]> Creatis software - cpPlugins.git/commitdiff
authorLeonardo Florez-Valencia <florez-l@javeriana.edu.co>
Wed, 17 Feb 2016 03:35:20 +0000 (22:35 -0500)
committerLeonardo Florez-Valencia <florez-l@javeriana.edu.co>
Wed, 17 Feb 2016 03:35:20 +0000 (22:35 -0500)
lib/cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.h [deleted file]
lib/cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.hxx [deleted file]
lib/cpPlugins/Plugins/BasicFilters/CPRFilter.cxx [deleted file]
lib/cpPlugins/Plugins/BasicFilters/CPRFilter.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/lib/cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.h b/lib/cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4a4e660..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// @author Leonardo Florez-Valencia (florez-l@javeriana.edu.co)
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <vector>
-#include <itkImageToImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkInterpolateImageFunction.h>
-#include <itkJoinSeriesImageFilter.h>
-#include <itkPolyLineParametricPath.h>
-#include <cpExtensions/Algorithms/IsoImageSlicer.h>
-namespace cpExtensions
-  namespace Algorithms
-  {
-    /**
-     */
-    template< class I, class S = float >
-    class CPRFilter
-      : public itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, I >
-    {
-    public:
-      // Standard ITK typedefs.
-      typedef CPRFilter                       Self;
-      typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter< I, I > Superclass;
-      typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self >       Pointer;
-      typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
-      itkStaticConstMacro( VDimension, unsigned int, I::ImageDimension );
-      typedef I TImage;
-      typedef S TScalar;
-      typedef itk::InterpolateImageFunction< I, S >            TInterpolator;
-      typedef itk::PolyLineParametricPath< VDimension >        TAxis;
-      typedef cpExtensions::Algorithms::IsoImageSlicer< I, S > TSlicer;
-      typedef typename TSlicer::TSliceImage                    TSlice;
-      typedef itk::JoinSeriesImageFilter< TSlice, I >          TJoin;
-    public:
-      itkNewMacro( Self );
-      itkTypeMacro( CPRFilter, itk::ImageToImageFilter );
-      itkGetConstMacro( SliceRadius, double );
-      itkGetConstMacro( NumberOfSlices, unsigned int );
-      itkGetObjectMacro( Interpolator, TInterpolator );
-      itkSetMacro( SliceRadius, double );
-      itkSetMacro( NumberOfSlices, unsigned int );
-      itkSetObjectMacro( Interpolator, TInterpolator );
-    public:
-      const TAxis* GetAxis( ) const;
-      void SetAxis( const TAxis* axis );
-    protected:
-      CPRFilter( );
-      virtual ~CPRFilter( );
-      virtual void GenerateOutputInformation( );
-      virtual void GenerateData( );
-    protected:
-      double m_SliceRadius;
-      unsigned int m_NumberOfSlices;
-      typename TInterpolator::Pointer          m_Interpolator;
-      typename TJoin::Pointer                  m_Join;
-      std::vector< typename TSlicer::Pointer > m_Slices;
-    };
-  } // ecapseman
-} // ecapseman
-#include <cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.hxx>
-// eof - $RCSfile$
diff --git a/lib/cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.hxx b/lib/cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.hxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4a2169e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// @author Leonardo Florez-Valencia (florez-l@javeriana.edu.co)
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <itkPoint.h>
-#include <itkMinimumMaximumImageCalculator.h>
-#include <itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction.h>
-#include <cpExtensions/Algorithms/BezierCurveFunction.h>
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class S >
-const typename cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S >::
-TAxis* cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S >::
-GetAxis( ) const
-  return(
-    dynamic_cast< const TAxis* >( this->itk::ProcessObject::GetInput( 1 ) )
-    );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class S >
-void cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S >::
-SetAxis( const TAxis* axis )
-  this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthInput( 1, const_cast< TAxis* >( axis ) );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class S >
-cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S >::
-CPRFilter( )
-  : Superclass( )
-  this->m_Interpolator =
-    itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction< I, S >::New( );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class S >
-cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S >::
-~CPRFilter( )
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class S >
-void cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S >::
-GenerateOutputInformation( )
-  // Do nothing since the output has different geometry and topology.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class S >
-void cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S >::
-GenerateData( )
-  typedef itk::Point< S, VDimension >                         _P;
-  typedef typename _P::VectorType                             _V;
-  typedef cpExtensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< _V > _Bezier;
-  typedef typename _Bezier::TFrame                            _M;
-  typedef itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< I >             _MinMax;
-  auto image = this->GetInput( );
-  auto axis = this->GetAxis( );
-  // 0. Get image properties
-  typename _MinMax::Pointer minmax = _MinMax::New( );
-  minmax->SetImage( image );
-  minmax->Compute( );
-  auto background = minmax->GetMinimum( );
-  // 1. Construct Bezier curve
-  typename _Bezier::Pointer bezier = _Bezier::New( );
-  auto vertices = axis->GetVertexList( );
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices->Size( ); ++i )
-  {
-    auto index = vertices->GetElement( i );
-    _P point;
-    image->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint( index, point );
-    bezier->AddPoint( point.GetVectorFromOrigin( ) );
-  } // rof
-  // 2. Slice image and prepare join filter
-  this->m_Join = TJoin::New( );
-  unsigned int nSlices = this->m_NumberOfSlices;
-  if( nSlices == 0 )
-    nSlices = bezier->GetNumberOfPoints( );
-  _V vpre;
-  _M mpre;
-  S len = S( 0 );
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i <= nSlices; ++i )
-  {
-    // Get geometrical data and correct Frenet frame
-    S u = S( i ) / S( nSlices );
-    std::cout << u << std::endl;
-    _V vnex = bezier->Evaluate( u );
-    _M mnex = bezier->EvaluateFrenetFrame( u );
-    if( i > 0 )
-    {
-      len += ( vpre - vnex ).GetNorm( );
-      // TODO: Update Frenet frame orientation
-    } // fi
-    // Slice image
-    typename TSlicer::Pointer slicer = TSlicer::New( );
-    slicer->SetInput( image );
-    slicer->SetRotation( mnex );
-    slicer->SetTranslation( vnex );
-    slicer->SetSize( S( this->m_SliceRadius ) );
-    slicer->SpacingFromMinimumOn( );
-    slicer->SetDefaultValue( background );
-    slicer->SetInterpolator( this->m_Interpolator );
-    slicer->Update( );
-    std::cout << slicer->GetOutput( )->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ).GetSize( ) << std::endl;
-    // Add output to join filter and keep track of the current slicer
-    this->m_Join->SetInput( i, slicer->GetOutput( ) );
-    this->m_Slices.push_back( slicer );
-    // Update values
-    vpre = vnex;
-    mpre = mnex;
-  } // rof
-  // 3. Finish join filter configuration
-  this->m_Join->SetSpacing( double( len / S( nSlices + 1 ) ) );
-  std::cout << this->m_Join->GetSpacing( ) << std::endl;
-  this->m_Join->SetOrigin( double( 0 ) );
-  // 4. Graft outputs
-  this->m_Join->GraftOutput( this->GetOutput( ) );
-  this->m_Join->Update( );//LargestPossibleRegion( );
-  this->GraftOutput( this->m_Join->GetOutput( ) );
-// eof - $RCSfile$
diff --git a/lib/cpPlugins/Plugins/BasicFilters/CPRFilter.cxx b/lib/cpPlugins/Plugins/BasicFilters/CPRFilter.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a67baa1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#include "CPRFilter.h"
-#include <cpPlugins/Interface/Image.h>
-#include <cpPlugins/Interface/PolyLineParametricPath.h>
-#include <cpExtensions/Algorithms/CPRFilter.h>
-#include <itkInterpolateImageFunction.h>
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CPRFilter( )
-  : Superclass( )
-  this->_AddInput( "InputImage" );
-  this->_AddInput( "InputAxis" );
-  this->_AddInput( "Interpolator", false );
-  this->_AddOutput< cpPlugins::Interface::Image >( "Output" );
-  this->m_Parameters->ConfigureAsUint( "NumberOfSlices" );
-  this->m_Parameters->ConfigureAsReal( "SliceRadius" );
-  std::vector< std::string > choices;
-  choices.push_back( "float" );
-  choices.push_back( "double" );
-  this->m_Parameters->ConfigureAsChoices( "ScalarType", choices );
-  this->m_Parameters->SetUint( "NumberOfSlices", 0 );
-  this->m_Parameters->SetReal( "SliceRadius", 10 );
-  this->m_Parameters->SetSelectedChoice( "ScalarType", "float" );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-~CPRFilter( )
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-std::string cpPlugins::BasicFilters::CPRFilter::
-_GenerateData( )
-  auto image =
-    this->GetInputData< cpPlugins::Interface::Image >( "InputImage" );
-  itk::DataObject* itk_image = NULL;
-  std::string r = "";
-  cpPlugins_Image_Demangle_AllScalarTypes( 3, image, itk_image, r, _GD0 );
-  else r = "CPRFilter: Input image type not supported.";
-  return( r );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I >
-std::string cpPlugins::BasicFilters::CPRFilter::
-_GD0( itk::DataObject* dobj )
-  I* image = dynamic_cast< I* >( dobj );
-  auto choice = this->m_Parameters->GetSelectedChoice( "ScalarType" );
-  if( choice == "float" )
-    return( this->_GD1< I, float >( image ) );
-  else if( choice == "double" )
-    return( this->_GD1< I, double >( image ) );
-  else
-    return( "CPRFilter: Scalar type not supported." );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template< class I, class S >
-std::string cpPlugins::BasicFilters::CPRFilter::
-_GD1( I* image )
-  typedef cpExtensions::Algorithms::CPRFilter< I, S > _Filter;
-  typedef itk::PolyLineParametricPath< I::ImageDimension > _Path;
-  typedef itk::InterpolateImageFunction< I, S > _Interpolator;
-  auto axis =
-    this->GetInputData< cpPlugins::Interface::PolyLineParametricPath >(
-      "InputAxis"
-      )->GetITK< _Path >( );
-  if( axis == NULL )
-    return( "CPRFilter: Invalid input axis." );
-  auto w_int =
-    this->GetInputData< cpPlugins::Interface::DataObject >( "Interpolator" );
-  _Interpolator* interpolator = NULL;
-  if( w_int != NULL )
-    interpolator = w_int->GetITK< _Interpolator >( );
-  // Configure filter
-  _Filter* filter = this->_CreateITK< _Filter >( );
-  filter->SetInput( image );
-  filter->SetAxis( axis );
-  if( interpolator != NULL )
-    filter->SetInterpolator( interpolator );
-  filter->SetNumberOfSlices( this->m_Parameters->GetUint( "NumberOfSlices" ) );
-  filter->SetSliceRadius( this->m_Parameters->GetReal( "SliceRadius" ) );
-  filter->Update( );
-  // Assign output
-  auto out =
-    this->GetOutputData< cpPlugins::Interface::Image >( "Output" );
-  out->SetITK( filter->GetOutput( ) );
-  return( "" );
-// eof - $RCSfile$
diff --git a/lib/cpPlugins/Plugins/BasicFilters/CPRFilter.h b/lib/cpPlugins/Plugins/BasicFilters/CPRFilter.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cb1a879..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#include <cpPlugins/BasicFilters/cpPluginsBasicFilters_Export.h>
-#include <cpPlugins/Interface/BaseProcessObjects.h>
-namespace cpPlugins
-  namespace BasicFilters
-  {
-    /**
-     */
-    class cpPluginsBasicFilters_EXPORT CPRFilter
-      : public cpPlugins::Interface::ImageToImageFilter
-    {
-    public:
-      typedef CPRFilter                                Self;
-      typedef cpPlugins::Interface::ImageToImageFilter Superclass;
-      typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self >                Pointer;
-      typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self >          ConstPointer;
-    public:
-      itkNewMacro( Self );
-      itkTypeMacro(
-        CPRFilter,
-        cpPluginsInterfaceImageToImageFilter
-        );
-      cpPlugins_Id_Macro(
-        cpPlugins::BasicFilters::CPRFilter,
-        ImageToImageFilter
-        );
-    protected:
-      CPRFilter( );
-      virtual ~CPRFilter( );
-      virtual std::string _GenerateData( );
-      template< class I >
-        inline std::string _GD0( itk::DataObject* dobj );
-      template< class I, class S >
-        inline std::string _GD1( I* image );
-    private:
-      // Purposely not implemented
-      CPRFilter( const Self& );
-      Self& operator=( const Self& );
-    };
-  } // ecapseman
-} // ecapseman
-// eof - $RCSfile$