Module: $RCSfile: gdcmFileHelper.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2006/05/02 11:14:05 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.102 $
+ Date: $Date: 2006/05/02 13:11:57 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.103 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
-2) user modified the pixels of an existing image.
--3) user created a new image, using existing images (eg MIP, MPR, cartography image)
+-3) user created a new image, using a set of existing images (eg MIP, MPR, cartography image)
-4) user modified/added some tags *without processing* the pixels (anonymization..
+-Probabely some more to be added
gdcm::FileHelper::CheckMandatoryElements() deals automatically with these cases.
Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: vtkGdcmWriter.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2006/05/02 10:09:43 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.8 $
+ Date: $Date: 2006/05/02 13:11:58 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
virtual void SetLookupTable(vtkLookupTable*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(LookupTable, vtkLookupTable);
- void SetWriteTypeToDcmImplVR(){SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_EXPLICIT_VR);};
- void SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR(){SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_IMPLICIT_VR);};
- void SetWriteTypeToAcr() {SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_ACR); };
- void SetWriteTypeToAcrLibido(){SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_ACR_LIBIDO); };
+ void SetWriteTypeToDcmImplVR(){SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_EXPLICIT_VR);}
+ void SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR(){SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_IMPLICIT_VR);}
+ void SetWriteTypeToAcr() {SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_ACR); }
+ void SetWriteTypeToAcrLibido(){SetWriteType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_ACR_LIBIDO); }
- void SetContentTypeToUserOwnImage() {SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_USER_OWN_IMAGE);};
- void SetContentTypeToFilteredImage() {SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_FILTERED_IMAGE);};
- void SetContentTypeToUserCreatedImage() {SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_CREATED_IMAGE);};
- void SetContentTypeToUnmodifiedPixelsImage(){SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_UNMODIFIED_PIXELS_IMAGE);};
+ // gdcm cannot guess how user built his image (and therefore cannot be clever about some Dicom fields)
+ // It's up to the user to tell gdcm what he did.
+ // -1) user created ex nihilo his own image and wants to write it as a Dicom image.
+ // -2) user modified the pixels of an existing image.
+ // -3) user created a new image, using existing a set of images (eg MIP, MPR, cartography image)
+ // -4) user modified/added some tags *without processing* the pixels (anonymization..
+ // -Probabely some more to be added
+ //(see gdcmFileHelper.h for more explanations)
+ void SetContentTypeToUserOwnImage() {SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_USER_OWN_IMAGE);}
+ void SetContentTypeToFilteredImage() {SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_FILTERED_IMAGE);}
+ void SetContentTypeToUserCreatedImage() {SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_CREATED_IMAGE);}
+ void SetContentTypeToUnmodifiedPixelsImage(){SetContentType(VTK_GDCM_WRITE_TYPE_UNMODIFIED_PIXELS_IMAGE);}
vtkSetMacro(WriteType, int);
vtkGetMacro(WriteType, int);
+ // Description:
+ // Aware user is allowed to pass his own gdcm::File *, so he may set *any Dicom field* he wants.
+ // (including his own Shadow Eleents, or any gdcm::SeqEntry)
+ // gdcm::FileHelper::CheckMandatoryElements() will check inconsistencies, as far as it knows how.
+ // Sorry, not yet available under Python.
vtkSetMacro(GdcmFile, gdcm::File *);
vtkGetMacro(GdcmFile, gdcm::File *);