Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: TestMakeIcon.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/02/11 12:18:52 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/02/11 13:12:05 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
#include "gdcmSeqEntry.h"
#include "gdcmSQItem.h"
#include "gdcmValEntry.h"
+#include "gdcmBinEntry.h"
// 0088 0200 SQ 1 Icon Image Sequence
-int TestMakeIcon (int , char )
+int TestMakeIcon (int argc, char *argv[])
- //ard coded small image name
+ // hard coded small image name
std::string input = "LIBIDO-8-ACR_NEMA-Lena_128_128.acr";
std::string output = "test.dcm";
if ( argc == 3 )
input = argv[1];
std::cout << " Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " input filename.dcm output Filename.dcm" << std::endl;
- return 1;
gdcm::File *f1 = new gdcm::File(input);
// icone is just define like the image
// The purpose is NOT to imagine an icon,
// just check the stuff works
+ uint16_t binVal[3]={0x52f7,0xf358,0xad9b};
sqi->InsertValEntry( "MONOCHROME2", 0x0028,0x0004);
sqi->InsertValEntry( "128", 0x0028,0x0010);
- sqi->InsertValEntry( "8", 0x0028,0x0100);
- sqi->InsertValEntry( "8", 0x0028,0x0101);
- sqi->InsertValEntry( "7", 0x0028,0x0102);
- sqi->InsertValEntry( "0", 0x0028,0x0103);
+ sqi->InsertValEntry( "8", 0x0028,0x0100);
+ sqi->InsertValEntry( "8", 0x0028,0x0101);
+ sqi->InsertValEntry( "7", 0x0028,0x0102);
+ sqi->InsertValEntry( "0", 0x0028,0x0103);
+ sqi->InsertBinEntry( (uint8_t *)binVal, 3*2, 0x0005,0x0010,"OW");
sqi->InsertBinEntry( pixels, lgth, 0x7fe0,0x0010);
// just to see if it's stored a the right place
sqi->InsertValEntry( "128", 0x0028,0x0011);
icon = f1->GetSeqEntry(0x0088, 0x0200);
sqi = icon->GetFirstSQItem();
- if ( (sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010))->GetValue() != "128" )
+ if ( !sqi )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Sequence 0088|0200 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Test for entry 0028|0010
+ if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0010 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010)->GetValue() != "128" )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Value 0028|0010 don't match" << std::endl
+ << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010)->GetValue()
+ << " - Expected : 128" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Test for entry 0028|0011
+ if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0011) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0011 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0011)->GetValue() != "128" )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Value 0028|0011 don't match" << std::endl
+ << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0011)->GetValue()
+ << " - Expected : 128" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Test for entry 0028|0100
+ if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0100) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0100 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0100)->GetValue() != "8" )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Value 0028|0100 don't match" << std::endl
+ << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0100)->GetValue()
+ << " - Expected : 8" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
return 1;
+ }
- if ( (sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0011))->GetValue() != "128" )
+ // Test for entry 0028|0101
+ if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0101) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0101 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0101)->GetValue() != "8" )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Value 0028|0101 don't match" << std::endl
+ << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0101)->GetValue()
+ << " - Expected : 8" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
return 1;
+ }
- if ( (sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0100))->GetValue() != "8" )
+ // Test for entry 0028|0102
+ if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0102) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0102 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0102)->GetValue() != "7" )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Value 0028|0102 don't match" << std::endl
+ << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0102)->GetValue()
+ << " - Expected : 7" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
return 1;
+ }
- if ( (sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0101))->GetValue() != "8" )
+ // Test for entry 0028|0103
+ if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0103) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "ValEntry 0028|0010 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0103)->GetValue() != "0" )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Value 0028|0103 don't match" << std::endl
+ << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0103)->GetValue()
+ << " - Expected : 0" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
return 1;
+ }
- if ( (sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0102))->GetValue() != "7" )
+ // Test for entry 0005|0010
+ if ( !sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0010) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "BinEntry 0005|0010 not found" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
return 1;
+ }
+ if( sqi->GetBinEntry(0x0005,0x0010)->GetLength() != 6 )
+ {
+ std::cout << "BinEntry size 0005|0010 don't match" << std::endl
+ << "Read : " << sqi->GetValEntry(0x0005,0x0010)->GetLength()
+ << " - Expected : 6" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
+ return 1;
+ }
- if ( (sqi->GetValEntry(0x0028,0x0103))->GetValue() != "0" )
+ if( memcmp(sqi->GetBinEntry(0x0005,0x0010)->GetBinArea(),binVal,6)!=0 )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Value 0005|0010 don't match (BinEntry)" << std::endl
+ << " ... Failed" << std::endl;
+ delete fh1;
+ delete f1;
return 1;
+ }
delete fh1;
delete f1;
+ std::cout << " ... OK" << std::endl;
return 0;