#include <vtkImageActor.h>
#include "wxVtk2DBaseView.h"
+#include "vtkLookupTable.h"
wxMaracasCoutourTool::wxMaracasCoutourTool(wxWindow *parent, wxVtkBaseView *wxvtkbaseview, vtkImageData* imagedata)
--- /dev/null
+#include "vtkBaseData.h"
+ _z = 0;
+ _t = 0;
+ _marImageData = NULL;
+void vtkBaseData::SetMarImageData(marImageData *marimagedata)
+ _marImageData = marimagedata;
+ //Configure();
+vtkImageData* vtkBaseData::GetImageData()
+ return _marImageData->GetImageDataT(_t);
+marImageData* vtkBaseData::GetMarImageData()
+ return _marImageData;
+void vtkBaseData::Configure() // virtual
+void vtkBaseData::SetZ(double z){
+ //int maxZ;
+// int dim[3];
+// _marImageData->GetDimensions(dim);
+// maxZ=dim[2];
+ int ext[6];
+ vtkImageData* img = _marImageData->GetImageData();
+ if(img!=NULL){
+ /*img->GetWholeExtent(ext);
+ maxZ=ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
+ if (z>=maxZ)
+ {
+ //z=maxZ-1;
+ }
+ if (z<=0)
+ {
+ z=0;
+ }
+ _z=z;*/
+ img->GetExtent(ext);
+ if (z > ext[5])
+ {
+ z = ext[5];
+ }
+ if (z < ext[4])
+ {
+ z = ext[4];
+ }
+ _z=z;
+ }
+double vtkBaseData::GetZ()
+ return _z;
+int vtkBaseData::GetT()
+ return _t;
+void vtkBaseData::SetT(double t)
+ int maxT = _marImageData->GetMaxT();
+ if (t>=maxT)
+ {
+ t=maxT-1;
+ }
+ if (t<=0)
+ {
+ t=0;
+ }
+ _t=(int)t;
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "marTypes.h"
+#include "marImageData.h"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT vtkBaseData {
--- /dev/null
+#include "vtkClipping3DDataViewer.h"
+#include "vtkDataSetReader.h"
+#include "vtkProperty.h"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE; i++){
+ _visibleTissue[i] = false;
+ _representationType[i] = true;
+ }
+ _visibleVolume=false;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
+ _mCubes[i] ->Delete();
+ _tissueStripper[i] ->Delete();
+ _tissueMapper[i] ->Delete();
+ _tissuePlanes[i] ->Delete();
+ _tissueClipper[i] ->Delete();
+ }
+ _outlineData ->Delete();
+ _mapOutline ->Delete();
+ _outline ->Delete();
+ // Volume
+ _tfun ->Delete();
+ _ctfun ->Delete();
+ _compositeFunction ->Delete();
+ _volumeMapper ->Delete();
+ _volumeProperty ->Delete();
+ _newvol ->Delete();
+ _volumePlanes ->Delete();
+ for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
+ _tissue[i] -> Delete();
+ _observerS[i] -> Delete();
+ }
+ _observerV -> Delete();
+vtkActor* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetOutlineActor()
+ return _outline;
+vtkClipPolyData* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueClipper(int id)
+ return this->_tissueClipper[id];
+vtkPolyDataMapper* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueMapper(int id)
+ return _tissueMapper[id];
+vtkPlanes* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissuePlanes(int id)
+ return _tissuePlanes[id];
+vtkStripper* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueStripper(int id)
+ return _tissueStripper[id];
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Refresh()
+// _volumeMapper->SetClippingPlanes(_volumePlanes);
+// this->_volumeMapper->Update();
+// this->_newvol->Update();
+// _newvol->VisibilityOn();
+// _volumeMapper = vtkVolumeRayCastMapper::New();
+// _volumeMapper->SetInput( this->GetVtkMPRBaseData()->GetImageData() );
+// _volumeMapper->SetVolumeRayCastFunction(_compositeFunction);
+// _volumeMapper->SetClippingPlanes( _volumePlanes );
+// _newvol->SetMapper(_volumeMapper );
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::RefreshSurface()
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++)
+ {
+ SetIsovalue(i, (int) (GetIsovalue(i)+1) );
+// this->GetMCubes(i)->Update();
+ }
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetVtkMPRBaseData(vtkMPRBaseData *vtkmprbasedata)
+ _vtkmprbasedata=vtkmprbasedata;
+vtkMPRBaseData* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVtkMPRBaseData()
+ return _vtkmprbasedata;
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetVisibleTissue(int idTissue, bool visible)
+ _visibleTissue[idTissue]=visible;
+bool vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVisibleTissue(int idTissue){
+ return _visibleTissue[idTissue];
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetRepresentationType(int idTissue, bool representationType)
+ _representationType[idTissue]=representationType;
+bool vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetRepresentationType(int idTissue)
+ return _representationType[idTissue];
+vtkActor* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueActor(int id){
+ return _tissue[id];
+boxSurfaceObserver *vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetObserverS(int idObserverS)
+ return _observerS[idObserverS];
+boxSurfaceObserver *vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetObserverV()
+ return _observerV;
+bool vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVisibleVolume()
+ return _visibleVolume;
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetVisibleVolume(bool visiblevolume)
+ _visibleVolume = visiblevolume;
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Configure_Tissue()
+ double range[2];
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
+ // Visualisation - original volume
+ vtkImageData *imagedata=_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
+ imagedata->GetScalarRange( range );
+ _mCubes[i] = vtkMarchingCubes::New( );
+ _mCubes[i]->SetInput( imagedata );
+ _mCubes[i]->SetValue( 0, range[1]*(4+i) / 8 );
+// _mCubes[i]->SetValue( 0, 1500 );
+ _tissueStripper[i] = vtkStripper::New();
+ _tissueStripper[i]->SetInput( _mCubes[i]->GetOutput( ) );
+ _tissuePlanes[i] = vtkPlanes::New();
+ int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
+ imagedata->GetExtent(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
+ _tissuePlanes[i]->SetBounds (x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
+ _tissueClipper[i] = vtkClipPolyData::New();
+ _tissueClipper[i]->SetInput( _tissueStripper[i]->GetOutput() );
+ _tissueClipper[i]->SetClipFunction( _tissuePlanes[i] );
+ _tissueClipper[i]->InsideOutOn( );
+ _tissueMapper[i] = vtkPolyDataMapper::New( );
+ _tissueMapper[i]->SetInput( _tissueClipper[i]->GetOutput() );
+ _tissueMapper[i]->ScalarVisibilityOff( );
+// _tissueMapper[i]->Update();
+ }
+ // vtkActor tissue
+ for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
+ // tissue
+ _tissue[i] = vtkActor::New();
+ _tissue[i]->SetMapper( GetTissueMapper(i) );
+ float cr=1,cg=0.5,cb=0.5;
+ _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(cr/255, cg/255 , cb/255 );
+ _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetSpecular(.3);
+ _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetSpecularPower(20);
+ _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.5);
+ if (i==0) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0.85, 0.85 , 0.85 );
+ if (i==1) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0, 0 , 1 );
+ if (i==2) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0.85, 0.20 , 0.20 );
+ if (i==3) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0, 1 , 0 );
+ }
+ for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++)
+ {
+ _observerS[i] = boxSurfaceObserver::New();
+ _observerS[i]->SetPlanes( GetTissuePlanes(i) );
+ _observerS[i]->SetActor( _tissue[i] );
+ }
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Configure_Volume()
+ // Volume
+ _tfun = vtkPiecewiseFunction::New();
+ _ctfun = vtkColorTransferFunction::New();
+ double range[2];
+ this->_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData()->GetScalarRange(range);
+ double max = range[1];
+ /*
+ adding the poinst of the transference function
+ */
+ //X
+ greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(max * 0/2);
+ greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(max * 1/2);
+ greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(max * 2/2);
+ //Y
+ intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
+ intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
+ _tfun->AddPoint(max * 0/2 , 0.0);
+ _tfun->AddPoint(max * 1/2 , 1.0);
+ _tfun->AddPoint(max * 2/2 , 1.0);
+ /*
+ Adding the colors to the vectors
+ */
+ //RED
+ redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
+ redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
+ greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.2);
+ //BLUE
+ blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
+ blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
+ greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*0/4);
+ greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*1/4);
+ greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*2/4);
+ greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*3/4);
+ greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*4/4);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*0/4 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*1/4 , 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*2/4 , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*3/4 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*4/4 , 0.0, 0.2, 0.0);
+ _volumePlanes = vtkPlanes::New();
+// int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
+// vtkImageData *imagedata=_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
+// imagedata->GetExtent(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
+// _volumePlanes->SetBounds(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
+ _compositeFunction = vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction::New();
+ _volumeMapper = vtkVolumeRayCastMapper::New();
+ _volumeMapper->SetInput( this->GetVtkMPRBaseData()->GetImageData() );
+ _volumeMapper->SetVolumeRayCastFunction(_compositeFunction);
+ _volumeMapper->SetClippingPlanes( _volumePlanes );
+ _volumeMapper->AutoAdjustSampleDistancesOn();
+ _volumeProperty = vtkVolumeProperty::New();
+ _volumeProperty->SetColor(_ctfun);
+ _volumeProperty->SetScalarOpacity( _tfun );
+// EED 31/03/2008
+ _volumeProperty->SetInterpolationTypeToLinear();
+ _volumeProperty->ShadeOn();
+ _volumeProperty->DisableGradientOpacityOn();
+// _volumeProperty->SetInterpolationTypeToNearest();
+// _volumeProperty->ShadeOff();
+// _volumeProperty->SetAmbient(0.3);
+// _volumeProperty->SetDiffuse(0.1);
+// _volumeProperty->SetSpecular(0.8);
+// _volumeProperty->DisableGradientOpacityOn();
+ _newvol = vtkVolume::New();
+ _newvol->SetMapper(_volumeMapper );
+ _newvol->SetProperty(_volumeProperty );
+ _observerV = boxSurfaceObserver::New();
+ _observerV->SetPlanes( _volumePlanes );
+ _observerV->SetActor( _newvol );
+ _observerV->SetvtkVolumeRayCastMapper( _volumeMapper );
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Configure()
+ Configure_Tissue();
+ Configure_Volume();
+ // An outline provides context around the data.
+ //
+ _outlineData = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
+ _outlineData->SetInput((vtkDataSet *) _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
+ _mapOutline = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ _mapOutline->SetInput(_outlineData->GetOutput());
+ _outline = vtkActor::New();
+ _outline->SetMapper(_mapOutline);
+ _outline->GetProperty()->SetColor(0,0,0);
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetIsovalue(int idTissue, int isoValue)
+ _mCubes[idTissue]->SetValue(0, isoValue);
+double vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetIsovalue(int idTissue)
+ return _mCubes[idTissue]->GetValue(0);
+vtkVolume* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVolumeActor()
+ return _newvol;
+vtkVolumeRayCastMapper* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVolumeMapper(){
+ return _volumeMapper;
+vtkPlanes* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVolumePlanes()
+ return _volumePlanes;
+vtkMarchingCubes *vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetMCubes(int idTissue)
+ return _mCubes[idTissue];
+//Getters Vectors
+std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetGreyValuesTransferenceFVector()
+ return &greyValuesTransferenceFVector;
+std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetIntensityValuesTransferenceFVector()
+ return &intensityValuesTransferenceFVector;
+std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetRedColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
+ return &redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
+std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetGreenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
+ return &greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
+std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetBlueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
+ return &blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
+std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetGreyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
+ return &greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
+//Getters transference function
+//and color of the transference function
+vtkPiecewiseFunction* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTransferencefunction()
+ return this->_tfun;
+vtkColorTransferFunction* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetColorTransferenceFunction()
+ return this->_ctfun;
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::ReadVolumeFunctions()
+ int i=0,xi,yi,r,g,b,gValue;
+ vtkImageData *imagedata = this->_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
+ HistogramDialog* hDlg=new HistogramDialog(NULL,_T("Histogram Dialog"),imagedata);
+ //
+ // put in a method
+ //
+ int tfSize=this->greyValuesTransferenceFVector.size();
+ if(tfSize>0)
+ {
+ int i=0,y;
+ hDlg->erasePointsTransferenceFunction();
+ while(i<tfSize)
+ {
+ double g=greyValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
+ double in=intensityValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
+ hDlg->addPointToTransferenceFunction(g,in*100);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ int ctfSize=this->redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.size();
+ if(ctfSize>0)
+ {
+ int i=0,y;
+ while(i<ctfSize)
+ {
+ double gr=greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
+ double r=redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
+ double g=greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
+ double b=blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
+ hDlg->addColorPoint(gr,r*255,g*255,b*255);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ //If it is smooth activate next line
+ //hDlg->updatePlotter();
+ //setting variables if the user wants to do refresh
+ hDlg->setCTF(_ctfun);
+ hDlg->setTF(_tfun);
+ //
+ // when the user had changed the transference Function
+ //
+ if(hDlg->ShowModal()== wxID_OK )
+ {
+ // -- vtkPiecewiseFunction --
+ this->_tfun->RemoveAllPoints();
+ greyValuesTransferenceFVector.clear();
+ intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.clear();
+ int nTFPoints=hDlg->getSizeTransferenceFunction();
+ i=0;
+ while(i<nTFPoints)
+ {
+ hDlg->getTransferenceFunctionPoint(i,xi,yi);
+ this->_tfun->AddPoint( xi , yi/100.0 );
+ greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(xi);
+ intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(yi/100.0);
+ i++;
+ }
+ // -- vtkColorTransferFunction --
+ this->_ctfun->RemoveAllPoints ();
+ //clean colors
+ redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
+ greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
+ blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
+ greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
+ int nCTFpoints=hDlg->getSizeBarColor();
+ i=0;
+ while(i<nCTFpoints)
+ {
+ hDlg->getDataBarColorPoint(i,xi,r,g,b);
+ this->_ctfun->AddRGBPoint(xi,r/255.0,g/255.0,b/255.0 );
+ redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(r/255.0);
+ greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(g/255.0);
+ blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(b/255.0);
+ greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(xi);
+ i++;
+ }
+ this->_volumeMapper->Update();
+ this->_newvol->Update();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(hDlg->getRefreshed())
+ {
+ int i=0,size;
+ //--Transference Function----
+ this->_tfun->RemoveAllPoints();
+ i=0;
+ size=greyValuesTransferenceFVector.size();
+ for(i=0;i<size;i++)
+ {
+ double grey1=greyValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
+ double in2=intensityValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
+ this->_tfun->AddPoint( grey1 , in2 );
+ }
+ // -- vtkColorTransferFunction --
+ _ctfun->RemoveAllPoints ();
+ i=0;
+ size=greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.size();
+ for(i=0;i<size;i++)
+ {
+ double grey2=(greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
+ double red =(redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
+ double green =(greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
+ double blue = (blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint(grey2,red,green,blue);
+ }
+ this->_volumeMapper->Update();
+ this->_newvol->Update();
+ }
+ }
+ hDlg->Destroy();
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::ReadVolumeFunctions(char *namefile)
+ char tmp[256];
+ short int max;
+ double range[2];
+ double x,val,r,g,b;
+ FILE *ff = fopen ( namefile ,"r");
+ // -- MAX --
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ if (strcmp(tmp,"MAX")==0)
+ {
+ vtkImageData *vtkimagedata = this->_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
+ vtkimagedata->GetScalarRange(range);
+ max = (int) (range[1]);
+ } else {
+ max = atoi(tmp);
+ }
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); // --
+ // -- vtkPiecewiseFunction --
+ this->_tfun->RemoveAllPoints();
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ while ( strcmp(tmp,"--")!=0 )
+ {
+ x=atof(tmp);
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ val=atof(tmp);
+ this->_tfun->AddPoint( x*max , val );
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ }
+ this->_ctfun->RemoveAllPoints ();
+ // -- vtkColorTransferFunction --
+ while ( !feof(ff))
+ {
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ x=atof(tmp);
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ r=atof(tmp);
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ g=atof(tmp);
+ fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
+ b=atof(tmp);
+ this->_ctfun->AddRGBPoint( x*max , r,g,b );
+ }
+ this->_volumeMapper->Update();
+ this->_newvol->Update();
+ fclose(ff);
+// EED 23 Mai 2007
+void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::ReadMeshVTK(char *namefile)
+ vtkDataSetReader *reader = vtkDataSetReader::New();
+ reader->SetFileName(namefile);
+ reader->Update();
+ _tissueStripper[3]->SetInput( reader->GetPolyDataOutput() );
\ No newline at end of file
#include "wxMPRBaseData.h"
+#include "vtkClipPolyData.h"
+#include "vtkStripper.h"
+#include "vtkLODActor.h"
+#include "vtkMarchingCubes.h"
+#include "vtkVolumeRayCastMapper.h"
+#include "boxSurfaceObserver.h"
+#include "vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction.h"
+#include <vtkPiecewiseFunction.h>
+#include "vtkVolumeProperty.h"
+#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
+#include "vtkColorTransferFunction.h"
+#include "vtkVolume.h"
+#include "vtkActor.h"
+#include "vtkOutlineFilter.h"
class vtkClipping3DDataViewer {
--- /dev/null
+#include "vtkMPR3DDataViewer.h"
+ _visiblePosition[0]=false;
+ _visiblePosition[1]=false;
+ _visiblePosition[2]=false;
+ _ctfun = NULL;
+ _vtkmprbasedata=NULL;
+ _ctfun=NULL;
+ _saggitalColors=NULL;
+ _saggital=NULL;
+ _axialColors=NULL;
+ _axial=NULL;
+ _coronalColors=NULL;
+ _coronal=NULL;
+ _mapOutline=NULL;
+ _outline=NULL;
+ _outlineData=NULL;
+ _outlineData -> Delete();
+ _mapOutline -> Delete();
+ _outline -> Delete();
+// if (_bwLut) _bwLut -> Delete();
+// if (_hueLut) _hueLut -> Delete();
+// if (_satLut) _satLut -> Delete();
+ if (_ctfun) _ctfun -> Delete();
+ if (_saggitalColors) _saggitalColors -> Delete();
+ if (_saggital) _saggital -> Delete();
+ if (_axialColors) _axialColors -> Delete();
+ if (_axial) _axial -> Delete();
+ if (_coronalColors) _coronalColors -> Delete();
+ if (_coronal) _coronal -> Delete();
+vtkActor* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetOutlineActor()
+ return _outline;
+vtkImageActor* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetImageActor(int id)
+ vtkImageActor *tmpVtkActor=NULL;
+ if (id==0){
+ tmpVtkActor = GetvtkActor_saggital();
+ }
+ if (id==1){
+ tmpVtkActor = GetvtkActor_coronal();
+ }
+ if (id==2){
+ tmpVtkActor = GetvtkActor_axial();
+ }
+ return tmpVtkActor;
+void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::Refresh()
+ int x = (int)(_vtkmprbasedata->GetX());
+ int y = (int)(_vtkmprbasedata->GetY());
+ int z = (int)(_vtkmprbasedata->GetZ());
+ SetPositionX( x );
+ SetPositionY( y );
+ SetPositionZ( z );
+void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetVtkMPRBaseData(vtkMPRBaseData *vtkmprbasedata)
+ _vtkmprbasedata=vtkmprbasedata;
+vtkMPRBaseData* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetVtkMPRBaseData()
+ return _vtkmprbasedata;
+vtkColorTransferFunction *vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkColorTransferFunction()
+ return _ctfun;
+std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorPoint()
+ return &_ctFunVectorPoint;
+std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorRed()
+ return &_ctFunVectorRed;
+std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorGreen()
+ return &_ctFunVectorGreen;
+std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorBlue()
+ return &_ctFunVectorBlue;
+void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::Configure()
+ // Start by creatin a black/white lookup table.
+ _bwLut = vtkLookupTable::New();
+ _bwLut->SetTableRange (0, 2000);
+ _bwLut->SetSaturationRange (0, 0);
+ _bwLut->SetHueRange (0, 0);
+ _bwLut->SetValueRange (0, 1);
+ // Now create a lookup table that consists of the full hue circle
+ // (from HSV).
+ _hueLut = vtkLookupTable::New();
+ _hueLut->SetTableRange (0, 2000);
+ _hueLut->SetHueRange (0, 1);
+ _hueLut->SetSaturationRange (1, 1);
+ _hueLut->SetValueRange (1, 1);
+ // Finally, create a lookup table with a single hue but having a range
+ // in the saturation of the hue.
+ _satLut = vtkLookupTable::New();
+ _satLut->SetTableRange (0, 2000);
+ _satLut->SetHueRange (.6, .6);
+ _satLut->SetSaturationRange (0, 1);
+ _satLut->SetValueRange (1, 1);
+ double range[2];
+ _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData()->GetScalarRange(range);
+ double max = range[1];
+ _ctFunVectorPoint.clear();
+ _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*0/4);
+ _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*1/4);
+ _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*2/4);
+ _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*3/4);
+ _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*4/4);
+ _ctFunVectorRed.clear();
+ _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(1.0);
+ _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorGreen.clear();
+ _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(1.0);
+ _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.2);
+ _ctFunVectorBlue.clear();
+ _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(1.0);
+ _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
+ _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
+ if(_ctfun==NULL){
+ _ctfun = vtkColorTransferFunction::New();
+ }
+ _ctfun->RemoveAllPoints();
+ int i,size=_ctFunVectorPoint.size();
+ for (i=0;i<size;i++)
+ {
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( _ctFunVectorPoint[i] , _ctFunVectorRed[i],_ctFunVectorGreen[i],_ctFunVectorBlue[i]);
+ }
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 100 ,0 ,0,0);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 200 ,1 ,0,0);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 300 ,0 ,1,0);
+ _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 400 ,0 ,0,1);
+// void *p=this; // JPRx
+ // Create the first of the three planes. The filter vtkImageMapToColors
+ // maps the data through the corresponding lookup table created above. The
+ // vtkImageActor is a type of vtkProp and conveniently displays an image on
+ // a single quadrilateral plane. It does this using texture mapping and as
+ // a result is quite fast. (Note: the input image has to be unsigned char
+ // values, which the vtkImageMapToColors produces.) Note also that by
+ // specifying the DisplayExtent, the pipeline requests data of this extent
+ // and the vtkImageMapToColors only processes a slice of data.
+ if(_saggitalColors==NULL){
+ _saggitalColors = vtkImageMapToColors::New();
+ }
+ _saggitalColors->RemoveAllInputs();
+ _saggitalColors->SetInput( _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
+// _saggitalColors->SetLookupTable(_bwLut);
+ _saggitalColors->SetLookupTable(_ctfun);
+ if(_saggital==NULL){
+ _saggital = vtkImageActor::New();
+ _saggital->SetInput(_saggitalColors->GetOutput());
+ }
+ //_saggitalColors->Update();
+ // Create the second (axial) plane of the three planes. We use the
+ // same approach as before except that the extent differs.
+ if(_axialColors==NULL){
+ _axialColors = vtkImageMapToColors::New();
+ }
+ _axialColors->RemoveAllInputs();
+ _axialColors->SetInput( _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
+// _axialColors->SetLookupTable(_hueLut);
+ _axialColors->SetLookupTable(_ctfun);
+ if(_axial==NULL){
+ _axial = vtkImageActor::New();
+ _axial->SetInput(_axialColors->GetOutput());
+ }
+ //_axialColors->Update();
+ // Create the third (coronal) plane of the three planes. We use
+ // the same approach as before except that the extent differs.
+ if(_coronalColors==NULL){
+ _coronalColors = vtkImageMapToColors::New();
+ }
+ _coronalColors->RemoveAllInputs();
+ _coronalColors->SetInput( _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
+// _coronalColors->SetLookupTable(_satLut);
+ _coronalColors->SetLookupTable(_ctfun);
+ if(_coronal==NULL){
+ _coronal = vtkImageActor::New();
+ _coronal->SetInput(_coronalColors->GetOutput());
+ }
+ // An outline provides context around the data.
+ //
+ if(_outlineData==NULL){
+ _outlineData = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
+ }
+ _outlineData->RemoveAllInputs();
+ _outlineData->SetInput((vtkDataSet *) _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
+ if(_mapOutline==NULL){
+ _mapOutline = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ _mapOutline->SetInput(_outlineData->GetOutput());
+ }
+ _mapOutline->Update();
+ //_mapOutline->RemoveAllInputs();
+ if(_outline==NULL){
+ _outline = vtkActor::New();
+ _outline->SetMapper(_mapOutline);
+ _outline->GetProperty()->SetColor(0,0,0);
+ }
+ int ext[6];
+ _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData()->GetExtent(ext);
+vtkImageActor * vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkActor_saggital()
+ return _saggital;
+vtkImageActor * vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkActor_coronal()
+ return _coronal;
+vtkImageActor * vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkActor_axial()
+ return _axial;
+void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetPositionX(int pos){
+ int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
+ _vtkmprbasedata->GetDimensionExtention(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2,&z1,&z2);
+ _saggital->SetDisplayExtent( pos , pos , y1 ,y2 , z1 , z2 );
+void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetPositionY(int pos){
+ int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
+ _vtkmprbasedata->GetDimensionExtention(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2,&z1,&z2);
+ _coronal->SetDisplayExtent(x1,x2, pos,pos, z1,z2);
+void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetPositionZ(int pos){
+ int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
+ _vtkmprbasedata->GetDimensionExtention(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2,&z1,&z2);
+ _axial->SetDisplayExtent(x1,x2, y1,y2, pos,pos);
+void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetVisiblePosition(int idPosition, bool visible)
+ _visiblePosition[idPosition]=visible;
+bool vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetVisiblePosition(int idPosition)
+ return _visiblePosition[idPosition];
\ No newline at end of file
#include "wxMPRBaseData.h"
+#include "vtkProperty.h"
+#include <vtkImageMapToColors.h>
+#include "vtkOutlineFilter.h"
+#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
+#include "vtkActor.h"
+#include <vtkColorTransferFunction.h>
+#include "vtkImageActor.h"
class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT vtkMPR3DDataViewer {
#include "vtkStructuredPoints.h"
#include "vtkPlaneSource.h"
#include "vtkProbeFilter.h"
+#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
class vtkPlane2DView : public wxVtk2DBaseView
- _z = 0;
- _t = 0;
- _marImageData = NULL;
-void vtkBaseData::SetMarImageData(marImageData *marimagedata)
- _marImageData = marimagedata;
- //Configure();
-vtkImageData* vtkBaseData::GetImageData()
- return _marImageData->GetImageDataT(_t);
-marImageData* vtkBaseData::GetMarImageData()
- return _marImageData;
-void vtkBaseData::Configure() // virtual
-void vtkBaseData::SetZ(double z){
- //int maxZ;
-// int dim[3];
-// _marImageData->GetDimensions(dim);
-// maxZ=dim[2];
- int ext[6];
- vtkImageData* img = _marImageData->GetImageData();
- if(img!=NULL){
- /*img->GetWholeExtent(ext);
- maxZ=ext[5]-ext[4]+1;
- if (z>=maxZ)
- {
- //z=maxZ-1;
- }
- if (z<=0)
- {
- z=0;
- }
- _z=z;*/
- img->GetExtent(ext);
- if (z > ext[5])
- {
- z = ext[5];
- }
- if (z < ext[4])
- {
- z = ext[4];
- }
- _z=z;
- }
-double vtkBaseData::GetZ()
- return _z;
-int vtkBaseData::GetT()
- return _t;
-void vtkBaseData::SetT(double t)
- int maxT = _marImageData->GetMaxT();
- if (t>=maxT)
- {
- t=maxT-1;
- }
- if (t<=0)
- {
- t=0;
- }
- _t=(int)t;
- _visiblePosition[0]=false;
- _visiblePosition[1]=false;
- _visiblePosition[2]=false;
- _ctfun = NULL;
- _vtkmprbasedata=NULL;
- _ctfun=NULL;
- _saggitalColors=NULL;
- _saggital=NULL;
- _axialColors=NULL;
- _axial=NULL;
- _coronalColors=NULL;
- _coronal=NULL;
- _mapOutline=NULL;
- _outline=NULL;
- _outlineData=NULL;
- _outlineData -> Delete();
- _mapOutline -> Delete();
- _outline -> Delete();
-// if (_bwLut) _bwLut -> Delete();
-// if (_hueLut) _hueLut -> Delete();
-// if (_satLut) _satLut -> Delete();
- if (_ctfun) _ctfun -> Delete();
- if (_saggitalColors) _saggitalColors -> Delete();
- if (_saggital) _saggital -> Delete();
- if (_axialColors) _axialColors -> Delete();
- if (_axial) _axial -> Delete();
- if (_coronalColors) _coronalColors -> Delete();
- if (_coronal) _coronal -> Delete();
-vtkActor* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetOutlineActor()
- return _outline;
-vtkImageActor* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetImageActor(int id)
- vtkImageActor *tmpVtkActor=NULL;
- if (id==0){
- tmpVtkActor = GetvtkActor_saggital();
- }
- if (id==1){
- tmpVtkActor = GetvtkActor_coronal();
- }
- if (id==2){
- tmpVtkActor = GetvtkActor_axial();
- }
- return tmpVtkActor;
-void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::Refresh()
- int x = (int)(_vtkmprbasedata->GetX());
- int y = (int)(_vtkmprbasedata->GetY());
- int z = (int)(_vtkmprbasedata->GetZ());
- SetPositionX( x );
- SetPositionY( y );
- SetPositionZ( z );
-void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetVtkMPRBaseData(vtkMPRBaseData *vtkmprbasedata)
- _vtkmprbasedata=vtkmprbasedata;
-vtkMPRBaseData* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetVtkMPRBaseData()
- return _vtkmprbasedata;
-vtkColorTransferFunction *vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkColorTransferFunction()
- return _ctfun;
-std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorPoint()
- return &_ctFunVectorPoint;
-std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorRed()
- return &_ctFunVectorRed;
-std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorGreen()
- return &_ctFunVectorGreen;
-std::vector<double>* vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetctFunVectorBlue()
- return &_ctFunVectorBlue;
-void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::Configure()
- // Start by creatin a black/white lookup table.
- _bwLut = vtkLookupTable::New();
- _bwLut->SetTableRange (0, 2000);
- _bwLut->SetSaturationRange (0, 0);
- _bwLut->SetHueRange (0, 0);
- _bwLut->SetValueRange (0, 1);
- // Now create a lookup table that consists of the full hue circle
- // (from HSV).
- _hueLut = vtkLookupTable::New();
- _hueLut->SetTableRange (0, 2000);
- _hueLut->SetHueRange (0, 1);
- _hueLut->SetSaturationRange (1, 1);
- _hueLut->SetValueRange (1, 1);
- // Finally, create a lookup table with a single hue but having a range
- // in the saturation of the hue.
- _satLut = vtkLookupTable::New();
- _satLut->SetTableRange (0, 2000);
- _satLut->SetHueRange (.6, .6);
- _satLut->SetSaturationRange (0, 1);
- _satLut->SetValueRange (1, 1);
- double range[2];
- _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData()->GetScalarRange(range);
- double max = range[1];
- _ctFunVectorPoint.clear();
- _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*0/4);
- _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*1/4);
- _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*2/4);
- _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*3/4);
- _ctFunVectorPoint.push_back(max*4/4);
- _ctFunVectorRed.clear();
- _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(1.0);
- _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorRed.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorGreen.clear();
- _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(1.0);
- _ctFunVectorGreen.push_back(0.2);
- _ctFunVectorBlue.clear();
- _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(1.0);
- _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
- _ctFunVectorBlue.push_back(0.0);
- if(_ctfun==NULL){
- _ctfun = vtkColorTransferFunction::New();
- }
- _ctfun->RemoveAllPoints();
- int i,size=_ctFunVectorPoint.size();
- for (i=0;i<size;i++)
- {
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( _ctFunVectorPoint[i] , _ctFunVectorRed[i],_ctFunVectorGreen[i],_ctFunVectorBlue[i]);
- }
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 100 ,0 ,0,0);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 200 ,1 ,0,0);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 300 ,0 ,1,0);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( 400 ,0 ,0,1);
-// void *p=this; // JPRx
- // Create the first of the three planes. The filter vtkImageMapToColors
- // maps the data through the corresponding lookup table created above. The
- // vtkImageActor is a type of vtkProp and conveniently displays an image on
- // a single quadrilateral plane. It does this using texture mapping and as
- // a result is quite fast. (Note: the input image has to be unsigned char
- // values, which the vtkImageMapToColors produces.) Note also that by
- // specifying the DisplayExtent, the pipeline requests data of this extent
- // and the vtkImageMapToColors only processes a slice of data.
- if(_saggitalColors==NULL){
- _saggitalColors = vtkImageMapToColors::New();
- }
- _saggitalColors->RemoveAllInputs();
- _saggitalColors->SetInput( _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
-// _saggitalColors->SetLookupTable(_bwLut);
- _saggitalColors->SetLookupTable(_ctfun);
- if(_saggital==NULL){
- _saggital = vtkImageActor::New();
- _saggital->SetInput(_saggitalColors->GetOutput());
- }
- //_saggitalColors->Update();
- // Create the second (axial) plane of the three planes. We use the
- // same approach as before except that the extent differs.
- if(_axialColors==NULL){
- _axialColors = vtkImageMapToColors::New();
- }
- _axialColors->RemoveAllInputs();
- _axialColors->SetInput( _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
-// _axialColors->SetLookupTable(_hueLut);
- _axialColors->SetLookupTable(_ctfun);
- if(_axial==NULL){
- _axial = vtkImageActor::New();
- _axial->SetInput(_axialColors->GetOutput());
- }
- //_axialColors->Update();
- // Create the third (coronal) plane of the three planes. We use
- // the same approach as before except that the extent differs.
- if(_coronalColors==NULL){
- _coronalColors = vtkImageMapToColors::New();
- }
- _coronalColors->RemoveAllInputs();
- _coronalColors->SetInput( _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
-// _coronalColors->SetLookupTable(_satLut);
- _coronalColors->SetLookupTable(_ctfun);
- if(_coronal==NULL){
- _coronal = vtkImageActor::New();
- _coronal->SetInput(_coronalColors->GetOutput());
- }
- // An outline provides context around the data.
- //
- if(_outlineData==NULL){
- _outlineData = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
- }
- _outlineData->RemoveAllInputs();
- _outlineData->SetInput((vtkDataSet *) _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
- if(_mapOutline==NULL){
- _mapOutline = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
- _mapOutline->SetInput(_outlineData->GetOutput());
- }
- _mapOutline->Update();
- //_mapOutline->RemoveAllInputs();
- if(_outline==NULL){
- _outline = vtkActor::New();
- _outline->SetMapper(_mapOutline);
- _outline->GetProperty()->SetColor(0,0,0);
- }
- int ext[6];
- _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData()->GetExtent(ext);
-vtkImageActor * vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkActor_saggital()
- return _saggital;
-vtkImageActor * vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkActor_coronal()
- return _coronal;
-vtkImageActor * vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetvtkActor_axial()
- return _axial;
-void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetPositionX(int pos){
- int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
- _vtkmprbasedata->GetDimensionExtention(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2,&z1,&z2);
- _saggital->SetDisplayExtent( pos , pos , y1 ,y2 , z1 , z2 );
-void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetPositionY(int pos){
- int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
- _vtkmprbasedata->GetDimensionExtention(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2,&z1,&z2);
- _coronal->SetDisplayExtent(x1,x2, pos,pos, z1,z2);
-void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetPositionZ(int pos){
- int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
- _vtkmprbasedata->GetDimensionExtention(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2,&z1,&z2);
- _axial->SetDisplayExtent(x1,x2, y1,y2, pos,pos);
-void vtkMPR3DDataViewer::SetVisiblePosition(int idPosition, bool visible)
- _visiblePosition[idPosition]=visible;
-bool vtkMPR3DDataViewer::GetVisiblePosition(int idPosition)
- return _visiblePosition[idPosition];
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE; i++){
- _visibleTissue[i] = false;
- _representationType[i] = true;
- }
- _visibleVolume=false;
- int i;
- for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
- _mCubes[i] ->Delete();
- _tissueStripper[i] ->Delete();
- _tissueMapper[i] ->Delete();
- _tissuePlanes[i] ->Delete();
- _tissueClipper[i] ->Delete();
- }
- _outlineData ->Delete();
- _mapOutline ->Delete();
- _outline ->Delete();
- // Volume
- _tfun ->Delete();
- _ctfun ->Delete();
- _compositeFunction ->Delete();
- _volumeMapper ->Delete();
- _volumeProperty ->Delete();
- _newvol ->Delete();
- _volumePlanes ->Delete();
- for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
- _tissue[i] -> Delete();
- _observerS[i] -> Delete();
- }
- _observerV -> Delete();
-vtkActor* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetOutlineActor()
- return _outline;
-vtkClipPolyData* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueClipper(int id)
- return this->_tissueClipper[id];
-vtkPolyDataMapper* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueMapper(int id)
- return _tissueMapper[id];
-vtkPlanes* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissuePlanes(int id)
- return _tissuePlanes[id];
-vtkStripper* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueStripper(int id)
- return _tissueStripper[id];
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Refresh()
-// _volumeMapper->SetClippingPlanes(_volumePlanes);
-// this->_volumeMapper->Update();
-// this->_newvol->Update();
-// _newvol->VisibilityOn();
-// _volumeMapper = vtkVolumeRayCastMapper::New();
-// _volumeMapper->SetInput( this->GetVtkMPRBaseData()->GetImageData() );
-// _volumeMapper->SetVolumeRayCastFunction(_compositeFunction);
-// _volumeMapper->SetClippingPlanes( _volumePlanes );
-// _newvol->SetMapper(_volumeMapper );
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::RefreshSurface()
- int i;
- for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++)
- {
- SetIsovalue(i, (int) (GetIsovalue(i)+1) );
-// this->GetMCubes(i)->Update();
- }
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetVtkMPRBaseData(vtkMPRBaseData *vtkmprbasedata)
- _vtkmprbasedata=vtkmprbasedata;
-vtkMPRBaseData* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVtkMPRBaseData()
- return _vtkmprbasedata;
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetVisibleTissue(int idTissue, bool visible)
- _visibleTissue[idTissue]=visible;
-bool vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVisibleTissue(int idTissue){
- return _visibleTissue[idTissue];
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetRepresentationType(int idTissue, bool representationType)
- _representationType[idTissue]=representationType;
-bool vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetRepresentationType(int idTissue)
- return _representationType[idTissue];
-vtkActor* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTissueActor(int id){
- return _tissue[id];
-boxSurfaceObserver *vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetObserverS(int idObserverS)
- return _observerS[idObserverS];
-boxSurfaceObserver *vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetObserverV()
- return _observerV;
-bool vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVisibleVolume()
- return _visibleVolume;
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetVisibleVolume(bool visiblevolume)
- _visibleVolume = visiblevolume;
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Configure_Tissue()
- double range[2];
- int i;
- for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
- // Visualisation - original volume
- vtkImageData *imagedata=_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
- imagedata->GetScalarRange( range );
- _mCubes[i] = vtkMarchingCubes::New( );
- _mCubes[i]->SetInput( imagedata );
- _mCubes[i]->SetValue( 0, range[1]*(4+i) / 8 );
-// _mCubes[i]->SetValue( 0, 1500 );
- _tissueStripper[i] = vtkStripper::New();
- _tissueStripper[i]->SetInput( _mCubes[i]->GetOutput( ) );
- _tissuePlanes[i] = vtkPlanes::New();
- int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
- imagedata->GetExtent(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
- _tissuePlanes[i]->SetBounds (x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
- _tissueClipper[i] = vtkClipPolyData::New();
- _tissueClipper[i]->SetInput( _tissueStripper[i]->GetOutput() );
- _tissueClipper[i]->SetClipFunction( _tissuePlanes[i] );
- _tissueClipper[i]->InsideOutOn( );
- _tissueMapper[i] = vtkPolyDataMapper::New( );
- _tissueMapper[i]->SetInput( _tissueClipper[i]->GetOutput() );
- _tissueMapper[i]->ScalarVisibilityOff( );
-// _tissueMapper[i]->Update();
- }
- // vtkActor tissue
- for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++){
- // tissue
- _tissue[i] = vtkActor::New();
- _tissue[i]->SetMapper( GetTissueMapper(i) );
- float cr=1,cg=0.5,cb=0.5;
- _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(cr/255, cg/255 , cb/255 );
- _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetSpecular(.3);
- _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetSpecularPower(20);
- _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.5);
- if (i==0) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0.85, 0.85 , 0.85 );
- if (i==1) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0, 0 , 1 );
- if (i==2) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0.85, 0.20 , 0.20 );
- if (i==3) _tissue[i]->GetProperty()->SetColor(0, 1 , 0 );
- }
- for (i=0; i< VTKMPRDATA_MAXTISSUE ; i++)
- {
- _observerS[i] = boxSurfaceObserver::New();
- _observerS[i]->SetPlanes( GetTissuePlanes(i) );
- _observerS[i]->SetActor( _tissue[i] );
- }
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Configure_Volume()
- // Volume
- _tfun = vtkPiecewiseFunction::New();
- _ctfun = vtkColorTransferFunction::New();
- double range[2];
- this->_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData()->GetScalarRange(range);
- double max = range[1];
- /*
- adding the poinst of the transference function
- */
- //X
- greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(max * 0/2);
- greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(max * 1/2);
- greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(max * 2/2);
- //Y
- intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
- intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
- _tfun->AddPoint(max * 0/2 , 0.0);
- _tfun->AddPoint(max * 1/2 , 1.0);
- _tfun->AddPoint(max * 2/2 , 1.0);
- /*
- Adding the colors to the vectors
- */
- //RED
- redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
- redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
- greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.2);
- //BLUE
- blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(1.0);
- blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(0.0);
- greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*0/4);
- greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*1/4);
- greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*2/4);
- greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*3/4);
- greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(max*4/4);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*0/4 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*1/4 , 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*2/4 , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*3/4 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint( max*4/4 , 0.0, 0.2, 0.0);
- _volumePlanes = vtkPlanes::New();
-// int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;
-// vtkImageData *imagedata=_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
-// imagedata->GetExtent(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
-// _volumePlanes->SetBounds(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);
- _compositeFunction = vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction::New();
- _volumeMapper = vtkVolumeRayCastMapper::New();
- _volumeMapper->SetInput( this->GetVtkMPRBaseData()->GetImageData() );
- _volumeMapper->SetVolumeRayCastFunction(_compositeFunction);
- _volumeMapper->SetClippingPlanes( _volumePlanes );
- _volumeMapper->AutoAdjustSampleDistancesOn();
- _volumeProperty = vtkVolumeProperty::New();
- _volumeProperty->SetColor(_ctfun);
- _volumeProperty->SetScalarOpacity( _tfun );
-// EED 31/03/2008
- _volumeProperty->SetInterpolationTypeToLinear();
- _volumeProperty->ShadeOn();
- _volumeProperty->DisableGradientOpacityOn();
-// _volumeProperty->SetInterpolationTypeToNearest();
-// _volumeProperty->ShadeOff();
-// _volumeProperty->SetAmbient(0.3);
-// _volumeProperty->SetDiffuse(0.1);
-// _volumeProperty->SetSpecular(0.8);
-// _volumeProperty->DisableGradientOpacityOn();
- _newvol = vtkVolume::New();
- _newvol->SetMapper(_volumeMapper );
- _newvol->SetProperty(_volumeProperty );
- _observerV = boxSurfaceObserver::New();
- _observerV->SetPlanes( _volumePlanes );
- _observerV->SetActor( _newvol );
- _observerV->SetvtkVolumeRayCastMapper( _volumeMapper );
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::Configure()
- Configure_Tissue();
- Configure_Volume();
- // An outline provides context around the data.
- //
- _outlineData = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
- _outlineData->SetInput((vtkDataSet *) _vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData() );
- _mapOutline = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
- _mapOutline->SetInput(_outlineData->GetOutput());
- _outline = vtkActor::New();
- _outline->SetMapper(_mapOutline);
- _outline->GetProperty()->SetColor(0,0,0);
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::SetIsovalue(int idTissue, int isoValue)
- _mCubes[idTissue]->SetValue(0, isoValue);
-double vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetIsovalue(int idTissue)
- return _mCubes[idTissue]->GetValue(0);
-vtkVolume* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVolumeActor()
- return _newvol;
-vtkVolumeRayCastMapper* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVolumeMapper(){
- return _volumeMapper;
-vtkPlanes* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetVolumePlanes()
- return _volumePlanes;
-vtkMarchingCubes *vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetMCubes(int idTissue)
- return _mCubes[idTissue];
-//Getters Vectors
-std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetGreyValuesTransferenceFVector()
- return &greyValuesTransferenceFVector;
-std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetIntensityValuesTransferenceFVector()
- return &intensityValuesTransferenceFVector;
-std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetRedColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
- return &redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
-std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetGreenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
- return &greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
-std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetBlueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
- return &blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
-std::vector<double>* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetGreyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector()
- return &greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector;
-//Getters transference function
-//and color of the transference function
-vtkPiecewiseFunction* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetTransferencefunction()
- return this->_tfun;
-vtkColorTransferFunction* vtkClipping3DDataViewer::GetColorTransferenceFunction()
- return this->_ctfun;
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::ReadVolumeFunctions()
- int i=0,xi,yi,r,g,b,gValue;
- vtkImageData *imagedata = this->_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
- HistogramDialog* hDlg=new HistogramDialog(NULL,_T("Histogram Dialog"),imagedata);
- //
- // put in a method
- //
- int tfSize=this->greyValuesTransferenceFVector.size();
- if(tfSize>0)
- {
- int i=0,y;
- hDlg->erasePointsTransferenceFunction();
- while(i<tfSize)
- {
- double g=greyValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
- double in=intensityValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
- hDlg->addPointToTransferenceFunction(g,in*100);
- i++;
- }
- }
- int ctfSize=this->redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.size();
- if(ctfSize>0)
- {
- int i=0,y;
- while(i<ctfSize)
- {
- double gr=greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
- double r=redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
- double g=greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
- double b=blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector[i];
- hDlg->addColorPoint(gr,r*255,g*255,b*255);
- i++;
- }
- }
- //If it is smooth activate next line
- //hDlg->updatePlotter();
- //setting variables if the user wants to do refresh
- hDlg->setCTF(_ctfun);
- hDlg->setTF(_tfun);
- //
- // when the user had changed the transference Function
- //
- if(hDlg->ShowModal()== wxID_OK )
- {
- // -- vtkPiecewiseFunction --
- this->_tfun->RemoveAllPoints();
- greyValuesTransferenceFVector.clear();
- intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.clear();
- int nTFPoints=hDlg->getSizeTransferenceFunction();
- i=0;
- while(i<nTFPoints)
- {
- hDlg->getTransferenceFunctionPoint(i,xi,yi);
- this->_tfun->AddPoint( xi , yi/100.0 );
- greyValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(xi);
- intensityValuesTransferenceFVector.push_back(yi/100.0);
- i++;
- }
- // -- vtkColorTransferFunction --
- this->_ctfun->RemoveAllPoints ();
- //clean colors
- redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
- greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
- blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
- greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.clear();
- int nCTFpoints=hDlg->getSizeBarColor();
- i=0;
- while(i<nCTFpoints)
- {
- hDlg->getDataBarColorPoint(i,xi,r,g,b);
- this->_ctfun->AddRGBPoint(xi,r/255.0,g/255.0,b/255.0 );
- redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(r/255.0);
- greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(g/255.0);
- blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(b/255.0);
- greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.push_back(xi);
- i++;
- }
- this->_volumeMapper->Update();
- this->_newvol->Update();
- }
- else
- {
- if(hDlg->getRefreshed())
- {
- int i=0,size;
- //--Transference Function----
- this->_tfun->RemoveAllPoints();
- i=0;
- size=greyValuesTransferenceFVector.size();
- for(i=0;i<size;i++)
- {
- double grey1=greyValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
- double in2=intensityValuesTransferenceFVector[i];
- this->_tfun->AddPoint( grey1 , in2 );
- }
- // -- vtkColorTransferFunction --
- _ctfun->RemoveAllPoints ();
- i=0;
- size=greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector.size();
- for(i=0;i<size;i++)
- {
- double grey2=(greyValueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
- double red =(redColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
- double green =(greenColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
- double blue = (blueColorsOfColorTransferenceFVector)[i];
- _ctfun->AddRGBPoint(grey2,red,green,blue);
- }
- this->_volumeMapper->Update();
- this->_newvol->Update();
- }
- }
- hDlg->Destroy();
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::ReadVolumeFunctions(char *namefile)
- char tmp[256];
- short int max;
- double range[2];
- double x,val,r,g,b;
- FILE *ff = fopen ( namefile ,"r");
- // -- MAX --
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- if (strcmp(tmp,"MAX")==0)
- {
- vtkImageData *vtkimagedata = this->_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData();
- vtkimagedata->GetScalarRange(range);
- max = (int) (range[1]);
- } else {
- max = atoi(tmp);
- }
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); // --
- // -- vtkPiecewiseFunction --
- this->_tfun->RemoveAllPoints();
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- while ( strcmp(tmp,"--")!=0 )
- {
- x=atof(tmp);
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- val=atof(tmp);
- this->_tfun->AddPoint( x*max , val );
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- }
- this->_ctfun->RemoveAllPoints ();
- // -- vtkColorTransferFunction --
- while ( !feof(ff))
- {
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- x=atof(tmp);
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- r=atof(tmp);
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- g=atof(tmp);
- fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp);
- b=atof(tmp);
- this->_ctfun->AddRGBPoint( x*max , r,g,b );
- }
- this->_volumeMapper->Update();
- this->_newvol->Update();
- fclose(ff);
-// EED 23 Mai 2007
-void vtkClipping3DDataViewer::ReadMeshVTK(char *namefile)
- vtkDataSetReader *reader = vtkDataSetReader::New();
- reader->SetFileName(namefile);
- reader->Update();
- _tissueStripper[3]->SetInput( reader->GetPolyDataOutput() );
#ifndef __WX__MPR__BASE__DATA__H
#define __WX__MPR__BASE__DATA__H
-#include <vtkCommand.h>
+/*#include <vtkCommand.h>
#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
#include <vtkVolumeRayCastMapper.h>
-#include "vtkImageActor.h"
#include "vtkProp.h"
-#include "vtkActor.h"
-#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
#include "vtkStripper.h"
#include <vtkGlyph3D.h>
#include "vtkLODActor.h"
#include <vtkMarchingCubes.h>
#include <vtkClipPolyData.h>
-#include "vtkOutlineFilter.h"
#include <vtkPiecewiseFunction.h>
-#include <vtkColorTransferFunction.h>
#include <vtkVolume.h>
#include <vtkVolumeProperty.h>
#include <vtkVolumeRayCastMapper.h>
#include <vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction.h>
-#include <vtkBoxWidget.h>
+#include <vtkBoxWidget.h>*/
-#include "vtkImageData.h"
-#include "vtkLookupTable.h"
+//#include "vtkLookupTable.h"
//#include "vtkImageActor.h"
-#include <vtkImageMapToColors.h>
-#include <vtkPointWidget.h>
-#include "marImageData.h"
+//#include <vtkPointWidget.h>
//#include "./pPlotter/HistogramDialog.h"
+#include "vtkTransform.h"
#include "marTypes.h"
#include "vtkBaseData.h"
-#include "boxSurfaceObserver.h"
+//#include "boxSurfaceObserver.h"
#include "vtkCylinderSource.h"
#include "vtkSphereSource.h"
+#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
class wxPanelCuttingImageData : public wxPanel
#include "vtkClipping3DDataViewer.h"
#include "wxVtk3DBaseView.h"
#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include "vtkBoxWidget.h"
//#include "wxVtkClipping3DViewCntrlPanel.h"
//class wxVtkClipping3DViewCntrlPanel;
#include "wxVtk2DBaseView.h"
+#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
+#include <vtkPolyData.h>
+#include <vtkPoints.h>
+#include "vtkActor.h"
+#include "vtkPolyData.h"
class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT wxVtkMPR2DView : public wxVtk2DBaseView
#include "vtkProbeFilter.h"
#include "vtkPlaneWidget.h"
+#include "vtkPointWidget.h"
//class vtkmyPWCallback_3DPointWidget;