#include <vtkImageAccumulate.h>
#include <vtkImageReslice.h>
+template <class T, unsigned int dim>
+void print_vector(const char* pmsg, T* pvec)
+ std::cout << pmsg << ": ";
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+ std::cout << pvec[i] << " ";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vvSlicer, "DummyRevision");
void vvSlicer::UpdateDisplayExtent()
// Image actor
- // Position vector
- double position[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
- double positionInc = (Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition()[this->SliceOrientation] > this->Slice)?10:-10;
- position[this->SliceOrientation] += positionInc;
// Overlay image actor
if (mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility()) {
int overExtent[6];
this->ConvertImageToImageDisplayExtent(input, w_ext, mOverlayReslice->GetOutput(), overExtent);
ClipDisplayedExtent(overExtent, mOverlayMapper->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
mOverlayActor->SetDisplayExtent( overExtent );
- mOverlayActor->SetPosition(position);
- position[this->SliceOrientation] += positionInc;
// Fusion image actor
if (mFusion && mFusionActor->GetVisibility()) {
this->ConvertImageToImageDisplayExtent(input, w_ext, mFusionReslice->GetOutput(), fusExtent);
ClipDisplayedExtent(fusExtent, mFusionMapper->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent());
- mFusionActor->SetPosition(position);
- position[this->SliceOrientation] += positionInc;
// Vector field actor
+ double* camera = Renderer->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition();
+ double* image_bounds = ImageActor->GetBounds();
+ double position[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+ position[this->SliceOrientation] = image_bounds[this->SliceOrientation*2];
+ print_vector<double, 6>("camera", camera);
+ print_vector<double, 6>("image_bounds", image_bounds);
+ print_vector<double, 3>("position", position);
+ // find where to place the VF actor. to deal with
+ // z-buffer issues, the VF is placed right in front of the image,
+ // subject to a small offset. the position actually depends on the
+ // the location of the camera relative to the image.
+ double offset = 1;
+ if (camera[this->SliceOrientation] < image_bounds[this->SliceOrientation*2])
+ offset = -1;
if (mVF && mVFActor->GetVisibility()) {
int vfExtent[6];
orientation[this->SliceOrientation] = 0;
mGlyphFilter->SetOrientation(orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2]);
+ position[this->SliceOrientation] += offset;
- position[this->SliceOrientation] += positionInc;
// Landmarks actor
if (mLandActor) {
if (mClipBox) {
double bounds [6];
for(unsigned int i=0; i<6; i++)
bounds[i] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[i];
- bounds[ this->SliceOrientation*2 ] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[ this->SliceOrientation*2 ]-fabs(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[this->SliceOrientation]);
- bounds[ this->SliceOrientation*2+1 ] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[ this->SliceOrientation*2+1 ]+fabs(0.5/this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[this->SliceOrientation]);
+ bounds[ this->SliceOrientation*2 ] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[ this->SliceOrientation*2 ]-fabs(this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[this->SliceOrientation]);
+ bounds[ this->SliceOrientation*2+1 ] = ImageActor->GetBounds()[ this->SliceOrientation*2+1 ]+fabs(this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[this->SliceOrientation]);
+ position[this->SliceOrientation] = offset;