Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: exCurveData.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2007/05/23 14:18:05 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/03/10 13:10:48 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
// ok this is ugly but I need the size outside of the function
return sizeof(DataValueRepresentation);
+template <int datarep> struct DataRepToType;
+template<> struct DataRepToType<0> { typedef unsigned short Type; };
+template<> struct DataRepToType<1> { typedef signed short Type; };
+template<> struct DataRepToType<2> { typedef float Type; };
+template<> struct DataRepToType<3> { typedef double Type; };
+template<> struct DataRepToType<4> { typedef signed long Type; };
// Example (sorry, we've got no more than this one ...)
// From Part3, C. Data value representation (p668)
size_t sz;
+ int sizeofdatarep = 0;
switch( data_rep)
case 0:
- sz = PrintCurveData((unsigned short*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sz = PrintCurveData((DataRepToType<0>::Type*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sizeofdatarep = sizeof( DataRepToType<0> );
case 1:
- sz = PrintCurveData((signed short*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sz = PrintCurveData((DataRepToType<1>::Type*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sizeofdatarep = sizeof( DataRepToType<1> );
case 2:
- sz = PrintCurveData((float*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sz = PrintCurveData((DataRepToType<2>::Type*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sizeofdatarep = sizeof( DataRepToType<2> );
case 3:
- sz = PrintCurveData((double*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sz = PrintCurveData((DataRepToType<3>::Type*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sizeofdatarep = sizeof( DataRepToType<3> );
case 4:
- sz = PrintCurveData((signed long*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sz = PrintCurveData((DataRepToType<4>::Type*)(curve_data), num_points);
+ sizeofdatarep = sizeof( DataRepToType<4> );
std::cerr << "Error don't know the type: " << data_rep_str << std::endl;
return 1;
// Just to make sure that values read are consistant and we won't read out of bound data:
- assert( sz*num_points == pCurveData->GetLength());
+ assert( sz*num_points*sizeofdatarep == pCurveData->GetLength());
// Write out the data as a file:
//std::ofstream o("/tmp/curve_data.raw");