Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkConfigurationFile.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/02/13 14:08:25 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/02/14 09:32:54 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See doc/license.txt or
#include "bbtkConfigurationFile.h"
#include "bbtkMessageManager.h"
-//#include "xmlParser.h"
-#include <sys/stat.h> // for struct stat stFileInfo
+#include "bbtkXML.h"
+#include "bbtkUtilities.h"
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <direct.h> // for getcwd
namespace bbtk
-/// Constructor
- char *execPath = GetExecutablePath();
- #if defined(WIN32)
- std::string slash("\\");
- #else
- std::string slash("/");
- #endif
- // ==> Set system paths
- mBin_path = execPath;
- mInstall_path = mBin_path + slash + "..";
- // The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH)
- // The path to the doc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mDoc_rel_path)
- mDoc_path = mInstall_path + slash + mDoc_rel_path;
- // The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_BBS_REL_PATH)
- // The path to the bbs folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mBbs_rel_path)
- mBbs_path = mInstall_path + slash + mBbs_rel_path;
- // The relative path to the rsc folder (=BBTK_RSC_REL_PATH)
- // The path to the rsc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mRsc_rel_path)
- // mRsc_path = mInstall_path + slash + mRsc_rel_path;
- // The path to the bbtk data folder
- // Initialized to mInstall_path+"/"+BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH
- // But can be overriden by value read from bbtk_config.xml
- mData_path = mInstall_path + slash + BBTK_STRINGIFY_SYMBOL(BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH);
- // MessageManager::SetMessageLevel("Config",1);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> bin : '"<<mBin_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> prefix : '"<<mInstall_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> doc : '"<<mDoc_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> bbs : '"<<mBbs_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
- // bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> rsc : '"<<mRsc_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> data : '"<<mData_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
- // ==> First we look for bbtk_config.xml in "."
- char buf[2048];
- const char *currentDir = getcwd(buf, 2048);
- if( !currentDir )
- {
- std::cerr << "Path was too long to fit on 2048 bytes ?!?" << std::endl;
- // \todo : what else?
- // How abort a constructor and warn the caller function?
- // LG : throw an exception
- }
- std::string configXmlFullPathName = currentDir + slash + "bbtk_config.xml";
- if ( FileExists( configXmlFullPathName ))
- {
- bbtkMessage("Config",1, "ConfigurationFile : [" << configXmlFullPathName <<
- "] found in current directory" << std::endl);
- //Read(configXmlFullPathName.c_str());
- // traiter le fichier local
- }
-// ==> Then we look for bbtk_config.xml in ".bbtk"
- else
- {
- #if defined(__GNUC__)
- std::string str_home(getenv("HOME"));
- #elif defined(_WIN32)
- std::string str_home(getenv("USERPROFILE"));
- #endif
- configXmlFullPathName = str_home + slash + ".bbtk/bbtk_config.xml";
- if (!FileExists( configXmlFullPathName ))
- {
- // ==> Nothing found, we create bbtk_config.xml in ".bbtk"
- InstallPath ();
+ //====================================================================
+ /// Constructor
+ ConfigurationFile::ConfigurationFile()
+ {
+ // file separator
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ mFile_separator = "\\";
+ mFile_separator = "/";
+ // ==> Set system paths
+ mBin_path = GetExecutablePath();
+ mInstall_path = mBin_path + mFile_separator + "..";
+ // The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH)
+ // The path to the doc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mDoc_rel_path)
+ mDoc_path = mInstall_path + mFile_separator + mDoc_rel_path;
+ // The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_BBS_REL_PATH)
+ // The path to the bbs folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mBbs_rel_path)
+ mBbs_path = mInstall_path + mFile_separator + mBbs_rel_path;
+ // The relative path to the rsc folder (=BBTK_RSC_REL_PATH)
+ // The path to the rsc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mRsc_rel_path)
+ // mRsc_path = mInstall_path + mFile_separator + mRsc_rel_path;
+ // The path to the bbtk data folder
+ // Initialized to mInstall_path+"/"+BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH
+ // But can be overriden by value read from bbtk_config.xml
+ mData_path = mInstall_path + mFile_separator + BBTK_STRINGIFY_SYMBOL(BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH);
+ //MessageManager::SetMessageLevel("Config",1);
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> bin : '"<<mBin_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> prefix : '"<<mInstall_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> doc : '"<<mDoc_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> bbs : '"<<mBbs_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ // bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> rsc : '"<<mRsc_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1," ==> data : '"<<mData_path<<"'"<<std::endl);
+ // bbs_paths
+ // always add "." (current working directory) at the begining
+ mBbs_paths.push_back(".");
+ // add system bbs path
+ mBbs_paths.push_back(mBbs_path);
+ // always add "." (current working directory) at the begining
+ mPackage_paths.push_back(".");
+#ifdef UNIX
+ // add system bin path (for build tree)
+ // mPackage_paths.push_back(mBin_path);
+ // add system lib path (for install tree)
+ mPackage_paths.push_back(mInstall_path + mFile_separator + "lib");
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // add bin/Debug bin/Release paths (for build/install tree)
+ mPackage_paths.push_back(mBin_path + mFile_separator + "Debug");
+ mPackage_paths.push_back(mBin_path + mFile_separator + "Release");
+ // ==> First we look for bbtk_config.xml in "."
+ char buf[2048];
+ const char *currentDir = getcwd(buf, 2048);
+ if( !currentDir )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Path was too long to fit on 2048 bytes ?!?" << std::endl;
+ // \todo : what else?
+ // How abort a constructor and warn the caller function?
+ // LG : throw an exception
- }
+ std::string configXmlFullPathName = currentDir + mFile_separator + "bbtk_config.xml";
+ if ( Utilities::FileExists( configXmlFullPathName ))
+ {
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1, "ConfigurationFile : [" << configXmlFullPathName <<
+ "] found in current directory" << std::endl);
+ //Read(configXmlFullPathName.c_str());
+ // traiter le fichier local
+ }
+ // ==> Then we look for bbtk_config.xml in ".bbtk"
+ else
+ {
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+ std::string str_home(getenv("HOME"));
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+ std::string str_home(getenv("USERPROFILE"));
+ configXmlFullPathName = str_home + mFile_separator + ".bbtk/bbtk_config.xml";
+ if (!Utilities::FileExists( configXmlFullPathName ))
+ {
+ // ==> Nothing found, we create bbtk_config.xml in ".bbtk"
+ InstallPath ();
+ }
+ }
+ // In any case, deal with bbtk_config.xml!
+ Read(configXmlFullPathName.c_str());
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
-// In any case, deal with bbtk_config.xml!
- Read(configXmlFullPathName.c_str());
+ //=========================================================================
+ /// Destructor
+ ConfigurationFile::~ConfigurationFile()
+ {
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
-/// Destructor
-// See : for more O.S.
-bool ConfigurationFile::FileExists(std::string strFilename) {
- struct stat stFileInfo;
- bool blnReturn;
- int intStat;
- // Attempt to get the file attributes
- intStat = stat(strFilename.c_str(),&stFileInfo);
- if(intStat == 0) {
- // We were able to get the file attributes
- // so the file obviously exists.
- blnReturn = true;
- } else {
- // We were not able to get the file attributes.
- // This may mean that we don't have permission to
- // access the folder which contains this file. If you
- // need to do that level of checking, lookup the
- // return values of stat which will give you
- // more details on why stat failed.
- blnReturn = false;
+ //=========================================================================
+ void ConfigurationFile::CreateConfigXML( char *rootDirectory )
+ {
+ FILE *fp;
+ char configXml[250];
+ sprintf (configXml , "%s/bbtk_config.xml", rootDirectory);
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1, "in CreateConfigXML[" << configXml << "]" << std::endl);
+ fp = fopen (configXml, "w");
+ fprintf(fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n");
+ // fprintf(fp, "<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM \"/mnt/windows/bbtk/bbtk_config.xml>\n");
+ fprintf(fp, "<config>\n");
+ fprintf(fp, " <description> </description>\n");
+ // fprintf(fp, " <url> </url>\n");
+ // fprintf(fp, " <install_path> </install_path>\n");
+ fprintf(fp, " <bbs_path> </bbs_path>\n");
+ // fprintf(fp, " <ext_dll_path> </ext_dll_path>\n");
+ fprintf(fp, " <package_path> </package_path>\n");
+ fprintf(fp, " <data_path> </data_path>\n");//, BBTK_DATA_PATH);
+ /// \todo find a decent default value !
+ ///fprintf(fp, " <default_temp_dir> %s </default_temp_dir>\n", " ");
+ // when $ will be found, default_temp_dir value will be replaced
+ fprintf(fp, " <default_temp_dir>$</default_temp_dir>\n");
+ fprintf(fp, "</config>\n");
+ fclose(fp);
- return(blnReturn);
+ //=========================================================================
-void ConfigurationFile::CreateConfigXML( char *rootDirectory )
- FILE *fp;
- char configXml[250];
- sprintf (configXml , "%s/bbtk_config.xml", rootDirectory);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1, "in CreateConfigXML[" << configXml << "]" << std::endl);
- fp = fopen (configXml, "w");
- fprintf(fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, "<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM \"/mnt/windows/bbtk/bbtk_config.xml>\n");
- fprintf(fp, "<config>\n");
- fprintf(fp, " <description> </description>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, " <url> </url>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, " <install_path> </install_path>\n");
- fprintf(fp, " <bbs_path> </bbs_path>\n");
- // fprintf(fp, " <ext_dll_path> </ext_dll_path>\n");
- fprintf(fp, " <package_path> </package_path>\n");
- fprintf(fp, " <data_path> </data_path>\n");//, BBTK_DATA_PATH);
- /// \todo find a decent default value !
- ///fprintf(fp, " <default_temp_dir> %s </default_temp_dir>\n", " ");
- // when $ will be found, default_temp_dir value will be replaced
- fprintf(fp, " <default_temp_dir>$</default_temp_dir>\n");
- fprintf(fp, "</config>\n");
- fclose(fp);
-char *ConfigurationFile::GetExecutablePath()
+ //=========================================================================
+ std::string ConfigurationFile::GetExecutablePath()
+ {
/// \todo : Think to delete it!
char *buf = (char *)malloc(512);
char *slash;
#if defined(WIN32)
GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, 511);
slash = strrchr(buf, '\\');
if (slash)
- {
+ {
*slash = 0;
- }
+ }
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
int res;
res = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, 512);
if (res == -1)
- return "";
+ return "";
buf[res] = 0;
slash = strrchr(buf, '/');
if (slash)
- {
+ {
*slash = 0;
- }
+ }
return "";
+ std::string ret(buf);
+ free(buf);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
- return buf;
-void ConfigurationFile::InstallPath ()
-New policy for bbtk_config.xml :
-if bbtk_config.xml found in current directory (user is an aware user!)
- use it!
-else if bbtk_config.xml found in HOME/.bbtk (user already worked with it)
- use it!
-else if bbtk_config.xml.tmp found in /usr/local/bin or c:\\Program Files\\BBTK\\bin
- copy it as .bbtk/bbtk_config.xml
-else (nothing installed)
- create a minimum version in HOME/.bbtk
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-// ------------------ create some usefull strings ----------------
-// installed bbtk_path
- char bbtk_path[100];
- strcpy(bbtk_path, "/usr/local/bin");
-// rootDirectory
- char rootDirectory[200];
- sprintf( rootDirectory, "%s/.bbtk", getenv("HOME"));
-// configPath
- char configPath[200];
- sprintf(configPath, "%s/bbtk_config.xml",rootDirectory);
-// makeDir
- char makeDir[250];
- sprintf( makeDir, "mkdir \"%s\" ", rootDirectory);
-// configXmlTmp
- char configXmlTmp[250];
- sprintf(configXmlTmp, "%s/bbtk_config.xml.tmp", bbtk_path);
-// copyFile
- char copyFile[250];
- if (!FileExists(configXmlTmp)) // bbtk_config.xml.tmp not found (not installed)
- {
- if (!FileExists(rootDirectory)) // .bbtk not found
- {
- system(makeDir); // create .bbtk
- }
- // if "bbtk_path/bbtk_config.xml.tmp" doesn't exist, hard-create a minimum version in .bbtk
- CreateConfigXML( rootDirectory );// create .bbtk
- }
- else
+ //=========================================================================
+ void ConfigurationFile::InstallPath ()
- sprintf(copyFile,"cp %s %s/bbtk_config.xml ",configXmlTmp,rootDirectory );
- if (!FileExists(rootDirectory))
- {
- //std::cout << "makeDir[" << makeDir << "]" << std::endl;
- system(makeDir);
- }
- if (!FileExists(configPath))
- {
- system(copyFile);
- }
- }
- return;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*--------------------------------------------------
+ New policy for bbtk_config.xml :
+ if bbtk_config.xml found in current directory (user is an aware user!)
+ use it!
+ else if bbtk_config.xml found in HOME/.bbtk (user already worked with it)
+ use it!
+ else if bbtk_config.xml.tmp found in /usr/local/bin or c:\\Program Files\\BBTK\\bin
+ copy it as .bbtk/bbtk_config.xml
+ else (nothing installed)
+ create a minimum version in HOME/.bbtk
+ ----------------------------------------------------*/
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+ // ------------------ create some usefull strings ----------------
+ // installed bbtk_path
+ char bbtk_path[100];
+ strcpy(bbtk_path, "/usr/local/bin");
+ // rootDirectory
+ char rootDirectory[200];
+ sprintf( rootDirectory, "%s/.bbtk", getenv("HOME"));
+ // configPath
+ char configPath[200];
+ sprintf(configPath, "%s/bbtk_config.xml",rootDirectory);
+ // makeDir
+ char makeDir[250];
+ sprintf( makeDir, "mkdir \"%s\" ", rootDirectory);
+ // configXmlTmp
+ char configXmlTmp[250];
+ sprintf(configXmlTmp, "%s/bbtk_config.xml.tmp", bbtk_path);
+ // copyFile
+ char copyFile[250];
+ if (!Utilities::FileExists(configXmlTmp)) // bbtk_config.xml.tmp not found (not installed)
+ {
+ if (!Utilities::FileExists(rootDirectory)) // .bbtk not found
+ {
+ system(makeDir); // create .bbtk
+ }
+ // if "bbtk_path/bbtk_config.xml.tmp" doesn't exist, hard-create a minimum version in .bbtk
+ CreateConfigXML( rootDirectory );// create .bbtk
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(copyFile,"cp %s %s/bbtk_config.xml ",configXmlTmp,rootDirectory );
+ if (!Utilities::FileExists(rootDirectory))
+ {
+ //std::cout << "makeDir[" << makeDir << "]" << std::endl;
+ system(makeDir);
+ }
+ if (!Utilities::FileExists(configPath))
+ {
+ system(copyFile);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------
#elif defined(WIN32)
-// installed bbtk_path
- char bbtk_path[100];
- strcpy(bbtk_path, "\"c:\\Program Files\\BBTK\\bin\"");
- char bbtk_path2[100];
- strcpy(bbtk_path2, "c:\\Program Files\\BBTK\\bin");
-// rootDirectory
- char rootDirectory[200];
- sprintf(rootDirectory, "%s\\.bbtk",getenv("USERPROFILE"));
- // std::cout << "[" << rootDirectory << "]" << std::endl;
-// configPath
- char configPath[200];
- sprintf(configPath, "%s\\bbtk_config.xml",rootDirectory);
-// makeDir
- char makeDir[250];
- sprintf( makeDir, "mkdir \"%s\" ", rootDirectory);
-// configXmlTmp
- char configXmlTmp[250];
- sprintf(configXmlTmp, "%s\\bbtk_config.xml.tmp", bbtk_path2);
-// copyFile
- char copyFile[250];
- if (!FileExists(configXmlTmp)) // bbtk_config.xml.tmp not found
- {
- if (!FileExists(rootDirectory)) // .bbtk not found
- {
- system(makeDir); // create .bbtk
- }
- // if "bbtk_path/bbtk_config.xml.tmp" doesn't exist, hard-create a minimum version in .bbtk
- CreateConfigXML( rootDirectory );// create .bbtk
- return;
- }
- sprintf(copyFile,"copy %s\\bbtk_config.xml.tmp \"%s\"\\bbtk_config.xml ",bbtk_path,rootDirectory );
- int attribs = GetFileAttributes (rootDirectory);
- bbtkMessage("Config",1,std::hex << attribs << " " << FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY << std::endl);
- if ( attribs != 0xFFFFFFFF){
- {
- if ( GetFileAttributes( configPath ) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ // installed bbtk_path
+ char bbtk_path[100];
+ strcpy(bbtk_path, "\"c:\\Program Files\\BBTK\\bin\"");
+ char bbtk_path2[100];
+ strcpy(bbtk_path2, "c:\\Program Files\\BBTK\\bin");
+ // rootDirectory
+ char rootDirectory[200];
+ sprintf(rootDirectory, "%s\\.bbtk",getenv("USERPROFILE"));
+ // std::cout << "[" << rootDirectory << "]" << std::endl;
+ // configPath
+ char configPath[200];
+ sprintf(configPath, "%s\\bbtk_config.xml",rootDirectory);
+ // makeDir
+ char makeDir[250];
+ sprintf( makeDir, "mkdir \"%s\" ", rootDirectory);
+ // configXmlTmp
+ char configXmlTmp[250];
+ sprintf(configXmlTmp, "%s\\bbtk_config.xml.tmp", bbtk_path2);
+ // copyFile
+ char copyFile[250];
+ if (!Utilities::FileExists(configXmlTmp)) // bbtk_config.xml.tmp not found
- system(copyFile);
+ if (!Utilities::FileExists(rootDirectory)) // .bbtk not found
+ {
+ system(makeDir); // create .bbtk
+ }
+ // if "bbtk_path/bbtk_config.xml.tmp" doesn't exist, hard-create a minimum version in .bbtk
+ CreateConfigXML( rootDirectory );// create .bbtk
+ return;
+ }
+ sprintf(copyFile,"copy %s\\bbtk_config.xml.tmp \"%s\"\\bbtk_config.xml ",bbtk_path,rootDirectory );
+ int attribs = GetFileAttributes (rootDirectory);
+ bbtkMessage("Config",1,std::hex << attribs << " " << FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY << std::endl);
+ if ( attribs != 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ {
+ if ( GetFileAttributes( configPath ) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ system(copyFile);
+ }
+ }
- }
- } else {
- system(makeDir);
- system(copyFile);
- }
- return;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ else
+ {
+ system(makeDir);
+ system(copyFile);
+ }
+ return;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------
/// \todo ConfigurationFile::InstallPath() : exit when for not WIN32 and not__GNUC__
-void ConfigurationFile::GetTextOrClear(const XMLNode& node, std::string& var)
- if (node.nText()>0)
- {
- var = node.getText();
- }
- else if (node.nClear()>0)
- {
- var = node.getClear().lpszValue;
- }
- else
- {
- std::string mess("Error : element <");
- mess += node.getName();
- mess += "> : no text nor <PRE></PRE> clear tag found";
- }
+ //=========================================================================
-// Gets the list of directories holding bb scripts, packages, dll, ... from the xml file
-// bbtk_config.xml
-void ConfigurationFile::Read(const std::string& filename)
- //std::cout << "=======================in ConfigurationFile::Read filename [" <<filename << "]" << std::endl;
+ //=========================================================================
+ // Gets the list of directories holding bb scripts, packages, dll, ... from the xml file
+ // bbtk_config.xml
- mConfig_xml_full_path = filename;
- XMLResults* res = new XMLResults;
- XMLNode BB = XMLNode::parseFile((XMLCSTR)filename.c_str(),(XMLCSTR)"config",res);
- if ( res->error != eXMLErrorNone )
- {
- std::ostringstream str;
- str << XMLNode::getError(res->error);
- str << " [line " << res->nLine << ", col "<<res->nColumn<<"] ";
- str << " file "<<filename;
- delete res;
- bbtkError(str.str());
-// throw ConfigurationException(str.str());
- }
- delete res;
- int i,j;
- // Description
- for (i=0,j=0; i<BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"description"); i++)
- {
- std::string val;
- GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"description",&j),val);
- mDescription += val;
- }
- // Url
- if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"url") )
- GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"url"),mUrl);
- // Data_Path
- if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"data_path") )
- GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"data_path"),mData_path);
- // install_path
- // if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"install_path") )
- // GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"install_path"),mInstall_path);
- // always add "." (current working directory) at the begining
- // bbs_paths
- mBbs_paths.push_back(".");
- // add system bbs path
- mBbs_paths.push_back(mBbs_path);
- for (i=0,j=0; i<BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"bbs_path"); i++)
- {
- std::string val;
- GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"bbs_path",&j),val);
- mBbs_paths.push_back(val);
- }
- // package_paths
- mPackage_paths.push_back(".");
- for (i=0,j=0; i<BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"package_path"); i++)
- {
- std::string val;
- GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"package_path",&j),val);
- mPackage_paths.push_back(val);
- }
- // default_temp_dir
- if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"default_temp_dir") )
- GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"default_temp_dir"),mDefault_temp_dir);
- if ( mDefault_temp_dir == "$") // no value found in config_xml
+ void ConfigurationFile::Read(const std::string& filename)
- size_t pos = mConfig_xml_full_path.find("bbtk_config.xml");
- mDefault_temp_dir = mConfig_xml_full_path.substr (0,pos);
- }
- // file separator
- #if defined(_WIN32)
- mFile_separator = "\\";
- #else
- mFile_separator = "/";
- #endif
+ //std::cout << "=======================in ConfigurationFile::Read filename [" <<filename << "]" << std::endl;
+ mConfig_xml_full_path = filename;
+ XMLResults* res = new XMLResults;
+ XMLNode BB = XMLNode::parseFile((XMLCSTR)filename.c_str(),(XMLCSTR)"config",res);
+ if ( res->error != eXMLErrorNone )
+ {
+ std::ostringstream str;
+ str << XMLNode::getError(res->error);
+ str << " [line " << res->nLine << ", col "<<res->nColumn<<"] ";
+ str << " file "<<filename;
+ delete res;
+ bbtkError(str.str());
+ // throw ConfigurationException(str.str());
+ }
+ delete res;
+ int i,j;
+ // Description
+ for (i=0,j=0; i<BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"description"); i++)
+ {
+ std::string val;
+ GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"description",&j),val);
+ mDescription += val;
+ }
+ // Url
+ if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"url") )
+ GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"url"),mUrl);
+ // Data_Path
+ if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"data_path") )
+ GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"data_path"),mData_path);
+ // install_path
+ // if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"install_path") )
+ // GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"install_path"),mInstall_path);
+ // add user bbs paths
+ for (i=0,j=0; i<BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"bbs_path"); i++)
+ {
+ std::string val;
+ GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"bbs_path",&j),val);
+ mBbs_paths.push_back(val);
+ }
+ // package_paths
+ // add user package path
+ for (i=0,j=0; i<BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"package_path"); i++)
+ {
+ std::string val;
+ GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"package_path",&j),val);
+ mPackage_paths.push_back(val);
+ }
+ // default_temp_dir
+ if( BB.nChildNode((XMLCSTR)"default_temp_dir") )
+ GetTextOrClear(BB.getChildNode((XMLCSTR)"default_temp_dir"),mDefault_temp_dir);
+ if ( mDefault_temp_dir == "$") // no value found in config_xml
+ {
+ size_t pos = mConfig_xml_full_path.find("bbtk_config.xml");
+ mDefault_temp_dir = mConfig_xml_full_path.substr (0,pos);
+ }
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
} // namespace bbtk
Program: bbtk
Module: $RCSfile: bbtkConfigurationFile.h,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2008/02/13 14:08:25 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
+ Date: $Date: 2008/02/14 09:32:54 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See doc/license.txt or
#include <stdio.h>
-#include "xmlParser.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
namespace bbtk
-class BBTK_EXPORT ConfigurationException
- ConfigurationException(const std::string& message) : mMessage(message) {}
- std::string mMessage;
-class BBTK_EXPORT ConfigurationFile
- static ConfigurationFile const &GetInstance()
+ //==========================================================================
+ class BBTK_EXPORT ConfigurationException
- static ConfigurationFile f;
- return f;
- }
- ~ConfigurationFile();
- ConfigurationFile();
- void InstallPath ();
- inline const std::string& Get_description() const
- { return mDescription;}
- inline const std::string& Get_url() const
- { return mUrl;}
- inline const std::string& Get_data_path() const
- { return mData_path;}
- inline const std::string& Get_file_separator() const
- { return mFile_separator;}
- inline const std::string& Get_bin_path() const
- { return mBin_path;}
- inline const std::string& Get_install_path() const
- { return mInstall_path;}
- inline const std::string& Get_doc_path() const
- { return mDoc_path;}
- inline const std::string& Get_rsc_path() const
- { return mRsc_path;}
- inline const std::vector<std::string>& Get_bbs_paths() const
- { return mBbs_paths;}
- inline const std::vector<std::string>& Get_package_paths() const
- { return mPackage_paths;}
- inline const std::string& Get_config_xml_full_path() const
- { return mConfig_xml_full_path;}
- inline const std::string& Get_default_temp_dir() const
- { return mDefault_temp_dir;}
+ public:
+ ConfigurationException(const std::string& message) : mMessage(message) {}
+ std::string mMessage;
+ };
+ //==========================================================================
+ //==========================================================================
+ class BBTK_EXPORT ConfigurationFile
+ {
+ public:
+ static ConfigurationFile const &GetInstance()
+ {
+ static ConfigurationFile f;
+ return f;
+ }
+ ~ConfigurationFile();
+ private:
+ ConfigurationFile();
+ void InstallPath ();
+ public:
+ inline const std::string& Get_description() const
+ { return mDescription;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_url() const
+ { return mUrl;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_data_path() const
+ { return mData_path;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_file_separator() const
+ { return mFile_separator;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_bin_path() const
+ { return mBin_path;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_install_path() const
+ { return mInstall_path;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_doc_path() const
+ { return mDoc_path;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_rsc_path() const
+ { return mRsc_path;}
+ inline const std::vector<std::string>& Get_bbs_paths() const
+ { return mBbs_paths;}
+ inline const std::vector<std::string>& Get_package_paths() const
+ { return mPackage_paths;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_config_xml_full_path() const
+ { return mConfig_xml_full_path;}
+ inline const std::string& Get_default_temp_dir() const
+ { return mDefault_temp_dir;}
- void Read(const std::string& fileName);
- void GetTextOrClear(const XMLNode& node, std::string& var);
- char *GetExecutablePath();
- bool FileExists(std::string strFilename);
- void CreateConfigXML( char *rootDirectory );
+ void Read(const std::string& fileName);
+ std::string GetExecutablePath();
+ void CreateConfigXML( char *rootDirectory );
-// Attributes :
+ // Attributes :
private :
- std::string mDescription;
- /// Where is the file bbtk_config.xml
- std::string mConfig_xml_full_path;
- /// Set automatically :
- /// The path to the executable (usually bbi)
- std::string mBin_path;
- /// The path to the install prefix (=mBinPath+"/..")
- std::string mInstall_path;
- /// The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH)
- std::string mDoc_rel_path;
- /// The path to the doc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mDoc_rel_path)
- std::string mDoc_path;
- /// The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_BBS_REL_PATH)
- std::string mBbs_rel_path;
- /// The path to the bbs folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mBbs_rel_path)
- std::string mBbs_path;
- /// The relative path to the rsc folder (=BBTK_RSC_REL_PATH)
- std::string mRsc_rel_path;
- /// The path to the rsc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mRsc_rel_path)
- std::string mRsc_path;
- /// The path to the bbtk data folder
- /// Initialized to mInstall_path+"/"+BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH
- /// But can be overriden by value read from bbtk_config.xml
- std::string mData_path;
- /// / or \, depending on the OS
- std::string mFile_separator;
- /// Read from bbtk_config.xml file
- /// Where the doc is
- std::string mUrl;
- /// Scripts
- std::vector<std::string> mBbs_paths;
- /// Package dlls
- std::vector<std::string> mPackage_paths;
- /// If Packages link against extern dlls
- std::vector<std::string> mExt_dll_paths;
- /// Default directory for generating Graph
- std::string mDefault_temp_dir;
+ std::string mDescription;
+ /// Where is the file bbtk_config.xml
+ std::string mConfig_xml_full_path;
+ /// Set automatically :
+ /// The path to the executable (usually bbi)
+ std::string mBin_path;
+ /// The path to the install prefix (=mBinPath+"/..")
+ std::string mInstall_path;
+ /// The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH)
+ std::string mDoc_rel_path;
+ /// The path to the doc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mDoc_rel_path)
+ std::string mDoc_path;
+ /// The relative path to the doc folder (=BBTK_BBS_REL_PATH)
+ std::string mBbs_rel_path;
+ /// The path to the bbs folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mBbs_rel_path)
+ std::string mBbs_path;
+ /// The relative path to the rsc folder (=BBTK_RSC_REL_PATH)
+ std::string mRsc_rel_path;
+ /// The path to the rsc folder (=mInstall_path+"/"+mRsc_rel_path)
+ std::string mRsc_path;
+ /// The path to the bbtk data folder
+ /// Initialized to mInstall_path+"/"+BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH
+ /// But can be overriden by value read from bbtk_config.xml
+ std::string mData_path;
+ /// / or \, depending on the OS
+ std::string mFile_separator;
+ /// Read from bbtk_config.xml file
+ /// Where the doc is
+ std::string mUrl;
+ /// Scripts
+ std::vector<std::string> mBbs_paths;
+ /// Package dlls
+ std::vector<std::string> mPackage_paths;
+ /// If Packages link against extern dlls
+ std::vector<std::string> mExt_dll_paths;
+ /// Temp directory for generated data
+ std::string mDefault_temp_dir;
}// namespace bbtk