description "Reads and image file / stack of image files, writes it as a MHD file"
author "jpr@creatis.insa-lyon.fr"
category "tool, read/write"
new LayoutLine main
-# use Gimmick to select
-# ----------------------
+# Use new box (choose the way you want to select images)
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+load creaImageIO
+new ImagesReader chooser
+# Concatenate all the supposed-to-be consistent 2D images into a single vtkImageData
+# WARNING : File names alphabetical order is suposed to be meaningful ...
+new ConcatImages reader
+ connect chooser.Out reader.In
+// Normally (?) the following lines {== BEGIN == / ==END ==}
+// are now useless; let here as a reminder/example
+// Don't remove them . JPRx
+// ==== BEGIN ======================================================
+# Dummy way to get only the first image from the chooser
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+load creaImageIO
+new ImagesReader chooser
+new GetVectorVtkImageDataElement reader
+ set reader.I 0
+ connect chooser.Out reader.In
+# Here loads 'hola.mhd'
+# ---------------------
+# Don't forget to comment out the following 2 lines
+# If you want to check someting else.
+include vtk/boxes/bbLoadHola
+new LoadHola reader
+# uncomment next lines to have a file selector
+# --------------------------------------------
+new FileSelector openFileDialog
+new ImageReader reader
+ connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+# uncomment next lines to use a vtkgdcmReader
+# -------------------------------------
+new FileSelector openFileDialog
+new GetInfoGdcmReader reader
+ connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+# uncomment next lines to use Gimmick
+# -----------------------------------
load creaImageIO
new Gimmick reader
+# uncomment next lines to Read a MHD file (and nothing else !)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+new FileSelector openFileDialog
+ set openFileDialog.Wildcard "(*.mhd)|*.mhd"
+new MetaImageReader reader
+ connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (only if file name order is meaningfull)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+// To get the image names into a vector
+new FilesFromDirectory fd
+// To read all the files, as a bbitk::ImagePointer
+new ImageSeriesReader reader
+// user choosen directory as input
+connect ds.Out fd.In
+set fd.Recursive false
+// list of files as input
+#print "Files found in $ds.Out$\n
+connect fd.Out reader.FileNames
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (if the directory contains a 'XCoherent" Serie)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+// To get the image names into a vector
+new FilesFromDirectory fd
+// user choosen directory as input
+connect ds.Out fd.In
+// order the files, computes an accurate ZSpacing
+new GetXCoherentInfoGdcmReader reader
+connect fd.Out reader.In
+# uncomment the following lines to read a 3D images stack
+# (with DICOMDirReader)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+include itk/boxes/bbDICOMDirReader
+// To choose the directory
+new DirectorySelector ds
+new DICOMDirReader reader
+ connect ds.Out reader.In
+// ==== END ======================================================
new CommandButton cb1
connect cb1.Widget main.Widget1