Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: WriteDicomAsJPEG2000.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2006/07/12 09:35:38 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
+ Date: $Date: 2006/07/20 17:47:34 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
str << xsize;
//fileToBuild->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0028,0x0011); // Columns
// gdcm1.3 syntax. Sorry !
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0011, "UI"); // Columns
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0011, "US"); // Columns
str << ysize;
//fileToBuild->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0028,0x0010); // Rows
// gdcm1.3 syntax. Sorry !
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0010, "UI"); // Rows
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0010, "US"); // Rows
str << zsize;
//fileToBuild->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0028,0x0008); // Number of Frames
// gdcm1.3 syntax. Sorry !
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0008, "UI"); // Number of Frames
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0008, "IS"); // Number of Frames
int bitsallocated = f->GetBitsAllocated();
int bitsstored = f->GetBitsStored();
str << bitsstored;
//fileToBuild->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0028,0x0101); // Bits Stored
// gdcm1.3 syntax. Sorry !
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0101, "UI"); // Bits Stored
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0101, "US"); // Bits Stored
str << highbit;
//fileToBuild->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0028,0x0102); // High Bit
// gdcm1.3 syntax. Sorry !
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0102, "UI"); // High Bit
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0102, "US"); // High Bit
// Set the pixel representation
str << sign;
//fileToBuild->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0028,0x0103); // Pixel Representation
// gdcm1.3 syntax. Sorry !
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0103, "UI"); // Pixel Representation
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0103, "US"); // Pixel Representation
// Set the samples per pixel
str << samplesPerPixel; //img.components;
//fileToBuild->InsertValEntry(str.str(),0x0028,0x0002); // Samples per Pixel
// gdcm1.3 syntax. Sorry !
- fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0002, "UI"); // Samples per Pixel
+ fileToBuild->InsertEntryString(str.str(),0x0028,0x0002, "US"); // Samples per Pixel
// Step 2 : Create the output image
//gdcm::FileHelper *fileH = new gdcm::FileHelper(fileToBuild);