method. Doxygenation.
* src/gdcm.h clean up of JPR spurious comments. --- Frog
+2003-01-28 Eric Boix <>
+ * src/gdcmHeader.cxx added a post header parsing AddAndDefaultElements
+ method. Doxygenation.
+ * src/gdcm.h clean up of JPR spurious comments.
2003-01-17 Eric Boix <>
* python/ now properly collects the
shadow classes generated by "swig -c++" ( in our case)
Sources for dicom public dictionaries:
+ * the official source is the part 6 of the dicom standard (see
an html group based presentation.
-// ---------------------------------------------------- gdcmDictEntry
-// c'est une ligne du Dictionnaire Dicom
// Tag based hash tables.
// We shall use as keys the strings (as the C++ type) obtained by
// gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey for this conversion function.
typedef string TagKey;
+typedef string TagName;
class GDCM_EXPORT gdcmDictEntry {
// DcmDictRangeRestriction elementRestriction;
// };
- // fabrique une ligne de Dictionnaire Dicom à partir des parametres en entrée
gdcmDictEntry(guint16 group,
- guint16 element,
+ guint16 element,
string vr = "Unknown",
string fourth = "Unknown",
string name = "Unknown");
// fabrique une 'clé' par concaténation du numGroupe et du numElement
static TagKey TranslateToKey(guint16 group, guint16 element);
guint16 GetGroup(void) { return group; };
guint16 GetElement(void){return element;};
string GetVR(void) {return vr; };
void SetVR(string);
- void SetKey(string k){ key = k; }
+ void SetKey(string k){ key = k; }
bool IsVrUnknown(void);
string GetFourth(void) {return fourth;};
string GetName(void) {return name; };
string GetKey(void) {return key; };
-// ---------------------------------------------------- gdcmDict
-// c'est le Dictionnaire Dicom
// A single DICOM dictionary i.e. a container for a collection of dictionary
// entries. There should be a single public dictionary (THE dictionary of
// the actual DICOM v3) but as many shadow dictionaries as imagers
// combined with all software versions...
-typedef map<TagKey, gdcmDictEntry*> TagHT;
- // Table de Hachage : (group,Elem) --> pointeur vers une ligne du Dictionnaire Dicom
+typedef map<TagKey, gdcmDictEntry*> TagKeyHT;
+typedef map<TagName, gdcmDictEntry*> TagNameHT;
class GDCM_EXPORT gdcmDict {
string name;
string filename;
- TagHT entries;
+ TagKeyHT KeyHt; // Both accesses with a TagKey or with a
+ TagNameHT NameHt; // TagName are required.
- // rempli le Dictionnaire Dicom à partir d'un fichier texte
- gdcmDict(const char* FileName); // Read Dict from disk
+ gdcmDict(const char* FileName); // Reads Dict from ascii file
int AddNewEntry (gdcmDictEntry* NewEntry);
int ReplaceEntry(gdcmDictEntry* NewEntry);
- int RemoveEntry (TagKey k);
+ int RemoveEntry (TagKey key);
int RemoveEntry (guint16 group, guint16 element);
- // renvoie une ligne de Dictionnaire Dicom à partir de (numGroup, numElement)
- gdcmDictEntry * GetTag(guint32 group, guint32 element);
+ gdcmDictEntry * GetTagByKey(guint16 group, guint16 element);
+ gdcmDictEntry * GetTagByName(TagName name);
void Print(ostream&);
- TagHT & GetEntries(void) { return entries; }
+ void PrintByKey(ostream&);
+ void PrintByName(ostream&);
+ TagKeyHT & GetEntries(void) { return KeyHt; }
-// ---------------------------------------------------- gdcmDictSet
-// Ensemble de Dictionnaires Dicom (le public + 'des' privés)
-// Au cas ou l'on traiterait un jour les 'dictionnaires privés'
-// - pratiquement un par constructeur, par machine, et par version du logiciel -
// Container for managing a set of loaded dictionaries. Sharing dictionaries
// should avoid :
gdcmDict* GetDefaultPublicDict(void);
-// ---------------------------------------------------- ElValue
-// C'est un Element Dicom
-// (ce qu'on a trouve dans l'entete de l'image
-// + ce qu'on est allé chercher dans le Dictionnaire Dicom)
-// Ne faudrait-il pas trouver un autre nom, qui preterait moins à confusion?
-// ElValue n'EST PAS la 'valeur d'un Element', mais la reunion d'infos
-// trouvees dans l'Entete du fichier ET dans le Dictionnaire DICOM
// The dicom header of a Dicom file contains a set of such ELement VALUES
// (when successfuly parsed against a given Dicom dictionary)
class GDCM_EXPORT ElValue {
gdcmDictEntry *entry;
// elements happen to be implicit. Flag them here
// since we can't use the entry->vr without breaking
// the underlying dictionary.
- // Might prove of some interest (see _ID_DCM_ELEM)
- // int Swap;
- string value; // used to be char * valeurElem
+ string value;
size_t Offset; // Offset from the begining of file for direct user access
void SetDictEntry(gdcmDictEntry *NewEntry) { entry = NewEntry; };
bool IsVrUnknown(void) { return entry->IsVrUnknown(); };
- void SetImplicitVr(void) { ImplicitVr = true; };
- bool IsImplicitVr(void) { return ImplicitVr; };
- guint16 GetGroup(void) { return entry->GetGroup(); };
- guint16 GetElement(void) { return entry->GetElement(); };
- string GetKey(void) { return entry->GetKey(); };
- string GetName(void) { return entry->GetName(); };
+ void SetImplicitVr(void) { ImplicitVr = true; };
+ bool IsImplicitVr(void) { return ImplicitVr; };
- string GetVR(void) { return entry->GetVR(); };
- void SetVR(string v) { entry->SetVR(v); };
- // Question :
- // Un champ privé, accessible en consultation et en modif (sans restriction)
- // interet par rapport à un champ public ?
- // --> pouvoir en changer la définition sans toucher à l'API
- void SetLength(guint32 l){ LgrElem = l; };
- guint32 GetLength(void) { return LgrElem; };
+ guint16 GetGroup(void) { return entry->GetGroup(); };
+ guint16 GetElement(void) { return entry->GetElement();};
+ string GetKey(void) { return entry->GetKey(); };
+ string GetName(void) { return entry->GetName(); };
+ string GetVR(void) { return entry->GetVR(); };
+ void SetVR(string v) { entry->SetVR(v); };
+ void SetLength(guint32 l){ LgrElem = l; };
+ guint32 GetLength(void) { return LgrElem; };
// Question : SetLength est public
// (sinon, on ne pourrait pas l'appeler dans ElValSet)
// alors que *personne* ne devrait s'en servir !
// c'est *forcément* la lgr de la string 'value', non?
- void SetValue(string val){ value = val; };
- string GetValue(void) { return value; };
+ void SetValue(string val){ value = val; };
+ string GetValue(void) { return value;};
- void SetOffset(size_t of){ Offset = of; };
- size_t GetOffset(void) { return Offset; };
+ void SetOffset(size_t of){ Offset = of; };
+ size_t GetOffset(void) { return Offset;};
// Question : SetOffset est public ...
// Quel utilisateur serait ammené à modifier l'Offset ?
-// ---------------------------------------------------- ElValSet
-// ... un ensemble d'Elements Dicom
-// ... le résultat de l'analyse d'une entete d'image, par exemple
// Container for a set of successfully parsed ElValues.
typedef map<TagKey, ElValue*> TagElValueHT;
typedef map<string, ElValue*> TagElValueNameHT;
class GDCM_EXPORT ElValSet {
- // We need both accesses with a TagKey and the Dictentry.Name
- TagElValueHT tagHt;
- TagElValueNameHT NameHt;
+ TagElValueHT tagHt; // Both accesses with a TagKey or with a
+ TagElValueNameHT NameHt; // the DictEntry.Name are required.
void Add(ElValue*);
void Print(ostream &);
int SetElValueByName(string content, string TagName);
-// ---------------------------------------------------- gdcmHeader
-// C'est le Dicom Header d'une image donnée
-// (tous les elements Dicom qui la composent
-// + des info 'de service')
+// The purpous of an instance of gdcmHeader is to act as a container of
+// all the elements and their corresponding values (and additionaly the
+// corresponding DICOM dictionary entry) of the header of a DICOM file.
// The typical usage of instances of class gdcmHeader is to classify a set of
// dicom files according to header information e.g. to create a file hierarchy
// reflecting the Patient/Study/Serie informations, or extracting a given
// be managed within a dictionary which is shared by all gdcmHeader instances
// * the gdcmHeader::Set*Tag* family members cannot be defined as protected
// (Swig limitations for as Has_a dependency between gdcmFile and gdcmHeader)
typedef string VRKey;
typedef string VRAtr;
typedef map<VRKey, VRAtr> VRHT; // Value Representation Hash Table
class GDCM_EXPORT gdcmHeader {
void SkipBytes(guint32);
ElValSet ShaElVals; // parsed with Shadow Dictionary
string filename; // refering underlying file
FILE * fp;
- // The tag Image Location (0028,0200) - containing the address of
- // the pixels - is not allways present. Then we store this information
- // il etait facultatif en ACR-NEMA, il n'existe plus en DICOM 3
- // FIXME
- // Question :
- // Qu'y a-t-il a corriger ?
- //
- // outside of the elements:
guint16 grPixel;
guint16 numPixel;
// Ne faudrait-il pas une indication sur la presence ou non
guint32 ReadInt32(void);
guint16 SwapShort(guint16);
guint32 SwapLong(guint32);
+ guint32 FindLengthOB(void);
void Initialise(void);
void CheckSwap(void);
+ void InitVRDict(void);
+ void SwitchSwapToBigEndian(void);
+ void AddAndDefaultElements(void);
+ void SetMaxSizeLoadElementValue(long);
+ gdcmDictEntry * GetDictEntryByKey(guint16, guint16);
+ gdcmDictEntry * GetDictEntryByName(string name);
+ // ElValue related utilities
+ ElValue * ReadNextElement(void);
+ ElValue * NewElValueByKey(guint16 group, guint16 element);
+ ElValue * NewElValueByName(string name);
void FindLength(ElValue *);
- guint32 FindLengthOB(void);
void FindVR(ElValue *);
void LoadElementValue(ElValue *);
void LoadElementValueSafe(ElValue *);
void SkipElementValue(ElValue *);
- void InitVRDict(void);
- void SwitchSwapToBigEndian(void);
void FixFoundLength(ElValue*, guint32);
bool IsAnInteger(ElValue *);
bool IsJPEGExtendedProcess2_4TransferSyntax(void);
bool IsJPEGExtendedProcess3_5TransferSyntax(void);
bool IsJPEGSpectralSelectionProcess6_8TransferSyntax(void);
-// Euhhhhhhh
-// Il y en a encore DIX-SEPT, comme ça.
-// Il faudrait trouver qq chose + rusé ...
- void SetMaxSizeLoadElementValue(long);
- ElValue * ReadNextElement(void);
- gdcmDictEntry * IsInDicts(guint32, guint32);
enum FileType {
Unknown = 0,
guint16 group, element;
// CLEANME : use defines for all those constants
char buff[1024];
- TagKey key, vr, fourth, name;
+ TagKey key;
+ TagName vr;
+ TagName fourth;
+ TagName name;
while (!from.eof()) {
from >> hex >> group >> element;
name = buff;
gdcmDictEntry * newEntry = new gdcmDictEntry(group, element,
vr, fourth, name);
- entries[gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element)] = newEntry;
+ NameHt[name] = newEntry;
+ KeyHt[gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element)] = newEntry;
- from.close();
+ from.close();
void gdcmDict::Print(ostream& os) {
- for (TagHT::iterator tag = entries.begin(); tag != entries.end(); ++tag){
- os << "Tag : ";
- os << "(" << hex << tag->second->GetGroup() << ',';
- os << hex << tag->second->GetElement() << ") = " << dec;
- os << tag->second->GetVR() << ", ";
- os << tag->second->GetFourth() << ", ";
- os << tag->second->GetName() << "." << endl;
- }
+ PrintByKey(os);
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Print all the dictionary entries contained in this dictionary.
+ * Entries will be sorted by tag i.e. the couple (group, element).
+ * @param os The output stream to be written to.
+ */
+void gdcmDict::PrintByKey(ostream& os) {
+ for (TagKeyHT::iterator tag = KeyHt.begin(); tag != KeyHt.end(); ++tag){
+ os << "Tag : ";
+ os << "(" << hex << tag->second->GetGroup() << ',';
+ os << hex << tag->second->GetElement() << ") = " << dec;
+ os << tag->second->GetVR() << ", ";
+ os << tag->second->GetFourth() << ", ";
+ os << tag->second->GetName() << "." << endl;
+ }
-// renvoie une ligne de Dictionnaire Dicom à partir de (numGroup, numElement)
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Print all the dictionary entries contained in this dictionary.
+ * Entries will be sorted by the name of the dictionary entries.
+ * @param os The output stream to be written to.
+ */
+void gdcmDict::PrintByName(ostream& os) {
+ for (TagNameHT::iterator tag = NameHt.begin(); tag != NameHt.end(); ++tag){
+ os << "Tag : ";
+ os << tag->second->GetName() << ",";
+ os << tag->second->GetVR() << ", ";
+ os << tag->second->GetFourth() << ", ";
+ os << "(" << hex << tag->second->GetGroup() << ',';
+ os << hex << tag->second->GetElement() << ") = " << dec << endl;
+ }
-gdcmDictEntry * gdcmDict::GetTag(guint32 group, guint32 element) {
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Get the dictionnary entry identified by a given tag (group,element)
+ * @param group group of the entry to be found
+ * @param element element of the entry to be found
+ * @return the corresponding dictionnary entry when existing, NULL otherwise
+ */
+gdcmDictEntry * gdcmDict::GetTagByKey(guint16 group, guint16 element) {
TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element);
- if ( ! entries.count(key))
+ if ( ! KeyHt.count(key))
return (gdcmDictEntry*)0;
- if (entries.count(key) > 1)
- dbg.Verbose(0, "gdcmDict::GetTag",
+ if (KeyHt.count(key) > 1)
+ dbg.Verbose(0, "gdcmDict::GetTagByName",
"multiple entries for this key (FIXME) !");
- return entries.find(key)->second;
+ return KeyHt.find(key)->second;
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Get the dictionnary entry identified by it's name.
+ * @param name element of the ElVal to modify
+ * @return the corresponding dictionnary entry when existing, NULL otherwise
+ */
+gdcmDictEntry * gdcmDict::GetTagByName(TagName name) {
+ if ( ! NameHt.count(name))
+ return (gdcmDictEntry*)0;
+ if (NameHt.count(name) > 1)
+ dbg.Verbose(0, "gdcmDict::GetTagByName",
+ "multiple entries for this key (FIXME) !");
+ return NameHt.find(name)->second;
-int gdcmDict::ReplaceEntry(gdcmDictEntry* NewEntry) {
+int gdcmDict::ReplaceEntry(gdcmDictEntry* NewEntry) {
// au cas ou la NewEntry serait incomplete
// Question : cela peut-il se produire ?
// );
- entries.erase (NewEntry->gdcmDictEntry::GetKey());
- entries[ NewEntry->GetKey()] = NewEntry;
+ KeyHt.erase (NewEntry->gdcmDictEntry::GetKey());
+ KeyHt[ NewEntry->GetKey()] = NewEntry;
return (1);
- // Question : Dans quel cas ça peut planter ?
+ // Question(jpr): Dans quel cas ça peut planter ?
+ // Reponse(frog): dans les mauvais cas...
TagKey key;
key = NewEntry->GetKey();
- if(entries.count(key) >= 1) {
+ if(KeyHt.count(key) >= 1) {
printf("gdcmDict::AddNewEntry %s deja present\n", key.c_str());
} else {
- entries[NewEntry->GetKey()] = NewEntry;
+ KeyHt[NewEntry->GetKey()] = NewEntry;
int gdcmDict::RemoveEntry(TagKey key) {
- if(entries.count(key) == 1) {
- entries.erase(key);
+ if(KeyHt.count(key) == 1) {
+ KeyHt.erase(key);
return (1);
} else {
printf("gdcmDict::RemoveEntry %s non trouve\n", key.c_str());
return (0);
- // Question : m à j LgrElem ?
- tagHt[key]->SetLength(strlen(content.c_str()));
- // Ou trouver les fonctions d'une classe donnée?
- // lgr d'une string, p.ex
+ // FIXME should we really update the element length ?
+ tagHt[key]->SetLength(content.length());
#include "gdcm.h"
- // void ElValue::SetVR(string v) { entry->SetVR(v); };
+ * \ingroup gdcmElValue
+ * \brief Constructor from a given gdcmDictEntry
+ * @param in Pointer to existing dictionary entry
+ */
ElValue::ElValue(gdcmDictEntry* in) {
ImplicitVr = false;
entry = in;
dbg.Error(!fp, "gdcmHeader::gdcmHeader cannot open file", InFilename);
+ AddAndDefaultElements();
gdcmHeader::~gdcmHeader (void) {
// and the dictionary entry depending on them.
guint16 CorrectGroup = SwapShort(ElVal->GetGroup());
guint16 CorrectElem = SwapShort(ElVal->GetElement());
- gdcmDictEntry * NewTag = IsInDicts(CorrectGroup, CorrectElem);
+ gdcmDictEntry * NewTag = GetDictEntryByKey(CorrectGroup, CorrectElem);
if (!NewTag) {
// This correct tag is not in the dictionary. Create a new one.
NewTag = new gdcmDictEntry(CorrectGroup, CorrectElem);
return g;
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Build a new Element Value from all the low level arguments.
+ * Check for existence of dictionary entry, and build
+ * a default one when absent.
+ * @param Group group of the underlying DictEntry
+ * @param Elem element of the underlying DictEntry
+ */
+ElValue* gdcmHeader::NewElValueByKey(guint16 Group, guint16 Elem) {
+ // Find out if the tag we encountered is in the dictionaries:
+ gdcmDictEntry * NewTag = GetDictEntryByKey(Group, Elem);
+ if (!NewTag)
+ NewTag = new gdcmDictEntry(Group, Elem);
+ ElValue* NewElVal = new ElValue(NewTag);
+ if (!NewElVal) {
+ dbg.Verbose(1, "gdcmHeader::NewElValueByKey",
+ "failed to allocate ElValue");
+ return (ElValue*)0;
+ }
+ return NewElVal;
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Build a new Element Value from all the low level arguments.
+ * Check for existence of dictionary entry, and build
+ * a default one when absent.
+ * @param Name Name of the underlying DictEntry
+ */
+ElValue* gdcmHeader::NewElValueByName(string Name) {
+ gdcmDictEntry * NewTag = GetDictEntryByName(Name);
+ if (!NewTag)
+ NewTag = new gdcmDictEntry(0xffff, 0xffff, "LO", "Unknown", Name);
+ ElValue* NewElVal = new ElValue(NewTag);
+ if (!NewElVal) {
+ dbg.Verbose(1, "gdcmHeader::ObtainElValueByName",
+ "failed to allocate ElValue");
+ return (ElValue*)0;
+ }
+ return NewElVal;
* \ingroup gdcmHeader
* \brief Read the next tag without loading it's value
// We reached the EOF (or an error occured) and header parsing
// has to be considered as finished.
return (ElValue *)0;
- // Find out if the tag we encountered is in the dictionaries:
- gdcmDictEntry * NewTag = IsInDicts(g, n);
- if (!NewTag)
- NewTag = new gdcmDictEntry(g, n);
- NewElVal = new ElValue(NewTag);
- if (!NewElVal) {
- dbg.Verbose(1, "ReadNextElement: failed to allocate ElValue");
- return (ElValue*)0;
- }
+ NewElVal = NewElValueByKey(g, n);
if (errno == 1)
return true;
if ( (group == 0x0028) && (element == 0x0005) )
- // This tag is retained from ACR/NEMA
- // CHECKME Why should "Image Dimensions" be a single integer ?
- //
- // "Image Dimensions", c'est en fait le 'nombre de dimensions'
- // de l'objet ACR-NEMA stocké
- // 1 : Signal
- // 2 : Image
- // 3 : Volume
- // 4 : Sequence
- //
- // DICOM V3 ne retient pas cette information
- // Par defaut, tout est 'Image',
- // C'est a l'utilisateur d'explorer l'ensemble des entetes
- // pour savoir à quoi il a a faire
- //
- // Le Dicom Multiframe peut etre utilise pour stocker,
- // dans un seul fichier, une serie temporelle (cardio vasculaire GE, p.ex)
- // ou un volume (medecine Nucleaire, p.ex)
- //
+ // The "Image Dimensions" tag is retained from ACR/NEMA and contains
+ // the number of dimensions of the contained object (1 for Signal,
+ // 2 for Image, 3 for Volume, 4 for Sequence).
return true;
if ( (group == 0x0028) && (element == 0x0200) )
return 0;
-gdcmDictEntry * gdcmHeader::IsInDicts(guint32 group, guint32 element) {
- //
- // Y a-t-il une raison de lui passer des guint32
- // alors que group et element sont des guint16?
- //
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Searches both the public and the shadow dictionary (when they
+ * exist) for the presence of the DictEntry with given
+ * group and element. The public dictionary has precedence on the
+ * shadow one.
+ * @param group group of the searched DictEntry
+ * @earam element element of the searched DictEntry
+ * @return Corresponding DictEntry when it exists, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+gdcmDictEntry * gdcmHeader::GetDictEntryByKey(guint16 group, guint16 element) {
+ gdcmDictEntry * found = (gdcmDictEntry*)0;
+ if (!RefPubDict && !RefShaDict) {
+ dbg.Verbose(0, "FIXME in gdcmHeader::GetDictEntry",
+ "we SHOULD have a default dictionary");
+ }
+ if (RefPubDict) {
+ found = RefPubDict->GetTagByKey(group, element);
+ if (found)
+ return found;
+ }
+ if (RefShaDict) {
+ found = RefShaDict->GetTagByKey(group, element);
+ if (found)
+ return found;
+ }
+ return found;
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Searches both the public and the shadow dictionary (when they
+ * exist) for the presence of the DictEntry with given name.
+ * The public dictionary has precedence on the shadow one.
+ * @earam Name name of the searched DictEntry
+ * @return Corresponding DictEntry when it exists, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+gdcmDictEntry * gdcmHeader::GetDictEntryByName(string Name) {
gdcmDictEntry * found = (gdcmDictEntry*)0;
if (!RefPubDict && !RefShaDict) {
- //FIXME build a default dictionary !
- printf("FIXME in gdcmHeader::IsInDicts\n");
+ dbg.Verbose(0, "FIXME in gdcmHeader::GetDictEntry",
+ "we SHOULD have a default dictionary");
if (RefPubDict) {
- found = RefPubDict->GetTag(group, element);
+ found = RefPubDict->GetTagByName(Name);
if (found)
return found;
if (RefShaDict) {
- found = RefShaDict->GetTag(group, element);
+ found = RefShaDict->GetTagByName(Name);
if (found)
return found;
list<string> * gdcmHeader::GetPubTagNames(void) {
list<string> * Result = new list<string>;
- TagHT entries = RefPubDict->GetEntries();
+ TagKeyHT entries = RefPubDict->GetEntries();
- for (TagHT::iterator tag = entries.begin(); tag != entries.end(); ++tag){
+ for (TagKeyHT::iterator tag = entries.begin(); tag != entries.end(); ++tag){
Result->push_back( tag->second->GetName() );
return Result;
map<string, list<string> > * gdcmHeader::GetPubTagNamesByCategory(void) {
map<string, list<string> > * Result = new map<string, list<string> >;
- TagHT entries = RefPubDict->GetEntries();
+ TagKeyHT entries = RefPubDict->GetEntries();
- for (TagHT::iterator tag = entries.begin(); tag != entries.end(); ++tag){
+ for (TagKeyHT::iterator tag = entries.begin(); tag != entries.end(); ++tag){
return Result;
return elem->GetVR();
string gdcmHeader::GetElValByNumber(guint16 group, guint16 element) {
string pub = GetPubElValByNumber(group, element);
if (pub.length())
* \ingroup gdcmHeader
- * \brief Modifie la valeur d'un ElValue déja existant
- * \ dans le PubElVals du gdcmHeader,
- * \ accédé par ses numero de groupe et d'element.
+ * \brief Accesses an existing ElValue in the PubElVals of this instance
+ * through it's (group, element) and modifies it's content with
+ * the given value.
+ * @param content new value to substitute with
+ * @param group group of the ElVal to modify
+ * @param element element of the ElVal to modify
-int gdcmHeader::SetPubElValByNumber(string content, guint16 group, guint16 element) {
- //TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element);
- //PubElVals.tagHt[key]->SetValue(content);
+int gdcmHeader::SetPubElValByNumber(string content, guint16 group,
+ guint16 element)
+ //CLEANME TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element);
+ //CLEANME PubElVals.tagHt[key]->SetValue(content);
return ( PubElVals.SetElValueByNumber (content, group, element) );
* \ingroup gdcmHeader
- * \brief Modifie la valeur d'un ElValue déja existant
- * \ dans le PubElVals du gdcmHeader,
- * \ accédé par son nom
+ * \brief Accesses an existing ElValue in the PubElVals of this instance
+ * through tag name and modifies it's content with the given value.
+ * @param content new value to substitute with
+ * @param TagName name of the tag to be modified
int gdcmHeader::SetPubElValByName(string content, string TagName) {
- //TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element);
- //PubElVals.tagHt[key]->SetValue(content);
+ //CLEANME TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element);
+ //CLEANME PubElVals.tagHt[key]->SetValue(content);
return ( PubElVals.SetElValueByName (content, TagName) );
* \ingroup gdcmHeader
- * \brief Modifie la valeur d'un ElValue déja existant
- * \ dans le ShaElVals du gdcmHeader,
- * \ accédé par ses numero de groupe et d'element.
+ * \brief Accesses an existing ElValue in the ShaElVals of this instance
+ * through it's (group, element) and modifies it's content with
+ * the given value.
+ * @param content new value to substitute with
+ * @param group group of the ElVal to modify
+ * @param element element of the ElVal to modify
-int gdcmHeader::SetShaElValByNumber(string content, guint16 group, guint16 element) {
+int gdcmHeader::SetShaElValByNumber(string content,
+ guint16 group, guint16 element)
return ( ShaElVals.SetElValueByNumber (content, group, element) );
* \ingroup gdcmHeader
- * \brief Modifie la valeur d'un ElValue déja existant
- * \ dans le ShaElVals du gdcmHeader,
- * \ accédé par son nom
+ * \brief Accesses an existing ElValue in the ShaElVals of this instance
+ * through tag name and modifies it's content with the given value.
+ * @param content new value to substitute with
+ * @param TagName name of the tag to be modified
int gdcmHeader::SetShaElValByName(string content, string TagName) {
return ( ShaElVals.SetElValueByName (content, TagName) );
* \ingroup gdcmHeader
- * \brief Parses the header of the file but does NOT load element values.
+ * \brief Parses the header of the file but WITHOUT loading element values.
void gdcmHeader::ParseHeader(void) {
ElValue * newElValue = (ElValue *)0;
+ * \ingroup gdcmHeader
+ * \brief Once the header is parsed add some gdcm convenience/helper elements
+ * in the ElValSet. For example add:
+ * - gdcmImageType which is an entry containing a short for the
+ * type of image and whose value ranges in
+ * I8 (unsigned 8 bit image)
+ * I16 (unsigned 8 bit image)
+ * IS16 (signed 8 bit image)
+ * - gdcmXsize, gdcmYsize, gdcmZsize whose values are respectively
+ * the ones of the official DICOM fields Rows, Columns and Planes.
+ */
+void gdcmHeader::AddAndDefaultElements(void) {
+ ElValue* NewEntry = (ElValue*)0;
+ NewEntry = NewElValueByName("gdcmXSize");
+ NewEntry->SetValue(GetElValByName("Rows"));
+ PubElVals.Add(NewEntry);
+ NewEntry = NewElValueByName("gdcmYSize");
+ NewEntry->SetValue(GetElValByName("Columns"));
+ PubElVals.Add(NewEntry);
+ NewEntry = NewElValueByName("gdcmZSize");
+ NewEntry->SetValue(GetElValByName("Planes"));
+ PubElVals.Add(NewEntry);
* \ingroup gdcmHeader
* \brief Loads the element values of all the elements present in the
* public tag based hash table.
void gdcmHeader::LoadElements(void) {
TagElValueHT ht = PubElVals.GetTagHt();
for (TagElValueHT::iterator tag = ht.begin(); tag != ht.end(); ++tag) {