#Something stupid occured in the code for LibIDO images.
#I Black list them for a while. JP
- "gdcm-ACR-LibIDO.acr"
+ #"gdcm-ACR-LibIDO.acr"
#16 Bits per pixel images with LUT 16 Bits.
#I wait to be 100% sure before releasing them. JP
- "rle16sti.dcm"
+ #rle16sti.dcm"
# Jasper cannot handle this image, only kakadu so far, unless you patch jasper
# but then it breaks other images...
# I probabely messed up smething with the .png, .tst of
# the images I recently added to the Test Suite
# I Black list them, until I find where is the pb.
- "US-RGB-8-esopecho.dcm"
- "MR_Philips_Intera_No_PrivateSequenceImplicitVR.dcm"
- "MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenceImplicitVR.dcm"
- "MR_SIEMENS_forceLoad29-1010_29-1020.dcm"
- # An element contains a value of 4, but no data follows
- # So, the next (group, elem) is not correctly read
- "gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm"
+ #"US-RGB-8-esopecho.dcm"
+ #"MR_Philips_Intera_No_PrivateSequenceImplicitVR.dcm"
+ #"MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenceImplicitVR.dcm"
+ #"MR_SIEMENS_forceLoad29-1010_29-1020.dcm"
+ #Still cause troubles (see the .README.txt file for more details)
+ "MR_Philips_Intera_in_SQ_2001_e05f_item_wrong_lgt_use_NOSHADOWSEQ.dcm"
+ "MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenceExplicitVR.dcm"
# Create a specific list of dicom files that we know are part of a sequence