--- /dev/null
+namespace creaImageIO
+ /**
+ * \ingroup View
+ */
+ //=====================================================================
+ //=====================================================================
+ /// Abstract class to handle tree item information
+ struct TreeListCtrl
+ {
+ TreeListCtrl() {}
+ virtual ~TreeListCtrl() {}
+ };
+ // EO class TreeListCtrl
+ /**
+ * \ingroup View
+ */
+ //=====================================================================
+ //=====================================================================
+ /// Abstract class to handle tree item ids
+ struct TreeItemId
+ {
+ TreeItemId() {}
+ virtual ~TreeItemId() {}
+ };
+ // EO class TreeItemId
+ /**
+ * \ingroup View
+ */
+ //=====================================================================
+ //=====================================================================
+ ///Abstract class that handles views, attributes and previews (GUI) for Gimmick.
+ class GimmickView
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Ctor
+ GimmickView();
+ /// Virtual destructor
+ virtual ~GimmickView();
+ //====================================================================
+ // General
+ //====================================================================
+ /// Returns the size of the current selection
+ virtual int GetSelectionSize() { return 0; }
+ /// Returns true if there is a valid selection
+ virtual bool IsSelectionValid(){ return false; }
+ /// Returns the vector of full filenames of selected images
+ virtual void GetSelectedFiles(std::vector<std::string>&){ return; }
+ /// Returns the vector of images corresponding to selection
+ virtual void GetSelectedImages(std::vector<vtkImageData*>&){ return; }
+ /// Returns the vector of DicomNode corresponding to selection
+ virtual void GetSelectedDicomNodes(std::vector<DicomNode*>&){ return; }
+ /// Returns the vector of TreeItemId corresponding to selection
+ virtual void GetSelectedItems(std::vector<TreeItemId>&){ return; }
+ /// Returns the DicomNode corresponding to the tree item
+ virtual DicomNode* GetDicomNodeOfItem(const TreeItemId& i);
+ /// Type of list of DicomDatabase
+ typedef std::vector<DicomDatabase*> DicomDatabaseListType;
+ /// Returns the list of DicomDatabase open
+ virtual DicomDatabaseListType& GetDicomDatabaseList()
+ { return null; }
+ /// Returns the list of DicomDatabase open (const)
+ virtual const DicomDatabaseListType& GetDicomDatabaseList() const
+ { return null; }
+ /// Returns the TreeListCtrl of the main view
+ TreeListCtrl* GetTreeListCtrl() { return null; }
+ /// Returns the TreeListCtrl of the main view (const)
+ const TreeListCtrl* GetTreeListCtrl() const { return null; }
+ protected:
+ ///Inserts a TreeItem in a specified database
+ virtual void InsertDicomDatabase(TreeItemId& id, DicomDatabase* r);
+ ///Deletes a TreeItem from a specified database
+ virtual void DeleteDicomDatabase(TreeItemId& id, DicomDatabase* r);
+ ///Loads the children of the specified TreeItem
+ virtual void LoadChildren( TreeItemId& id );
+ ///Opens an existing database, or else, creates a local database.
+ virtual void OpenOrNewDatabase(bool open){ return; }
+ ///Shows the help
+ virtual void ShowHelp();
+ private:
+ ///Gets the extension of the database
+ const std::string& GetDatabaseExtension() { return null; }
+ ///Sets the extension of the database
+ virtual void SetDatabaseExtension(const std::string& ext){ return; }
+ //====================================================================
+ // Preview Display Related
+ //====================================================================
+ ///Shows the image sent as a parameter
+ private:
+ virtual void ShowImage(vtkImageData* image){ return; }
+ //====================================================================
+ // Favorites Related
+ //====================================================================
+ public:
+ /// Sets a new configuration file
+ virtual void SetConfigurationFile(const std::string& filename){ return; }
+ ///Loads a configuration file with the parameters for the favorites database
+ virtual void LoadConfiguration(){ return; }
+ ///Saves a configuration file with the parameters for the favorites database
+ virtual void SaveConfiguration(){ return; }
+ ///Sets the status for the save configuration on close to the new value
+ ///specified by the parameter
+ virtual void SetSaveConfigurationOnClose(bool v) { return; }
+ ///Loads or creates a favorites database
+ virtual void LoadOrCreateFavoritesDatabase(){ return; }
+ private:
+ ///Creates the user settings directory
+ void CreateUserSettingsDirectory(){ return; }
+ ///Obtains the user settings directory
+ const std::string& GetUserSettingsDirectory(){ return null; }
+ //====================================================================
+ // Attribute Display Related
+ //====================================================================
+ ///Shows the Information regarding the node sent as a parameter
+ private:
+ virtual void ShowInformation(DicomNode*){ return; }
+ //====================================================================
+ // Tree Display Related
+ //====================================================================
+ protected:
+ /// Completely rebuilds the view with
+ /// current DicomDatabaseList
+ virtual void RebuildView(){ return; }
+ /// Recursively updates the part of the view corresponding
+ /// to the DicomDatabase passed
+ /// i.e. creates items for the DicomNode which do not have
+ /// deletes obsolete items (whose DicomNode has been deleted)
+ virtual void UpdateDicomDatabaseView(DicomDatabase*){ return; }
+ /// Recursively updates the part of the view corresponding
+ /// to the DicomNode provided.
+ /// parent is its parent in the tree (where to insert / remove it)
+ virtual void UpdateDicomNodeView(DicomNode* n, const TreeItemId& parent){ return; }
+ /// Recursively deletes
+ virtual void DeleteObsoleteChildren(TreeItemId& id){ return; }
+ /// Create the column titles of the children of the item
+ virtual TreeItemId CreateChildrenColumnsTitles(TreeItemId& item,
+ DicomNode::Type t){ return null }
+ /// Updates the titles of the columns
+ virtual void UpdateColumnsTitles(TreeItemId& item, DicomNode::Type t){ return; }
+ /// Updates the information on the columns
+ virtual void UpdateColumns(TreeItemId& item, bool only_first = false){ return; }
+ private:
+ ///Type definition of the data regarding the tree
+ typedef WxGimmickTreeItemData TreeItemData;
+ ///Gets the item data of the tree item passed as a parameter
+ TreeItemData* GetItemData(const TreeItemId& id){ return null; }
+ ///Type definition of the data insid a node of the tree
+ typedef WxGimmickDicomNodeData NodeData;
+ //====================================================================
+ // Class Attributes
+ //====================================================================
+ int mSelectionType;
+ int mSelectionMaxImageDimension;
+ int mCurrentSelectionImageSize[4];
+ ///Existent Database List
+ DicomDatabaseListType mDicomDatabaseList;
+ ///Favorites database
+ DicomDatabase* mFavoriteDatabase;
+ ///The tree list controller
+ TreeListCtrl* mTreeListCtrl;
+ ///Path to the user settings directory
+ std::string mUserSettingsDirectory;
+ ///Path to the configuration file
+ std::string mConfigurationFile;
+ ///Path to the database list file
+ std::string mDatabaseListFile;
+ ///Boolean to check wether to save on close or not
+ bool mSaveConfigurationOnClose;
+ ///Extension of the database
+ std::string mDatabaseExtension;
+ bool mJustStarted;
+ int mFirstDicomDatabaseIconIndex;
+ // Id of the item which activated the popup menu
+ TreeItemId mItemOfMenu;
+ // Previewer
+ vtkImageViewer2* mViewer;
+ int mx1,mx2,my1,my2,mz1,mz2;
+ double mspx,mspy,mspz;
+ // Image preview :
+ // Multi-thread image reader
+ MultiThreadImageReader mReader;
+ // map of images name to node
+ std::map<std::string,DicomNode*> mImageFileNameToNode;
+ // Cur image item to show
+ TreeItemId mCurImageItemToShow;
+ };
+ // EO class GimmickView
+ //=====================================================================
+} // EO namespace creaImageIO
+// EOF
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