<< "Open file(s) for visualization." << std::endl << std::endl
<< "OPTIONS may be:" << std::endl
<< "--help \t Print command line help and exit." << std::endl
- << "--window number\t Gray scale window width for all images." << std::endl
- << "--level number \t Gray scale window level for all images." << std::endl
+ << "--window number\t Gray scale window width for set of images appearing before in the cmd line (may appear more than once)." << std::endl
+ << "--level number \t Gray scale window level for set of images appearing before in the cmd line (may appear more than once)." << std::endl
<< "--linkall \t Link pan, zoom and spatial position of crosshair in images." << std::endl
<< "--log \t Log output messages in vv-log directory." << std::endl
<< "--state file \t Read display parameters from file." << std::endl