--- /dev/null
+format 66
+"pPlotter" // pPlotter
+ revision 2
+ modified_by 2 "davila"
+ // class settings
+ //class diagram settings
+ draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default show_attribute_modifiers default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_relation_modifiers default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //use case diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default class_drawing_mode default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //sequence diagram settings
+ show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //collaboration diagram settings
+ show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //object diagram settings
+ write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //component diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ draw_component_as_icon default show_component_req_prov default show_component_rea default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //deployment diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default write_horizontally default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ draw_component_as_icon default show_component_req_prov default show_component_rea default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //state diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //activity diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default
+ classview 128002 "pPlotter"
+ //class diagram settings
+ draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default show_attribute_modifiers default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_relation_modifiers default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //collaboration diagram settings
+ show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //object diagram settings
+ write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //sequence diagram settings
+ show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //state diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //class settings
+ //activity diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default
+ class 128002 "HistogramDialog"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 128002 // <generalisation>
+ relation 128002 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 128002 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 128130 // typedef1
+ end
+ operation 128002 "HistogramDialog"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 4
+ param inout name "parent" explicit_type "wxWindow"
+ param in name "title" explicit_type "wxString"
+ param inout name "imageData" explicit_type "vtkImageData"
+ param in name "type" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} * ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} * ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "
+ Constructor
+ "
+ end
+ operation 128130 "getSizeTransferenceFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Methods
+ get number of points of the transference function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 128258 "getSizeBarColor"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ get number of points of the barColor
+ "
+ end
+ operation 128386 "getTransferenceFunctionPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 3
+ param in name "index" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "y" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ get a point of the transference function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 128514 "getDataBarColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 5
+ param in name "index" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "red" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "green" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "blue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} & ${p4}${v4}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}, ${t3} & ${p3}, ${t4} & ${p4}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ get a color int the bqr color
+ "
+ end
+ operation 128642 "getHistogramPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "gValue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ get a point of the Histogram
+ given the grey value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 128770 "getMaxShowedPorcentage"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "--------------------
+ bar Information
+ Get the porcentage of the positions of
+ the min,max and actual in the bar range
+ "
+ end
+ operation 128898 "getMinShowedPorcentage"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 129026 "getActualShowedPorcentage"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 129154 "addPointToTransferenceFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "y" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "---------------------------------------
+ setting data in transferences function
+ and in bar color
+ Adds a point to the transference function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 129282 "addColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 4
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "red" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "green" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "blue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ add a color point to the histogram
+ @param x the level of grey to which the color is assigned
+ @param red the level of red for the color
+ @param green the level of red for the color
+ @param blue the level of red for the color
+ "
+ end
+ operation 129410 "erasePointsTransferenceFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "------------------------
+Erase data
+ Erase all the points that are in the transference function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 129538 "eraseColorPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 129666 "setTransferenceFunctionHasPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "hasPoints" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "-------------------
+ Getter and setters
+ end
+ operation 129794 "setTransferenceFunctionHasColor"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "hasColorPoints" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 129922 "getRefreshed"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "returns if the user has pressed refresh "
+ end
+ operation 130050 "setCTF"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "cf" explicit_type "vtkColorTransferFunction"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 130178 "setTF"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "tf" explicit_type "vtkPiecewiseFunction"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 130306 "setVolumeMapper"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "volMapper" explicit_type "vtkVolumeRayCastMapper"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 130434 "setVolume"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "vol" explicit_type "vtkVolume"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 130562 "setMPR3Dview"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "wxvtkmpr3Dview1" explicit_type "wxVtkMPR3DView"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 130690 "setClipping3DView"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "wxvtkclipping3Dview1" explicit_type "wxVtkClipping3DView"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 130818 "updatePlotter"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "--------------------
+ plotter Information
+ end
+ operation 130946 "OnSaveData"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "-----------------------
+Handling events
+ end
+ operation 131074 "OnLoadData"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 131202 "OnRefreshBtn"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ attribute 128002 "histogramW"
+ private explicit_type "HistogramWidget"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 128130 "okBtn"
+ private explicit_type "wxButton"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 128258 "cancelBtn"
+ private explicit_type "wxButton"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 128386 "saveDataBtn"
+ private explicit_type "wxButton"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 128514 "loadDataBtn"
+ private explicit_type "wxButton"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 128642 "refreshBtn"
+ private explicit_type "wxButton"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 128770 "refreshed"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 128898 "_ctfun"
+ private explicit_type "vtkColorTransferFunction"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 129026 "_tfun"
+ private explicit_type "vtkPiecewiseFunction"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 129154 "volumeMapper"
+ private explicit_type "vtkVolumeRayCastMapper"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 129282 "newvol"
+ private explicit_type "vtkVolume"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 129410 "wxvtkmpr3Dview"
+ private explicit_type "wxVtkMPR3DView"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 129538 "wxvtkclipping3Dview"
+ private explicit_type "wxVtkClipping3DView"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 130050 // <unidirectional association>
+ relation 130050 --->
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 130050 // <unidirectional association>
+ b parent class_ref 130434 // HistogramWidget
+ end
+ end
+ class 128130 "typedef1"
+ visibility package stereotype "typedef" explicit_base_type "wxDialog"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 128258 "LogicalColorBar"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "* file LogicalColorBar.h "
+ operation 131330 "LogicalColorBar"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Constructors & Destructors
+ end
+ operation 131458 "~LogicalColorBar"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ end
+ operation 131586 "getFirstPoint"
+ public return_type class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Methods
+ * Gets the first point
+ "
+ end
+ operation 131714 "getLastPoint"
+ public return_type class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Gets the last point
+ "
+ end
+ operation 131842 "getMinValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 131970 "setMinValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "valueMin" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 132098 "getMaxValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 132226 "setMaxValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "valueMax" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 132354 "getOrientation"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 132482 "setOrientation"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "orientation" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 132610 "addColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "xRealValue" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "theColour" explicit_type "wxColour"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 132738 "deleteColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "valErase" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 132866 "getPointersToRangeLimits"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 5
+ param inout name "theInputQueue" explicit_type "std::deque<pColorPoint *>"
+ param inout name "startIndex" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "endIndex" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "startSearched" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "endSearched" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} ${p4}${v4}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}, ${t4} ${p4}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "void getListIndexRangeLimits( int &startIndex, int &endIndex, int startSearched, int endSearched );"
+ end
+ operation 132994 "getLastAddedPoint"
+ public return_type class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 133122 "getPointAtIndex"
+ public return_type class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "anIndex" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 133250 "getCount"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 133378 "getDataAt"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 5
+ param in name "index" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param inout name "red" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "green" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "blue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} & ${p4}${v4}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}, ${t3} & ${p3}, ${t4} & ${p4}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 133506 "clearPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 133634 "getMinAddedValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 133762 "getMaxAddedValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 133890 "changeColor"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "pointValue" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "theNewColor" explicit_type "wxColour"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 134018 "setColorPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "pointsVector" explicit_type "std::vector<pColorPoint *>"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ attribute 129666 "bar_orientation"
+ public explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 128130 // logicColorPoints (<unidirectional association>)
+ relation 128130 --->
+ stereotype "std::vector"
+ a role_name "logicColorPoints" public
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${stereotype}<${type}*> ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 128130 // logicColorPoints (<unidirectional association>)
+ b parent class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ end
+ classrelation 128258 // lastAddedPoint (<unidirectional association>)
+ relation 128258 --->
+ a role_name "lastAddedPoint" public
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 128258 // lastAddedPoint (<unidirectional association>)
+ b parent class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ end
+ attribute 129794 "minValue"
+ public explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 129922 "maxValue"
+ public explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ class 128386 "pColorPoint"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Class definition
+ classrelation 128642 // <generalisation>
+ relation 128642 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 128642 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 129026 // typedef3
+ end
+ operation 143362 "pColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 3
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "col" explicit_type "wxColour"
+ param in name "isTemp" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Constructors and destructors
+ * Create a point of the function.
+ * @param x The x real value
+ * @param _color The asigned colour
+ * @param isTemp The temporal o fixed asignation to the color
+ "
+ end
+ operation 143490 "~pColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ end
+ operation 143618 "getRealX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Methods definition
+ * Returns the x-value of the point
+ * @retval realX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 143746 "getColor"
+ public explicit_return_type "wxColor"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Returns the colour of the point
+ * @retval colour
+ "
+ end
+ operation 143874 "setRealX"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ realX = x;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Sets the x-value of the point
+ * @param x
+ "
+ end
+ operation 144002 "setColor"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "_col" explicit_type "wxColour"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ colour = _col;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Sets the colour of the point
+ * @param _col
+ "
+ end
+ operation 144130 "isTemporalColor"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Indicates if the colour point is temporal or not
+ * @retval isTemporal
+ "
+ end
+ attribute 135426 "realX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 135554 "colour"
+ private explicit_type "wxColour"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 135682 "isTemporal"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ class 128514 "anonymous1"
+ visibility package stereotype "enum"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}enum {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "* Command IDs used by mpWindow "
+ attribute 130050 "mpID_FIT"
+ public type class_ref 128514 // anonymous1
+ init_value "= 2000"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 130178 "mpID_ZOOM_IN"
+ public type class_ref 128514 // anonymous1
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 130306 "mpID_ZOOM_OUT"
+ public type class_ref 128514 // anonymous1
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 130434 "mpID_CENTER"
+ public type class_ref 128514 // anonymous1
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 130562 "mpID_LOCKASPECT"
+ public type class_ref 128514 // anonymous1
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 130690 "mpID_LINE_GUIDES"
+ public type class_ref 128514 // anonymous1
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ class 128642 "mpFX"
+ abstract visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "@}
+* @name mpLayer implementations - functions
+* Abstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for functions F:X->Y.
+Override mpFX::GetY to implement a function.
+Optionally implement a constructor and pass a name (label) and a label alignment
+to the constructor mpFX::mpFX. If the layer name is empty, no label will be plotted.
+ classrelation 128386 // <generalisation>
+ relation 128386 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 128386 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 128770 // typedef2
+ end
+ operation 134146 "mpFX"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString"
+ defaultvalue "wxEmptyString"
+ param in name "flags" explicit_type "int"
+ defaultvalue "mpALIGN_RIGHT"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "* @param name Label
+ @param flags Label alignment, pass one of #mpALIGN_RIGHT, #mpALIGN_CENTER, #mpALIGN_LEFT.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 134274 "GetY"
+ abstract cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ comment "* Get function value for argument.
+ Override this function in your implementation.
+ @param x Argument
+ @return Function value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 134402 "Plot"
+ cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC"
+ param inout name "w" explicit_type "mpWindow"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Layer plot handler.
+ This implementation will plot the function in the visible area and
+ put a label according to the aligment specified.
+ "
+ end
+ attribute 130818 "m_flags"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Holds label alignment"
+ end
+ operation 134530 "GetX"
+ abstract cpp_virtual protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "y" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ comment "* Get function value for argument.
+ Override this function in your implementation.
+ @param y Argument
+ @return Function value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 134658 "Plot"
+ cpp_virtual protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC"
+ param inout name "w" explicit_type "mpWindow"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Layer plot handler.
+ This implementation will plot the function in the visible area and
+ put a label according to the aligment specified.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 134786 "Rewind"
+ abstract cpp_virtual protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ comment "* Rewind value enumeration with mpFXY::GetNextXY.
+ Override this function in your implementation.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 134914 "GetNextXY"
+ abstract cpp_virtual protected explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param inout name "y" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ comment "* Get locus value for next N.
+ Override this function in your implementation.
+ @param x Returns X value
+ @param y Returns Y value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135042 "Plot"
+ cpp_virtual protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC"
+ param inout name "w" explicit_type "mpWindow"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Layer plot handler.
+ This implementation will plot the locus in the visible area and
+ put a label according to the aligment specified.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135170 "Plot"
+ cpp_virtual protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC"
+ param inout name "w" explicit_type "mpWindow"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Layer plot handler.
+ This implementation will plot the ruler adjusted to the visible area.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135298 "HasBBox"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return FALSE; };
+ comment "* Check whether this layer has a bounding box.
+ This implementation returns \\a FALSE thus making the ruler invisible
+ to the plot layer bounding box calculation by mpWindow.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135426 "Plot"
+ cpp_virtual protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC"
+ param inout name "w" explicit_type "mpWindow"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Layer plot handler.
+ This implementation will plot the ruler adjusted to the visible area.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135554 "HasBBox"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return FALSE; };
+ comment "* Check whether this layer has a bounding box.
+ This implementation returns \\a FALSE thus making the ruler invisible
+ to the plot layer bounding box calculation by mpWindow.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135682 "GetPopupMenu"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "wxMenu"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return &m_popmenu; };
+ comment "* Get reference to context menu of the plot canvas.
+ @return Pointer to menu. The menu can be modified.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135810 "setType"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "t" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ type=t;
+ };
+ comment "-----------------------
+ new methods for plotter
+ Set Type
+ "
+ end
+ operation 135938 "getType"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return type;
+ };
+ comment "
+ Get Type
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136066 "setMaxScrX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "maxX" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ maxScrX=maxX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ set the max value in the x axis
+ @param maxX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136194 "setMaxScrY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "maxY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ maxScrY=maxY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ set the max value in the y axis
+ @param maxY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136322 "getMaxScrX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return maxScrX;
+ };
+ comment "*Get maximum value in x
+ @return maxScrX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136450 "getMaxScrY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return maxScrY;
+ };
+ comment "*Get maximum value in y
+ @return maxScrY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136578 "getZoomFactor"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return zoomFactor;
+ };
+ comment "
+ returns the zoomFactor
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136706 "setMinScrX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "minX" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ minScrX=minX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ set the min value in the x axis
+ @param minX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136834 "setMinScrY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "minY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ minScrY=minY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ set the min value in the y axis
+ @param minY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 136962 "getMinScrX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return minScrX;
+ };
+ comment "*Get miniimum value in x
+ @return minScrX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137090 "getMinScrY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return minScrY;
+ };
+ comment "*Get minimum value in y
+ @return minScrY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137218 "getClickedX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return m_clickedX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the x-clicked by the user
+ @return m_clickedX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137346 "getClickedY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return m_clickedY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the y-clicked by the user
+ @return m_clickedY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137474 "getOffsetPixelsX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetPixelX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Gets the x-offset of the zoom
+ in pixels
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137602 "getOffsetPixelsY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetPixelY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Gets the offset of the zoom
+ in pixels
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137730 "setOffsetPixelX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "offX" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ offsetPixelX=offX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the x-offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137858 "setOffsetPixelY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "offY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ offsetPixelY=offY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the y-offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 137986 "getOffsetX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Gets the x-offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 138114 "getOffsetY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Gets the offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 138242 "setOffsetX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "offX" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ offsetX=offX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the x-offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 138370 "setOffsetY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "offY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ offsetY=offY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the y-offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 138498 "setRealGuideX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "newX_realGuide" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ real_guideLine_X = newX_realGuide;
+ if(real_guideLine_X!=-1)
+ UpdateAll();
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Sets real value of the y-coord for the vertical guide line
+ * @param newX_realGuide The new value to assing for the vertical guide
+ "
+ end
+ operation 138626 "getRealGuideX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return real_guideLine_X;
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Gets the real value of the y-coord for the vertical guide line
+ * @retval real_guideLine_X The assigned value for the vertical guide
+ "
+ end
+ operation 138754 "setRealGuideY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "newY_realGuide" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ real_guideLine_Y = newY_realGuide;
+ if(real_guideLine_Y!=-1)
+ UpdateAll();
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Sets real value of the y-coord for the vertical guide line
+ * @param newY_realGuide The new value to assing for the vertical guide
+ "
+ end
+ operation 138882 "getRealGuideY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return real_guideLine_Y;
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Gets the real value of the y-coord for the vertical guide line
+ * @retval real_guideLine_Y The assigned value for the vertical guide
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139010 "drawGuideLines"
+ protected explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the condition for drawing or not the guide lines
+ * @param ifDrawing The new condition to assing
+void setLineGuidesCondition(bool ifDrawing)
+ {
+ drawGuides = ifDrawing;
+ }
+ * Gets the condition for drawing or not the guide lines
+ * @retval drawGuides The assigned condition
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139138 "AddLayer"
+ protected explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "layer" explicit_type "mpLayer"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Guide lines menu handler method that reacts to the mpID_LINE_GUIDES cimmand event
+ * event The corresponding event to handle
+void OnGuideLines (wxCommandEvent &event);
+ Previous methods
+* Add a plot layer to the canvas.
+ @param layer Pointer to layer. The mpLayer object will get under control of mpWindow,
+ i.e. it will be delete'd on mpWindow destruction
+ @retval TRUE Success
+ @retval FALSE Failure due to out of memory.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139266 "DelLayer"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "layer" explicit_type "mpLayer"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Remove a plot layer from the canvas.
+ @param layer Pointer to layer. The mpLayer object will be destructed using delete.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139394 "GetScaleX"
+ const cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "" explicit_type "void"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return m_scaleX; };
+ comment "* Get current view's X scale.
+ See @ref mpLayer::Plot \"rules for coordinate transformation\"
+ @return Scale
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139522 "GetScaleY"
+ const cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "" explicit_type "void"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return m_scaleY; };
+ comment "* Get current view's Y scale.
+ See @ref mpLayer::Plot \"rules for coordinate transformation\"
+ @return Scale
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139650 "GetPosX"
+ const cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "" explicit_type "void"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return m_posX; };
+ comment "* Get current view's X position.
+ See @ref mpLayer::Plot \"rules for coordinate transformation\"
+ @return X Position in layer coordinate system, that corresponds to the center point of the view.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139778 "GetPosY"
+ const cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "" explicit_type "void"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return m_posY; };
+ comment "* Get current view's Y position.
+ See @ref mpLayer::Plot \"rules for coordinate transformation\"
+ @return Y Position in layer coordinate system, that corresponds to the center point of the view.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 139906 "GetScrX"
+ const cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "" explicit_type "void"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return m_scrX; };
+ comment "* Get current view's X dimension in device context units.
+ Usually this is equal to wxDC::GetSize, but it might differ thus mpLayer
+ implementations should rely on the value returned by the function.
+ See @ref mpLayer::Plot \"rules for coordinate transformation\"
+ @return X dimension.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140034 "GetScrY"
+ const cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "" explicit_type "void"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return m_scrY; };
+ comment "* Get current view's Y dimension in device context units.
+ Usually this is equal to wxDC::GetSize, but it might differ thus mpLayer
+ implementations should rely on the value returned by the function.
+ See @ref mpLayer::Plot \"rules for coordinate transformation\"
+ @return Y dimension.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140162 "SetScaleX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "scaleX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if (scaleX!=0) m_scaleX=scaleX; /*UpdateAll();*/ };
+ comment "void SetScrY(int x) const { return m_scrY; }
+* Set current view's X scale and refresh display.
+ @param scaleX New scale, must not be 0.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140290 "SetScaleY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "scaleY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if (scaleY!=0) m_scaleY=scaleY; /*UpdateAll();*/ };
+ comment "* Set current view's Y scale and refresh display.
+ @param scaleY New scale, must not be 0.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140418 "SetPosX"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "posX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { m_posX=posX; UpdateAll(); };
+ comment "* Set current view's X position and refresh display.
+ @param posX New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140546 "SetPosY"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "posY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { m_posY=posY; UpdateAll(); };
+ comment "* Set current view's Y position and refresh display.
+ @param posY New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140674 "SetPos"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "posX" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "posY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { m_posX=posX; m_posY=posY; UpdateAll(); };
+ comment "* Set current view's X and Y position and refresh display.
+ @param posX New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
+ @param posY New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140802 "LockAspect"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "enable" explicit_type "bool"
+ defaultvalue "TRUE"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Enable or disable X/Y scale aspect locking for the view.
+ @note Explicit calls to mpWindow::SetScaleX and mpWindow::SetScaleY will set
+ an unlocked apect, but any other action changing the view scale will
+ lock the aspect again.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 140930 "IsAspectLocked"
+ cpp_inline protected explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return m_lockaspect; };
+ comment "* Checks whether the X/Y scale aspect is locked.
+ @retval TRUE Locked
+ @retval FALSE Unlocked
+ "
+ end
+ operation 141058 "Fit"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Set view to fit global bounding box of all plot layers and refresh display.
+ Scale and position will be set to a show all attached mpLayers.
+ The X/Y scale aspect lock is taken into account.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 141186 "ZoomIn"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Zoom into current view and refresh display "
+ end
+ operation 141314 "ZoomOut"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Zoom out current view and refresh display "
+ end
+ operation 141442 "UpdateAll"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "* Refresh display "
+ end
+ operation 141570 "Refresh"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "eraseBackground" explicit_type "bool"
+ defaultvalue "true"
+ param in name "rect" explicit_type "wxRect"
+ defaultvalue "NULL"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} * ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, const ${t1} * ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 141698 "OnPaint"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxPaintEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 141826 "OnSize"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxSizeEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Paint handler, will plot all attached layers"
+ end
+ operation 141954 "OnScroll2"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxScrollWinEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Size handler, will update scroll bar sizes"
+ end
+ operation 142082 "OnShowPopupMenu"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxMouseEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Scroll handler, will move canvas"
+ end
+ operation 142210 "OnCenter"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Mouse handler, will show context menu"
+ end
+ operation 142338 "OnFit"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Context menu handler"
+ end
+ operation 142466 "OnZoomIn"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Context menu handler"
+ end
+ operation 142594 "OnZoomOut"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Context menu handler"
+ end
+ operation 142722 "OnLockAspect"
+ protected explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Context menu handler"
+ end
+ operation 142850 "UpdateBBox"
+ protected explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "!< Context menu handler"
+ end
+ attribute 130946 "m_layers"
+ protected explicit_type "wxList"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< List of attached plot layers"
+ end
+ attribute 131074 "m_popmenu"
+ protected explicit_type "wxMenu"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Canvas' context menu"
+ end
+ attribute 131202 "m_lockaspect"
+ protected explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Scale aspect is locked or not"
+ end
+ attribute 131330 "m_minX"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Global layer bounding box, left border incl."
+ end
+ attribute 131458 "m_maxX"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Global layer bounding box, right border incl."
+ end
+ attribute 131586 "m_minY"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Global layer bounding box, bottom border incl."
+ end
+ attribute 131714 "m_maxY"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Global layer bounding box, top border incl."
+ end
+ attribute 131842 "m_scaleX"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Current view's X scale"
+ end
+ attribute 131970 "m_scaleY"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Current view's Y scale"
+ end
+ attribute 132098 "m_posX"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Current view's X position"
+ end
+ attribute 132226 "m_posY"
+ protected explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Current view's Y position"
+ end
+ attribute 132354 "m_scrX"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Current view's X dimension"
+ end
+ attribute 132482 "m_scrY"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Current view's Y dimension"
+ end
+ attribute 132610 "m_clickedX"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Last mouse click X position, for centering and zooming the view"
+ end
+ attribute 132738 "m_clickedY"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ comment "!< Last mouse click Y position, for centering and zooming the view"
+ end
+ attribute 132866 "maxScrX"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 132994 "maxScrY"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 133122 "minScrX"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 133250 "minScrY"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 133378 "zoomFactor"
+ protected explicit_type "float"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 133506 "offsetPixelX"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 133634 "offsetPixelY"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 133762 "offsetX"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 133890 "offsetY"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 134018 "real_guideLine_X"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 134146 "real_guideLine_Y"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 134274 "drawGuides"
+ protected explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 134402 "type"
+ protected explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 134530 "_bitmap_functions"
+ private explicit_type "wxBitmap"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 131714 // <generalisation>
+ relation 131714 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 131714 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132354 // mpLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 128770 "typedef2"
+ visibility package stereotype "typedef" explicit_base_type "mpLayer"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 128898 "MaximumsDialog"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 128514 // <generalisation>
+ relation 128514 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 128514 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 128130 // typedef1
+ end
+ operation 142978 "MaximumsDialog"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "parent" explicit_type "wxWindow"
+ param in name "title" explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "
+ Constructor
+ "
+ end
+ operation 143106 "getXValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Destructor
+ Returns the X value wrote by the user
+ "
+ end
+ operation 143234 "getYValue"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Returns the X value wrote by the user
+ "
+ end
+ attribute 134658 "m_maxX"
+ private explicit_type "wxTextCtrl"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 134786 "m_maxY"
+ private explicit_type "wxTextCtrl"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 134914 "maxX"
+ private explicit_type "wxStaticText"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 135042 "maxY"
+ private explicit_type "wxStaticText"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 135170 "okBtn"
+ private explicit_type "wxButton"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 135298 "cancelBtn"
+ private explicit_type "wxButton"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ class 129026 "typedef3"
+ visibility package stereotype "typedef" explicit_base_type "wxObject"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 129154 "pFigure"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "* @file pFigure.h "
+ classrelation 128770 // <generalisation>
+ relation 128770 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 128770 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 129026 // typedef3
+ end
+ operation 144258 "pFigure"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 5
+ param in name "edges_n" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "_w" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "_h" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "_orientation" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "bar_orientation" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} ${p4}${v4}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}, ${t4} ${p4}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Constructors & Destructors
+ * Create a figure with edges_n edges
+ * @param edges_n The number of edges of the new figure
+ * @param _w The width to set
+ * @param _h The height to set
+ * @param _orientation The figure orientation to set
+ * @param bar_orientation The figure orientation to set
+ "
+ end
+ operation 144386 "~pFigure"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ end
+ operation 144514 "getNumberEdges"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Methods
+ * Gets the number of edges of the figure
+ * @retval edges Number of edges in the figure
+ "
+ end
+ operation 144642 "setNumberEdges"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "n_edges" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Sets the vertex points of the figure
+ * @param edges Number of edges in the figure to set
+ "
+ end
+ operation 144770 "getVertexPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "thePoints" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}[]${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}[]${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Gets the vertex points of the figure
+ * @param wxPoint The vector to get the points
+ * @retval points Vertex points distribution in the figure
+ "
+ end
+ operation 144898 "setVertexPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "n_points" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Sets the vertex points of the figure
+ * @param edges Vertex points distribution in the figure to set
+ "
+ end
+ operation 145026 "setHeigth"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "_h" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the heigth of the figure
+ * @param _h The heigth to set
+ "
+ end
+ operation 145154 "getHeigth"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Gets the heigth of the figure
+ * @retval heigth The heigth of the figure
+ "
+ end
+ operation 145282 "setWidth"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "_w" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the width of the figure
+ * @param _w The width to set
+ "
+ end
+ operation 145410 "getWidth"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Gets the width of the figure
+ * @retval width The width of the figure
+ "
+ end
+ operation 145538 "isPointInside"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "xFig_PixelPoint" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "xPixel" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Indicates if a pixel point is inside the figure
+ * @param xFig_PixelPoint The known reference point inside the figure
+ * @param xPixel The x-pixel coord asking for
+ * @retval Returns true if the point is inside
+ "
+ end
+ operation 145666 "setBarOrientation"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "bar_orientation" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the bar orientation
+ * @ bar_orientation The orientation to set (true for horizontal, false for vertical)
+ "
+ end
+ operation 145794 "setFigureOrientation"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "fig_orientation" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the bar orientation used for triangles
+ * @ bar_orientation The orientation to set (LEFT = -4, RIGHT = -6, UP = -8, DOWN = -2)
+ "
+ end
+ class 129282 "anonymous2"
+ visibility package stereotype "enum"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}enum {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ attribute 135810 "TRIANGLE"
+ public type class_ref 129282 // anonymous2
+ init_value "= 3"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 135938 "RECTANGLE"
+ public type class_ref 129282 // anonymous2
+ init_value "= 4"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 136066 "LEFT"
+ public type class_ref 129282 // anonymous2
+ init_value "= -4"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 136194 "RIGHT"
+ public type class_ref 129282 // anonymous2
+ init_value "= -6"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 136322 "UP"
+ public type class_ref 129282 // anonymous2
+ init_value "= -8"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 136450 "DOWN"
+ public type class_ref 129282 // anonymous2
+ init_value "= -2"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ attribute 136578 "heigth"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 136706 "width"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 136834 "edges"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 136962 "orientation"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 137090 "barOrientation"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 137218 "v_points"
+ private explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ class 129410 "pFunctionPoint"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Includes
+ Class definition
+ classrelation 128898 // <generalisation>
+ relation 128898 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 128898 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 129026 // typedef3
+ end
+ operation 145922 "pFunctionPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "y" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Methods definition
+ * Create a point of the function.
+ * @param x The x value
+ * @param y The y value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 146050 "getRealX"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Returns the x-value of the point
+ * @ realX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 146178 "getRealY"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Returns the y-value of the point
+ * @ realY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 146306 "setRealX"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ realX=x;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Sets the x-value of the point
+ * @param x
+ "
+ end
+ operation 146434 "setRealY"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "y" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ realY=y;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Sets the y-value of the point
+ * @param y
+ "
+ end
+ operation 146562 "setHasColor"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "hasColor" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the state of having an asigned color
+ "
+ end
+ operation 146690 "getHasColorForLevel"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Indicates if the point has an asigned color for the level
+ "
+ end
+ attribute 137346 "realX"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 137474 "realY"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 137602 "hasColorForLevel"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ class 129538 "pGraphicalFunction"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Class definition
+ classrelation 129026 // <generalisation>
+ relation 129026 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 129026 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 129666 // typedef4
+ end
+ operation 146818 "pGraphicalFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString"
+ defaultvalue "wxEmptyString"
+ param in name "flags" explicit_type "int"
+ defaultvalue "mpALIGN_RIGHT"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "constructor "
+ end
+ operation 146946 "~pGraphicalFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ end
+ operation 147074 "getXTraslation"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return xTraslation;
+ };
+ comment "---------------------------
+Virtual Mehods
+ Get the value of the traslation
+ in the x-axis
+ "
+ end
+ operation 147202 "getmType"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return mType;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the type of the curve
+ 1=normal function
+ 2=Histogram
+ "
+ end
+ operation 147330 "vGetType"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return _type;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the type of the curve
+ 1=piecewise functio
+ 2= smooth
+ "
+ end
+ operation 147458 "getOffsets"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "offsetX" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "offSetY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ offsetX=(int)_offsetX;
+ offsetY=(int)_offsetY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get _offsetX and _offsetY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 147586 "getFactorZoom"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "fz" explicit_type "float"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ fz=factorZoom;
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Get the factor zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 147714 "getFromWindowV"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "fw" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ fw=fromWindow;
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Get the value of fromWindow
+ "
+ end
+ operation 147842 "getIfActual"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "actual" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ actual=ifActual;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * if the function that is drawing is the actual
+ "
+ end
+ operation 147970 "getMax"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "maxX" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "maxY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ maxX=(int)getMaxX();
+ maxY=(int)getMaxY();
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * get the max of the function in x and y
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148098 "getMaxShowed"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "maxX" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "maxY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ maxX=(int)getMaxXShowed();
+ maxY=(int)getMaxYShowed();
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * get the maxShowed of the function in x and y
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148226 "getMinShowed"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "minX" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "minY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ minX=(int)getMinXShowed();
+ minY=(int)getMinYShowed();
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * get the minShowed of the function in x and y
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148354 "getScreens"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "scrX" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "scrY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ scrX=screenX;
+ scrY=screenY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Get screens of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148482 "setScreens"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "scrX" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "scrY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ screenX=scrX;
+ screenY=scrY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Set screens value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148610 "getScales"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "scaleX" explicit_type "double"
+ param inout name "scaleY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ scaleX=_scaleX;
+ scaleY=_scaleY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Let us know the scale of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148738 "getDrawing"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "draw" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ draw = drawing;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Let us Know if the user has finished the drawing
+ * that starts before.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148866 "ifShowPoints"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "show" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ show = showPointsF;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Let us Know if the user want to see the points of the function
+ of other color than the color of the lines
+ "
+ end
+ operation 148994 "Rewind"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ node = logicFunction->GetPointAt(0);
+ };
+ comment "*
+ *Rewind
+ "
+ end
+ operation 149122 "GetNextXY"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param inout name "y" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ if(node)
+ {
+ pFunctionPoint* p=(pFunctionPoint*)node->GetData();
+ x=p->getRealX();
+ y=p->getRealY();
+ node=node->GetNext();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ comment "* Get locus value for next N.
+ Override this function in your implementation.
+ @param x Returns X value
+ @param y Returns Y value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 149250 "GetPoints"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "points" explicit_type "wxList"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ logicFunction->GetPoints(points);
+ //points = realPoints;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get Point list of the funcion
+ @param return points
+ "
+ end
+ operation 149378 "getMousePoint"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "y" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ x=mousePoint.x;
+ y=mousePoint.y;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the point where the user
+ made a click
+ "
+ end
+ operation 149506 "getSize"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "size" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ size=getSizePoints();
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Get the number of points of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 149634 "getDirection"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "dir" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ logicFunction -> getDirection (dir);
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * this method gets the direction of the drawing
+ "
+ end
+ operation 149762 "validPointOnFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "realPoint" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "---------------------------
+ Methods
+ * validate if the function has that point in a sensible area returning the index where the point was found or -1 if is in not part of the function: define the sensible area is
+ * x1-validPointRange<x<x1+validPointRange y1-validPointRange<y<y1+validPointRange
+ "
+ end
+ operation 149890 "getIndexOf"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "realpoint" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "returns the index in the list of the point "
+ end
+ operation 150018 "GetPointAt"
+ public explicit_return_type "wxNode"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "movingPointIndex" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * This metohd returns the node of the point that is the movingPointIndex position in the list of points.
+ * @param: int movingPointIndex, Is the index value of the searched node.
+ * @return: Return a pointer to the node corresponding to the index value by parameter.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 150146 "AddNewPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "y" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Includes a point between two existing points of the this function. The new point (x,y) was not defined when the function was created.
+ *@ return Returns true is the point was succcesfully added to the funcion.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 150274 "AddPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 3
+ param in name "aX" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "aY" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "order" explicit_type "bool"
+ defaultvalue "true"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * this method add a new logical point to the function, this point is one of those used to draw the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 150402 "DeletePoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "aX" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "aY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * deletes the point given by the user from the collection of logical points of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 150530 "changePoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "newCoords" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ param in name "movingIndexPoint" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Change de coordinates of the given point if it is possible and return the result of the invoked action. True if it was possible to do the change.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 150658 "getX_RealValues"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Evaluates if the given point belongs to the function.
+bool hasPoint(wxPoint aAPoint);
+ * Returns the real x values of the control points of the function. It dont includes the points calculated by interpolation.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 150786 "getY_RealValues"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Returns the real y values of the control points of the function. It dont includes the points calculated by interpolation.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 150914 "orderPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * This method orders the list of points taking into account that the last appended node in the list (realPoint) is the only one disordered.
+ * @return Returns true if the last point included has a valid value for x and was ordered, according to the definition of function.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151042 "deletePointAt"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "index" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * This method get a pointer to the node in the real points list that is inmediately previous to the searched by parameter.
+ * @pre The seached point (realX, realY) is not the first point of the list.
+ * @param realX
+ * @param realY
+wxNode * findPreviousNodeTo( int realX, int realY );
+ * Deletes a point of the function given its index
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151170 "getSizePoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Returns the number of points that the function
+ * has
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151298 "setScales"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Set the scales of the function in x and y
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151426 "isInFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "y" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "----------------------------------
+ Asking if it has a point (x,y)
+ * returns true if the point is along the function
+ * false otherway
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151554 "getBefore"
+ public explicit_return_type "wxNode"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "point" type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * give us the point that is in the function and is exactly before
+ * the point we are giving
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151682 "isInLine"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 3
+ param inout name "before" type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ param inout name "next" type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ param inout name "point" type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} * ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} * ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} * ${p1}, ${t2} * ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Returns true if the point is in the line
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151810 "interpolateY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 4
+ param in name "m" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "x1" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "y1" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * give us the value of y in the line define by the arguments
+ "
+ end
+ operation 151938 "setUp"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Set Up startPoint, endPoint, maxY,maxX points
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152066 "clearSplineVectors"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "----------------------------
+ Spline Methods
+ * clear the spline vectors
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152194 "initializeSplines"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Initiliaze xSpline and ySpline vectors
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152322 "addSplinesPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Add the (x,y) points of the function to the
+ spline
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152450 "initializeSplineVectors"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ This Method adds the point calculated by
+ the splines to the vectors
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152578 "GetSplinePoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 3
+ param in name "t" explicit_type "double"
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param inout name "y" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ get the spline point for t, in xKSpline and yKSpline
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152706 "getXSpline"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "std::vector<double>"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return xSpline;
+ };
+ comment "
+ returns the xSpline to plotter
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152834 "getYSpline"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "std::vector<double>"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return ySpline;
+ };
+ comment "
+ returns the ySpline to plotter
+ "
+ end
+ operation 152962 "getOffsetPixelsXv"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetPixelX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Gets the x-offset of the zoom
+ in pixels
+ "
+ end
+ operation 153090 "getOffsetPixelsYv"
+ cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetPixelY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Gets the offset of the zoom
+ in pixels
+ "
+ end
+ operation 153218 "save"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "fileName" explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "-----------------------
+ Persistence
+ Save the points of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 153346 "load"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "fileName" explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Load the points of a function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 153474 "SetShowPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "showPoints" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "------------------------------
+ Getters and Setters
+set if the function has to draw the points "
+ end
+ operation 153602 "getShowPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "get the paramater showPointsF"
+ end
+ operation 153730 "setScreenX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "scrX" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 153858 "getScreenX"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 153986 "setScreenY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "scrY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 154114 "getScreenY"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 154242 "setStartX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aStartX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 154370 "getStartX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 154498 "setStartY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aStartY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 154626 "getStartY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 154754 "setEndX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aEndX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 154882 "getEndX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155010 "setEndY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aEndY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155138 "getEndY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155266 "setScaleX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aScaleX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155394 "getScaleX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155522 "setScaleY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aScaleY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155650 "getScaleY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155778 "setMinX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMinX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 155906 "getMinX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156034 "setMinY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMinY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156162 "getMinY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156290 "setMaxX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMaxX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156418 "getMaxX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156546 "setMaxY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMaxY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156674 "getMaxY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156802 "setOffsetX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aOffsetX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 156930 "getOffsetX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 157058 "setOffsetY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aOffsetY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 157186 "getOffsetY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 157314 "setType"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aType" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 157442 "getType"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 157570 "getValidPointRange"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 157698 "setValidPointRange"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "theRange" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 157826 "SetDrawing"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "d" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ drawing = d;
+ };
+ end
+ operation 157954 "GetDrawing"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return drawing;
+ };
+ comment "get if the function is being drawed"
+ end
+ operation 158082 "SetMousePoint"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "p" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ mousePoint = p;
+ };
+ comment "set the mouse point"
+ end
+ operation 158210 "getMousePoint"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "wxPoint"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return mousePoint;
+ };
+ comment "get the mousePoint"
+ end
+ operation 158338 "setActual"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "act" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * actual
+ "
+ end
+ operation 158466 "getActual"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 158594 "setScaleWay"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "typeS" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ "
+ end
+ operation 158722 "getScaleWay"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 158850 "setFromWindow"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "w" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ fromWindow=w;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * set fromWindow: it is set to true if the
+ * function was created interactively
+ "
+ end
+ operation 158978 "getFromWindow"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return fromWindow;
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Get the value of fromWindow
+ "
+ end
+ operation 159106 "setFactorZoom"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "factor" explicit_type "float"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ factorZoom=factor;
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Set factor zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 159234 "setEditable"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "edit" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ editable=edit;
+ };
+ comment "
+ * Set editable
+ "
+ end
+ operation 159362 "getEditable"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return editable;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Get editable
+ "
+ end
+ operation 159490 "getZoomB"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return zoomIn;
+ };
+ comment "----------------------------
+ Zoom
+ * Get boolean zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 159618 "setZoomIn"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "z" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ zoomIn=z;
+ };
+ comment " *
+ * Set boolean zoom
+ * @param z: the new value
+ "
+ end
+ operation 159746 "setInitialDrawPoint"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "initialPoint" type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ initialDrawingPoint=initialPoint;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Set the initial drawing point
+ * @param pFunctionPoint* initialPoint
+ "
+ end
+ operation 159874 "getInitialDrawPoint"
+ cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return initialDrawingPoint;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Get the initial drawing point
+ * @return initialDrawingPoint
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160002 "setFinalDrawPoint"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "finalPoint" type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ finalDrawingPoint=finalPoint;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Set the final drawing point
+ * @param pFunctionPoint* finalPoint
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160130 "getFinallDrawPoint"
+ cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return finalDrawingPoint;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ * Get the final drawing point
+ * @return finalDrawingPoint
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160258 "zooming"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 3
+ param in name "clickedX" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "clickedY" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "width" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ This method set the initial point and the final point of drawing
+ according with the width of the square around the point clicked
+ @param clickedX
+ @param clickedY
+ @param width: width of the square
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160386 "setOffsets"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "offx" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "offy" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * This method sets the offset
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160514 "setMinShowed"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * This method sets the minShowedX
+ * and the minShowedY, accordig to the offset in
+ * x-axis and y-axis respectively
+ * pre: _offsetX>=0,_offsetY>=0
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160642 "getMinXShowed"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return minShowedX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the minX Showed
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160770 "getMinYShowed"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return minShowedY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the minY Showed
+ "
+ end
+ operation 160898 "getMaxXShowed"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return maxShowedX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the maxX Showed
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161026 "getMaxYShowed"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return maxShowedY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Get the maxY Showed
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161154 "setMinShowedX"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "msx" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ minShowedX=msx;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the minShowedX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161282 "setMinShowedY"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "msy" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ minShowedY=msy;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the minShowedY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161410 "setMaxShowedX"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "msx" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ maxShowedX=msx;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the maxShowedX
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161538 "setMaxShowedY"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "msy" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ maxShowedY=msy;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the minShowedY
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161666 "getOffsetPixelsX"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetPixelX;
+ };
+ comment "------------------------
+ Offsets in pixels
+ Gets the x-offset of the zoom
+ in pixels
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161794 "getOffsetPixelsY"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ return offsetPixelY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Gets the offset of the zoom
+ in pixels
+ "
+ end
+ operation 161922 "setOffsetPixelX"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "offX" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ offsetPixelX=offX;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the x-offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 162050 "setOffsetPixelY"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "offY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ offsetPixelY=offY;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ Set the y-offset of the zoom
+ "
+ end
+ operation 162178 "setColorPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "colorVector" explicit_type "std::vector<pColorPoint *>"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the color points of the function by teh given parameter
+ * @param colorVector Is the color points vector to set
+ "
+ end
+ operation 162306 "getColorPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "colorVector" explicit_type "std::vector<pColorPoint *>"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Gets the color points of the function in the given parameter
+ * @param colorVector Is the color points list to get the points
+ "
+ end
+ operation 162434 "setmType"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "mt" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ mType=mt;
+ };
+ comment "
+ Setter the mType
+ "
+ end
+ operation 162562 "setXTraslation"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "xT" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ xTraslation=xT;
+ };
+ comment "-----------------------
+ Set the value of the traslation
+ in the x-axis
+ @param xT value in pixels of the traslation in x-axis
+ "
+ end
+ classrelation 129154 // logicFunction (<unidirectional association>)
+ relation 129154 --->
+ a role_name "logicFunction" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 129154 // logicFunction (<unidirectional association>)
+ b parent class_ref 129794 // pLogicalFunction
+ end
+ attribute 137730 "showPointsF"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 137858 "_startX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 137986 "_startY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 138114 "_endX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 138242 "_endY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 138370 "_scaleX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 138498 "_scaleY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 138626 "_minX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 138754 "_minY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 138882 "_maxX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 139010 "_maxY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 139138 "_offsetX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 139266 "_offsetY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 139394 "_type"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 139522 "realPoints"
+ private explicit_type "wxList"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 129282 // f_colorPoints (<unidirectional association>)
+ relation 129282 --->
+ stereotype "std::vector"
+ a role_name "f_colorPoints" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${stereotype}<${type}*> ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 129282 // f_colorPoints (<unidirectional association>)
+ b parent class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ end
+ attribute 139650 "node"
+ private explicit_type "wxNode"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 139778 "validPointRange"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 139906 "drawing"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140034 "mousePoint"
+ private explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140162 "screenX"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140290 "screenY"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140418 "ifActual"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140546 "scaleWay"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140674 "fromWindow"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140802 "factorZoom"
+ private explicit_type "float"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 140930 "editable"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 141058 "zoomIn"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 129410 // initialDrawingPoint (<unidirectional association>)
+ relation 129410 --->
+ a role_name "initialDrawingPoint" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 129410 // initialDrawingPoint (<unidirectional association>)
+ b parent class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ end
+ classrelation 129538 // finalDrawingPoint (<unidirectional association>)
+ relation 129538 --->
+ a role_name "finalDrawingPoint" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 129538 // finalDrawingPoint (<unidirectional association>)
+ b parent class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ end
+ attribute 141186 "minShowedX"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 141314 "maxShowedX"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 141442 "minShowedY"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 141570 "maxShowedY"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 141698 "xSpline"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ stereotype "std::vector"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 141826 "ySpline"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ stereotype "std::vector"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 141954 "xKSpline"
+ private explicit_type "vtkKochanekSpline"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 142082 "yKSpline"
+ private explicit_type "vtkKochanekSpline"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 142210 "offsetPixelX"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 142338 "offsetPixelY"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 142466 "mType"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 142594 "xTraslation"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 133634 // <generalisation>
+ relation 133634 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 133634 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 133250 // pPlotterLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 129666 "typedef4"
+ visibility package stereotype "typedef" explicit_base_type "pPlotterLayer"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 129794 "pLogicalFunction"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 129666 // <generalisation>
+ relation 129666 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 129666 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 129026 // typedef3
+ end
+ operation 164866 "pLogicalFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Constructors
+ end
+ operation 164994 "~pLogicalFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ end
+ operation 165122 "GetPoints"
+ cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "points" explicit_type "wxList"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {
+ points = realPoints;
+ };
+ comment "*
+ *Rewind
+virtual void Rewind()
+ {
+ node = realPoints.GetFirst();
+ }
+* Get locus value for next N.
+ Override this function in your implementation.
+ @param x Returns X value
+ @param y Returns Y value
+virtual bool GetNextXY(double & x, double & y)
+ {
+ if(node)
+ {
+ pFunctionPoint* p=(pFunctionPoint*)node->GetData();
+ x=p->getRealX();
+ y=p->getRealY();
+ node=node->GetNext();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ Get Point list of the funcion
+ @param return points
+ end
+ operation 165250 "validPointOnFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "realPoint" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * validate if the function has that point in a sensible area returning the index where the point was found or -1 if is in not part of the function: define the sensible area is
+ * x1-validPointRange<x<x1+validPointRange y1-validPointRange<y<y1+validPointRange
+ "
+ end
+ operation 165378 "getIndexOf"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "realpoint" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "returns the index in the list of the point "
+ end
+ operation 165506 "GetPointAt"
+ public explicit_return_type "wxNode"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "movingPointIndex" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * This metohd returns the node of the point that is the movingPointIndex position in the list of points.
+ * @param: int movingPointIndex, Is the index value of the searched node.
+ * @return: Return a pointer to the node corresponding to the index value by parameter.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 165634 "AddNewPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "y" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Includes a point between two existing points of the this function. The new point (x,y) was not defined when the function was created.
+ *@ return Returns true is the point was succcesfully added to the funcion.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 165762 "AddPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 3
+ param in name "aX" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "aY" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "order" explicit_type "bool"
+ defaultvalue "true"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * this method add a new logical point to the function, this point is one of those used to draw the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 165890 "DeletePoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "aX" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "aY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * deletes the point given by the user from the collection of logical points of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166018 "changePoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "newCoords" explicit_type "wxPoint"
+ param in name "movingIndexPoint" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Change de coordinates of the given point if it is possible and return the result of the invoked action. True if it was possible to do the change.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166146 "getX_RealValues"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Evaluates if the given point belongs to the function.
+bool hasPoint(wxPoint aAPoint);
+ * Returns the real x values of the control points of the function. It dont includes the points calculated by interpolation.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166274 "getY_RealValues"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Returns the real y values of the control points of the function. It dont includes the points calculated by interpolation.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166402 "orderPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * This method orders the list of points taking into account that the last appended node in the list (realPoint) is the only one disordered.
+ * @return Returns true if the last point included has a valid value for x and was ordered, according to the definition of function.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166530 "setStartPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * This method get a pointer to the node in the real points list that is inmediately previous to the searched by parameter.
+ * @pre The seached point (realX, realY) is not the first point of the list.
+ * @param realX
+ * @param realY
+wxNode * findPreviousNodeTo( int realX, int realY );
+ * sets the start point of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166658 "setEndPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * sets the end point of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166786 "setMaxPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * set the max value in x and y between all the points of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 166914 "setMinPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * set the min value in x and y between all the points of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 167042 "setUp"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Set Up startPoint, endPoint, maxY,maxX points
+ "
+ end
+ operation 167170 "save"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "fileName" explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "set if the function has to draw the points
+void SetShowPoints(bool showPoints);
+get the paramater showPointsF
+bool getShowPoints();
+ Persistence
+ Save the points of the function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 167298 "load"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "fileName" explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Load the points of a function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 167426 "setStartX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aStartX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "----------------------------
+Getters and Setters
+ end
+ operation 167554 "getStartX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 167682 "setStartY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aStartY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 167810 "getStartY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 167938 "setEndX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aEndX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168066 "getEndX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168194 "setEndY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aEndY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168322 "getEndY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168450 "setScaleX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aScaleX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168578 "getScaleX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168706 "setScaleY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aScaleY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168834 "getScaleY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 168962 "setMinX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMinX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169090 "getMinX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169218 "setMinY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMinY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169346 "getMinY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169474 "setMaxX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMaxX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169602 "getMaxX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169730 "setMaxY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aMaxY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169858 "getMaxY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 169986 "setOffsetX"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aOffsetX" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 170114 "getOffsetX"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 170242 "setOffsetY"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aOffsetY" explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 170370 "getOffsetY"
+ public explicit_return_type "double"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 170498 "setType"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "aType" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 170626 "getType"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 170754 "getValidPointRange"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 170882 "setValidPointRange"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "theRange" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 171010 "deletePointAt"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "index" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Deletes a point of the function given its index
+ "
+ end
+ operation 171138 "getSizePoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Returns the number of points that the function
+ * has
+ "
+ end
+ operation 171266 "getDirection"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "dir" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ attribute 143490 "_startX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 143618 "_startY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 143746 "_endX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 143874 "_endY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144002 "_scaleX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144130 "_scaleY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144258 "_minX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144386 "_minY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144514 "_maxX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144642 "_maxY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144770 "_offsetX"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 144898 "_offsetY"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 145026 "_type"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 145154 "realPoints"
+ private explicit_type "wxList"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 145282 "x_Values"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ multiplicity "[MAX_POINTS]"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${multiplicity}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 145410 "y_Values"
+ private explicit_type "double"
+ multiplicity "[MAX_POINTS]"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${multiplicity}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 145538 "validPointRange"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 145666 "leftToRigthDef"
+ private explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ class 129922 "pHistogram"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Class definition
+ operation 162690 "pHistogram"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "filePath" explicit_type "std::string"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${throw}{
+ comment ":public wxObject
+ Methods definition
+ Constructor
+ "
+ end
+ operation 162818 "pHistogram"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "imageData" explicit_type "vtkImageData"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "
+ Constructor
+ "
+ end
+ operation 162946 "~pHistogram"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ end
+ operation 163074 "setImagePath"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "filePath" explicit_type "std::string"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ @param filePath: is the path where the image is
+ "
+ end
+ operation 163202 "getPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "std::vector<int>"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Return the points of the histogram of the image
+ "
+ end
+ operation 163330 "buildHistogram"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Calculate the histogram and save it in the attribute points
+ it is used if the user had given the file's path
+private: "
+ end
+ operation 163458 "buildHistogram"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "imageData" explicit_type "vtkImageData"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Calculate the histogram and save it in the attribute points
+ it is used if the user had given the imageData
+ "
+ end
+ operation 163586 "initializePoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "xDimension" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ getting ready the points
+ "
+ end
+ operation 163714 "setPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "imageData" explicit_type "vtkImageData"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ constructing the histogram
+ "
+ end
+ operation 163842 "getHistogram"
+ public explicit_return_type "vtkImageData"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Returns the poins of the histograms
+ "
+ end
+ operation 163970 "getIndex"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "gValue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ hash por getting the index for the histogram vector of the original
+ image
+ "
+ end
+ operation 164098 "setSize"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "nSize" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Setting the size
+ "
+ end
+ operation 164226 "getImageSize"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Get Image Size
+ "
+ end
+ operation 164354 "getSize"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Get Size of the histogram
+ "
+ end
+ operation 164482 "getMaximumLevelOfGrey"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Get the maximum value of grey of the histogram
+ "
+ end
+ operation 164610 "getMinimumLevelOfGrey"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Get the minimum value of grey of the histogram
+ "
+ end
+ operation 164738 "getHistogramPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "gValue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ get a point of the Histogram
+ given the grey value
+ "
+ end
+ attribute 142722 "points"
+ private explicit_type "vtkImageData"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 142850 "path"
+ private explicit_type "std::string"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 142978 "size"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 143106 "maxLevelOfGrey"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 143234 "minLevelOfGrey"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 143362 "sizeImage"
+ private explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 132610 // <generalisation>
+ relation 132610 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 132610 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132482 // wxObject
+ end
+ classrelation 132738 // (points)
+ relation 132738 ---> name "points"
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 132738 // (points)
+ b parent class_ref 132738 // vtkImageData
+ end
+ end
+ class 130050 "pPlotter"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Enum declarations
+* Command IDs used by pColorPoint
+ Class definition
+* Represents the integrated plotter that consists of the a drawing area, and control bars (min-max bar, degrade bar)
+* @file pPlotter.h "
+ classrelation 129794 // <generalisation>
+ relation 129794 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 129794 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 130178 // typedef5
+ end
+ operation 171394 "pPlotter"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 3
+ param inout name "parent" explicit_type "wxWindow"
+ param in name "nWidth" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "nHeight" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${throw}{
+ comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Constructors & Destructors
+ * Creates an integrated plotter instance
+ * @param *parent Container window
+ "
+ end
+ operation 171522 "~pPlotter"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{
+ end
+ operation 171650 "onChangeFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Methods definition
+ Plotter received events "
+ end
+ operation 171778 "onAddedPoint_Plotter"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 171906 "onRemovedPoint_Plotter"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 172034 "onMovePoint_Plotter"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 172162 "onGuideLines"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 172290 "onAdded_ColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment " Color bar received events"
+ end
+ operation 172418 "onRemoved_ColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 172546 "onMoved_ColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 172674 "onChanged_ColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 172802 "onColorBar"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 172930 "onBarrange"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment " Min-Max Barrange received events"
+ end
+ operation 173058 "onActualChange_Bar"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 173186 "onStartChange_Bar"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 173314 "onEndChange_Bar"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 173442 "onSelectionEnd"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 173570 "onMovedBar"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxCommandEvent"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 173698 "sendTMessage"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "theText" explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Method for sending a text message to the container window
+ * @param theText Is the text of the message
+ "
+ end
+ operation 173826 "initialize"
+ public explicit_return_type "wxWindow"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "parent" explicit_type "wxWindow"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment " Other methods"
+ end
+ operation 173954 "setTextMessage"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "nMessage" explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Sets the text message
+ * @param nMessage Is the text message to set
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174082 "getTextMessage"
+ public explicit_return_type "wxString"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * Gets the text message
+ * @param text Is the actual text message
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174210 "getFunctionForVectors"
+ public return_type class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ nparams 4
+ param inout name "vectorX" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "sizeX" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "vectorY" explicit_type "double"
+ param in name "sizeY" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} * ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} * ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Creates and returns a graphical funcion according to the indicated vectors.
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174338 "addFunction"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "function" type class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "*
+ * Add a function to the plotter
+ * when the function doesnt come from window
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174466 "setType"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "t" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Set Type
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174594 "getFunction"
+ public return_type class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ nparams 1
+ param in name "index" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Get a function in the plotter given the index
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174722 "OnSize"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ if the user resize the window
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174850 "moveFunctions"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 2
+ param in name "porcentageMinX" explicit_type "float"
+ param in name "porcentageMaxX" explicit_type "float"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Get a function in the plotter given the index
+pGraphicalFunction* getFunction(int index);
+ move the functions that the user wants to move
+ and that were setted in functionsToMove
+ @param porcentageMinX:the porcentage that the minShowed
+ of the funcntions have to be move
+ @param porcentageMaxX:the porcentage that the maxShowed
+ of the funcntions have to be move
+ "
+ end
+ operation 174978 "addFunctionToMove"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "function" type class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Adds function to move with the bar min max
+ "
+ end
+ operation 175106 "setAll"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Set the bars according to the actual function
+ "
+ end
+ operation 175234 "getColorPointsSize"
+ public explicit_return_type "int"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ * deletes the function from the plotter
+bool deleteFunction(pGraphicalFunction* function);
+ Color information
+ Returns the number of points that the bar color has
+ "
+ end
+ operation 175362 "getBarColorDataAt"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 5
+ param in name "index" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "x" explicit_type "double"
+ param inout name "red" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "green" explicit_type "int"
+ param inout name "blue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} & ${p4}${v4}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}, ${t3} & ${p3}, ${t4} & ${p4}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ Get the RGB values of the color point that is in the
+ index given
+ "
+ end
+ operation 175490 "addColorPoint"
+ public explicit_return_type "bool"
+ nparams 4
+ param in name "x" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "red" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "green" explicit_type "int"
+ param in name "blue" explicit_type "int"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "
+ add a color Point
+ returns true if the point was succesfully added
+ PRE: 0<=red<=255 0<=green<=255 0<=blue<=255
+ "
+ end
+ operation 175618 "eraseColorPoints"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 175746 "getMaxShowedPorcentage"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "--------------------
+ bar Information
+ end
+ operation 175874 "getMinShowedPorcentage"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 176002 "getActualShowedPorcentage"
+ public explicit_return_type "float"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 176130 "setActual"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 1
+ param inout name "nActual" type class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "--------------------
+ plotter Information
+ end
+ operation 176258 "update"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ operation 176386 "setPopUpMenu"
+ public explicit_return_type "void"
+ nparams 13
+ param in name "startD" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "stopD" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "smooth" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "line" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "zoomIn" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "zoomOut" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "showPoints" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "noShowPoints" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "changeColor" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "addP" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "delPoint" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "load" explicit_type "bool"
+ param in name "save" explicit_type "bool"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} ${p4}${v4}, ${t5} ${p5}${v5}, ${t6} ${p6}${v6}, ${t7} ${p7}${v7}, ${t8} ${p8}${v8}, ${t9} ${p9}${v9}, ${t10} ${p10}${v10}, ${t11} ${p11}${v11}, ${t12} ${p12}${v12}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}, ${t4} ${p4}, ${t5} ${p5}, ${t6} ${p6}, ${t7} ${p7}, ${t8} ${p8}, ${t9} ${p9}, ${t10} ${p10}, ${t11} ${p11}, ${t12} ${p12}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ comment "----------------------------
+Handling Options Menu
+ if any parameter is true, is going to be remove from the popUp menu
+ "
+ end
+ attribute 145794 "m_plot"
+ private explicit_type "pPlotterWindow"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 145922 "color_bar"
+ private explicit_type "pColorBar"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 146050 "barrange"
+ private explicit_type "mBarRange"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 129922 // actualFunction (<unidirectional association>)
+ relation 129922 --->
+ a role_name "actualFunction" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 129922 // actualFunction (<unidirectional association>)
+ b parent class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ end
+ attribute 146178 "text"
+ private explicit_type "wxString"
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ classrelation 130434 // <generalisation>
+ relation 130434 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 130434 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 130562 // wxPanel
+ end
+ classrelation 132866 // (m_plot)
+ relation 132866 ---> name "m_plot"
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 132866 // (m_plot)
+ b parent class_ref 132866 // pPlotterWindow
+ end
+ classrelation 132994 // (color_bar)
+ relation 132994 ---> name "color_bar"
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 132994 // (color_bar)
+ b parent class_ref 132994 // pColorBar
+ end
+ classrelation 133122 // (barrange)
+ relation 133122 ---> name "barrange"
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 133122 // (barrange)
+ b parent class_ref 133122 // mBarRange
+ end
+ end
+ class 130178 "typedef5"
+ visibility package stereotype "typedef" explicit_base_type "wxPanel"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name};
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 130306 "anonymous3"
+ visibility package stereotype "enum"
+ cpp_decl "${comment}enum {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ comment "* Command IDs used by pPlotterWindow "
+ attribute 146306 "pwID_ADDPOINT"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ init_value "= 2010"
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 146434 "pwID_DELPOINT"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 146562 "pwID_SHOWPOINTS"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 146690 "pwID_STARTDRAWING"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 146818 "pwID_DELFUNCTION"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 146946 "pwID_STOPDRAWING"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147074 "pwID_ADDNEWPOINT"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147202 "pwID_NOSHOWPOINTS"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147330 "pwID_MYZOOMIN"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147458 "pwID_MYZOOMOUT"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147586 "pwID_SPLINE"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147714 "pwID_LINE"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147842 "pwID_SAVE"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 147970 "pwID_LOAD"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 148098 "pwID_CHANGECOLOR"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 148226 "pwID_TRASLATEACTUALFUNCTION"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ attribute 148354 "pwID_LEFTUP"
+ public type class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}"
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ deploymentview 128002 "pPlotter"
+ //deployment diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default write_horizontally default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ draw_component_as_icon default show_component_req_prov default show_component_rea default show_stereotype_properties default
+ artifact 128002 "HistogramDialog"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 128130 // typedef1
+ class_ref 128002 // HistogramDialog
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 128130 "LogicalColorBar"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 128258 // LogicalColorBar
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 128258 "mathplot"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 128514 // anonymous1
+ class_ref 128770 // typedef2
+ class_ref 128642 // mpFX
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 128386 "MaximumsDialog"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 128898 // MaximumsDialog
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 128514 "pColorPoint"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 129026 // typedef3
+ class_ref 128386 // pColorPoint
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 128642 "pFigure"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 129154 // pFigure
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 128770 "pFunctionPoint"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 129410 // pFunctionPoint
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 128898 "pGraphicalFunction"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 129666 // typedef4
+ class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 129026 "pHistogram"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 129922 // pHistogram
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 129154 "pLogicalFunction"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 129794 // pLogicalFunction
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 129282 "pPlotter"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 130178 // typedef5
+ class_ref 130050 // pPlotter
+ end
+ end
+ artifact 129410 "pPlotterWindow"
+ stereotype "source"
+ cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+#define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
+ cpp_src "${comment}
+ associated_classes
+ class_ref 130306 // anonymous3
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ classview 128130 "classView"
+ //class diagram settings
+ draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default show_attribute_modifiers default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_relation_modifiers default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //collaboration diagram settings
+ show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //object diagram settings
+ write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //sequence diagram settings
+ show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //state diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default
+ //class settings
+ //activity diagram settings
+ package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default
+ show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default
+ classdiagram 128002 "ClassDiagramme"
+ draw_all_relations no hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default show_attribute_modifiers default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_relation_modifiers default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default
+ size A4
+ end
+ class 130434 "HistogramWidget"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 130178 // <unidirectional association>
+ relation 130178 --->
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 130178 // <unidirectional association>
+ b parent class_ref 130050 // pPlotter
+ end
+ classrelation 130306 // <unidirectional association>
+ relation 130306 --->
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 130306 // <unidirectional association>
+ b parent class_ref 129922 // pHistogram
+ end
+ end
+ class 130562 "wxPanel"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 131714 "mpWindow"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 132354 // <generalisation>
+ relation 132354 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 132354 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132610 // wxScrolledWindow
+ end
+ classrelation 132482 // (m_layers)
+ relation 132482 ---> name "m_layers"
+ a role_name "" multiplicity "*" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 132482 // (m_layers)
+ b parent class_ref 132482 // wxObject
+ end
+ operation 177666 "OnPaint"
+ public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
+ ${body}}
+ end
+ end
+ class 131842 "mpScaleX"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 132226 // <generalisation>
+ relation 132226 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 132226 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132354 // mpLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 131970 "mpScaleY"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 132098 // <generalisation>
+ relation 132098 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 132098 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132354 // mpLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 132098 "mpFY"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 131842 // <generalisation>
+ relation 131842 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 131842 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132354 // mpLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 132226 "mpFXY"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 131970 // <generalisation>
+ relation 131970 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 131970 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132354 // mpLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 132354 "mpLayer"
+ abstract visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 131586 // <generalisation>
+ relation 131586 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 131586 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132482 // wxObject
+ end
+ operation 177538 "Plot"
+ abstract cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type ""
+ nparams 0
+ cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
+ end
+ end
+ class 132482 "wxObject"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 132610 "wxScrolledWindow"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 132738 "vtkImageData"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 132866 "pPlotterWindow"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 133250 // <generalisation>
+ relation 133250 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 133250 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 131714 // mpWindow
+ end
+ classrelation 133506 // (actual)
+ relation 133506 ---> name "actual"
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 133506 // (actual)
+ b parent class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ end
+ end
+ class 132994 "pColorBar"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 133378 // (actualFunction)
+ relation 133378 ---> name "actualFunction"
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 133378 // (actualFunction)
+ b parent class_ref 129538 // pGraphicalFunction
+ end
+ classrelation 133890 // <unidirectional association>
+ relation 133890 --->
+ a role_name "" private
+ cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
+ classrelation_ref 133890 // <unidirectional association>
+ b parent class_ref 129154 // pFigure
+ end
+ end
+ class 133122 "mBarRange"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ end
+ class 133250 "pPlotterLayer"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 133762 // <generalisation>
+ relation 133762 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 133762 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 132354 // mpLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 133378 "pPlotterScaleX"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 134146 // <generalisation>
+ relation 134146 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 134146 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 133250 // pPlotterLayer
+ end
+ end
+ class 133506 "pPlotterScaleY"
+ visibility package
+ cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
+ java_decl ""
+ php_decl ""
+ python_2_2 python_decl ""
+ idl_decl ""
+ explicit_switch_type ""
+ classrelation 134018 // <generalisation>
+ relation 134018 ---|>
+ a public
+ cpp default "${type}"
+ classrelation_ref 134018 // <generalisation>
+ b parent class_ref 133250 // pPlotterLayer
+ end
+ end
+ end