Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmOrientation.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/09/29 14:23:58 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.13 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/09/30 17:45:01 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.14 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
+Some more stuff, from XMedcon
+---> Personal remark from JPRx :
+--> patient_position (0x0018,0x5100) can be "HFS ", "FFS ", "HFP ", "FFP "
+--> the cosines may ahave any value -1< <+1, for MR images !
+enum patient_slice_orientation_type
+ {
+ patient_slice_orientation_unknown = 0,
+ supine_headfirst_transaxial,
+ supine_headfirst_sagittal,
+ supine_headfirst_coronal,
+ supine_feetfirst_transaxial,
+ supine_feetfirst_sagittal,
+ supine_feetfirst_coronal,
+ prone_headfirst_transaxial,
+ prone_headfirst_sagittal,
+ prone_headfirst_coronal,
+ prone_feetfirst_transaxial,
+ prone_feetfirst_sagittal,
+ prone_feetfirst_coronal
+ };
+void GetImageOrientationPatient(gdcm::File &h,F32 image_orientation_patient[6])
+ h.GetImageOrientationPatient(image_orientation_patient);
+#if 0
+// this is all completely cribbed from the xmedcon library, since
+// we're trying to do what it does, mostly.
+GetPatSliceOrient(gdcm::File &h)
+ F32 image_orientation_patient[6];
+ // protected, do it the hard way
+ // h.GetImageOrientationPatient(image_orientation_patient);
+ GetImageOrientationPatient(h,image_orientation_patient);
+ enum { headfirst, feetfirst } patient_orientation;
+ enum { supine, prone } patient_rotation;
+ enum { transaxial, sagittal, coronal } slice_orientation;
+ std::string patient_position = h.GetEntryByNumber(0x0018,0x5100);
+ if(patient_position == "gdcm::Unfound")
+ {
+ patient_position = "HF";
+ }
+ if(patient_position.find("HF") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ patient_orientation = headfirst;
+ }
+ else if(patient_position.find("FF") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ patient_orientation = feetfirst;
+ }
+ if(patient_position.find("S") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ patient_rotation = supine;
+ }
+ else if(patient_position.find("P") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ patient_rotation = prone;
+ }
+ if((image_orientation_patient[0] == 1 || image_orientation_patient[0] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[4] == +1 || image_orientation_patient[4] == -1))
+ {
+ slice_orientation = transaxial;
+ }
+ else if((image_orientation_patient[1] == 1 || image_orientation_patient[1] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == +1 || image_orientation_patient[5] == -1))
+ {
+ slice_orientation = sagittal;
+ }
+ else if((image_orientation_patient[0] == 1 || image_orientation_patient[0] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == +1 || image_orientation_patient[5] == -1))
+ {
+ slice_orientation = coronal;
+ }
+ //
+ // combine results
+ patient_slice_orientation_type patient_slice_orientation =
+ patient_slice_orientation_unknown;
+ switch (patient_rotation)
+ {
+ case supine:
+ switch (patient_orientation)
+ {
+ case headfirst:
+ switch (slice_orientation)
+ {
+ case transaxial:
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_headfirst_transaxial;
+ break;
+ case sagittal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_headfirst_sagittal;
+ break;
+ case coronal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_headfirst_coronal;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case feetfirst:
+ switch (slice_orientation)
+ {
+ case transaxial:
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_feetfirst_transaxial;
+ break;
+ case sagittal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_feetfirst_sagittal;
+ break;
+ case coronal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_feetfirst_coronal;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case prone:
+ switch (patient_orientation)
+ {
+ case headfirst:
+ switch (slice_orientation)
+ {
+ case transaxial:
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_headfirst_transaxial;
+ break;
+ case sagittal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_headfirst_sagittal;
+ break;
+ case coronal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_headfirst_coronal;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case feetfirst:
+ switch (slice_orientation)
+ {
+ case transaxial:
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_feetfirst_transaxial;
+ break;
+ case sagittal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_feetfirst_sagittal;
+ break;
+ case coronal:
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_feetfirst_coronal;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(patient_slice_orientation != patient_slice_orientation_unknown)
+ return patient_slice_orientation;
+ //
+ // this is what xmedcon does
+ if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == +1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[4] == +1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_headfirst_transaxial;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[4] == +1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_feetfirst_transaxial;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[4] == -1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_headfirst_transaxial;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == +1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[4] == -1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_feetfirst_transaxial;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[1] == +1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == -1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_headfirst_sagittal;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[1] == +1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == +1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_feetfirst_sagittal;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[1] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == -1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_headfirst_sagittal;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[1] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == +1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_feetfirst_sagittal;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == +1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == -1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_headfirst_coronal;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == +1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = supine_feetfirst_coronal;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == -1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == -1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_headfirst_coronal;
+ else if ((image_orientation_patient[0] == +1) &&
+ (image_orientation_patient[5] == +1))
+ patient_slice_orientation = prone_feetfirst_coronal;
+ return patient_slice_orientation;
} // end namespace gdcm