]> Creatis software - creaMaracasVisu.git/commitdiff
remove surface rendering files from folder
authorJuan Prieto <Juan.Prieto@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
Tue, 28 Jun 2011 16:39:47 +0000 (16:39 +0000)
committerJuan Prieto <Juan.Prieto@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
Tue, 28 Jun 2011 16:39:47 +0000 (16:39 +0000)
13 files changed:
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.cxx [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.h [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.cxx [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.h [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.cxx [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.h [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.cxx [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.h [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel.h [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D.cxx [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D.h [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.cxx [deleted file]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.cxx b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 57beff0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   wxMaracas
-  Module:    $RCSfile: wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.cxx,v $
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date: 2010/01/21 13:54:15 $
-  Version:   $Revision: 1.11 $
-  Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003
-  License:
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
-// EOF - wxMaracasMPR.cxx
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.h"
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.h"
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D.h"
-#include <wx/colordlg.h>
-#include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
-#include <OpenImage.xpm>
-#include <Color.xpm>
-wxMaracasSurfaceRendering* wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::instance=NULL;
-wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::wxMaracasSurfaceRendering( wxWindow* parent,std::string path)
-: wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize){
-       surrendmanager = new wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager();
-       wxauimanager = new wxAuiManager(this);
-       _path = path;
-       std::string iconsdir = path;
-       iconsdir+="/data/Icons";
-       this->_toolb = new ToolBar(this,iconsdir);
-       wxStaticText* txt = new wxStaticText(this, -1, wxString(_T("  Surface Rendering  ")));
-       wxAuiPaneInfo paneinfo;
-       wxauimanager->AddPane(txt,paneinfo.ToolbarPane().Top());
-       wxauimanager->AddPane(_toolb,paneinfo.ToolbarPane().Top());
-       wxauimanager->Update();
-       createFileChooser();
-wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::~wxMaracasSurfaceRendering( ){
-       delete _toolb;
-std::string wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getPath(){
-       return _path;
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::createFileChooser(){
-wxMaracasSurfaceRendering* wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance(wxWindow* parent,std::string path){
-       if(instance==NULL){
-               instance = new wxMaracasSurfaceRendering(parent,path);
-       }
-       return instance;
-wxMaracasSurfaceRendering* wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance(){
-       return instance;
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::setRenderer(vtkRenderer*  renderer){
-       surrendmanager->setRenderer(renderer);
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::setInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor){
-       surrendmanager->setInteractor(interactor);
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::addRemoveActor(int propid, bool addremove){
-       try{
-               surrendmanager->addRemoveActor(propid, addremove);
-       }
-       catch(char* str){
-               std::cout << "Exception : " << str << '\n';
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::addRemoveSurfaceBox(int propid, bool addremove){
-       try{
-               surrendmanager->addRemoveSurfaceBox(propid, addremove);
-       }
-       catch(char* str){
-               std::cout << "Exception : " << str << '\n';
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::changeOpacity(int _propid, int value){
-       try{
-               surrendmanager->changeOpacity(_propid,value);
-       }
-       catch(char* str){
-               std::cout << "Exception : " << str << '\n';
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::changeIsoValue(int propid, double value){
-       try{
-               surrendmanager->changeIsoValue(propid, value);
-       }
-       catch(char* str){
-               std::cout << "Exception : " << str << '\n';
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::changeColor(int propid, double red, double green, double blue){
-       try{
-               surrendmanager->changeColor(propid, red, green, blue);
-       }catch(char* str){
-               wxString s( str,wxConvUTF8 );
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, s, s, wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::onLoadImageFile(){
-       wxString mhd(_T("mhd"));
-       wxString stl(_T("stl"));
-       wxFileDialog* fildial = new wxFileDialog(this, wxString(_T("Select a STL file")),wxString(_T("")),
-               wxString(_T("")),wxString(_T("STL files (*.stl)|*.stl|MHD files (*.mhd)|*.mhd")) );
-       if(fildial->ShowModal()==wxID_OK){
-        wxString filename = fildial->GetFilename();
-               wxString pathfile(fildial->GetDirectory() + _T("/") + filename);
-               if(filename.EndsWith(mhd))
-               {
-                       loadPropMHD(pathfile,filename);
-               }
-               else if(filename.EndsWith(stl)){
-            loadProp3D(pathfile,filename);
-               }
-       }
-       delete fildial;
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::loadPropMHD(wxString filename, wxString dataname){
-       std::string s = std::string(filename.mb_str());
-       vtkImageData* img = surrendmanager->getImageData(s);
-       if(img!=NULL){
-               s = std::string(dataname.mb_str());
-               addPropMHD(img, s);
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::addPropMHD(vtkImageData* imgdata, std::string dataname){
-       try{
-               int id = surrendmanager->addPropMHD(-1, imgdata,dataname);
-               if(id!=-1){
-                       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel* controlpan = new wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD(this, id, false, -1);
-                       int maxiso = surrendmanager->getMaxIsoValue(id);
-                       ((wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD*)controlpan)->createControls(maxiso);
-                       addSurfaceRenderingPanel(controlpan, dataname);
-               }
-       }catch(char* str){
-               std::cout << "Exception : " << str << '\n';
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString( str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxString( str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::loadProp3D(wxString filename, wxString dataname){
-       std::string s = std::string(filename.mb_str());
-       vtkProp3D* prop3D = surrendmanager->getProp3D(s);
-       if(prop3D != NULL){
-               s = std::string(dataname.mb_str() );
-               this->addProp3D(prop3D,s);
-       }else{
-               //TODO msj to the user indicating error in file
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::addProp3D(vtkProp3D* prop3D, std::string dataname){
-       try{
-               int id = surrendmanager->addProp3D(-1, prop3D,dataname);
-               if(id!=-1){
-                       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel* controlpan = new wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D(this, id, false, -1);
-                       addSurfaceRenderingPanel(controlpan, dataname);
-               }
-       }catch(char* str){
-               std::cout << "Exception : " << str << '\n';
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::addSurfaceRenderingPanel(wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel* surrend, std::string dataname){
-       wxString s(dataname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8 );
-       wxAuiPaneInfo paneinfo;
-       wxauimanager->AddPane(surrend, paneinfo.DefaultPane().Centre().DestroyOnClose().Caption(s));
-       wxauimanager->Update();
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::deleteActor(int propid){
-       try{
-               surrendmanager->deleteActor(propid);
-       }catch(char* str){
-               //CPR
-               std::cout << "Exception : " << str << '\n';
-               wxMessageDialog* diag = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxString(str,wxConvUTF8 ), wxICON_ERROR);
-               diag->ShowModal();
-               delete diag;
-       }
-bool wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::interactorSet(){
-       return surrendmanager->interactorSet();
-ToolBar::ToolBar(wxWindow * parent,std::string iconsdir)
-: wxToolBar(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize)
-       std::string iconfil = iconsdir;
-       //iconfil+= "/OpenImage.png";
-       //wxBitmap* bitmap0 = new wxBitmap(wxString(iconfil.c_str(),wxConvUTF8), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
-       wxBitmap bitmap0(OpenImage_xpm);
-       this->AddTool(1, wxString(_T("test")),bitmap0, NULL, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxString(_T("Open File")));
-       /*iconfil+= "/Open.png";
-       wxBitmap* bitmap2 = new wxBitmap(wxString(iconfil.c_str(),wxConvUTF8), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
-       this->AddTool(2, wxString(_T("test")),*bitmap2);        */
-       /*iconfil = iconsdir;
-       iconfil+= "/Open.png";
-       wxBitmap* bitmap30 = new wxBitmap(wxString(iconfil.c_str(),wxConvUTF8), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
-       this->AddTool(30, wxString(_T("test")),*bitmap30);*/
-       this->Realize();
-       _evthand = new ToolBarEventHandler();
-       this->SetEventHandler(_evthand);
-: wxEvtHandler(){
-void ToolBarEventHandler::onLoadImageFile(wxCommandEvent& event){
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->onLoadImageFile();
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ToolBarEventHandler, wxEvtHandler)
-       EVT_MENU(1, ToolBarEventHandler::onLoadImageFile)
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3aec4f7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   wxMaracas
-  Module:    $RCSfile: wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.h,v $
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date: 2010/01/22 17:00:52 $
-  Version:   $Revision: 1.5 $
-  Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003
-  License:
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
-#ifndef __wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanelH__
-#define __wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanelH__
-#include <vector>
-#include <wx/wx.h>
-#include "wx/aui/aui.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include "marTypes.h"
-#include "vtkProp3D.h"
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.h"
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel.h"
-class  creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT  wxMaracasSurfaceRendering : public wxPanel
-    wxMaracasSurfaceRendering( wxWindow* parent, std::string path);
-    ~wxMaracasSurfaceRendering( );
-    static wxMaracasSurfaceRendering* getInstance(wxWindow* parent,std::string path="");
-    static wxMaracasSurfaceRendering* getInstance();
-    void setRenderer(vtkRenderer*  renderer);
-    void setInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor);
-    void changeOpacity(int propid, int value);
-    void changeIsoValue(int propid, double value);
-    void addRemoveActor(int propid, bool addremove);
-    void addRemoveSurfaceBox(int propid, bool addremove);
-    void changeColor(int propid, double red, double green, double blue);
-    void addProp3D(vtkProp3D* prop3D, std::string dataname="");
-    void addPropMHD(vtkImageData* imgdata, std::string dataname="");
-    void loadProp3D(wxString filename, wxString dataname);
-    void loadPropMHD(wxString filename, wxString dataname);
-    void onLoadImageFile();
-    void addSurfaceRenderingPanel(wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel* surrend, std::string dataname="");
-    std::string getPath();
-    void deleteActor(int propid);
-    bool interactorSet();
-    static wxMaracasSurfaceRendering* instance;
-    wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager* surrendmanager;
-    wxAuiManager* wxauimanager;
-    wxToolBar* _toolb;
-    std::string _path;
-    void createFileChooser();
-class ToolBarEventHandler : public wxEvtHandler{
-       public:
-               ToolBarEventHandler();
-               ~ToolBarEventHandler();
-               void onLoadImageFile(wxCommandEvent& event);
-       private:
-               DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE()
-       };
-class ToolBar : public wxToolBar{
-       ToolBar(wxWindow * parent,std::string iconsdir);
-       ~ToolBar(void);
-       ToolBarEventHandler* _evthand;
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.cxx b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e43f19e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   wxMaracas
-  Module:    $RCSfile: wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.cxx,v $
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date: 2010/01/21 13:54:15 $
-  Version:   $Revision: 1.7 $
-  Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003
-  License:
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.h"
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.h"
-**     Start of the manager class
-       _renderer = NULL;
-       _interactor = NULL;
-       _idCount=0;
-**     Sets the renderer to manage the prop3D from the surface render
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::setRenderer(vtkRenderer*  renderer){
-       _renderer = renderer;
-**     Sets the renderer to manage the prop3D from the surface render
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::setInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor){
-       _interactor = interactor;
-** Gets the renderer to manage the prop3D from the surface render
-vtkRenderer* wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::getRenderer(){
-       return _renderer;
-** Updates volume
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::Update(int pid)throw(char*){
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* data = this->getViewData(pid);    
-       ((wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd*)data)->UpdateSurface();
-       _renderer->Render();
-**     Adds a prop3D to the manager and returns the identifier
-int wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::addProp3D(int idTP, vtkProp3D* prop3D, std::string dataname)  throw(char*){
-       checkInvariant();
-       if(prop3D != NULL){
-               wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* data = new wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData(prop3D, dataname, _interactor);
-               prop3Dvect.push_back(data);
-               _renderer->AddActor(data->getProp3D());
-               if(idTP == -1)
-               {
-                       data->setId(_idCount);
-                       _idCount++;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       data->setId(idTP);
-               }
-               return data->getId();
-       }else{
-               throw "Check vtkProp3D file or input";
-       }
-       return -1;
-int wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::addPropMHD(int idTP, vtkImageData* imagedata, std::string dataname) throw(char*){
-       checkInvariant();
-       if(imagedata != NULL){
-               image = imagedata;
-               wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* data = new wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd(imagedata, dataname, _interactor);
-               prop3Dvect.push_back(data);     
-               _renderer->AddActor(data->getProp3D());
-               if(idTP == -1)
-               {
-                       data->setId(_idCount);
-                       _idCount++;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       data->setId(idTP);
-               }
-               printf("wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::addPropMHD->idSurfaceRender: %i\n", data->getId());
-               return data->getId();
-       }else{
-               throw "Check ImageData file or input";
-       }
-       return -1;
-**     adds or removes an actor depending of the bool value
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::addRemoveActor(int propid, bool addremove)  throw(char*){
-       checkInvariant();
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* data = this->getViewData(propid);         
-       if(data->getProp3D()!=NULL){
-               if(addremove){
-                       _renderer->AddViewProp(data->getProp3D());
-               }else{
-                       _renderer->RemoveViewProp(data->getProp3D());
-               }
-               _renderer->Render();
-       }
-**     adds or removes the surface box depending of the bool value
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::addRemoveSurfaceBox(int propid, bool addremove)  throw(char*){
-       checkInvariant();
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* data = this->getViewData(propid);         
-       if(data->getProp3D()!=NULL){
-               data->addRemoveSurfaceBox(addremove);
-               /*if(addremove){
-                       data->
-                       _renderer->AddViewProp(data->getProp3D());
-               }else{
-                       _renderer->RemoveViewProp(data->getProp3D());
-               }
-               _renderer->Render();*/
-       }
-**     Changes the opacity in a prop3D
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::changeOpacity(int propid, int value)  throw(char*){
-       checkInvariant();       
-       this->getViewData(propid)->changeOpacity(value);
-       _renderer->Render();
-**     changes the isovalue in a prop3D
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::changeIsoValue(int propid, double value )throw(char*){
-       checkInvariant();       
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* data = this->getViewData(propid);         
-       //_renderer->RemoveActor(data->getProp3D());
-       ((wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd*)data)->changeIsoValue(value);
-       //_renderer->AddActor(data->getProp3D());
-       _renderer->Render();
-vtkProp3D* wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager:: getProp3D(std::string filename){
-       if(filename.compare("")!= 0){
-               vtkSTLReader *STLReader=vtkSTLReader::New();
-               STLReader->SetFileName(filename.c_str());
-               STLReader->Update();
-               vtkPolyDataMapper* dataMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
-               dataMapper->SetInput(STLReader->GetOutput());
-               vtkActor* dataActor = vtkActor::New();
-               dataActor->SetMapper(dataMapper);       
-               dataActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(1);
-               return dataActor;
-       }       
-       return NULL;
-vtkImageData* wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::getImageData(std::string filename){
-       if(filename.compare("")!= 0){   
-               vtkMetaImageReader* reader =  vtkMetaImageReader::New();        
-               reader->SetFileName(filename.c_str());
-               reader->Update();
-               vtkImageData* img = reader->GetOutput();
-               //reader->Delete();
-               return img;
-       }       
-       return NULL;
-vtkImageData* wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::getImageData(){
-       return image;
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::checkInvariant()  throw(char*){
-       if(this->_renderer==NULL){
-               throw "Renderer not set";
-       }
-wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::getViewData(int id) throw(char*){
-    int i;
-       for(i = 0; i < (int)(prop3Dvect.size());i++){
-               if(prop3Dvect[i]->getId() == id){
-                       return prop3Dvect[i];
-               }
-       }
-       throw "id not found in the data";
-       return NULL;
-int wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::getMaxIsoValue(int propid) throw(char*){
-       return ((wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd*)this->getViewData(propid))->getMaxGreyLevel();
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::changeColor(int propid, double red, double green, double blue) throw(char*){
-       checkInvariant();       
-       this->getViewData(propid)->changeColor(red, green, blue);
-       _renderer->Render();
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::deleteActor(int propid) throw (char *){
-       checkInvariant();       
-       this->addRemoveActor(propid, false);
-       int i,n;
-       bool exit = false;
-       for(i = 0; i < (int)(prop3Dvect.size())&&!exit;i++){
-               if(prop3Dvect[i]->getId() == propid){                   
-                       n=i;
-                       exit = true;
-               }
-       }
-       if(exit){
-               wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* data = prop3Dvect[n];                     
-               int j;
-               for(j = i; j < (int)(prop3Dvect.size())-1;j++){
-                       prop3Dvect[j] = prop3Dvect[j+1];
-               }               
-               delete data;
-               prop3Dvect.pop_back();
-       }else{
-               throw "id not found in the data";
-       }   
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::Transform(vtkMatrix4x4* tmatrix){
-bool wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager::interactorSet(){
-       return _interactor? true:false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.h
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index 916b785..0000000
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@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   wxMaracas
-  Module:    $RCSfile: wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager.h,v $
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date: 2010/01/21 13:54:15 $
-  Version:   $Revision: 1.5 $
-  Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003
-  License:
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
-#ifndef __wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerH__
-#define __wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerH__
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <vtkMatrix4x4.h>
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.h"
-class wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager  {
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager();
-       ~wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManager();
-       /**
-       **      Sets the renderer to manage the prop3D from the surface render
-       **/
-       void setRenderer(vtkRenderer*  renderer);
-       /**
-       **      Gets the renderer which manages the prop3D from the surface render
-       **/
-       vtkRenderer* getRenderer();
-       /**
-       ** Updates surface
-       **/
-       void Update(int pid)throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **      Adds a prop3D to the manager and returns the identifier
-       **/
-       int addProp3D(int idTP, vtkProp3D* prop3D, std::string dataname) throw (char*);
-       /**
-       **      Adds a prop3D to the manager and returns the identifier
-       **/
-       int addPropMHD(int idTP, vtkImageData* imagedata, std::string dataname) throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **      Changes the opacity in a prop3D
-       **/
-       void changeOpacity(int propid, int value)throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **      changes the isovalue in a prop3D
-       **/
-       void changeIsoValue(int propid, double value)throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **      loads a prop3D from a nSTL file
-       **/
-       vtkProp3D* getProp3D(std::string filename);
-       /**
-       **      loads a MHD file to convert it into an actor
-       **/
-       vtkImageData* getImageData(std::string filename);
-       /**
-       ** Gets image data asotiated with the rendering manager
-       **/
-       vtkImageData* getImageData();
-       /**
-       **      adds or removes an actor depending of the bool value
-       **/
-       void addRemoveActor(int propid, bool addremove)throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **
-       **/
-       void addRemoveSurfaceBox(int propid, bool addremove)  throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **      Check if the variables are setted correctly
-       **/
-       void checkInvariant()throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **      Given an id search the data in the vector
-       **/
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData* getViewData(int id)throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **
-       **/
-       void setInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor);
-       /**
-       **      Given the id, return the max iso value from the imagedata
-       **/
-       int getMaxIsoValue(int propid)throw(char*);
-       /**
-       **      Changes the color of the actor
-       **/
-       void changeColor(int propid, double red, double green, double blue) throw(char*);
-       void deleteActor(int propid)throw (char *);
-       void Transform(vtkMatrix4x4* tmatrix);
-       bool interactorSet();
-       std::vector<wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData*> prop3Dvect;
-       vtkRenderer*  _renderer;
-       vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  _interactor;
-       vtkImageData* image;
-       int _idCount;
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.cxx b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 75ef800..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.h"
-** Start of data viewmanagerData
-wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData(vtkProp3D* prop3Dvect, std::string dataname, vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor){
-       _prop3D = prop3Dvect;   
-       _dataname = dataname;   
-       _boxWidgetS1=NULL;
-       initializeBoxWidget(interactor);
-       /*_boxWidgetS1->GetPlanes( this->GetVtkClipping3DDataViewer()->GetTissuePlanes(0) );
-       _boxWidgetS1->GetPlanes( this->GetVtkClipping3DDataViewer()->GetTissuePlanes(1) );
-       _boxWidgetS1->GetPlanes( this->GetVtkClipping3DDataViewer()->GetTissuePlanes(2) );
-       _boxWidgetS1->GetPlanes( this->GetVtkClipping3DDataViewer()->GetTissuePlanes(3) );*/
-       _prop3D->Delete();      
-       if (_boxWidgetS1!=NULL)                                  { _boxWidgetS1         -> Delete();                                    }
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::initializeBoxWidget(vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor){
-       if(interactor!= NULL){
-       }
-**     Adds a prop3D to the world of the application
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::setProp3D(vtkProp3D* prop3D){
-       _prop3D = prop3D;
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::addRemoveSurfaceBox(bool visible)
-       if(_boxWidgetS1){
-               if (visible==true){
-                       _boxWidgetS1->On();
-               } else {
-                       _boxWidgetS1->Off();
-               }
-       }
-**     Changes the opacity in a prop3D
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::changeOpacity(int value){
-       std::cout<<"chage op"<<value<<std::endl;
-       vtkActor* actor = (vtkActor*)this->_prop3D;     
-       actor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity((double)value/100.0);
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::changeColor(double red, double green, double blue){
-       std::cout<<"chage col"<<red<<green<<blue<<std::endl;
-    vtkActor* actor = (vtkActor*)this->_prop3D;        
-       actor->GetProperty()->SetColor(red,green,blue); 
-**     Check if the variables are setted correctly
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::checkInvariant(){
-**     get the prop3D 
-vtkProp3D* wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::getProp3D(){
-       return this->_prop3D;
-**     return the id from the daat
-int wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::getId(){
-       return _id;
-**     set data id
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::setId(int propid){
-       _id = propid;
-**     Get the filanme
-std::string wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::getDataname(){
-       return _dataname;
-** Set the filanme
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData::setDataname(std::string dataname){
-       _dataname = dataname;
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e0249ad..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#include "vtkProp3D.h"
-#include "vtkRenderer.h"
-#include "vtkSTLReader.h"
-#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
-#include "vtkActor.h"
-#include "vtkProperty.h"
-#include "vtkBoxWidget.h"
-class wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData {
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData(vtkProp3D* _prop3Dvect, std::string dataname="", vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor=NULL);     
-       ~wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData();        
-       /**
-       **      Adds a prop3D to the world of the application
-       **/
-       void setProp3D(vtkProp3D* prop3D);
-       /**
-       **      Changes the opacity in a prop3D
-       **/
-       void changeOpacity(int value);          
-       /**
-       **      Check if the variables are setted correctly
-       **/
-       void checkInvariant();
-       /**
-       **      get the prop3D 
-       **/
-       vtkProp3D* getProp3D();
-       /**
-       **      return the id from the daat
-       **/
-       int getId();
-       /**
-       **      set data id
-       **/
-       void setId(int propid);
-       /**
-       **      Get the filanme
-       **/
-    std::string getDataname();
-       /**
-       ** Set the filanme
-       **/
-    void setDataname(std::string dataname);
-       /**
-       **      creates the image 
-       **/
-       void contourExtractor(int isovalue);
-       /**
-       **      Changes the color of the actor
-       **/
-       void changeColor(double red, double green, double blue);        
-       /**
-       ** adds or removes the surface box
-       **/
-       void addRemoveSurfaceBox(bool visible);
-       void initializeBoxWidget(vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor);
-       /**
-        * Prop 3D (data actor)
-        */
-       vtkProp3D* _prop3D;     
-       /**
-        *  Dataname given by the user (ex. filename) 
-        **/
-       std::string _dataname;  
-       /**
-       **
-       **/
-       vtkBoxWidget* _boxWidgetS1;
-       /*
-        * id of the data
-        */
-       int _id;                
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.cxx b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eb991c0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.h"
-#include "vtkStripper.h"
-wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd::wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd(vtkImageData* imagedata, std::string dataname, vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor)
-: wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData(NULL, dataname)
-       this->setVtkImageData(imagedata);
-       _dataname = dataname;
-       _maxgreylevel = getMaxLevel(imagedata);
-       _prop3D=NULL;                   
-       _cubesFilter = vtkMarchingCubes::New(); 
-       _cubesFilter->SetInput(this->_imagedata);               
-       _cubesFilter->ComputeGradientsOn ();
-       _cubesFilter->ComputeScalarsOn ();
-       _cubesFilter->SetNumberOfContours( 1 );
-       _cleanFilter = vtkCleanPolyData::New();         
-       _cleanFilter->SetInput ( _cubesFilter->GetOutput() );
-       _dataMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New( );
-       _dataMapper->ScalarVisibilityOff( );
-       _dataMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn();
-       vtkActor* dataActor = vtkActor::New();
-       //if(_boxWidgetS1){
-       if(interactor){
-               _boxWidgetS1 = vtkBoxWidget::New();
-               _boxWidgetS1->SetInteractor( interactor );
-               _boxWidgetS1->SetPlaceFactor(1.25); 
-               _boxWidgetS1->SetInput( this->_imagedata );
-               _boxWidgetS1->PlaceWidget();    
-               boxSurfaceObserver* observer = boxSurfaceObserver::New();               
-               vtkStripper* striper = vtkStripper::New();
-                striper->SetInput( _cleanFilter->GetOutput() );
-               //striper->SetInput( _cubesFilter->GetOutput() );
-               striper->Update();
-               _boxWidgetS1->SetInput(striper->GetOutput());
-               _boxWidgetS1->PlaceWidget();
-               _boxWidgetS1->HandlesOn ();
-               _boxWidgetS1->On();
-               _tissuePlanes  = vtkPlanes::New();
-               int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
-               this->_imagedata->GetExtent(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
-               _tissuePlanes->SetBounds  (x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
-               _boxWidgetS1->GetPlanes( _tissuePlanes );
-               _tissueClipper = vtkClipPolyData::New();
-               _tissueClipper->SetInput( striper->GetOutput() );
-               _tissueClipper->SetClipFunction( _tissuePlanes );
-               _tissueClipper->InsideOutOn( );
-               _dataMapper->SetInput( _tissueClipper->GetOutput() );
-               observer->SetPlanes( _tissuePlanes );
-               observer->SetActor( dataActor );
-               _boxWidgetS1->AddObserver( vtkCommand::InteractionEvent          , observer );
-               _boxWidgetS1->HandlesOn ();
-               _boxWidgetS1->On();
-       }else{          
-               _dataMapper->SetInput(_cleanFilter->GetOutput());                               
-       }
-       dataActor->SetMapper(_dataMapper);      
-       this->_prop3D = dataActor;
-       this->changeIsoValue(this->_maxgreylevel);      
-       _cubesFilter->Delete();
-       _cleanFilter->Delete();
-       _dataMapper->Delete();
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd::UpdateSurface()
-       _cubesFilter->Update();    
-       _cleanFilter->Update();
-       _dataMapper->Update();  
-**     changes the isovalue in a prop3D
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd::changeIsoValue(double value){    
-    _cubesFilter->SetValue(0,value);           
-       _cubesFilter->Update();    
-       _cleanFilter->Update();
-       _dataMapper->Update();  
-int wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd::getMaxGreyLevel(){
-       return _maxgreylevel;
-       ** Get's the max grey level of the image
-       **/
-int wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd::getMaxLevel(vtkImageData* img){
-       int ext[6], i, j, k,max=0;
-       img->GetExtent(ext);
-       for(i = ext[0]; i < ext[1];i++){
-               for(j = ext[2]; j < ext[3];j++){
-                       for(k = ext[4]; k < ext[5];k++){
-                unsigned short* ptr = (unsigned short*)img->GetScalarPointer(i,j,k);
-                               int temp = (int)*ptr;
-                               if(temp > max){
-                    max = temp;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return max;
-**     Sets the VTK image data
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd::setVtkImageData(vtkImageData* imagedata){
-       _imagedata = imagedata;
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd.h
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index fd60ab7..0000000
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData.h"
-#include "boxSurfaceObserver.h"
-#include "vtkMetaImageReader.h"
-#include "vtkMarchingCubes.h"
-#include "vtkCleanPolyData.h"
-#include "vtkImageData.h"
-#include "vtkClipPolyData.h"
-#include "vtkPlanes.h"
-class wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd : public wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData  {
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd(vtkImageData* imagedata, std::string dataname="", vtkRenderWindowInteractor*  interactor=0);
-       ~wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerDataMhd();
-       /**
-       **      Adds a prop3D to the world of the application
-       **/
-       void setVtkImageData(vtkImageData* imagedata);
-       /**
-       **      changes the isovalue in a prop3D
-       **/
-       void changeIsoValue(double value);      
-       /**
-       **      Check if the variables are setted correctly
-       **/
-       void checkInvariant();  
-       /**
-       **      Returns the grey max level of the image
-       **/
-       int getMaxGreyLevel();
-       /**
-       **      creates the image 
-       **/
-       void contourExtractor(int isovalue);            
-       /**
-       ** Updates surface
-       **/
-       void UpdateSurface();
-       vtkImageData* _imagedata;
-       int _maxgreylevel;
-       /**
-       ** to the image render
-       **/
-       vtkMarchingCubes* _cubesFilter;
-       vtkCleanPolyData* _cleanFilter; 
-       vtkPolyDataMapper* _dataMapper;
-       vtkClipPolyData* _tissueClipper;
-       vtkPlanes* _tissuePlanes;
-       /**
-       ** Get's the max grey level of the image
-       **/
-       int getMaxLevel(vtkImageData* img);
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3c3209d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#include "wx/wx.h"
-class wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel : public wxPanel{
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel(wxWindow* parent, int propid, bool _isComplexBox, int _panID)
-               : wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize){
-                       createPanel();
-                       isComplexBox = _isComplexBox;
-                       panID = _panID;
-                       _propid = propid;
-       }       
-       //virtual ~wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel();
-       virtual void createPanel(){
-               show = false;
-        /*wxBoxSizer* sizerButtons = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-               wxButton* b = new wxButton(this, -1, wxString(_T("-")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT, 
-                                                               wxDefaultValidator, wxString(_T("-"))); 
-               Connect(b->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel::onActionButtonPressedHide);
-               wxButton* b1 = new wxButton(this, -1, wxString(_T("-")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT, 
-                                                               wxDefaultValidator, wxString(_T("x"))); 
-               Connect(b1->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel::onActionButtonPressedEliminate);
-               sizerButtons->Add(b, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
-               sizerButtons->Add(b1, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);*/
-               sizercontrols = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-               wxBoxSizer* sizerpanel = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-               //sizerpanel->Add(sizerButtons,wxGROW);
-               sizerpanel->Add(sizercontrols,wxGROW);
-               this->SetSizer(sizerpanel, true);               
-               this->SetAutoLayout( true );
-       }
-       /**
-       **      Adds a new control to the panel (sizer, radiob, etc)
-       **/
-       virtual void addControl(wxWindow* win){
-               if(sizercontrols!=NULL){
-                       sizercontrols->Add(win, wxGROW);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-       **      Adds a new control to the panel (sizer, radiob, etc)
-       **/
-       virtual void addControl(wxSizer* sizer){
-               if(sizercontrols!=NULL){
-                       sizercontrols->Add(sizer, wxGROW);
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-       **      Hides or show the controls in the panel
-       **/
-       virtual void onActionButtonPressedHide( wxCommandEvent& event ){
-               wxList list = sizercontrols->GetChildren();             
-               int i;
-               for(i=0; i<(int)list.size();i++){
-                       sizercontrols->Show(i,show);
-               }
-               show = !show;
-               sizercontrols->Layout();
-               this->Layout();
-       }
-    /**
-       **      The user must implement this function to remove the panel from the 
-       **/
-       //virtual void onActionButtonPressedEliminate( wxCommandEvent& event )=0;
-       /**
-       **      The user must implement this function to add the necessary controls to the panel
-       **/
-       virtual void createControls( )=0;
-       /**
-       ** returns the id of the panel
-       **/
-       int getPropId(){
-               return _propid;
-       }
-       /**
-       ** Returns the papnel id
-       **/
-       int getPanId(){
-               return panID;
-       }
-       /**
-       ** Tells if the panel is used for a complex box
-       **/
-       bool isComplex(){
-               return isComplexBox;
-       }
-       wxBoxSizer* sizercontrols;
-       bool show;
-       int _propid;
-       //-- Atributes added for complex box --//
-       bool isComplexBox;
-       int panID;
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D.cxx b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8b8cf8b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D.h"
-#include "wxMaracasDialog_NViewers.h"
-#include <wx/colordlg.h>
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.h"
-#include "wxMaracasRendererView.h"
-#include "vtkImageData.h"
-#include <OpenImage.xpm>
-#include <Add.xpm>
-#include "Color.xpm"
-**     Implementation of viewProp3D
-wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D(wxWindow* parent, int propid, bool _isComplexBox, int _panID)
-:wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel(parent, propid, _isComplexBox, _panID){
-       createControls();       
-** Panel Destructor
-       //wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->addRemoveActor(_propid, false);
-       if(this->isComplex())
-       {       
-               //if(this->getPanId() == 1)
-               //      ((wxMaracasRenderTabbedPanel*)(wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel())->addRemoveActorSA(_propid, false);
-               //if(this->getPanId() == 2)
-               //      ((wxMaracasRenderTabbedPanel*)(wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel())->addRemoveActorSB(_propid, false);
-               //if(this->getPanId() == 3)
-               //      ((wxMaracasRenderTabbedPanel*)(wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel())->addRemoveActorSC(_propid, false);
-       }
-       //else
-               //wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->deleteActor(_propid);
-** Constructs the panel. Elements inside may change depending on which tipe of panel construction if being requested
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::createControls(){
-       wxFlexGridSizer* sizersurfprop = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
-       if(!isComplexBox) 
-       {
-               //wxString choices[2];
-               //choices[0] = wxString(_T("On"));
-               //choices[1] = wxString(_T("Off"));
-               wxFlexGridSizer* checkboxsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2);
-               checkbox = new  wxCheckBox(this,-1,wxString(_T("Show Actor")));
-               Connect(checkbox->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onCheckBoxChange);  
-               checkbox->SetValue(true);       
-               checkboxsizer->Add(checkbox,1, wxGROW);
-               if(wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->interactorSet()){
-                       checkboxsurface = new  wxCheckBox(this,-1,wxString(_T("Surface Box")));
-                       Connect(checkboxsurface->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onCheckBoxSurfaceChange);    
-                       checkboxsurface->SetValue(true);
-                       checkboxsizer->Add(checkboxsurface,1, wxGROW);
-               }       
-               sizersurfprop->Add(checkboxsizer,1, wxGROW);
-       }
-       //this->addControl(checkbox);   
-       wxFlexGridSizer* sizerbut = new wxFlexGridSizer(3);
-       wxBitmap bitmap(Color_xpm);
-       _colorchoose = new wxBitmapButton(this, -1, bitmap,wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(30,30));    
-       Connect(_colorchoose->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onColorChange);                   
-       sizerbut->Add(_colorchoose,1, wxGROW);
-       /*
-       wxBitmap bitmap1(Add_xpm);
-       _viewimage = new wxBitmapButton(this, -1, bitmap1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(30,30));   
-       Connect(_viewimage->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onViewImage);                       
-       sizerbut->Add(_viewimage,wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
-       */
-       sizersurfprop->Add(sizerbut,1, wxGROW);
-       //sizercolor->Add(checkbox,wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
-       //sizercolor->Add(_colorchoose,wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
-       //this->addControl(sizercolor);
-       wxStaticText* label = new wxStaticText(this, -1, wxString(_T("Opacity")));              
-       opacity = new wxSlider(this, -1,100,0,100,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxSL_HORIZONTAL|wxSL_LABELS); 
-       Connect(opacity->GetId(), wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onOpacityRelease);     
-       wxFlexGridSizer* sizeropacity = new wxFlexGridSizer(1,1,1);     
-       sizeropacity->Add(label,1, wxGROW);
-       sizeropacity->Add(opacity,1, wxGROW);
-       sizersurfprop->Add(sizeropacity,1, wxGROW);
-       this->addControl(sizersurfprop);
-** Method called by setting on or off the actor
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onCheckBoxChange(wxCommandEvent& event){ 
-       //if(!isComplexBox)
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->addRemoveActor(this->getPropId(), checkbox->GetValue());      
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onCheckBoxSurfaceChange(wxCommandEvent& event){  
-       //if(!isComplexBox)
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->addRemoveSurfaceBox(this->getPropId(), checkboxsurface->GetValue());  
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onColorChange(wxCommandEvent& event){
-       wxColourDialog* colourdiag = new wxColourDialog(this);
-       if(colourdiag->ShowModal()==wxID_OK){
-               wxColour colour = colourdiag->GetColourData().GetColour();
-               _colorchoose->SetBackgroundColour(colour);
-               double r = (double)(colour.Red())/255.0;
-               double g = (double)(colour.Green())/255.0;
-               double b = (double)(colour.Blue())/255.0;
-               if(this->isComplex()){
-                       if(this->getPanId() == 1)
-                               ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeColorA(this->getPropId(), r, g, b);
-                       if(this->getPanId() == 2)
-                               ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeColorB(this->getPropId(), r, g, b);
-                       if(this->getPanId() == 3)
-                               ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeColorC(this->getPropId(), r, g, b);
-               }
-               else
-                       wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->changeColor(this->getPropId(),r,g,b);
-       }
-       delete colourdiag;
-/*void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onActionButtonPressedEliminate( wxCommandEvent& event ){       
-** Changes the opacity of an actor
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onOpacityRelease(wxScrollEvent& event ){
-       if(this->isComplex()){
-               if(this->getPanId() == 1)
-                       ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeOpacityA(this->getPropId(),opacity->GetValue());
-               if(this->getPanId() == 2)
-                       ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeOpacityB(this->getPropId(),opacity->GetValue());
-               if(this->getPanId() == 3)
-                       ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeOpacityC(this->getPropId(),opacity->GetValue());
-       }
-       else
-               wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->changeOpacity(this->getPropId(),opacity->GetValue());
-/**Carolina Perez: Method recently added. Not functionalit yet
-** Loads the volume in a separate window
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D::onViewImage(wxCommandEvent& event){      
-       vtkImageData* img;
-       if(this->isComplexBox){
-               if(this->getPanId() == 1)
-                       img = (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(_propid)->getSurfAImage();
-               if(this->getPanId() == 2)
-                       img = (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(_propid)->getSurfBImage();
-               if(this->getPanId() == 3)
-                       img = (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(_propid)->getSurfCImage();
-               std::vector<int> type;
-               type.push_back(6);
-               wxMaracasDialog_NViewers* dialog1 = new wxMaracasDialog_NViewers(this, img, &type, wxString(_T("Volume Visualization") ));
-               dialog1->SetSize(730, 700);
-               dialog1->Show();
-       }
-       else{   
-               //vtkImageData* img = wxMaracasMultipleVolumeRendererView::getInstance()->getVolImage();
-       }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 1ebdeea..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel.h"
-//#include "wxMaracasRenderImageManagementPanel.h"
-class wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D : public wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingPanel{
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D(wxWindow* parent, int propid, bool _isComplexBox, int _panID);
-       ~wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D();
-       virtual void createControls();  
-       void onOpacityRelease(wxScrollEvent& event);    
-       void onCheckBoxChange(wxCommandEvent& event);
-       void onCheckBoxSurfaceChange(wxCommandEvent& event);
-       void onColorChange(wxCommandEvent& event);
-       void onViewImage(wxCommandEvent& event);
-       wxCheckBox* checkbox;
-       wxCheckBox* checkboxsurface;
-       wxSlider* opacity;      
-       wxBitmapButton* _colorchoose;
-       wxBitmapButton* _viewimage;
-       //wxMaracasRenderImageManagementPanel* dialog;
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.cxx b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a364a49..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.h"
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRendering.h"
-#include "wxMaracasRendererView.h"
-#include <OpenImage.xpm>
-**     SurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD implementation
-wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD::wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD(wxWindow* parent, int propid, bool _isComplexBox, int _panID)
-: wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D(parent, propid, _isComplexBox, _panID){
-       //this->Show(false);
-       if(this->isComplex())
-       {
-               //if(this->getPanId() == 1)
-               //      ((wxMaracasRenderTabbedPanel*)(wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel())->addRemoveActorSA(_propid, false);
-               //if(this->getPanId() == 2)
-               //      ((wxMaracasRenderTabbedPanel*)(wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel())->addRemoveActorSB(_propid, false);
-               //if(this->getPanId() == 3)
-               //      ((wxMaracasRenderTabbedPanel*)(wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel())->addRemoveActorSC(_propid, false);
-       }
-       //else
-               //wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->addRemoveActor(_propid, false);
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD::createControls(int maxisovalue){
-       wxFlexGridSizer* sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1,1,1);
-       wxStaticText* label = new wxStaticText(this, -1, wxString(_T("IsoValue")));
-       sizer->Add(label, 1, wxGROW);
-       //this->addControl(label);
-       isovalue = new wxSlider(this, -1,maxisovalue,0,maxisovalue,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxSL_HORIZONTAL|wxSL_LABELS);
-       sizer->Add(isovalue, 1, wxGROW);
-       //this->addControl(isovalue);
-       this->addControl(sizer);        
-       Connect(isovalue->GetId(), wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD::onIsoValueRelease);        
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD::onIsoValueRelease(wxScrollEvent& event )
-       if(this->isComplex())
-       {
-               if(this->getPanId() == 1)
-                       ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeIsoValueA(this->getPropId(),isovalue->GetValue()/1.0);
-               if(this->getPanId() == 2)
-                       ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeIsoValueB(this->getPropId(),isovalue->GetValue()/1.0);
-               if(this->getPanId() == 3)
-                       ( (wxMaracasRendererView::getInstance())->getTabbedPanel(getPropId()) )->changeIsoValueC(this->getPropId(),isovalue->GetValue()/1.0);
-       }
-       else
-               wxMaracasSurfaceRendering::getInstance()->changeIsoValue(this->getPropId(), isovalue->GetValue()/1.0);
-void wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD::onViewImage(wxCommandEvent& event){   
-       //if(mwxwidget->ShowModal()==wxID_OK){
-       //      mwxwidget->Show(false);
-       //}     
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 49a3d22..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#include "wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D.h"
-class wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD : public wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3D{
-       wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD(wxWindow* parent, int propid, bool _isComplexBox, int _panID);
-       ~wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingProp3DMHD();
-       void onIsoValueRelease(wxScrollEvent& event );
-       void createControls(int maxisovalue);   
-       void onViewImage(wxCommandEvent& event);
-       wxSlider* isovalue;
-       wxBitmapButton* _viewimage;
-       int _propid;