Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: vtkGdcmReader.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/08/22 12:30:36 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.76 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/08/30 14:40:35 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.77 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
// // to pass a 'Coherent File List' as produced by gdcm::SerieHelper
// reader->SetCoherentFileList(l);
// reader->Update();
// Actual limitations of this code
// when a Coherent File List from SerieHelper is not used (bad idea :-(
-// /////// Redundant and unnecessary header parsing
-// In it's current state this code actually parses three times the Dicom
-// header of a file before the corresponding image gets loaded in the
-// ad-hoc vtkData !
-// Here is the process:
-// 1/ First loading happens in ExecuteInformation which, in order to
-// positionate the vtk extents, calls CheckFileCoherence. The purpose
-// of CheckFileCoherence is to make sure all the images in the future
-// stack are "homogenous" (same size, same representation...).
-// This can only be achieved by parsing all the Dicom headers...
-// --> to avoid loosing too much time :
-// If user is 150% sure *all* the files are coherent, that is to say :
-// they may be open, they are gdcm-readable, they have the same sizes,
-// they have the same 'pixel' type, they are single frame,
-// they have the same color convention ...
-// he may use SetCheckFileCoherenceLight() to request a 'light' coherence
-// checking
-// 2/ ExecuteData is then responsible for the next two loadings - 2 ?!?-:
-// 2a/ ExecuteData calls AllocateOutputData that in turn seems to
-// (indirectely call) ExecuteInformation which ends up in a second
-// header parsing
-// This is fixed by adding a test at the beginning of ExecuteInformation
-// on the modification of the object instance. If a modification have been
-// made (method Modified() ), the MTime value is increased. The fileTime
-// is compared to this new value to find a modification in the class
-// parameters
-// 2b/ the core of ExecuteData then needs gdcm::File (which in turns
-// initializes gdcm::File in the constructor) in order to access
-// the data-image.
-// Possible solution:
-// maintain a list of gdcm::Files (created by say ExecuteInformation) created
-// once and for all accross the life of vtkGdcmFile (it would only load
-// new gdcm::File if the user changes the list). ExecuteData would then use
-// those gdcm::File and hence avoid calling the constructor:
-// - advantage: the header of the files would only be parsed once.
-// - drawback: once execute information is called (i.e. on creation of
-// a vtkGdcmFile) the gdcm::File structure is loaded in memory.
-// The average size of a gdcm::File being of 100Ko,
-// if oneloads 10 stacks of images with say 200 images each,
-// you end-up with a loss of 200Mo...
-// /////// Never unallocated memory:
-// ExecuteData allocates space for the pixel data [which will get pointed
-// by the vtkPointData() through the call
-// data->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->SetVoidArray(mem, StackNumPixels, 0);]
-// This data is never "freed" neither in the destructor nor when the
-// filename list is extended, ExecuteData is called a second (or third)
-// time...
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "gdcmFileHelper.h"
#include "gdcmFile.h"
-#include "gdcmDocument.h" // for NO_SEQ
#include "vtkGdcmReader.h"
#include "gdcmDebug.h"
+#include "gdcmCommon.h"
-//#include <stdio.h>
#include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
#include <vtkImageData.h>
#include <vtkPointData.h>
#include <vtkLookupTable.h>
-vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkGdcmReader, "$Revision: 1.76 $")
+vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkGdcmReader, "$Revision: 1.77 $")
this->LookupTable = NULL;
- this->AllowLookupTable = 0;
- this->AllowLightChecking = 0;
- this->LoadMode = 0; // Load everything (possible values : NO_SEQ, NO_SHADOW,
+ this->AllowLookupTable = false;
+ this->AllowLightChecking = false;
+ this->LoadMode = GDCM_LD_ALL; // Load everything (possible values :
+ // - LD_NOSEQ,
this->CoherentFileList = 0;
this->UserFunction = 0;
+ this->OwnFile=true;
+ this->Execution=false;
// We need to bypass the const pointer [since list<>.push_bash() only
// takes a char* (but not a const char*)] by making a local copy:
- char *LocalName = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
- strcpy(LocalName, name);
- this->FileNameList.push_back(LocalName);
- delete[] LocalName;
+ this->FileNameList.push_back(name);
- * Ask for a 'light' checking -actually : just initializing-
- *if you are 150% sure *all* the files are coherent
- */
-//void vtkGdcmReader::SetCheckFileCoherenceLight()
-// LightChecking = true;
// Protected
void vtkGdcmReader::ExecuteInformation()
+ if(this->Execution)
+ return;
+ this->Execution=true;
+ this->RemoveAllInternalFile();
+ this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = 0;
if ( this->CoherentFileList != 0 )
- this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = this->CheckFileCoherenceAlreadyDone();
- else if ( this->AllowLightChecking )
- this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = this->CheckFileCoherenceLight();
+ {
+ this->UpdateFileInformation();
+ }
- this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = this->CheckFileCoherence();
+ {
+ this->BuildFileListFromPattern();
+ this->LoadFileInformation();
+ }
if ( this->TotalNumberOfPlanes == 0)
vtkErrorMacro(<< "File set is not coherent. Exiting...");
// if the user has not set the extent, but has set the VOI
// set the z axis extent to the VOI z axis
if (this->DataExtent[4]==0 && this->DataExtent[5] == 0 &&
- (this->DataVOI[4] || this->DataVOI[5]))
+ (this->DataVOI[4] || this->DataVOI[5]))
this->DataExtent[4] = this->DataVOI[4];
this->DataExtent[5] = this->DataVOI[5];
+ this->GetOutput()->SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent();
+ this->BuildData(this->GetOutput());
+ this->Execution=false;
+ this->RemoveAllInternalFile();
void vtkGdcmReader::ExecuteData(vtkDataObject *output)
- if ( CoherentFileList != 0 ) // When a list of names is passed
+ vtkImageData *data=vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(output);
+ data->SetExtent(this->DataExtent);
+/* if ( CoherentFileList != 0 ) // When a list of names is passed
if (this->CoherentFileList->empty())
vtkErrorMacro(<< "A least a valid FileName must be specified.");
- // FIXME : extraneous parsing of header is made when allocating OuputData
- // --> ?!?
+void vtkGdcmReader::BuildData(vtkDataObject *output)
vtkImageData *data = this->AllocateOutputData(output);
- data->SetExtent(this->DataExtent);
// Test if output has valid extent
// Filling the allocated memory space with each image/volume:
+ size_t size = this->NumColumns * this->NumLines * this->NumPlanes
+ * data->GetScalarSize() * this->NumComponents;
unsigned char *Dest = (unsigned char *)data->GetScalarPointer();
- if ( CoherentFileList == 0 ) // When a list of names is passed
- {
- for (std::list<std::string>::iterator filename = InternalFileNameList.begin();
- filename != InternalFileNameList.end();
- ++filename)
- {
- // Images that were tagged as unreadable in CheckFileCoherence()
- // are substituted with a black image to let the caller visually
- // notice something wrong is going on:
- if (*filename != "GDCM_UNREADABLE")
- {
- // Update progress related for good files is made in LoadImageInMemory
- Dest += this->LoadImageInMemory(*filename, Dest,
- UpdateProgressTarget,
- UpdateProgressCount);
- }
- else
- {
- // We insert a black image in the stack for the user to be aware that
- // this image/volume couldn't be loaded. We simply skip one image
- // size:
- Dest += this->NumColumns * this->NumLines * this->PixelSize;
- // Update progress related for bad files:
- UpdateProgressCount += this->NumLines;
- if (UpdateProgressTarget > 0)
- {
- if (!(UpdateProgressCount%UpdateProgressTarget))
- {
- this->UpdateProgress(UpdateProgressCount/(50.0*UpdateProgressTarget));
- }
- }
- } // Else, file not loadable
- } // Loop on files
- }
- else // when a Coherent File List is passed
+ for (std::vector<gdcm::File* >::iterator it = InternalFileList.begin();
+ it != InternalFileList.end();
+ ++it)
- for (std::vector<gdcm::File* >::iterator it = CoherentFileList->begin();
- it != CoherentFileList->end();
- ++it)
- {
- //std::cout <<"----------------- " << (*it)->GetFileName() << std::endl;
- Dest += this->LoadImageInMemory(*it, Dest,
- UpdateProgressTarget,
- UpdateProgressCount);
- // Update progress related for bad files:
- UpdateProgressCount += this->NumLines;
- if (UpdateProgressTarget > 0)
- {
- if (!(UpdateProgressCount%UpdateProgressTarget))
- {
- this->UpdateProgress(UpdateProgressCount/(50.0*UpdateProgressTarget));
- }
- }
- } // Loop on files
- }
+ this->LoadImageInMemory(*it, Dest,
+ UpdateProgressTarget,
+ UpdateProgressCount);
+ Dest += size;
+ }
+ // Test miscellanous cases
if ((! this->FileNameList.empty()) && this->FileName )
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Both AddFileName and SetFileName schemes were used");
+ // Create the InternalFileNameList
if (! this->FileNameList.empty() )
vtkDebugMacro(<< "Using the AddFileName specified files");
- * When more than one filename is specified (i.e. we expect loading
- * a stack or volume) we need to check that the corresponding images/volumes
- * to be loaded are coherent i.e. to make sure:
- * - they all share the same X dimensions
- * - they all share the same Y dimensions
- * - they all share the same ImageType ( 8 bit signed, or unsigned...)
+ * Load all the files and set it in the InternalFileList
+ * For each file, the readability and the coherence of image caracteristics
+ * are tested. If an image doesn't agree the required specifications, it
+ * isn't considered and no data will be set for the planes corresponding
+ * to this image
- * Eventually, we emit a warning when all the files do NOT share the
- * Z dimension, since we can still build a stack but the
- * files are not coherent in Z, which is probably a source a trouble...
- * When files are not readable (either the file cannot be opened or
- * because gdcm cannot parse it), they are flagged as "GDCM_UNREADABLE".
- * This method returns the total number of planar images to be loaded
- * (i.e. an image represents one plane, but a volume represents many planes)
+ * The source of this work is the list of file name generated by the
+ * BuildFileListFromPattern method
-int vtkGdcmReader::CheckFileCoherence()
+void vtkGdcmReader::LoadFileInformation()
- int ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes = 0; // The returned value.
- this->BuildFileListFromPattern();
- if (this->InternalFileNameList.empty())
- {
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "FileNames are not set.");
- return 0;
- }
- bool FoundReferenceFile = false;
- int ReferenceNZ = 0;
+ gdcm::File *file;
+ bool foundReference=false;
+ std::string type;
- // Loop on the filenames:
- // - check for their existence and gdcm "parsability"
- // - get the coherence check done:
+ this->OwnFile=true;
for (std::list<std::string>::iterator filename = InternalFileNameList.begin();
filename != InternalFileNameList.end();
- // The file is always added in the number of planes
- // - If file doesn't exist, it will be replaced by a black plane in the
- // ExecuteData method
- // - If file has more than 1 plane, other planes will be added later to
- // to the ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes variable counter
- ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes += 1;
- /////// Stage 0: check for file name:
- // fixme : how can the filename be equal to "GDCM_UNREADABLE"
- // right now ?!?
- if(*filename == std::string("GDCM_UNREADABLE"))
- continue;
- /////// Stage 1: check for file readability:
- // Stage 1.1: check for file existence.
+ // check for file readability
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(filename->c_str(),"rb");
if (!fp)
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Unable to open file " << filename->c_str());
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Removing this file from read files: "
<< filename->c_str());
- *filename = "GDCM_UNREADABLE";
+ file = NULL;
+ InternalFileList.push_back(file);
- // Stage 1.2: check for Gdcm parsability
+ // Read the file
+ file=new gdcm::File();
+ file->SetLoadMode( LoadMode );
+ file->SetFileName(filename->c_str() );
+ file->Load();
- // to save some parsing time.
- gdcm::File GdcmFile;
- GdcmFile.SetLoadMode( LoadMode );
- GdcmFile.SetFileName(filename->c_str() );
- GdcmFile.Load( );
- if (!GdcmFile.IsReadable())
+ // Test the Dicom file readability
+ if(!file->IsReadable())
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Gdcm cannot parse file " << filename->c_str());
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Removing this file from read files: "
<< filename->c_str());
- *filename = "GDCM_UNREADABLE";
+ delete file;
+ file=NULL;
+ InternalFileList.push_back(file);
- // Stage 1.3: further gdcm compatibility on PixelType
- std::string type = GdcmFile.GetPixelType();
+ // Test the Pixel Type recognition
+ type = file->GetPixelType();
if ( (type != "8U") && (type != "8S")
&& (type != "16U") && (type != "16S")
&& (type != "32U") && (type != "32S") )
<< " File type found : " << type.c_str()
<< " (might be 8U, 8S, 16U, 16S, 32U, 32S) \n"
<< " Removing this file from read files");
- *filename = "GDCM_UNREADABLE";
+ delete file;
+ file=NULL;
+ InternalFileList.push_back(file);
- // Stage 2: check coherence of the set of files
- int NX = GdcmFile.GetXSize();
- int NY = GdcmFile.GetYSize();
- int NZ = GdcmFile.GetZSize();
- if (FoundReferenceFile)
+ // Test the image informations
+ if(!foundReference)
- // Stage 2.1: mandatory coherence stage:
- if ( ( NX != this->NumColumns )
- || ( NY != this->NumLines )
- || ( type != this->ImageType ) )
- {
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "This file is not coherent with previous ones: "
- << filename->c_str());
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "Removing this file from read files: "
- << filename->c_str());
- *filename = "GDCM_UNREADABLE";
- continue;
- }
- // Stage 2.2: optional coherence stage
- if ( NZ != ReferenceNZ )
- {
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "File is not coherent in Z with previous ones: "
- << filename->c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "File is coherent with previous ones: "
- << filename->c_str());
- }
+ foundReference = true;
+ GetFileInformation(file);
- // Stage 2.3: when the file is 'multiframe', notify the caller.
- if (NZ > 1)
- {
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "This file is a 'Multiframe' one: "
- << filename->c_str());
- }
- // Eventually, this file can be added on the stack. Update the
- // full size of the stack
- vtkDebugMacro("Number of planes added to the stack: " << NZ);
- ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes += NZ - 1; // First plane already added
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- // We didn't have a workable reference file yet.
- // Set this one as the reference.
- FoundReferenceFile = true;
vtkDebugMacro(<< "This file taken as coherence reference:"
- << filename->c_str());
+ << filename->c_str());
vtkDebugMacro(<< "Image dimensions of reference file as read from Gdcm:"
- << NX << " " << NY << " " << NZ);
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "Number of planes added to the stack: " << NZ);
- // Set aside the size of the image
- this->NumColumns = NX;
- this->NumLines = NY;
- ReferenceNZ = NZ;
- ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes += NZ - 1; // First plane already added
- this->ImageType = type;
- this->PixelSize = GdcmFile.GetPixelSize();
- if( GdcmFile.HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
- {
- // I could raise an error is AllowLookupTable is on and HasLUT() off
- this->NumComponents = GdcmFile.GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
- }
- else
- {
- this->NumComponents = GdcmFile.GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
- }
- //Set image spacing
- this->DataSpacing[0] = GdcmFile.GetXSpacing();
- this->DataSpacing[1] = GdcmFile.GetYSpacing();
- this->DataSpacing[2] = GdcmFile.GetZSpacing();
+ << this->NumColumns << " " << this->NumLines << " "
+ << this->NumPlanes);
+ }
+ else if(!TestFileInformation(file))
+ {
+ delete file;
+ file=NULL;
- } // End of loop on filename
- ///////// The files we CANNOT load are flaged. On debugging purposes
- // count the loadable number of files and display their number:
- int NumberCoherentFiles = 0;
- for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = InternalFileNameList.begin();
- it != InternalFileNameList.end();
- ++it)
+ InternalFileList.push_back(file);
+ }
+ * Update the file informations.
+ * This works exactly like LoadFileInformation, but the source of work
+ * is the list of coherent files
+ */
+void vtkGdcmReader::UpdateFileInformation()
+ this->InternalFileList=*(this->CoherentFileList);
+ this->OwnFile=false;
+ for(gdcmFileList::iterator it=InternalFileList.begin();
+ it!=InternalFileList.end();
+ ++it)
- if (*it != "GDCM_UNREADABLE")
+ if( *it != NULL)
- NumberCoherentFiles++;
+ GetFileInformation(*it);
+ break;
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "Number of coherent files: " << NumberCoherentFiles);
+ * Get the informations from a file.
+ * These informations are required to specify the output image
+ * caracteristics
+ */
+void vtkGdcmReader::GetFileInformation(gdcm::File *file)
+ // Get the image caracteristics
+ this->NumColumns = file->GetXSize();
+ this->NumLines = file->GetYSize();
+ this->NumPlanes = file->GetZSize();
+ this->TotalNumberOfPlanes = this->NumPlanes*InternalFileNameList.size();
- if (ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes == 0)
+ this->ImageType = file->GetPixelType();
+ this->PixelSize = file->GetPixelSize();
+ this->DataSpacing[0] = file->GetXSpacing();
+ this->DataSpacing[1] = file->GetYSpacing();
+ this->DataSpacing[2] = file->GetZSpacing();
+ // Get the image data caracteristics
+ if( file->HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "No loadable file.");
+ // I could raise an error is AllowLookupTable is on and HasLUT() off
+ this->NumComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
+ else
+ {
+ this->NumComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
+ }
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "Total number of planes on the stack: "
- << ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes);
- return ReturnedTotalNumberOfPlanes;
+ * When more than one filename is specified (i.e. we expect loading
+ * a stack or volume) we need to check that the corresponding images/volumes
+ * to be loaded are coherent i.e. to make sure:
+ * - they all share the same X dimensions
+ * - they all share the same Y dimensions
+ * - they all share the same ImageType ( 8 bit signed, or unsigned...)
+ *
+ * Eventually, we emit a warning when all the files do NOT share the
+ * Z dimension, since we can still build a stack but the
+ * files are not coherent in Z, which is probably a source a trouble...
+ * When files are not readable (either the file cannot be opened or
+ * because gdcm cannot parse it), they are flagged as "GDCM_UNREADABLE".
+ * This method returns the total number of planar images to be loaded
+ * (i.e. an image represents one plane, but a volume represents many planes)
+ */
+ * Test the coherent informations of the file with the reference informations
+ * used as image caracteristics. The tested informations are :
+ * - they all share the same X dimensions
+ * - they all share the same Y dimensions
+ * - they all share the same Z dimensions
+ * - they all share the same number of components
+ * - they all share the same ImageType ( 8 bit signed, or unsigned...)
+ *
+ * \return True if the file match, False otherwise
+ */
+bool vtkGdcmReader::TestFileInformation(gdcm::File *file)
+ int numColumns = file->GetXSize();
+ int numLines = file->GetYSize();
+ int numPlanes = file->GetZSize();
+ int pixelSize = file->GetPixelSize();
+ int numComponents;
+ if( file->HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
+ numComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
+ else
+ numComponents = file->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
+ if( numColumns != this->NumColumns )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<< "File X value doesn't match with the previous ones: "
+ << file->GetFileName().c_str()
+ << ". Found " << numColumns << ", must be "
+ << this->NumColumns);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( numLines != this->NumLines )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<< "File y value doesn't match with the previous ones: "
+ << file->GetFileName().c_str()
+ << ". Found " << numLines << ", must be "
+ << this->NumLines);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( numPlanes != this->NumPlanes )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<< "File z value doesn't match with the previous ones: "
+ << file->GetFileName().c_str()
+ << ". Found " << numPlanes << ", must be "
+ << this->NumPlanes);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( numComponents != this->NumComponents )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<< "File Components count doesn't match with the previous ones: "
+ << file->GetFileName().c_str()
+ << ". Found " << numComponents << ", must be "
+ << this->NumComponents);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( pixelSize != this->PixelSize )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<< "File pixel size doesn't match with the previous ones: "
+ << file->GetFileName().c_str()
+ << ". Found " << pixelSize << ", must be "
+ << this->PixelSize);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
- * Loads the contents of the image/volume contained by gdcm::File* f at
- * the Dest memory address. Returns the size of the data loaded.
+ * Remove all file names to the internal list of images to read.
-size_t vtkGdcmReader::LoadImageInMemory(
- gdcm::File *f,
- unsigned char *dest,
- const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
- unsigned long &updateProgressCount)
+void vtkGdcmReader::RemoveAllInternalFile(void)
- // vtkDebugMacro(<< "Copying to memory image [" << f->GetFileName() << "]");
+ if(this->OwnFile)
+ {
+ for(gdcmFileList::iterator it=InternalFileList.begin();
+ it!=InternalFileList.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ delete (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ this->InternalFileList.clear();
- return DoTheLoadingJob (f,
- dest,
- updateProgressTarget,
- updateProgressCount);
+void vtkGdcmReader::IncrementProgress(const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
+ unsigned long &updateProgressCount)
+ // Update progress related for bad files:
+ updateProgressCount += this->NumLines;
+ if (updateProgressTarget > 0)
+ {
+ if (!(updateProgressCount%updateProgressTarget))
+ {
+ this->UpdateProgress(updateProgressCount/(50.0*updateProgressTarget));
+ }
+ }
* Loads the contents of the image/volume contained by char *fileName at
* the dest memory address. Returns the size of the data loaded.
-size_t vtkGdcmReader::LoadImageInMemory(
+/*void vtkGdcmReader::LoadImageInMemory(
std::string fileName,
unsigned char *dest,
const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
f->SetFileName( fileName.c_str() );
f->Load( );
- return DoTheLoadingJob (f,
- dest,
- updateProgressTarget,
- updateProgressCount);
+ LoadImageInMemory(f,dest,
+ updateProgressTarget,
+ updateProgressCount);
delete f;
- * Service method for LoadImageInMemory
-size_t vtkGdcmReader::DoTheLoadingJob (gdcm::File *f,
- unsigned char *dest,
- const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
- unsigned long &updateProgressCount)
+ * Loads the contents of the image/volume contained by gdcm::File* f at
+ * the Dest memory address. Returns the size of the data loaded.
+ * \ param f File to consider. NULL if the file must be skiped
+ * \remarks Assume that if (f != NULL) then its caracteristics match
+ * with the previous ones
+ */
+void vtkGdcmReader::LoadImageInMemory(
+ gdcm::File *f,
+ unsigned char *dest,
+ const unsigned long updateProgressTarget,
+ unsigned long &updateProgressCount)
+ if(!f)
+ return;
gdcm::FileHelper *fileH = new gdcm::FileHelper( f );
fileH->SetUserFunction( UserFunction );
+ int numColumns = f->GetXSize();
+ int numLines = f->GetYSize();
+ int numPlanes = f->GetZSize();
+ int numComponents;
+ if( f->HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
+ numComponents = f->GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
+ else
+ numComponents = f->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
+ vtkDebugMacro(<< "Copying to memory image [" << f->GetFileName().c_str() << "]");
size_t size;
// If the data structure of vtk for image/volume representation
// line comes first (for some axis related reasons?). Hence we need
// to load the image line by line, starting from the end.
- int numColumns = fileH->GetFile()->GetXSize();
- int numLines = fileH->GetFile()->GetYSize();
- int numPlanes = fileH->GetFile()->GetZSize();
- int lineSize = NumComponents * numColumns * fileH->GetFile()->GetPixelSize();
+ int lineSize = NumComponents * numColumns * f->GetPixelSize();
int planeSize = lineSize * numLines;
unsigned char *src;
dst += 2 * planeSize;
- delete fileH;
- return size;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// We assume the use *does* know all the files whose names
-// are in InternalFileNameList exist, may be open, are gdcm-readable
-// have the same sizes, have the same 'pixel' type, are single frame
-// have the same color convention, ..., anything else ?
-int vtkGdcmReader::CheckFileCoherenceLight()
- std::list<std::string>::iterator filename = InternalFileNameList.begin();
- gdcm::File GdcmFile;
- GdcmFile.SetLoadMode( LoadMode );
- GdcmFile.SetFileName(filename->c_str() );
- GdcmFile.Load( );
- if (!GdcmFile.IsReadable())
- {
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "Gdcm cannot parse file " << filename->c_str());
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "you should try vtkGdcmReader::CheckFileCoherence "
- << "instead of vtkGdcmReader::CheckFileCoherenceLight");
- return 0;
- }
- int NX = GdcmFile.GetXSize();
- int NY = GdcmFile.GetYSize();
- // CheckFileCoherenceLight should be called *only* when user knows
- // he deals with single frames files.
- // Z size is then the number of files.
- int NZ = InternalFileNameList.size();
- std::string type = GdcmFile.GetPixelType();
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "The first file is taken as reference: "
- << filename->c_str());
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "Image dimensions of reference file as read from Gdcm:"
- << NX << " " << NY << " " << NZ);
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "Number of planes added to the stack: " << NZ);
- // Set aside the size of the image
- this->NumColumns = NX;
- this->NumLines = NY;
- this->ImageType = type;
- this->PixelSize = GdcmFile.GetPixelSize();
- if( GdcmFile.HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
- {
- // I could raise an error is AllowLookupTable is on and HasLUT() off
- this->NumComponents = GdcmFile.GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
- }
- else
- {
- this->NumComponents = GdcmFile.GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
- }
- //Set image spacing
- this->DataSpacing[0] = GdcmFile.GetXSpacing();
- this->DataSpacing[1] = GdcmFile.GetYSpacing();
- this->DataSpacing[2] = GdcmFile.GetZSpacing();
- return InternalFileNameList.size();
+ delete fileH;
-// We assume the use *does* know all the files whose names
-// are in InternalFileNameList exist, may be open, are gdcm-readable
-// have the same sizes, have the same 'pixel' type, are single frame
-// have the same color convention, ..., anything else ?
-int vtkGdcmReader::CheckFileCoherenceAlreadyDone()
- if ( CoherentFileList->empty() )
- {
- vtkErrorMacro(<< "Coherent File List is empty ");
- return 0;
- }
- gdcm::File *gdcmFile = (*CoherentFileList)[0];
- int NX = gdcmFile->GetXSize();
- int NY = gdcmFile->GetYSize();
- // CheckFileCoherenceLight should be called *only* when user knows
- // he deals with single frames files.
- // Z size is then the number of files.
- // --> TODO : loop on the File* to get NZ of each one !
- int NZ = CoherentFileList->size();
- std::string type = gdcmFile->GetPixelType();
- //vtkDebugMacro(<< "The first file is taken as reference: "
- // << (*CoherentFileList)[0]->GetFileName() );
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "Image dimensions of reference file as read from Gdcm:"
- << NX << " " << NY << " " << NZ);
- vtkDebugMacro(<< "Number of planes added to the stack: " << NZ);
- // Set aside the size of the image
- this->NumColumns = NX;
- this->NumLines = NY;
- this->ImageType = type;
- this->PixelSize = gdcmFile->GetPixelSize();
- if( gdcmFile->HasLUT() && this->AllowLookupTable )
- {
- // I could raise an error is AllowLookupTable is on and HasLUT() off
- this->NumComponents = gdcmFile->GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw();
- }
- else
- {
- this->NumComponents = gdcmFile->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); //rgb or mono
- }
- //Set image spacing
- this->DataSpacing[0] = gdcmFile->GetXSpacing();
- this->DataSpacing[1] = gdcmFile->GetYSpacing();
- this->DataSpacing[2] = gdcmFile->GetZSpacing();
- return NZ;