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<UML:FloatingTextWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="16" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="800" linecolour="none" y="390" instancename="" posttext="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" role="709" fillcolour="none" height="21" usefillcolor="1" pretext="+" isinstance="0" xmi.id="99" text="" font="Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" />
<startpoint startx="818" starty="484" />
<endpoint endx="818" endy="540" />
- <UML:FloatingTextWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="8" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="820" linecolour="none" y="520" instancename="" posttext="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" role="703" fillcolour="none" height="21" usefillcolor="1" pretext="" isinstance="0" xmi.id="93" text="" font="Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" />
+ <UML:FloatingTextWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="8" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="820" linecolour="none" y="520" instancename="" posttext="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" role="703" fillcolour="none" height="21" usefillcolor="1" pretext="" isinstance="0" xmi.id="100" text="" font="Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" />
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<UML:FloatingTextWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="15" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="820" linecolour="none" y="520" instancename="" posttext="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" role="702" fillcolour="none" height="21" usefillcolor="1" pretext="" isinstance="0" xmi.id="100" text="n" font="Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" />
<UML:FloatingTextWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="16" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="800" linecolour="none" y="480" instancename="" posttext="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" role="709" fillcolour="none" height="21" usefillcolor="1" pretext="+" isinstance="0" xmi.id="100" text="" font="Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" />
<startpoint startx="818" starty="574" />
<endpoint endx="818" endy="630" />
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+ <UML:FloatingTextWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="8" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="820" linecolour="none" y="610" instancename="" posttext="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" role="703" fillcolour="none" height="21" usefillcolor="1" pretext="" isinstance="0" xmi.id="101" text="" font="Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" />
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<listitem open="1" type="813" id="43" label="DocEntrySet" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="88" label="Document" />
- <listitem open="1" type="813" id="76" label="EE" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="46" label="ElementSet" />
+ <listitem open="1" type="813" id="76" label="ValEntry" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="104" label="File" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="90" label="Header" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="103" label="HeaderHelper" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="94" label="Image" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="91" label="Patient" />
- <listitem open="1" type="813" id="75" label="SQE" />
+ <listitem open="1" type="813" id="75" label="SeqEntry" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="44" label="SeqItem" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="93" label="Serie" />
<listitem open="1" type="813" id="92" label="study" />
<listitem open="1" type="827" id="-1" label="Deployment View" />
- <codegeneration/>
+ <codegeneration>
+ <codegenerator language="Cpp" >
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="43" parent_class="43" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="docentryset" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; docentryset.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="44" parent_class="44" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="seqitem" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "docentryset.h"&#010;#include "seqentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
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+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; seqitem.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="51" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="51" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="79" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="79" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="46" parent_class="46" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="elementset" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "docentryset.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; elementset.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="52" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="52" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="47" parent_class="47" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="docentry" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "elementset.h"&#010;#include "seqitem.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="51" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="51" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; docentry.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:54&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="51" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="51" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="51" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="51" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="51" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="51" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="51" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="52" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="52" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="75" parent_class="75" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="seqentry" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "docentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; seqentry.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="79" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="79" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="76" parent_class="76" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="valentry" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "docentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; valentry.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:25:13&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="80" parent_class="80" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="dictentry" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dictentry.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="86" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="86" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="84" parent_class="84" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="dict" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "dictentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dict.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="86" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="86" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="87" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="87" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="85" parent_class="85" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="dictset" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "dict.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dictset.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="87" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="87" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="88" parent_class="88" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="document" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "elementset.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; document.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="89" parent_class="89" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="dicomdir" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "document.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dicomdir.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="98" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="98" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="90" parent_class="90" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="header" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "document.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; header.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="106" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="106" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="91" parent_class="91" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="patient" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "dicomdir.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; patient.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="98" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="98" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="99" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="99" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="92" parent_class="92" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="study" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "patient.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; study.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="99" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="99" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="99" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="100" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="100" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="93" parent_class="93" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="serie" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "study.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; serie.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="100" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="100" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="101" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="101" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="94" parent_class="94" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="image" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "serie.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; image.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="101" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="101" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="103" parent_class="103" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="headerhelper" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "header.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; headerhelper.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="104" parent_class="104" fileExt=".cpp" fileName="file" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include "string"&#010;#include "header.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Constructors/Destructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="otherMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; file.cpp - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.cpp&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="106" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="106" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="FIX ME;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <codedocument writeOutCode="false" package="" id="Makefile_DOC" fileExt="" fileName="Makefile" >
+ <textblocks/>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" />
+ </header>
+ </codedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader43" parent_class="43" fileExt=".h" fileName="docentryset" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef DOCENTRYSET_H&#010;#define DOCENTRYSET_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="43" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class DocEntrySet&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="DocEntrySet ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //DOCENTRYSET_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; docentryset.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader44" parent_class="44" fileExt=".h" fileName="seqitem" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef SEQITEM_H&#010;#define SEQITEM_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "docentryset.h"&#010;#include "seqentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="44" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class SeqItem&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="51" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" SeqItem ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="79" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="SeqItem ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="51" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="51" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="51" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="51" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="51" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="51" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //SEQITEM_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; seqitem.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="51" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="51" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" SeqItem ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; elementset.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
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+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //DOCENTRY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; docentry.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:54&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="51" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <header>
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+ <codeclassfield parent_id="52" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="52" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="52" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="52" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader75" parent_class="75" fileExt=".h" fileName="seqentry" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef SEQENTRY_H&#010;#define SEQENTRY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "docentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class SeqEntry&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="79" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" SeqEntry ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
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+ <header>
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+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="SeqEntry ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
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+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
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+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
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+ </header>
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+ <header>
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+ <header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
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+ </header>
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+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
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+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
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+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //SEQENTRY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; seqentry.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="79" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="79" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" SeqEntry ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="79" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="79" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader76" parent_class="76" fileExt=".h" fileName="valentry" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef VALENTRY_H&#010;#define VALENTRY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "docentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="76" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class ValEntry&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="ElementaryEntry ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
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+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //VALENTRY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; valentry.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:25:13&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader80" parent_class="80" fileExt=".h" fileName="dictentry" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef DICTENTRY_H&#010;#define DICTENTRY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="80" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class DictEntry&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="86" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" DictEntry ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="DictEntry ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //DICTENTRY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dictentry.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="86" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="86" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" DictEntry ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader84" parent_class="84" fileExt=".h" fileName="dict" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef DICT_H&#010;#define DICT_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "dictentry.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="84" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class Dict&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="86" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="87" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" Dict ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Dict ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
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+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //DICT_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dict.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="86" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="86" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="86" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="86" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="87" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="87" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" Dict ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader85" parent_class="85" fileExt=".h" fileName="dictset" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef DICTSET_H&#010;#define DICTSET_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "dict.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="85" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class DictSet&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="87" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="DictSet ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
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+ </header>
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+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //DICTSET_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dictset.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="87" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="87" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="87" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="87" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader88" parent_class="88" fileExt=".h" fileName="document" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef DOCUMENT_H&#010;#define DOCUMENT_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "elementset.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="88" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class Document&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Document ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //DOCUMENT_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; document.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader89" parent_class="89" fileExt=".h" fileName="dicomdir" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef DICOMDIR_H&#010;#define DICOMDIR_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "document.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="89" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class DicomDir&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="98" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" DicomDir ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="DicomDir ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //DICOMDIR_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; dicomdir.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="98" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="98" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" DicomDir ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader90" parent_class="90" fileExt=".h" fileName="header" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef HEADER_H&#010;#define HEADER_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "document.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="90" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class Header&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="106" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" Header ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Header ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //HEADER_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; header.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="106" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="106" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" Header ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader91" parent_class="91" fileExt=".h" fileName="patient" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef PATIENT_H&#010;#define PATIENT_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "dicomdir.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="91" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class Patient&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="98" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="99" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" Patient ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Patient ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
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+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //PATIENT_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; patient.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="98" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="98" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="98" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="98" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="99" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="99" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" Patient ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="99" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="99" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader92" parent_class="92" fileExt=".h" fileName="study" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef STUDY_H&#010;#define STUDY_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "patient.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="92" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class study&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="99" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="100" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" study ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
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+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="study ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
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+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; study.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
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+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; serie.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="100" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="100" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="100" tag="hblock_tag_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="100" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="101" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="101" tag="tblock_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text=" Serie ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader94" parent_class="94" fileExt=".h" fileName="image" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef IMAGE_H&#010;#define IMAGE_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "serie.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="94" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class Image&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="101" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Image ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
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+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //IMAGE_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; image.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="101" field_type="3" initialValue=" new vector( )" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="101" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" vector Vector;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="101" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="101" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader103" parent_class="103" fileExt=".h" fileName="headerhelper" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef HEADERHELPER_H&#010;#define HEADERHELPER_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "header.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="103" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class HeaderHelper&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="HeaderHelper ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //HEADERHELPER_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; headerhelper.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields/>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="cppheader104" parent_class="104" fileExt=".h" fileName="file" >
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlock" text="#ifndef FILE_H&#010;#define FILE_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="includes" text="#include <string>&#010;#include "header.h"&#010;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="using" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="namespace" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" text="Namespace" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="enums" writeOutText="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ <cppheaderclassdeclarationblock parent_id="104" tag="classDeclarationBlock" canDelete="false" role_id="-1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodecomment tag="" text="Class File&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Public stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="publicFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="106" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" File ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="File ( ) { }" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="pubRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Protected stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protectedFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="protRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateBlock" canDelete="false" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" text="Private stuff" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privateFieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privMethodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructionMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privStaticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="privRegularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />
+ </header>
+ <textblocks/>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </cppheaderclassdeclarationblock>
+ </textblocks>
+ </hierarchicalcodeblock>
+ <codeblockwithcomments tag="hashDefBlockEnd" text="#endif //FILE_H" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" />
+ </header>
+ </codeblockwithcomments>
+ </textblocks>
+ <header>
+ <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&#010; file.h - Copyright frog&#010;&#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&#010;configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory&#010;where you have your heading files.&#010;&#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&#010;&#010;/usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h&#010;&#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&#010; i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header&#010; files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated&#010; java code.&#010; If you name the file "heading.<extension>", Code Generator will always&#010; choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&#010; directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&#010; extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&#010;&#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&#010;just write %variable_name%&#010;&#010;This file was generated on Fri Apr 30 2004 at 15:23:15&#010;The original location of this file is &#010;**************************************************************************/&#010;" />
+ </header>
+ <classfields>
+ <codeclassfield parent_id="106" field_type="3" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" />
+ </header>
+ <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="106" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text=" File ;" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="106" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="106" role_id="0" >
+ <header>
+ <cppcodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" />
+ </header>
+ </codeaccessormethod>
+ </codeclassfield>
+ </classfields>
+ </classifiercodedocument>
+ </codegenerator>
+ </codegeneration>