--- /dev/null
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+#include "bbvtkMagnitud.h"
+#include "bbvtkPackage.h"
+namespace bbvtk
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void Magnitud::Process()
+// Here we simply set the input 'In' value to the output 'Out'
+// And print out the output value
+// void bbSet{Input|Output}NAME(const TYPE&)
+// const TYPE& bbGet{Input|Output}NAME() const
+// Where :
+// * NAME is the name of the input/output
+// (the one provided in the attribute 'name' of the tag 'input')
+// * TYPE is the C++ type of the input/output
+// (the one provided in the attribute 'type' of the tag 'input')
+// ---------- [
+ vGreenToRedLut->SetHueRange(0.6667,0.0);
+ vGreenToRedLut->Build();
+ //Input Data
+ vVecMagnitude->SetInput(bbGetInputIn());
+ vVecMagnitude->NormalizeOff();
+ vVecMagnitude->Update();
+ vVecMagnitude->GetOutput()->GetScalarRange( range1 );
+ vVecMagnitude->Update();
+ //Glyph
+ vMaskPoint->SetInput(bbGetInputIn());
+ vMaskPoint->SetOnRatio(100);
+ vMaskPoint->Update();
+ vMaskPoint->RandomModeOn();
+ vGlyph->SetInput(vMaskPoint->GetOutput());
+ vGlyph->SetSource(cone->GetOutput());
+ vGlyph->SetScaleModeToScaleByVector();
+ vGlyph->SetColorModeToColorByVector();
+ vGlyph->SetScaleFactor(0.20);
+ vGlyphMapper->SetInput( vGlyph->GetOutput() );
+ step = (range1[1]-range1[0])/10;
+ //Contour
+ dRangeColorForMultipleContourVelocity[0]=0;
+ dRangeColorForMultipleContourVelocity[1]=1;
+ dRangeColorForGlyphVelocity[0]=0;
+ dRangeColorForGlyphVelocity[1]=1;
+ vMultipleContourVelocity->SetInput((vtkDataSet *) vVecMagnitude->GetOutput());
+ index = 0;
+ double h;
+ step = (range1[1]-range1[0])/10;
+ for( h=range1[0]; h<range1[1]; h+=step )
+ {
+ vMultipleContourVelocity->SetValue(index, h);
+ index+=1;
+ }
+ vMultipleContourMapper->SetInput( vMultipleContourVelocity->GetOutput() );
+ vMultipleContourMapper->SetScalarRange( range1 );
+ vMultipleContourMapper->SetLookupTable( vGreenToRedLut );
+ vMultipleContourMapper->Update();
+ vMultipleContourActor->SetMapper( vMultipleContourMapper );
+ vMultipleContourActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.4);
+ //Glyph Mapper
+ vGlyphMapper->SetLookupTable(vGreenToRedLut);
+ vGlyphMapper->SetScalarRange(range1);
+ vGlyphMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn();
+ //Outline Grid
+ vOutlineGrid->SetInput( bbGetInputIn() );
+ vOutlineMapper->SetInput(vOutlineGrid->GetOutput());
+ //Outline Grid Actor
+ vOutlineActor->SetMapper(vOutlineMapper);
+ //Glyph Actor
+ vGlyphActor->SetMapper( vGlyphMapper );
+ vGlyphActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0);
+ //The Velocity Bar - Indicator (It's Actor is a vtkProper)
+ vScalarBarActor->SetLookupTable (vMultipleContourMapper->GetLookupTable());
+ vScalarBarActor->SetTitle ("Velocity");
+ vScalarBarActor->GetPositionCoordinate()->SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedViewport();
+ vScalarBarActor->GetPositionCoordinate()->SetValue( 0.85, 0.25);
+ vScalarBarActor->SetOrientationToVertical();
+ vScalarBarActor->SetWidth (0.1);
+ vScalarBarActor->SetHeight (0.6);
+ vScalarBarActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(1); // 1 to Show - 0 to Hide
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //Start: Change values by the user
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //Glyph Mask
+ vMaskPoint->SetOnRatio( bbGetInputMRatio());
+ vMaskPoint->Update();
+ //Glyph Opacity
+ vGlyphActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity( bbGetInputOpactity()/100 );
+ vGlyph->SetScaleFactor(vGlyph->GetScaleFactor()-0.1);
+ vGlyph->Update();
+ vGlyph->SetScaleFactor(vGlyph->GetScaleFactor()+0.1);
+ vGlyph->Update();
+ if( (bbGetInputScale()/100)<0 )
+ bbSetInputScale(0);
+ if( (bbGetInputScale()/100)>1 )
+ bbSetInputScale(1);
+ //vGlyph->SetScaleFactor(dScale);
+ vGlyph->SetScaleFactor( bbGetInputScale()/100 );
+ vGlyph->Update();
+ //Set Glyph and Contour Colour Range
+ vVecMagnitude->GetOutput()->GetScalarRange( range1 );
+ dRangeColorForGlyphVelocity[0] = bbGetInputValInf()/100;
+ dRangeColorForGlyphVelocity[1] = bbGetInputValSup()/100;
+ dRangeColorForMultipleContourVelocity[0] = bbGetInputValInf()/100;
+ dRangeColorForMultipleContourVelocity[1] = bbGetInputValSup()/100;
+ double dTailleInterval=range1[1]-range1[0];
+ range1[1]=range1[0]+dTailleInterval*(bbGetInputValSup()/100);
+ range1[0]=range1[0]+dTailleInterval*(bbGetInputValInf()/100);
+ vGlyphMapper->SetScalarRange( range1 );
+ vMultipleContourMapper->SetScalarRange( range1 );
+ if( bbGetInputOpactity()/100<0 )
+ bbSetInputOpactity(0);
+ if( bbGetInputOpactity()/100>1 )
+ bbSetInputOpactity(1);
+ //Set Contour Opacity
+ vMultipleContourActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity( bbGetInputOpactity()/100 );
+ vMultipleContourVelocity->SetNumberOfContours(vMultipleContourVelocity->GetNumberOfContours()+1);
+ vMultipleContourVelocity->Update();
+ vMultipleContourVelocity->SetNumberOfContours(vMultipleContourVelocity->GetNumberOfContours()-1);
+ vMultipleContourVelocity->Update();
+ //Set The Number of Contours
+ if( bbGetInputContour()<1)
+ bbSetInputContour(1);
+ step=(range1[1]-range1[0])/bbGetInputContour();
+ index=0;
+ for( h=range1[0]; h<range1[1]; h+=step)
+ {
+ vMultipleContourVelocity->SetValue(index, h);
+ index+=1;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //End: Change values by the user
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //The Plane Widget
+ vPlaneWidget->SetInput(bbGetInputIn());
+ vPlaneWidget->NormalToXAxisOn();
+ vPlaneWidget->NormalToZAxisOn();
+ vPlaneWidget->SetResolution(1);
+ vPlaneWidget->SetRepresentationToOutline();
+ //vPlaneWidget->SetInteractor(vIren);
+ vPlaneWidget->SetPlaceFactor(1); //défini zoom initial
+ vPlaneWidget->PlaceWidget();
+ vPlaneWidget->On();
+ vPlaneWidget->GetOrigin(p0);
+ vPlaneWidget->GetCenter(c); //These is from Execute Method
+ vPlaneWidget->GetNormal(n);
+ vPlaneWidget->GetPoint1(p1);
+ vPlaneWidget->GetPoint2(p2);
+ c[0] = c[0]+ bbGetInputMoveX();
+ c[1] = c[1]+ bbGetInputMoveY();
+ c[2] = c[2]+ bbGetInputMoveZ();
+ vPlanSource->SetResolution( sizeIma-1, sizeIma-1);
+ vPlanSource->SetOrigin( p0 );
+ vPlanSource->SetPoint1( p1 );
+ vPlanSource->SetPoint2( p2 );
+ vPlanSource->Update( );
+ vPlanSource->SetNormal( n[ 0 ], n[ 1 ], n[ 2 ] );
+ vPlanSource->Update( );
+ vPlanSource->SetCenter( c );
+ vPlanSource->Update( );
+ vDiskSourceEED->SetInnerRadius (0);
+ vDiskSourceEED->SetOuterRadius (10);
+ vDiskSourceEED->SetRadialResolution (20);
+ vDiskSourceEED->SetCircumferentialResolution (20);
+ //Stream Lines
+ vPointWidget->SetInput( bbGetInputIn() );
+ vPointWidget->AllOff();
+ vPointWidget->PlaceWidget();
+ //vPointWidget->SetInteractor(vIren);
+ vPointWidget->On();
+ //vPointWidget->GetPolyData(point);
+ vPointWidget->GetPolyData(point);
+ source->SetNumberOfPoints(500);
+ /*
+ tempc = bbGetInputPlaneCenterSL();
+ slCenter[0] = tempc[0];
+ slCenter[1] = tempc[1];
+ slCenter[2] = tempc[2];
+ source->SetCenter( slCenter );
+ */
+ source->SetCenter( c );
+ source->SetRadius(5.0);
+ streamer->SetInput( bbGetInputIn() );
+ streamer->SetSource(source->GetOutput());
+ streamer->SetIntegratorTypeToRungeKutta45();
+ streamer->SetMaximumPropagation(500000);
+ streamer->SetMaximumPropagationUnitToTimeUnit ();
+ streamer->SetInitialIntegrationStep (0.001);
+ streamer->SetInitialIntegrationStepUnitToCellLengthUnit();
+ streamer->SetIntegrationDirectionToBoth();
+ streamer->ComputeVorticityOn ();
+ streamer->Update();
+ rf->SetInput(streamer->GetOutput());
+ rf->SetRadius(.5);
+ rf->SetNumberOfSides(12);
+ rf->SetVaryRadiusToVaryRadiusOff();
+ streamer->GetOutput()->GetScalarRange( range );
+ streamMapper2->SetInput(rf->GetOutput());
+ streamMapper2->SetLookupTable(vGreenToRedLut);
+ //vStreamlineActor2->SetMapper( streamMapper2 );
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //Start: Part of the Execute Method
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ nx=n[0];
+ ny=n[1];
+ nz=n[2];
+ alfa = atan2(ny,nx) * 180.0 / 3.1416;
+ beta = atan2( nz, sqrt( nx*nx + ny*ny ) ) * 180.0 / 3.1416;
+ transformEED->Identity();
+ transformEED->Translate(c);
+ transformEED->RotateWXYZ(alfa,0,0,1);
+ transformEED->RotateWXYZ(-beta,0,1,0);
+ transformEED->RotateWXYZ(90,0,1,0);
+ transformEED->Update();
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //End: Part of the Execute Method
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ vtransformpolydatafilter->SetInput( vDiskSourceEED->GetOutput() );
+ vtransformpolydatafilter->SetTransform( transformEED );
+ vtransformpolydatafilter->Update();
+ vProbeslices->SetInput( ( vtkDataSet* )vtransformpolydatafilter->GetOutput());
+ vProbeslices->SetSource( bbGetInputIn() );
+ vProbeslices->Update( );
+ vGlyphFlowPlane->SetInput(vProbeslices->GetOutput());
+ vGlyphFlowPlane->SetSource(vArrowSource->GetOutput());
+ vGlyphFlowPlane->SetScaleModeToScaleByVector();
+ vGlyphFlowPlane->SetColorModeToColorByVector();
+ vGlyphFlowPlane->SetScaleFactor(0.2);
+ vGlyphFlowPlane->Update();
+ vProbeslicesFlowWidget->SetInput( ( vtkDataSet* )vPlanSource->GetOutput());
+ vProbeslicesFlowWidget->SetSource( vVecMagnitude->GetOutput() );
+ vProbeslicesFlowWidget->Update( );
+ vVecMagnitude->GetOutput()->GetScalarRange( range );
+ vAppendDataForFlowWidgetVisualisation->AddInput(vGlyphFlowPlane->GetOutput());
+ vAppendDataForFlowWidgetVisualisation->AddInput(vProbeslicesFlowWidget->GetPolyDataOutput());
+ vSliceMapper->SetInput( vAppendDataForFlowWidgetVisualisation->GetOutput());
+ vSliceMapper->SetScalarRange( range );
+ vSliceMapper->SetLookupTable( vGreenToRedLut );
+ vSliceActor->SetMapper( vSliceMapper );
+ if(bbGetInputShowPlane() == 1)
+ vPlaneWidget->On();
+ else if(bbGetInputShowPlane() == 0)
+ vPlaneWidget->Off();
+ vSliceActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity( bbGetInputShowPlane() );
+ exporter->SetInputConnection( vMultipleContourMapper->GetOutputPort() );
+ exporter->ImageLowerLeftOn();
+ bbSetOutputOut1( vSliceActor );
+ bbSetOutputOut2( vGlyphActor );
+ bbSetOutputOut3( vOutlineActor );
+ bbSetOutputOut4( vMultipleContourActor );
+ //bbSetOutputOut5( vScalarBarActor );
+ if(bbGetInputShowStream() == 1)
+ vStreamlineActor2->SetMapper( streamMapper2 );
+ else
+ vStreamlineActor2->SetMapper( NULL );
+ bbSetOutputOut5( vStreamlineActor2 );
+ //bbSetOutputOut5( vStreamlineActor2 );
+ //bbSetOutputOutExport( exporter );
+ //temp->GetData( (vtkInformation*) vMultipleContourVelocity->GetOutput() );
+ //temp->GetData( vMultipleContourMapper->GetOutput() );
+ //bbSetOutputOutTest( temp );
+// ---------- ]
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void Magnitud::bbUserSetDefaultValues()
+// Here we initialize the input 'In' to 0
+// --------- [
+ bbSetInputIn(NULL);
+ bbSetInputMoveX(0);
+ bbSetInputMoveY(0);
+ bbSetInputMoveZ(0);
+ bbSetInputValSup(1);
+ bbSetInputValInf(0);
+ bbSetInputMRatio(100);
+ bbSetInputOpactity(0.5);
+ bbSetInputScale(0.2);
+ bbSetInputContour(10);
+ bbSetInputShowPlane(1);
+ bbSetInputShowStream(0);
+ //bbSetInputPlaneCenterSL();
+// --------- ]
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void Magnitud::bbUserInitializeProcessing()
+// Here does nothing
+// but this is where you should allocate the internal/output pointers
+// if any
+// ---------- [
+ cone = vtkArrowSource::New();
+ exporter = vtkImageExport::New();
+ point = vtkPolyData::New();
+ rf = vtkTubeFilter::New();
+ source = vtkPointSource::New();
+ streamer = vtkStreamTracer::New();
+ streamMapper2 = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ transformEED = vtkTransform::New();
+ vAppendDataForFlowWidgetVisualisation = vtkAppendPolyData::New();
+ vArrowSource = vtkArrowSource::New();
+ vDiskSourceEED = vtkDiskSource::New();
+ vGlyph = vtkGlyph3D::New();
+ vGlyphActor = vtkActor::New();
+ vGlyphFlowPlane = vtkGlyph3D::New();
+ vGlyphMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ vGreenToRedLut = vtkLookupTable::New();
+ vIren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
+ vMaskPoint = vtkMaskPoints::New();
+ vMultipleContourActor = vtkActor::New();
+ vMultipleContourMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ vMultipleContourVelocity = vtkContourFilter::New();
+ vOutlineActor = vtkActor::New();
+ vOutlineGrid = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
+ vOutlineMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ vPlanSource = vtkPlaneSource::New();
+ vPlaneWidget = vtkPlaneWidget::New();
+ vPointWidget = vtkPointWidget::New();
+ vProbeslices = vtkProbeFilter::New();
+ vProbeslicesFlowWidget = vtkProbeFilter::New();
+ vScalarBarActor = vtkScalarBarActor::New();
+ vSliceMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ vSliceActor = vtkActor::New();
+ vStreamlineActor2 = vtkActor::New();
+ vtransformpolydatafilter = vtkTransformPolyDataFilter::New();
+ vVecMagnitude = vtkVectorNorm::New();
+ temp = vtkImageData::New();
+// ---------- }
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+void Magnitud::bbUserFinalizeProcessing()
+// Here does nothing
+// but this is where you should desallocate the internal/output pointers
+// if any
+/// \TODO delete everything no longer needed!
+// EO namespace bbvtk
--- /dev/null
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+#ifndef __bbvtkMagnitud_h_INCLUDED__
+#define __bbvtkMagnitud_h_INCLUDED__
+#include "bbvtk_EXPORT.h"
+#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"
+#include "iostream"
+// ----------[
+#include "vtkActor.h"
+#include "vtkAppendPolyData.h"
+#include "vtkArrowSource.h"
+#include "vtkContourFilter.h"
+#include "vtkDiskSource.h"
+#include "vtkGlyph3D.h"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
+#include "vtkImageExport.h"
+#include "vtkLookupTable.h"
+#include "vtkMaskPoints.h"
+#include "vtkOutlineFilter.h"
+#include "vtkPlaneWidget.h"
+#include "vtkPlaneSource.h"
+#include "vtkPointSource.h"
+#include "vtkPointWidget.h"
+#include "vtkPolyData.h"
+#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
+#include "vtkProbeFilter.h"
+#include "vtkProp3D.h"
+#include "vtkProperty.h"
+#include "vtkProperty2D.h"
+#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
+#include "vtkScalarBarActor.h"
+#include "vtkStreamTracer.h"
+#include "vtkTransform.h"
+#include "vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.h"
+#include "vtkTubeFilter.h"
+#include "vtkVectorNorm.h"
+// ----------]
+namespace bbvtk
+class bbvtk_EXPORT Magnitud
+ :
+ public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox
+ BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(Magnitud,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox);
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+// -------------- [
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(In,vtkImageData*);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(ValSup,double);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(ValInf,double);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Opactity,double);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Scale,double);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Contour,int);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(ShowPlane,int);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(ShowStream,int);
+ BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(PlaneCenterSL,std::vector<double>);
+ //BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out5,vtkProp*);
+ //BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(OutExport,vtkImageExport*);
+ //BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(OutTest,vtkImageData*);
+// -------------- ]
+ BBTK_PROCESS(Process);
+ void Process();
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+// -------------- [
+ vtkImageData* temp;
+ std::vector<double> tempc;
+ int sizeIma;
+ long int index;
+ double p0[3], p1[3],p2[3], n[3], c[3], slCenter[3];
+ double range[2];
+ double range1[2];
+ double step;
+ double h;
+ double nx;
+ double ny;
+ double nz;
+ double alfa;
+ double beta;
+ double dRangeColorForGlyphVelocity[2];
+ double dRangeColorForMultipleContourVelocity[2];
+ double dRangeColorForGlyphVelocityForFlowPlane[2];
+ int Ratio;
+ double dOpactity;
+ double dScale;
+ int nContour;
+ bool bShow;
+ vtkActor* vGlyphActor;
+ vtkActor* vMultipleContourActor;
+ vtkActor* vOutlineActor;
+ vtkActor* vSliceActor;
+ vtkActor* vStreamlineActor2;
+ vtkAppendPolyData* vAppendDataForFlowWidgetVisualisation;
+ vtkArrowSource* cone;
+ vtkArrowSource* vArrowSource;
+ vtkContourFilter* vMultipleContourVelocity;
+ vtkDiskSource* vDiskSourceEED;
+ vtkGlyph3D* vGlyph;
+ vtkGlyph3D* vGlyphFlowPlane;
+ vtkImageExport* exporter;
+ vtkLookupTable* vGreenToRedLut;
+ vtkMaskPoints* vMaskPoint;
+ vtkPlaneSource* vPlanSource;
+ vtkProbeFilter* vProbeslices;
+ vtkProbeFilter* vProbeslicesFlowWidget;
+ vtkPlaneWidget* vPlaneWidget;
+ vtkPolyData* point;
+ vtkPolyDataMapper* vSliceMapper;
+ vtkPointSource* source;
+ vtkPointWidget* vPointWidget;
+ vtkPolyDataMapper* vGlyphMapper;
+ vtkPolyDataMapper* vMultipleContourMapper;
+ vtkOutlineFilter* vOutlineGrid;
+ vtkPolyDataMapper* vOutlineMapper;
+ vtkPolyDataMapper* streamMapper2;
+ vtkRenderWindowInteractor* vIren;
+ vtkScalarBarActor* vScalarBarActor;
+ vtkStreamTracer* streamer;
+ vtkTransform* transformEED;
+ vtkTransformPolyDataFilter* vtransformpolydatafilter;
+ vtkTubeFilter* rf;
+ vtkVectorNorm* vVecMagnitude;
+// -------------- ]
+BBTK_DESCRIPTION("Receive an ImgaData and generates an Actor");
+// -------------- [
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,In,"Receive the image source",vtkImageData*, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,MoveX,"Move the PlaneSource - X Axis",double, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,MoveY,"Move the PlaneSource - Y Axis",double, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,MoveZ,"Move the PlaneSource - Z Axis",double, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,ValSup,"Set the Superior Range of the Colour Range: [0% - 100%]",double, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,ValInf,"Set the Inferior Range of the Colour Range: [0% - 100%]",double, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,MRatio,"Set the Radio of the Mask",int, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,Opactity,"Set the Opacity of the Glyph",double, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,Scale,"Set the Scale of the Glyph",double, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,Contour,"Set the Contour Number",int, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,ShowPlane,"Show the PlaneWidget",int, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,ShowStream,"Show the Stream Lines",int, "");
+ BBTK_INPUT(Magnitud,PlaneCenterSL,"Center for the Stream Lines",std::vector<double>, "");
+ BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,Out1,"Actor1 3D - SliceActor",vtkProp3D*, "");
+ BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,Out2,"Actor2 3D - GlyphActor",vtkProp3D*, "");
+ BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,Out3,"Actor3 3D - OutlineActor",vtkProp3D*, "");
+ BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,Out4,"Actor4 3D - MultipleContourActor",vtkProp3D*, "");
+ //BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,Out5,"Actor5 2D - ScalarBarActor",vtkProp*, "");
+ BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,Out5,"Actor5 3D - SteamlineActor",vtkProp3D*, "");
+ //BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,OutExport,"Exports the Contour Image",vtkImageExport*, "");
+ //BBTK_OUTPUT(Magnitud,OutTest,"Test",vtkImageData*, "");
+// -------------- ]
+// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)
+// EO namespace bbvtk
+#endif // __bbvtkMagnitud_h_INCLUDED__