// bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn() );
// std::cout << "Output value = " <<bbGetOutputOut() << std::endl;
- if (bbGetInputImage()!=NULL)
- {
- manualpaintmodel->SetActive( bbGetInputActive() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetTool( bbGetInputTool() );
- manualpaintmodel->Set2D3D( bbGetInput2D3D() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetImages( bbGetInputImage(),bbGetInputImage2() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetGrayLevel( bbGetInputGrayLevel() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetDirection( bbGetInputDirection() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetBrushSize( bbGetInputBrushSize() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetBrushForm( bbGetInputBrushForm() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetToleranceFill( bbGetInputToleranceFill() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetDistanceFill( bbGetInputDistanceFill() );
- manualpaintmodel->SetRangeMin( bbGetInputRange()[0] );
- manualpaintmodel->SetRangeMax( bbGetInputRange()[1] );
- if (bbGetInputPoint().size()==3)
- {
- manualpaintmodel->PaintImage( bbGetInputPoint()[0] , bbGetInputPoint()[1] , bbGetInputPoint()[2] );
- manualpaintmodel->SetUndoImage();
- } // if Points
- if ( bbGetInputByLstPointsX().size()!=0 )
- {
- int i,size = bbGetInputByLstPointsX().size();
- for (i=0;i<size;i++)
+ if (bbGetInputActive()==true)
+ {
+ if (bbGetInputImage()!=NULL)
+ {
+ manualpaintmodel->SetActive( bbGetInputActive() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetTool( bbGetInputTool() );
+ manualpaintmodel->Set2D3D( bbGetInput2D3D() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetImages( bbGetInputImage(),bbGetInputImage2() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetGrayLevel( bbGetInputGrayLevel() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetDirection( bbGetInputDirection() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetBrushSize( bbGetInputBrushSize() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetBrushForm( bbGetInputBrushForm() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetToleranceFill( bbGetInputToleranceFill() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetDistanceFill( bbGetInputDistanceFill() );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetRangeMin( bbGetInputRange()[0] );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetRangeMax( bbGetInputRange()[1] );
+ if (bbGetInputPoint().size()==3)
- manualpaintmodel->PaintImage( bbGetInputByLstPointsX()[i] , bbGetInputByLstPointsY()[i] , bbGetInputByLstPointsZ()[i] );
-// _manualPaintModel->SetUndoImage(); // Probably needed. Here is ok.
- } // for
- }// if ByLstPointsX
- if ((bbGetInputByImagePoints()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL) )
- {
-// int ia,ja,ka;
-// int ii,jj,kk;
- int ext[6];
-//EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
- bbGetInputByImagePoints()->GetWholeExtent(ext);
- bbGetInputByImagePoints()->GetExtent(ext);
- int dimX=ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
- int dimY=ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
- int dimZ=ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
- DEF_POINTER_IMAGE_VTK_CREA(vI2,sSI2,pI2,sTI2,bbGetInputImage2());
-//#pragma omp parallel for
- int i,j,k;
- for (k=0;k<dimZ;k++)
+ manualpaintmodel->PaintImage( bbGetInputPoint()[0] , bbGetInputPoint()[1] , bbGetInputPoint()[2] );
+ manualpaintmodel->SetUndoImage();
+ } // if Points
+ if ( bbGetInputByLstPointsX().size()!=0 )
- if (k%50==0)
+ int i,size = bbGetInputByLstPointsX().size();
+ for (i=0;i<size;i++)
- printf("ManualPaint_Model %d%\n", (int)(k*100.0/dimZ) );
- }
- for (j=0;j<dimY;j++)
+ manualpaintmodel->PaintImage( bbGetInputByLstPointsX()[i] , bbGetInputByLstPointsY()[i] , bbGetInputByLstPointsZ()[i] );
+ // _manualPaintModel->SetUndoImage(); // Probably needed. Here is ok.
+ } // for
+ }// if ByLstPointsX
+ if ((bbGetInputByImagePoints()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL) )
+ {
+ // int ia,ja,ka;
+ // int ii,jj,kk;
+ int ext[6];
+ //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7
+ bbGetInputByImagePoints()->GetWholeExtent(ext);
+ #else
+ bbGetInputByImagePoints()->GetExtent(ext);
+ #endif
+ int dimX=ext[1]-ext[0]+1;
+ int dimY=ext[3]-ext[2]+1;
+ int dimZ=ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
+ DEF_POINTER_IMAGE_VTK_CREA(vI2,sSI2,pI2,sTI2,bbGetInputImage2());
+ //#pragma omp parallel for
+ int i,j,k;
+ for (k=0;k<dimZ;k++)
- for (i=0;i<dimX;i++)
+ if (k%50==0)
+ {
+ printf("ManualPaint_Model %d%\n", (int)(k*100.0/dimZ) );
+ }
+ for (j=0;j<dimY;j++)
- if (vBIP>0)
+ for (i=0;i<dimX;i++)
- if (vI2==0)
+ if (vBIP>0)
- manualpaintmodel->PaintImage(i,j,k);
-// manualpaintmodel->SetUndoImage(); // Probably needed. Here is ok.
- } // vI2
- } // vBIP
- pBIP = pBIP + sSBIP;
- pI2 = pI2 + sSI2;
- }// for i
- }// for j
- }// for k
- printf("ManualPaint_Model %d%\n", 100 );
- } // if ByImagePoints
- } else {
- printf("EED Warning: ByImagePoints or Image2 not set. Box creaMaracasVisu::ManualPaint_Model (BBTK) \n");
- } // if ((bbGetInputByImagePoints()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL) )
+ if (vI2==0)
+ {
+ manualpaintmodel->PaintImage(i,j,k);
+ // manualpaintmodel->SetUndoImage(); // Probably needed. Here is ok.
+ } // vI2
+ } // vBIP
+ pBIP = pBIP + sSBIP;
+ pI2 = pI2 + sSI2;
+ }// for i
+ }// for j
+ }// for k
+ printf("ManualPaint_Model %d%\n", 100 );
+ } // if ByImagePoints
+ } else {
+ printf("EED Warning: ByImagePoints or Image2 not set. Box creaMaracasVisu::ManualPaint_Model (BBTK) \n");
+ } // if ((bbGetInputByImagePoints()!=NULL) && (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL) )
+ } // if active
if (bbGetInputImage2()!=NULL)
// Here does nothing
// but this is where you should allocate the internal/output pointers
// if any
- manualpaintmodel=new ManualPaintModel();
+ manualpaintmodel=new ManualPaintModel();
// Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost)