--- /dev/null
+ if [ ! -f $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "..ERROR.."
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo "REMEMBER !"
+ echo ""
+ echo "YOU NEED TO RUN 'Configure' (0) First !"
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo
+ echo
+ exit 0
+if [ ! -e $generationdir ]
+ mkdir $generationdir
+ chown $loginUserName $generationdir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $generationdir
+if [ ! -e $sourcesDir ]
+ mkdir $sourcesDir
+ #was : (pb on MacOS?)
+ #chown $loginUserName:$loginGroupName $sourcesDir
+ chown $loginUserName $sourcesDir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $sourcesDir
+if [ ! -e $binDir ]
+ mkdir $binDir
+ chown $loginUserName $binDir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $binDir
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+if [ true = true ]
+#if [ true = false ]
+ # ///\TODO what about SuSE? Debian? Mandriva? Gentoo?
+ case "$OperatingSystem" in
+ Fedora)
+ yum install cmake -y
+ yum install cmake-gui -y
+ yum install doxygen -y
+ yum install graphviz -y
+ yum install texlive -y
+ yum install latex2html -y
+ yum install wxGTK-devel wxBase -y
+ yum install boost-devel -y
+ yum install sqlite-devel -y
+ yum install qt-devel -y
+ yum install mesa-libOSMesa-devel -y
+ ;;
+ Ubuntu)
+ apt-get --yes install build-essential # esta linea instala las librerias necesarias para compilar en ubuntu, g++ gcc etc etc etc.
+ apt-get --yes install cmake
+ apt-get --yes install cmake-gui
+ apt-get --yes install cmake-curses-gui
+ apt-get --yes install doxygen
+ apt-get --yes install graphviz
+ apt-get --yes install texlive
+ apt-get --yes install latex2html
+ apt-get --yes install libgtk2.0-dev #GTK
+ apt-get --yes install libwxgtk2.8-dev #Wx GTK
+ apt-get --yes install libwxbase2.8-dev #Wx solito
+ apt-get --yes install libboost-dev #Boost
+ apt-get --yes install libboost-all-dev #Boost
+ apt-get --yes install libqt4-dev #QT4
+ apt-get --yes install sqlite
+ apt-get --yes install libsqlite0-dev
+ apt-get --yes install libosmesa6-dev #Mesa6
+ apt-get --yes install uuid-dev # uuid para la instalacion de itk
+ apt-get --yes install libxaw7-dev # X11
+ ;;
+ MacOS)
+ port selfupdate
+ port install cmake -y
+ port install doxygen -y
+ port install graphviz -y
+ # port install tetex -y (replaced by texlive) # cf EED : http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/CreatoolsInstallInstructionsv2.0.1MacOsv10.5.6-Developpers
+ port install texlive -y
+ port install latex2html -y
+ port install wxGTK -y
+ port install boost -y
+ ln -s libboost_signals-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_signals.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EED : http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site
+ ln -s libboost_signals-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_signals.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EED
+ ln -s libboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_filesystem.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EE
+ ln -s libboost_system-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib libboost_system.dylib /opt/local/lib # cf EE
+ port install sqlite3 -y
+ port install qt4-mac -y
+ ln -s qmake-mac qmake /opt/local/bin # cf EED
+ port install mesa -y
+ ;;
+ *)
+ #echo " '$OperatingSystem' : Unknown (for us...) Operating Sytem "
+ echo " Allowed values are (right now) Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS "
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
--- /dev/null
+ if [ ! -f $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "..ERROR.."
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo "REMEMBER !"
+ echo ""
+ echo "YOU NEED TO RUN 'Configure' (0) First !"
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo
+ echo
+ exit 0
+source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+#deal with create creatools_third_party_libraries_config.sh
+if [ -f $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh ]
+ rm $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+if [ ! -e $installPrefixThird/share ]
+ mkdir $installPrefixThird/share
+touch $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+chmod 755 $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export PATH='$'PATH:$installPrefixThird/bin >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export VTK_DIR=$installPrefixThird/lib/vtk-5.6 >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export ITK_DIR=$installPrefixThird/lib/InsightToolkit >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export GDCM_DIR=$installPrefixThird/lib/gdcm >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export TTH=$installPrefixThird/bin/tth >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+if [ $OperatingSystem = "MacOS" ]
+echo export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GDCM_DIR >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ITK_DIR >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$VTK_DIR >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GDCM_DIR >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ITK_DIR >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$VTK_DIR >> $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+ case "$OperatingSystem" in
+ Fedora)
+ export ETC_BASHRC=$HOME/.bashrc
+ ;;
+ Ubuntu)
+ export ETC_BASHRC=$HOME/.bashrc
+ ;;
+ MacOS)
+ export ETC_BASHRC=$HOME/.profile
+ ;;
+ esac
+ sed -i -e '/.*installPrefixThird*/ d' $ETC_BASHRC
+ sed -i -e '/.*creatools_third_party_library_config.*/ d' $ETC_BASHRC
+# - add line 'bash $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh' (with accurate value for ???)
+echo installPrefixThird=$installPrefixThird >> $ETC_BASHRC
+echo '[ -f "$installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh" ] && source $installPrefixThird/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh' >> $ETC_BASHRC
+chown -R $loginUserName $generationdir
+chgrp -R $loginGroupName $generationdir
--- /dev/null
+ if [ ! -f $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "..ERROR.."
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo "REMEMBER !"
+ echo ""
+ echo "YOU NEED TO RUN 'Configure' (0) First !"
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo
+ echo
+ exit 0
+if [ ! -e $generationdir ]
+ mkdir $generationdir
+ chown $loginUserName $generationdir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $generationdir
+if [ ! -e $sourcesDir ]
+ mkdir $sourcesDir
+ #was : (pb on MacOS?)
+ #chown $loginUserName:$loginGroupName $sourcesDir
+ chown $loginUserName $sourcesDir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $sourcesDir
+if [ ! -e $binDir ]
+ mkdir $binDir
+ chown $loginUserName $binDir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $binDir
+ echo "we remove old stuff"
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/InsightToolkit*
+ cd $sourcesDir
+ if [ $OperatingSystem = "MacOS" ]
+ then
+ curl -O http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_ThirdParty_Libraries/source/InsightToolkit-3.20.0.tar.gz # MacOS, clever enough to understand it *has* to uncompress, doesn't understand tar -z :-(
+ tar -xvf InsightToolkit-3.20.0.tar.gz
+ else
+ wget http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_ThirdParty_Libraries/source/InsightToolkit-3.20.0.tar.gz
+ fi
+if [ $buildType = "Debug" ]
+ debug="ON"
+ debug="OFF"
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ libname=InsightToolkit-3.20.0
+ dirInstall=$binDir/$libname-Bin
+ export ITK_DIR=$installPrefixThird/lib/InsightToolkit/
+ mkdir $dirInstall
+ cd $dirInstall
+ cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ ##cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ cmake -D USE_DEBUG_LIB:BOOL=$buildType -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$installPrefixThird CMakeCache.txt
+ #uncomment following line if you want to use the bleeding edge of GDCM2!
+ #cmake -D ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM:BOOL=ON CMakeCache.txt
+ cmake CMakeCache.txt
+ make -j $corenumber
+ make install
+ cd ..
--- /dev/null
+ if [ ! -f $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "..ERROR.."
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo "REMEMBER !"
+ echo ""
+ echo "YOU NEED TO RUN 'Configure' (0) First !"
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo
+ echo
+ exit 0
+if [ ! -e $generationdir ]
+ mkdir $generationdir
+ chown $loginUserName $generationdir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $generationdir
+if [ ! -e $sourcesDir ]
+ mkdir $sourcesDir
+ #was : (pb on MacOS?)
+ #chown $loginUserName:$loginGroupName $sourcesDir
+ chown $loginUserName $sourcesDir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $sourcesDir
+if [ ! -e $binDir ]
+ mkdir $binDir
+ chown $loginUserName $binDir
+ chgrp $loginGroupName $binDir
+ echo "we remove old stuff"
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/VTK*
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/vtk*
+ rm -rf $binDir/VTK*
+ cd $sourcesDir
+ if [ $OperatingSystem = "MacOS" ]
+ then
+ curl -O http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_ThirdParty_Libraries/source/VTK-5.6.1.patchCreatis.tar.gz
+ # MacOS, clever enough to understand it *has* to uncompress, doesn't understand tar -z :-(
+ tar -xvf VTK-5.6.1.patchCreatis.tar.gz
+ else
+ wget http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_ThirdParty_Libraries/source/VTK-5.6.1.patchCreatis.tar.gz
+ fi
+if [ $buildType = "Debug" ]
+ debug="ON"
+ debug="OFF"
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ libname=VTK
+ dirInstall=$binDir/$libname-Bin
+ dirInstallVTK=$dirInstall
+ export VTK_DIR=$installPrefixThird/lib/vtk-5.6/
+ mkdir $dirInstall
+ cd $dirInstall
+ cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ ##cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ cmake -D USE_DEBUG_LIB:BOOL=$buildType -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$installPrefixThird CMakeCache.txt
+ if [ $OperatingSystem = "MacOS" ]
+ then
+ cmake -D VTK_USE_TCL:BOOL=OFF CMakeCache.txt
+ cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILE=/usr/bin/g++ CMakeCache.txt
+ fi
+ make -j $corenumber
+ make install
+ cd ..