return PdfTextParser.AddOutputLine(self,s)
print "Discarding:", s
class TransferSyntaxParser(UIDParser):
def IsAFullLine(self,s):
patt = re.compile('^(.*) Transfer Syntax PS ?[0-9].1?[0-9]$')
print "Not a TS:", s
return False
+Papyrus parser
+pdftotext -f 19 -l 41 -raw -nopgbrk /tmp/Papyrus31Specif.pdf /tmp/Papyrus31Specif.txt
+I need to do a second pass for pages:
+#29 since I need to find [0-9.]+
+#40,41 since it start with number in two columns !!
+class PapyrusParser(PdfTextParser):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._PreviousPage = 0
+ self._PreviousNumber = 0
+ PdfTextParser.__init__(self)
+ def IsAStartingLine(self,s):
+ patt = re.compile('^[A-Za-z \'\(\)]+ +\\([0-9A-F]+,[0-9A-F]+\\) +(.*)$')
+ if( patt.match(s) ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def IsAFullLine(self,s):
+ patt = re.compile('^[A-Za-z \'\(\)]+ +\\([0-9A-F]+,[0-9A-F]+\\) +(.*)$')
+ if( patt.match(s) ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def IsAComment(self,s):
+ # dummy case:
+ if s == 'Attribute Name Tag Type Attribute Description':
+ print "Dummy", s
+ return True
+ # Indicate page #, spaces ending with only one number
+ # Sometime there is a line with only one number, we need to
+ # make sure that page # is strictly increasing
+ patt = re.compile('^[1-9][0-9]+$')
+ if( patt.match(s) ):
+ if( eval(s) > self._PreviousPage):
+ print "Page #", eval(s)
+ self._PreviousNumber = 0
+ self._PreviousPage = eval(s)
+ return True
+ # Now within each page there is a comment that start with a #
+ # let's do the page approach wich reset at each page
+ patt = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')
+ if( patt.match(s) ):
+ print "Number #", eval(s)
+ self._PreviousNumber = eval(s)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def AddOutputLine(self,s):
+ assert not self.IsAComment(s)
+ s = s.replace('\n','')
+ #print "REMOVE return:", s
+ patt = re.compile('^([A-Za-z \'\(\)]+) (\\([0-9A-F]+,[0-9A-F]+\\)) ([0-9C]+) (.*)$')
+ m = patt.match(s)
+ ss = 'dummy (0000,0000) 0'
+ if m:
+ ss = + ' ' + + ' ' +
+ else:
+ patt = re.compile('^([A-Za-z \'\(\)]+) (\\([0-9A-F]+,[0-9A-F]+\\)) (.*)$')
+ m = patt.match(s)
+ if m:
+ ss = + ' 0 ' +
+ self._OutLines.append(ss + '\n')
+ def Open(self):
+ self._Infile = file(self._InputFilename, 'r')
+ for line in self._Infile.readlines():
+ line = line[:-1] # remove '\n'
+ if not self.IsAComment( line ):
+ if self.IsAStartingLine(line):
+ #print "Previous buffer:",self._PreviousBuffers
+ previousbuffer = ' '.join(self._PreviousBuffers)
+ if self.IsAFullLine(previousbuffer):
+ self.AddOutputLine(previousbuffer)
+ else:
+ if previousbuffer:
+ print "Not a buffer:", previousbuffer
+ # We can clean buffer, since only the case 'suspicious' +
+ # 'Not a full line' has not added buffer to the list
+ self._PreviousBuffers = []
+ # In all cases save the line for potentially growing this line
+ # just to be safe remove any white space at begining of string
+ assert not self.IsAComment(line)
+ self._PreviousBuffers.append(line.strip())
+ else:
+ #print "Not a line",line
+ assert not self.IsAComment(line)
+ # just to be safe remove any white space at begining of string
+ self._PreviousBuffers.append(line.strip())
+ else:
+ #print "Previous buffer:",self._PreviousBuffers
+ previousbuffer = ' '.join(self._PreviousBuffers)
+ if previousbuffer and self.IsAStartingLine(previousbuffer):
+ #print "This line is added:", previousbuffer
+ self.AddOutputLine( previousbuffer )
+# else:
+# #print "Line is comment:", line
+# print "Buffer is:", previousbuffer
+ # Ok this is a comment we can safely clean the buffer:
+ self._PreviousBuffers = []
+ self.Write()
This class is meant to expand line like:
if __name__ == "__main__":
argc = len(os.sys.argv )
if ( argc < 3 ):
exp.SetInputFileName( tempfile )
exp.SetOutputFileName( outputfilename )
- """
dp = TransferSyntaxParser()
dp.SetInputFileName( inputfilename )
dp.SetOutputFileName( outputfilename )
+ """
+ dp = PapyrusParser()
+ dp.SetInputFileName( inputfilename )
+ dp.SetOutputFileName( outputfilename )
+ dp.Parse()
#print dp.IsAStartingLine( "(0004,1212) File-set Consistency Flag US 1\n" )