;
+ transferSyntaxName = e1->GetTransfertSyntaxName();
+ std::cout << " TransferSyntaxName= [" << transferSyntaxName << "]" << std::endl;
+ if ( transferSyntaxName != "Implicit VR - Little Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Explicit VR - Little Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Deflated Explicit VR - Little Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Explicit VR - Big Endian"
+ && transferSyntaxName != "Uncompressed ACR-NEMA" ) {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "==========================================="
+ << std::endl;
+ f1->ParsePixelData();
+ std::cout << std::endl << "==========================================="
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ imageData= f1->GetImageData();
+ switch (argv[2][0]) {
+ case 'a' :
+ // ecriture d'un fichier ACR
+ // à partir d'un dcmHeader correct.
+ sprintf(zozo, "%s.ACR", toto.c_str());
+ printf ("WriteACR\n");
+ f1->WriteAcr(zozo);
+ break;
+ case 'd' :
+ // ecriture d'un fichier DICOM Implicit VR
+ // à partir d'un dcmHeader correct.
+ sprintf(zozo, "%s.DCM", toto.c_str());
+ printf ("WriteDCM Implicit VR\n");
+ f1->WriteDcmImplVR(zozo);
+ break;
+ case 'x' :
+ // ecriture d'un fichier DICOM Explicit VR
+ // à partir d'un dcmHeader correct.
+ sprintf(zozo, "%s.XDCM", toto.c_str());
+ std::cout << "WriteDCM Explicit VR" << std::endl;
+ f1->WriteDcmExplVR(zozo);
+ break;
+ case 'r' :
+ // Ecriture d'un Raw File, a afficher avec
+ // affim filein= dimx= dimy= nbit= signe=
+ sprintf(zozo, "%s.RAW", toto.c_str());
+ std::cout << "WriteRaw" << std::endl;
+ f1->WriteRawData(zozo);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
-#include "gdcmHeader.h"
-#include "gdcmFile.h"
-#include "gdcmDebug.h"
+#include "gdcm.h"
-int TestWriteSimple(int argc, char* argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 3)
# They usally return if no argument is given
- TestDcm2Acr.cxx
- TestWrite.cxx
- TestReadWriteReadCompare.cxx
- TestWriteSimple.cxx
# add tests that require data
- #PrintHeader.cxx #require test.acr
- PrintAllDocument.cxx #require test.acr
+ TestReadWriteReadCompare.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h
+ PrintAllDocument.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h
- TestFindTags.cxx
TestDicomDir.cxx #require DICOMDIR
"irmPhlipsNew1.dcm" #png looks ugly
"mriThruVPRO.dcm" #png looks ugly
"gdcm-MR-SIEMENS-16-1.acr" #segfaults TestReadWriteReadCompare
- "oldACR00001.ima" #segfaults TestReadWriteReadCompare
+ #segfaults TestReadWriteReadCompare: this image looks corrupted:
+ # - it's pixel data is 132096 bytes long
+ # - it has a size of 256x256 with 16 bytes per pixel, i.e. a size
+ # of 256*256*2 = 131072 bytes.
+ # Since there is a missmatch, when we have the following call stack:
+ # gdcmFile::GetImageData()
+ # PixelData = new uint8_t[ImageDataSize];
+ # \--->::GetImageDataIntoVector(destination, ImageDataSize)
+ # \---> ::ReadPixelData(destination)
+ # \---> fread(destination, Header->GetPixelAreaLength(), 1, fp);
+ # we get a segfault because :
+ # - destination is ImageDataSize i.e. 131072 bytes long
+ # - Header->GetPixelAreaLength() = 132096 bytes long
+ "oldACR00001.ima"
# gdcm-ACR-LibIDO seems to be cut